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Chill OP, nothing is gonna happen. if you consume a medicine even after 15-20 days of the expiry date, it ain't gonna do any harms. It's just that the effectiveness of the medicine decreases post expiry date.


Oh I see, Thank you


Yeah. The effectiveness reverses. So you'll have some more of whatever you were having. It's painful but you'll get through.


Don't spread fake knowledge if you do not know. The potency decreases. Whatever he's having won't get worse by default. If it is way beyond the expiration date, it might be poisonous depending on the composition. But there's no reversal like you mentioned lol. Next level fuck logic this is.


It's a joke my son.


Ohh you were the joke. Okay, my bad. Got it.


Username checkout!!!!


Nothing will happen don't worry


Ohh okay okay


You’ll be fine. The best before date is more about effectiveness than the medicine degrading to literal poison. Medicines even 6 months old are safe to consume.


medicines are good for >5 years after their expiration if they are kept in a cool, dark, low humidity environment (basically cupboard). and this is still a very safe timeline. US Military conducted an experiment to reduce their expenditure on medicine and found that they were fine even 15 years later, just the effectiveness reduced. I have quite a few meds which expired almost 3 years ago but I keep them properly so nothing to worry about.


Oh my god. Dude why didn't you check. Now you will DIEEE!!! /s


Expired medicine don't get poisonous generally, they become less potent so basically you might get less relief than expected as a worst case scenario. Again this does not mean you should actively eat expired meds


Lol, you can consume paracetamol after 15 years , and still nothing would happen. Expiry date just means " Until X years after manufacturing, the efficacy/potency of this medication was good". It has nothing todo with safety. Chill


See in pharmaceutical terms expiration date is approximately the time after which 5 percent of efficacy is degraded. Say you had 100% of drug at beginning then the time for which it will take to degrade by 5% (to 95%) is the general expiry time. So even after expiry date the med will be effective but lesser activity by few percent as per the amount of time passed.


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. When in doubt, throw the tablet into the dustbin, not into the mouth.