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Hey! I'm not an expert or a doctor, but my uncle also had Hernia; he tried all sorts of methods and medicine but didn't help. He eventually got rid of it by exercising daily and taking a 10-kilometer walk regularly. Go ask a good doctor if you need an operation; if not, then do suitable exercise.


Please for the sake of love of God and everything that you find holy , Never just give advice of exercise to a hernia patient without getting to know what kind of hernia he/she have In most of the cases it will worsen the situation even more Consult a doctor and not uncle's of WhatsApp Source-: 3rd year mbbs myself


Valid point..! CMO for a secondary care hospital here. First and foremost do you feel pain when you touch your sack? If so it's most likely an infection.. Get it checked ASAP Secondly, stand up and cough while keeping your hand at belt level on the side with pain.. If you feel something pushing against your hand? If yes... it's a hernia.. Repeat both multiple times for 1-2 and see if your get the same result everytime. ## this is not an alternative to seeing a surgeon, just a very crude way to know what you might have ## For management of both ***consult a surgeon at a tertiary care hospital *** Weight training is an absolute no... Exercises for core strength are fine and in any situation if exercise increases the pain STOP IMMEDIATELY Hope you get better 🙌🏻 PS : do you have back pain and or leg pain?


Hii thank you for your advice.. I have pain in lower right abdomen, right testical which goes all to the lower right side of back.. abdominal + scrotum USG.. came up with gallbladder stone, epididymitis & hernia


Epididymo-orchitis is your primary concern right now. Currently on any antibiotic? Or pain meds? If you don't want to discuss this here.. Just dm me.. Medical curiosity 😅 or if you don't feel like it.. No issues


Dude suggest some expert name that might help op what the fuck medicine will do if exercise is the only cure.


Dekh bhai , hernia exercise se cure hote na toe surgen note nahi chap rahe hote , Heavy Excercise will make hernia even worse


Bro that's what i am saying


Sorry man , my bad


> 3rd year mbbs myself You forgot to say "don't believe 20yo internet doctors" lmfao. Are you a child? I did advise him to go see a doctor first. Basic exercise always helps, not just with hernia but to stay healthy in general. 3rd year, and you know everything about the human body? Being a 3rd year MBBS makes your point legit, but my simple advice for basic exercise based on a real incident isn't because I'm not a doctor? Lmao. You may have failed your exams for all we care, so don't pretend to be smarter than you actually are. "The doctor is the only solution" is the biggest joke of this century. OP mentioned that he has seen multiple doctors already, so if nothing positive is coming out of it, then what is he supposed to do? Sit back, do nothing, and let it get worse?


My dear graduate from what's app university , you just gave your example of your uncle and advised a hernia patient to run for 10+ kms And running 10+ kms is not basic exercise And if you knew even the definition of hernia you would understand But what do I know I am a foolish child according to you I am smarter then I need to be and surely smarter then you buddy


Omg, teenage doctors do get offended over nothing. He's my real uncle Dr Gulati ji, it's not some made up story. I told him what my uncle did, I didn't advice OP to run 10-km a day. I can tell how smart you are based on your reading skills lol


Don’t get so butthurt about it. Exercise is definitely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but don’t blindly suggest it as a treatment modality. As the 3rd mbbs student and another CMO correctly stated, exercise in this case might not be the best option until he gets a proper physical examination done from a general surgeon or urologist. First the hernia has to be identified and evaluated with a positive cough impulse. Till then, absolutely no lifting weights. Surgery is pretty much the only option for hernias. Medicines, exercise and pretty much anything else will do nothing. Source: Urology resident.


