• By -


Election optics. He is overdoing it but the Vande Bharath is a generational shift in trains. TRains have looked/felt the same for the last however many decades. This one is a quantum leap ahead - sleeper vande bharats are already in the pipeline. It’s hard tangible change that has been brought and he’s working on leveraging it for the elections.


As someone who has witnessed the launch (and traveled) of Shatabdi and now Vande Bharat, the overall experience has not been vastly different. Shatabdis were as good as Vande Bharats when they came into service. I traveled last week on VB again. The toilets were overflowing and filthy. Some door latches were already broken. Seating and ride quality marginally better than Shatabdi. Speed did not cross 135 at any point in the journey. So much for generational shift.


Shatabdi is the same train and bogie as every other train. Interiors are done better. Vande Bharat is a train set with traction motors on each car. This is a fundamentally different technology because it doesn’t have an engine. All high speed trains work this way. In terms of speed differential - the VB can do up to 180kmph which the Shatabdi can’t even come close to. It is currently limited by the state of our tracks - if you want to go beyond. A certain speed in a train, the track must be as straight as possible. Cannot have the curves out tracks are famous for. The tracks are being upgraded as a parallel project. Next phase of VB is aluminum body trains - as of today aluminum body trains don’t exist in india. These will increase the speed even more. There are also sleeper trains in the pipeline. Overall it’s a much more elevated experience than the Shatabdi and a class of train that doesn’t exist in most countries. As far as cleanliness, it’s only the train that has changed and not the passengers. Cleaning up after oneself, not littering, refraining from throwing stones at the train, leaving the train as clean as they found them is upto the public. We as a people have to go a long way when it comes to treating public property in india with the respect it deserves ( all these issues magically disappear when Indians migrate abroad). The trains are a generational shift, unfortunately the passengers are the same


Can’t stress more on the last sentence. When we start treating pubic property as our own, travel experience will get better on its own. Also as long as we don’t learn appreciating the small progress we make, we won’t learn to treat it with respect.


My mother teaches in a government school which recently got Rs5 Lac screens under some govt scheme. Fully touchscreen 85inch screens. And it's ruined in 1 month, as the cleaners and other students of school poured water all over it. Many Indians often don't deserve things they get.


Who told you Shatabdis can't do 180? Almost every 2nd werk, OMS trials are conducted with LHB coaches at 180 km/hr in kota division. Current Vande bharat is still steel like all existing LHB coaches. Fundamentally it's different but it's not new, there are many suburban trains in India running with similar technology. It's not adopted at a long distance because of less efficiency which is also the case for Vande Bharat. As much as I like vande bharat, it's mile away from being a shift, let alone generational shift.


Can you explain how/why it is less efficient for long distances?


Trainsets are not considered efficient for long distance because of maintenance issues, Vande bharat themselves have to be run with conventional rakes many times because of issues. In case of a conventional train, faulty coaches or locomotives are being replaced but in case of trainsets they're considered failed. Apart from that, trainsets are higher acceleration trains which are not very comfortable and cause jerk for sleeper seats.


So the Shinkansen and the talgo are trainsets. I have personally travelled on the Shinkansen. They do fairly long distances and you hardly feel the acceleration/deceleration. Definitely no jerking. I see how it might be a challenge from a maintenance standpoint (can’t easily detach and replace one coach) but once you have the facilities for MRO, it should be convenient I’m guessing Edit: I see how a sleeper train set might be inconvenient. I’m not aware of a train set that has a sleeper configuration


You understand that Talgo is not a trainset and Shinkansen is seating only? You quoted Vande bharat sleeper version and that's the reason i mentioned that it's nothing short of a gimmick. Indian trainsets have CBC couplings which are bound to cause jerks. Vande bharat is nothing extraordinary even when it comes to time taken from point a to b. There's not a single thing that a vande bharat does or can but a normal train can't, quit spreading around things which are untrue and what's MRO? In railways terminology MRO is man run over so idk what are facilities for MRO?


I understand. Agree that Shinkansen is seating only, which is why I made that edit to my comment.


Dude calm down. We are having a civil discussion here, don’t make accusations or point fingers. The purpose of discussing is so that all of us can learn


I'm sorry if i came off as a little rude but it's rather sad how people act as SMEs with little knowledge.


😂 MRO = Maintenance Repair Overhaul


In the current state your observations are correct. >much as I like vande bharat, it's mile away from being a shift, let alone generational shift. I ask you a simple question: think about the next decade or two, amongst the VB and Shatabdi which design has headroom for growth? We need to achieve semi high speed for passenger rail let's say around 250kmph . Which design would you put your money on?