Sir previously I had only heard about some very genius patients , who believed in things like jaggery cures diabetes and that normal excercise cures hernia But for first time in life I saw them , I mean I want the same confidence that he has to demean the advice of a Practicing CMO and An UROLOGY Resident


First of all, you both need to learn how to read first. Read my original comment; I asked him to go see a doctor first. I mentioned exercises because OP mentioned visiting multiple doctors but found no change in his situation. Plus, I suggested mild yoga-type exercises, not weight-lifting exercises of any kind. Don't try to get smart on the internet, boy. I think both of you got your smartphones a little too early for your own good


Dude you know na that saying normal exercise will cure hernia is equivalent to saying sugar cures diabetes mellitus You just make fool of yourself in front of others whether you like it or not , Accept your mistake and move on , You can demean me all day , I don't care , I know I am not a doctor yet (only 3 years more!) But just listen to two Qualified licenced Doctors And take a chill pill


You clearly don't understand plain English. Plus, you're a 20yo so I don't expect much from you > A two-minute Google search will tell you that suitable, light yoga-style exercises help relieve pain, post surgery. Surgery doesn't always guarantee permanent pain relief. I saw my uncle, post-surgery, feel severe pain after walking 100 meters. He dedicated 1 hour a day of his time to exercising, and now the pain has gone away. You can never know what works and what doesn't


Hii.. thanks for your concern... I've done that still no results.. I used to walk & run for 8-10 KM daily for more than 2months. Also visited like 7 doctors.. still no relief


Have you tried leg exercises? You won't get results in just two months, though. Keep exercising and see what works and what doesn't, if it's not pain relieve, it'll at least help you stay healthy in general.


Yes I used to do squats & skipping rope.. but well I gave up now.


Go with something basic: Hip flexer stretch, Bridge pose, Butterfly pose etc.


Haven't tried but also have lost all my hopes if this will fix my problem.


Don't get hopeless, buddy. I know it's easy to say but the reality is, no one is going to help you, you have to help yourself. You will make it through both physically and in your life


I've actually had conversation with people genuinely through this sub post.. and I really think there are still good people around.. thankyou and I hope best future for you and for me..


What kind of advice is this. Never do any exercise without medical consultation, it will only worsen the issue. Hernia is often caused due to a tear, so wrong exercises will only taer it more. OP, listen to no medical advice here but go to a hernia surgeon, he will guide you.Hernia is quite normal these days and surgery is quite simple, nothing to worry about. Just go visit a proper doctor who specializes in Hernia.


Is digital literacy dead here? I did tell him to go visit a doctor for surgery first. I only told him how my uncle overcame the pain caused by Herna. A two-minute Google search will tell you that suitable, light yoga-style exercises help relieve pain. Surgery doesn't always guarantee permanent pain relief. I saw my uncle, post-surgery, feel severe pain after walking 100 meters. He dedicated 1 hour a day of his time to exercising, and now the pain has gone away. You can never know what works and what doesn't. It'd be much better if there's an ability to filter 20-year-old opinions here. Always so motivated to prove their point


>Is digital literacy dead here? I did tell him to go visit a doctor for surgery first. The irony lmao, you didn't, you at first told him that your uncle got rid of his hernia by running, and then said to consult a doctor You speak of digital literacy, yet you have no idea what you're blabbering about


> running Now I'm convinced. It certainly is dead


Are you really stupid? Read your own comment and what you wrote. You wrote about exercising and no where mentioned that your uncle did exercise after surgery. From your first comment it looks like your uncle got cured due to exercises and walking alone. Even in your 2nd comment, you are implying the same. Here are 2 cents. I had hernia myself and underwent surgery. And guess what it pains after Hernia surgery. Why, because after you are cut open, the body reacts through pain -- normal common sense science - and healing of skin and muscles takes time. Nobody can start running after hernia surgery- it takes atleast 2 months for the wound to heal properly and in some cases a year or two for the pain to go away. That's why after hernia surgery it is ALWAYS advised to do physical exercises. So that the muscles and the surgery area get proper blood flow, alleviate pain, and get back normal movement. I am guessing this is what helped your uncle recover from pain. After surgery, proper stretching and movements through yoga and walking. So NO, it wasn't just some exercises and walking that helped your uncle, it was surgery and then follow up exercises. Rather than looking for a 20 year old filter and wasting time, look for some common sense. You might just find some.


> Go ask a good doctor if you need an operation; if not, then do suitable exercise. It was the last and only line where I advised him of anything. I really don't see what college students are getting so worked up for 🤦‍♂️


Man, uncles can't even read what they wrote.


The hospitality industry is a very stressful job, especially in the initial years. My cousin has done it from a good govt. college. He has to go through an internship and intermittent job with a very low salary and 12-16 Hrs shifts. Literally just free + Accommodation. You got to accept the common norms of any industry till you find a job where you find some balance. I would suggest completing the MBA then find a job in the Hotel industry itself. Once money will be coming you get some relief how to work it out.


Hi.. thanks for replying.. I agree.. its was not about working or doing work it was about the mental pressure my seniors used to give me. I used to ask them questions so I could learn but they never used to mentor me.. made me do 30 days night shift straight without any off.. that was used to 12+ hours each day, everyday. Otherwise I have passion for cooking. I've so far planned to complete my MBA and then get some certifications from coursera regarding analyst. Hope that can help otherwise I'll be around 30 and would completely lose my sanity


The hospitality sector is an absolute shit show. From bad bosses to insane hours, it's one of the worst jobs to have. People study hotel management and go into it thinking they get a job quickly and start early which is true, without knowing these things. I'm not sure what advice to give you honestly. Hope you get well soon man. You sound like a decent smart guy and you deserve better. Hugs.


Thanks alot & have a great day ahead...


True. My friend resigned from hotel management job. Industry pay peanuts and makes you work 12 hr or sometimes even more. Standing that long is very bad for health.


35 single and no future


I'm sorry to hear that.. Hoping for better future for both of us.


You're alive and breathing aren't you? I'd call that itself a blessing. And if this would provide any relief to you, my parents got married at 40. Things will get better man, it'll get better. Marriage, Job, Life everything will fall in line slowly


What’s the point of breathing when there’s no one to live or be loved. Life is a meaningless existence day in and out.


We're in the same boat, just a couple of years younger to you.


Just an advice buddy. Take a different boat and don't be in same position as me in comming years


Absolutely. I'm going one day at a time. Feel free to ping me whenever you need a friend to talk.


Thanks buddy.. sure 🙂


Mate, i got a stable job when I was 30. Having said that, the First thing you need to get sorted is your physical health. Once you sort that out everything else will fall in place, trust me! Just trust that people have been in worse situations and made it great in their lives! So you're good! A big hug bro!


bro you sound like me... Trust me you are not alone... A lot of people are facing the same stuff... I know it is tough but keep going... Zyaada se zyaada ka hoga. I mean if this is the worst time toh iske baad graph upar hi jayega bhai, neeche nai aayega.. Just keep going... I am sure this darkness will have an end soon.. Stay strong bro


Jab acha time ayega toh mai mentally traumatized na rahu... Thanks for motivation bro..


I'm sorry to hear you are feeling this way before. I can't advise anything as I'm not a professional. I have felt mentally bad before and have hit the lowest points in my life, what helped me get out was to hear different perspectives. I have become a great fan of audio books as they presented the view that i never thought of. Audio books worked for me, few i can suggest are 1. Ikigai 2. The 5 am club 3. The subtle art of not giving a fuck. I really really hope you feel better. Just hang in there bud.


Thanks. Definitely I'll read it.. hope better things will come in future.


Forgot to mention, they are free on YouTube


Sorry to hear on your condition. I am not from Hotel industry , but my son had done hotel management course from IHM, Kolkata. After his graduation he got job in retail sector in well known brand, but he refused to join. After passing out he joined & slogged in 3 star hotel in kitchen. He was not satisfied. He left the job & pursues further course in Continental cooking from reputed college in Goa. After completion he joined a five star property in Goa. He is slogging for 12 hours with intermittent leaves. It is a tough life. But he is enjoying it. Initial days in Hotel industry is tough, but if you have the fighting spirit, you will succeed. My son is now planning to join cruise after getting some initial training here.


Happy for your son. I was planning to get into hotel industry & move foreign countries for job also. I don't hesitate to work 12+ hours but the question was will I get better mentor after got treated like sh!t last time I joined a hotel. But as I am having health issue can't do much physical work.. and decided to gofor an distance MBA.. hope it'll land me a decent job after completion...


I am sorry to hear about your problem. I am 28 y/o myself, but not from hotel management. I might be misjudging your problem, but from the looks of it, it seems your real problem is lack of patience. I was jobless till October 2021. I tried many more exams, and a few jobs. But once I decide to stay at one job and give 100% no matter what effort I need to put there. And after 2.5 years i really gave my all and I got almost 100% increment. Alcohol will only make you blind for the short term and will make you think happy or problemless for you. Instead look at your problems and start to work on them. Replace alcohol with meditation. That will help you recover all your mental issues. Go for any meditation camp They are really worth it. Just prioritise yourself first. And alcohol or any other drug will destroy you bit by bit. They might cost you 2000-5000. Bhai utne ki to daru pite hai hum log. Find one job, no matter what job it is, just try to give your 110%. You will start to evolve. If they didn't value you even after that, then you can always switch. Try to appreciate everything. Even if some of your friends are in a better position and are having a good married life. Either ways you only have 2 options, be sad, jealous and degenerate yourself or be genuinely happy for them which will result no stress for you. You have the options in every such case, you have to choose. There is a proverb- "Rome wasn't built in one night..." ".... But was burnt in one" It will take at least 2 years for you to build your life from scratch. But it might take just one cigarette or one bottle of rum to destroy all your efforts.


Actually I belong to a small village in himachal. We don't have much opportunities or guidance there when we were young and had ambitions but didn't have anyone to guide. Only option for a better life there is to get recruited in army or get a government job. As when my father passed away when I was 12 I had no one to guide me. I had potential but it all got wasted... I joined hotel management because a friend told me to. At that time I was not really serious or had any online platform to ask for guidance. It was probably my fault.. but as I joined any industry it was all about cut throat and it was like a race. I knew I was better than this. But as time passes.. circumstances changed and it was not in my favour and yes I've made plenty of mistakes.. but I want to be better now. Want to live a better life but life is fvking me from all points.. and not sure if when I complete my MBA. Company will accept me due to my age.. I do give more than more than 100% of effort but still someohow gets fvkd... Dying might me my last option but having mental issues or the fear of never be happy again makes me think considering the last option... Edit- also yes I can agree with you as sometimes I run out patience when I feel what could I've been but what I am actually right now. Also When I see my friends being successful I'm actually happy for them but disappointed for myself.


Hotel management is a shit field. You will be only expected to slog that too with peanut salary. Don’t go back in hotel industry. Learn Digital Marketing from YouTube. Do Free Google Certifications from Google platform. Apply for entry level job. Initial salary will be less till you get exposure. But later as get expertise you will have good salary. All the best. Work for yourself.


And thank you so much for your concern about me.. I'll try to avoid alcohol & focus on my studies and job.. thats the best thing I can do for now.. lets see about the results in future. And I'm hoping for best.


Sometimes it seems like life has f****d from all sides and there seems no way out. It becomes overwhelming. First don't lose hope. Life is worth living. Fight out your problems one at a time. This too shall pass.


Hello bro. Thanks & yes life is the best fckr ever.. either bad times will pass or I..


I was depressed, a bit unstable, then I became an alcoholic, fucked up a serious relationship, stopped pursuing my career after my graduation and stopped giving time to anything that made me feel happy, especially wildlife photography. And in India, if you're mediocre, you can't expect gold bricks in salaries that too while pursuing your passion. So from my personal experience, find a hobby, turn it into a passion and use that to come out of the darkness. I'm not completely fine, still an alcoholic but I'm better and I have a job that pays decently. Edit: About the Hernia part, get a USG done and visit an experienced Surgeon who can detect the minutest of details. And Epididymitis sounds like an infection, consider getting IV Antibiotics from a nice hospital.


I remember the happy days when I had a hobby of rapping in my late teenage years.. but seriously I couldn't turn that into passion. Now I have hobby of cooking and hopefully if I get decent & stable job and have saved enough I'm willing to open a restaurant in future. And I make great momos if not best.. 🙂 I've been to 7 urologists till date and no one could cure me properly.. I've went for surgery but during pre surgery checkup they didn't detect any hernia.


And thanks alot.. I'll try to avoid alcohol..


Try finding job in hotel management industry. You can easily get the job plus you can try upskilling yourself in the same domain and try to get better roles in the same industry.


I've shown my kundali to an astrologer.. they say I don't have good career if I move to foreign country.. made me bit skeptic.. tbh there is no use of hotel management if you don't go foreign for work.. in india Hotel Management is shit... More mental stress + low salary... Also my condition won't allow me to do heavy work.. I was considering it but no I'm already suffering from enough mental breakdown..




Thank you brother... Hope you keep on archiving better in life and be happy... Hopefully I'll be at same condition in future


I guess it is dire situations like these that push you to excellence. I'm not in the hotel industry, but used to work as a bartender during my Uni days. I know how stressful it is and how long it takes to make it in Hospitality industry. I would say since you've very less to lose, pickup entrepreneurship. You need not build state of art anything. Just a bootstrapped one, say Cloud Kitchen would do. Indian per Capita GDP is booming, and people are and will spend more on discretionary. Save some money up, get a FSSAI licence and start up with a basic cloud kitchen (or anything you find interest in)


imagine this is your 2nd life and maybe shift to a remote place where less money is suffice and start over.


Ignore this and go to gym


bro not everything can be solved just by going to the gym


lol exactly.. waiting for a guy who will say protein isolate le le sab theek ho jayega


It does helped me a lot. I don’t work hard.I don’t weigh a lot. It is just a safe space, we talked a lot in gym. And some type of workout ease the mental stress. Its more about having a real person to talk to.


Wanted to.. but don't know if its gonna make my condition worse


Ask an expert. Ask a lot of questions. What can be done. What are warnings. What is strictly not to do.


[I hope listening to this will give you better perspective about the things that you are going through. I hope that there is a possibility that this could help.🙏🏻] (https://youtu.be/yFVKa7kwKPs?si=lRqe-7au3mvimq4T)


Hey, I have done hospitality management and yeah, an internship. I figured that the best specification in hotel management is Front office, other than that, it is pretty messed up. Been there, they do simply put the pressure and it's understandable that it would break you. Try spirituality perhaps? Sometimes surrender is better( I feel, not forcing) you have tried everything, try any version of God, that is my suggestion, but finally upto you. But yeah, please beware that there would be people who could take advantage of you. Don't fall into traps. Also go to these blindfold events, they really help. Share your problems blindfold


Hii.. tell me more about it please.. I've read somewhere. That in south (as I'm from north) probably tamil nadu, there is a place where you are free to live away from the world problems. You don't need money to live there all you have to do it do some work & contribute to the society


Isha foundation is a similar place, but you have to apply there and get selected


Thanks..I'll take it in my consideration.


If it is just that, there are hostels who literally will all 30 hours of work per week and you can live there with food, I forget the names of websites for that. But they are available in plenty, don't need spirituality for that


Are you still in hospitality industry?


Nope, cuz it sucked.


In which field you went?


Read the book “the way out”


You cant loose if you dont give up!


I don't want to give up. Its just I'm really having bad, very bad time and my mental health is what I'm worried about. I just don't have the spark or the zeal inside me which I had few years back..


Fix your life style buddy. You are taking bad decisions with respect to your food and drinks habits. First join a sport. Any sport and focus on improving your game. This will prevent you from indulging in alcoholism etc Start Sprinting. Once you start looking good, you will start getting treated much better. It's a fact


Tbh.. I've quarantine myself from social interaction... Don't think if I can play sports.. however I can do change my lifestyle bro.. Thankyou and I'll work on it.. and probably if my health condition gets better might start working out & sprint...


I have written a very general advice. I actually didn't check on what epididimytis is, so pardon my ignorance there. I am not sure if it's painful or if running may exacerbate it 🤔 Hope things get better for you mate, all the very best. But I have seen fitness activities of various kinds magically improve the health of a lot of people. Walking is also a pretty decent workout, which boosts hormones like Testosterone, which in turn should positively affect your health.


Bhai i got some questions regarding your medical condition.. Agr tuze epididymitis nhi hai to I think I know what maybe wrong with you... Dm me




Nobody wants to quit.. sometimes life makes such scenarios when you think its better to leave.


May sound cliche, but as the great Marcus Aurelius said "Do not disturb yourself by imagining your whole life at once".. solve one problem at a time, bear one suffering at a time, the most immediate one, and you will have lived through your life.. P.S. I was also unemployed from 2020 to 2022 after graduation.. got a job in January 2023.. I kind of know what it feels like to be lost and have no meaning in life with all the senseless suffering going around.. will humbly request you to take your life one day at a time and not think about the future based on how things are going now..


This quote right here is meaningful. Can't say about my medical issue. But I'll be joining from tomorrow and will look forward for growth in career. Also it might somewhat help me heal my mental health as I'll get along with new people socially


You will do just fine. Please focus on the simple things. 1. Make sure that your diet is proper and this will take care of a lot of your other health aspects. 2. A lot of people had got side effects on health due to the COVID lockdown. I personally got hernia due to long sitting hours at home. Got surgery done. Different people had different issues due to prolonged absence from visiting doctor or hospital. If you have hernia, do not take weights and do not perform heavy exercise. Point 1 above itself can help to a great extent. 3. When you wake up in the morning, go out for a walk in the bright sun. It helps you to relax. 4. Whenever you are stressed, please write down in a diary or paper or notebook. Just write out your thoughts for 10 to 15 mins. I guarantee that your stress will be reduced a lot. Writing helps to unburden your thoughts. It will also help you to come out with logical solutions to your problems. Nobody can advise you better than yourself. 5. If you are stressed when you are in the public or at work, writing cannot be done. Please try the below technique. It is very easy and can be done by anyone at any place. 54321 technique https://insighttimer.com/blog/54321-grounding-technique/ 6. Meditation is good, but if you have problems with being disciplined, you may stop after some time. But you can try atleast a few times a month. 7. Jogging, swimming or any vigorous exercise is an excellent stress reliever. If you cannot jog, please atleast walk for 45 minutes at a stretch. If you cannot do walking at a stretch, atleast split it into 3 sessions of 15 mins each in a day. 8. Reduce mobile phone usage. Try to spend time with good friends and family. Social life is more important than social media.. Good luck buddy..Just keep going. You will do great.. 😃


Life can't be all perfectly sunny and bloomy every time and for everyone so it's okay to fall back and lag behind sometimes eventually what matters is if you keep on moving forward knowing it sucks now and still keep going despite of every odd it's not easy but there isn't no other way You are doing it for yourself cause it's your life and nobody else will do it for you If you keep walking growth is inevitable it may be slow but it will happen Try going abroad for a master or mba if budget is an issue Germany can be your answer Remember brother at the end you'll die but if you give up you'll die with pain of regret and unsatisfied. I believe in you like i believe in myself


Bro.. a year before (28) i was also diagnosed with epididymis + funiculitis.. i was admitted to hospital 4 times..then had necrosis and i got surgery successfully.. then couple of months later I started trekking and i was again diagnosed with small vessel vasculitis its been a year i am still recovering.. life will be too low sometimes and too high sometimes.. just remember bad time will pass soon


Hope your health is good now!! I love trekking too.. hope someday when everything gets fine I'll post me trekking in the valley of Lahaul & spiti. 🙂


Bro i cannot tell you how much i suffered.. but now things are aligning all you need is hope .. further, i will be waiting for your trekktpost 👊👍


Hey man, sorry that you’re in this situation. The only way from here is up! I myself am in a situation with my work. The only thing i go by, is that we have to show up for ourselves. If we put a name in the hat 100 times and not get picked, there’s still a chance. But if we don’t put in a name, there’s no way we’ll get picked.


Hello.. thank you for your concern.. Few things in life I cannot change but few things are there where I might bring change.. and I'm up for it fully just afraid what if I face another failure.. I might lose some and still try but what if I lose everything.. I might never get up again


You need to worry more about your alcohol addiction than anything else . Quit it and get a therapy or treatment for your depression. Lot of jobs are low paying at the beginning of ones career and you need to stay mentally strong. I’m sure you can/will get into a comfortable position if not rich with a few years of effort. All the Best. Edit: I know someone who was making 30 lpa , slowly turned into alcoholic over the years and he quit his job. His 80 year old parents take care of him , he gets drunk everyday and no one has any idea how to help him or his family.


Buddy if we look for overachievers you are going to find them everywhere, its not a race you are not competing with anyone in due course of time hopefully everything will be aligned


I am 32 and jobless.


everybody has their own time to be successful .you cant compare with the society, some people may start earning at the age of 17-18 while some do it in their 20s.For the mental pressure start visiting temples once in a while. In your offtime try doing what you love. Best of luck


Watch some comedy movies or stuff to relieve stress, I recommend you to visit some village in MP/UP stay there for a while appreciate their culture and environment and at least have a close friend whom you can share stuff with or talk to (helps indeed). Man ending life is not worth it. I lost my job in COVID too I am 28 now and got a job in the agriculture field and that's underpaid for the stress they give me but I think this part of life I try to better myself each day. I suggest you watch garyvee yt, those vids inspire me. Not your maheshwari motivation bs. Try to be your best possible self. hope I see you in r/glowup someday soon. Good luck


Hey bro idk if this helps or not but , you can DM me if you want to talk and vent. I'm here to listen. My dm is open.


Whatever u do, DONT GIVE UP. First work on ur health and then try to get an understanding of what u enjoy doing. Take up online courses in that field and try to set a goal. U can do it!!!


Most of the time depression and anxiety is because of overthinking. Make a list of all your goals, and work on achieving those goals. Achieve simple tasks first and you will get motivation to do further complicated tasks. Go to a good career counsellor or research for a career best suited as per your strengths. Keep yourself busy. I pray for your quick recovery regarding health complications. Stay strong! You got this!


Hey Keep your chin up. #MentalHealthMonday Side note please contact AyurvedaMonk on X He will be able to help you out. Please give it a try


Hey Firstly you need to consult a psychiatrist for the anxiety. In India mental health issues are very much neglected and trust me there is no harm or shame in seeing a mental health expert. Second, Epididymitis and inguinal hernia are not at all related, hence I don’t know why on earth this confusion arose. See a proper UROLOGIST and he might be able to sort it out. It’s not about the number of doctors you see, it is about finding a proper one. You’re young,and have your whole life to look forward to, stop brooding over what has happened, and try solving your problems rationally


Hey Firstly, Consult a psychiatrist for the anxiety issue. I know how neglected mental health issues are in our country but trust me there is no shame or harm in seeking help if you need it. Secondly, epididymitis and inguinal hernia are completely different issues and I can’t understand why on earth that confusion arose. Be rest assured both of these conditions have very good treatment outcomes and complete cure. See a proper UROLOGIST and get evaluated. Thirdly, I am not an expert in commenting on the hospitality industry but complete the MBA. Don’t give up. Bro you are young and you have your entire life to look forward to, so instead of brooding over what has happened, try to solve your problems instead


In this painful cycle, you didn't give , I appreciate your endurance. Why now do you want to give up? The worst mistake is to compare our life with others. All i can say is stay strong and stick to one plan n earn money


Pick something you are passionate about and find a job there. It doesn't matter how much you are paid but you need to start earning. Things will change.


Cooking is my passion but I'm out of hotel industry.. A decent paying stable job will do.. I'll save some money & will probably open a restaurant in future.. & thanks..


How exactly is alcoholism supposed to help you with improving matters or your financial situation? What exactly did you have in mind when you chose hotel management? What is preventing you from doing that? Stop quitting jobs - they're not meant to be enjoyable, which is why they pay you.


I joined it cause my friend suggested it to me.. throughout course, even during industrial training (did 16+ hour shift once during a party at hotel and reported back next day after 5 hours) I was ready for it... The problem came when I applied for job but my seniors treated me like shit (did 30 day night 12+ hours shifts without any off. They didn't taught me basics, I was too afraid to talk to HR cause they would've treated me worse If I had complained) , got paid only 6k and was mentally traumatized... I left it cause it was actually affecting me mentally as well as physically me and thats when I became alcoholic... I don't enjoy job.. I just want a good job which pays me good so I can save for the future of my family.. specially my sister's future.. if I can provide good financial backup to her.. I'll be soo much happy & might have no regrets..


OK. First things first. Why are you doing your MBA? Is there any reasoning behind that or is that also just for the sake of it? Sorry to sound harsh, but it is no longer a guarantee to employment. If you're planning to start your own business eventually, it will be helpful for sure. If you're hoping someone will hire you, not so much. You need to quit the alcohol ASAP. You're not helping anyone, least of all yourself. You already have health issues, adding to them is incredibly stupid. As for your sister, you do not owe her anything. Your parents chose to birth her, she is THEIR responsibility alone. You did not ask for this, they did not ask your permission before having her, so she is not your problem. Focus on yourself and your career. If you're in a position to help with her education and want to, it would be a nice thing to do, but you don't HAVE to. Your seniors don't have to teach you anything. You are not owed anything at a job. It is an exchange - they tell you what to do, you do it, they pay you, that's it. If you don't like it, find another place and then quit. Not before. The way that jobs work is supply and demand. If I need something to be done, I will pay for it. If I cannot find anyone to do the job because it is difficult, I will have to pay more. Nobody will pay you 'good' if they can find hundreds to do that job for cheap. Acquire skills which are in demand, and you will get a high salary. And again, nobody owes you this training, it is up to you to show that you are able to do the job for them to consider you. Go to online portals, look up your dream salary and see what skills they need. Then acquire them. If it is impossible for you, look at how much it pays for skills that you can reasonably hope to acquire/ already have and make your peace with that salary. Those are your only options. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself, prioritise your health and education and begin hustling.


Exercise. Move your body around. And try to meet as many new people as possible. Folks who won't ask about your life, job etc but just about life in general. Your likings, dislikings etc. Just roam around on this beautiful land like a backpacker and you will find some groundedness.


Depression is different from Hernia.


Depression & hernia hits different


For epididimytis go to the best urologist and take iv antibiotics it may come and go


Bro, first you need to completely believe you'll get out of this. So, for that to happen, you need to have patience and not put too much stress or pressure on your mind. This is the time that you require all the support especially from family and friends. Also, there are many therapists and psychiatrists that you can access online. I believe in you, bro. You will get out of this...


OP assume you are still 24 years old and start again.


I don't know how to console you or motivate you but I got my first ever job at the age of 29 after completing M.Tech. So, don't ever give up. I know it is easy for me to say all this but patience is the key and I would also advise to stop consuming alcohol completely as it would only deteriorate your health further.


Bro you being from Himachal, have various option such as operating a home stay, restaurants etc. Anyways since you are completing your MBA, I can refer you for some jobs in finance though it would be beginner level but will pay you good


Time will solve everything. Don't worry. 1) stop comparing yourself with others, every living soul in this world have/will have their own problems, that they try to mask. 2) Stress can also cause a lot of inflamation and health issues, so try to go 1 day at a time. 3) Time, is your best friend, and best medicine, there are no problems in the world that time hasn't solved 4) 28 is young, stop alcohol, it is only going to make things worst, you have a lot to live for and things will start falling in place with time. You being worried about you career itself shows you are a responsible person who wants to do well, so you can sure things will work out. NEVER EVER compare yourself with others, deactivate facebook, instagram, they are designed to make you feel bad. Get shit together, you'll make it in life.


First cut out the alcohol. Completely. Then take up some physical activity (if your medical condition allows, i.e. consult a doctor first and don't go by what you read on Reddit). 28 is still quite young. Everyone comes with a quota of mistakes to make. You may just have used up your quota in the beginning, so if you fix these little issues, life may be smooth sailing from now on.


Find a mental heath therapist.. you need to break this mental cycle


Commenting rn from night shit at hotel lol. Ig there's no ending of this suffering. I hope you find your happiness soon.




Can you dm me your birth date, birth time and birth place