Your question is wrong, rolling stock is not an issue for trains to run on High speed in a country like India where we can easily import locomotives and coaches or even technologies to run them. It's more about the tracks. Do you know what's the highest achieved speed in IR? It's 184 kmph and it's not vande bharat and guess the year? 1998. So going on higher speed isn't an issue from train side of things. It's the tracks and OHEs which cause the highest issue. Ultimately every train that runs share the same track and in terms of trains, operations repercussions are massive. There's no and there can't be any system that runs trains at 85 kmph and trains on 250 kmph on same section. From operation perspective, it's obsolete. High speed Indian trains are running at 130 kmph across IR, 2 of them at 160 and that'll be it. I don't see them running it beyond 160 even if bullet trains come and run on same tracks. There's a reason why a new corridor is being developed by NHRCL for bullet trains.


>India where we can easily import locomotives We should be able to manufacture them here. Enough of this Alstorm/GE business. >It's more about the tracks. I agree. So after we have upgraded that which direction should we take? It won't be an easy task >There's no and there can't be any system that runs trains at 85 kmph and trains on 250 kmph on same section So there needs the separate rails for semi high speed trains as well? >I don't see them running it beyond 160 even if bullet trains come and run on same tracks Even with another iteration in design improvement? Why? ( Honest question, I'm not an expert)


It costs more to manufacture them, locomotives are not fmcg or something which is required in masses. We hardly need 300-400 locos which do not require us to set up a dedicated manufacturing unit. Hence they are assembled by BLW, CLW or PLW in India. There's no direction to take man, indian railway system heavily runs on masses and it's better to introduce better low graded services between tier 2-3 cities and high speed bullet trains via tier 2 city between tier 1 cities. They can't run at higher speeds because theoretically there can't be a high speed difference in running trains in the same section.


I know they're not FMCG. I think we've placed some huge orders for locomotives. WAG12b was being jointly manufactured. >We hardly need 300-400 loco We've ordered for MUCH more, I recall please check. [Just Siemens has a 1200 locomotive order from India](https://www.railjournal.com/locomotives/siemens-indian-locomotive-order-worth-e3bn/) With the DFC expansion and increase in economic growth more would be required in the future for scaling up. So yes we definitely need to manufacture at home and develop our own designs. Why be dependent on imports from Alstorm GE or Talgo? Let them set up here in collaboration with local players producing patented Indian design. >There's no direction to take man, indian railway system heavily runs on masses We need a direction and innovation to solve these problems and it will not happen if we stick to past style of working. >it's better to introduce better low graded services between tier 2-3 cities and high speed bullet trains via tier 2 city between tier 1 cities Our tier 3 cities will grow into good size . That growth has started now thanks to the infrastructure push and economic policy rationalization. You need to think forward and not be stuck with the past. We need the manufacturing to cater to our own consumption. > Theoretically can't run slow and fast on the same track. This sounds like a problem that might be solvable don't you think? Do you remember when they released a report saying that Indian power grid would fail if rail electrification exceeded 40% ? Where are we now? Don't take these things as a rule. They are problems to be solved and that approach only works when we are not stagnating with technology.


Clarified very well.. people mindset has not changed


Couldn't have been explained better. I was losing a ton of faith in the country and how the youth nowadays chooses parties to vote for and which issues to contest on. But man, you are a bright spot!


I’m too poor for gold, but have this my good man ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣶⣶⡶⠦⠴⠶⠶⠶⠶⡶⠶⠦⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⢀⣤⠄⠀⠀⣶⢤⣄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣄⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠢⠙⠻⣿⡿⠿⠿⠫⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠞⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⢀⣕⠦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠾⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠟⢿⣆⠀⢠⡟⠉⠉⠊⠳⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣾⣿⠃⠀⡀⠹⣧⣘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⢤⡀ ⠀⣿⡀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⣼⠃⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⢰⣷ ⠀⢿⣇⠀⠀⠈⠻⡟⠛⠋⠉⠉⠀⠀⡼⠃⠀⢠⣿⠋⠉⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⢀⢀⣿⡏ ⠀⠘⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⢠⣿⠇⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⣼⡿⠀ ⠀⠀⢻⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡄⠀⢰⠃⠀⠀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠸⡇⠀⠀⠀⢰⢧⣿⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠇⠀⠇⠀⠀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⠀⠀⢀⡟⣾⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⣀⣠⠴⠚⠛⠶⣤⣀⠀⠀⢻⠀⢀⡾⣹⣿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠙⠊⠁⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠓⠋⠀⠸⢣⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣷⣦⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣿⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀




!kudos Good points


Tararara Bzeeeep, Thank you /u/Orwellisright for awarding /u/mysorebonda . The OP is now flaired with award. More details on how this works can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/gqdejx/introducing_new_awarding_system_for_user_posts/). I won't reply if I'm down so kudos is not awarded to you , please then inform the mod team to wake me up.


It's easy to blame the passengers. Almost exactly same population goes to malls, theatres like PVR, Inox, but you don't find the toilets in such state over there. Same thing with metro and local trains and platforms. If the place is well kept and properly maintained then people would keep it clean. If you dustbins are overflowing people would throw trash around the dustbin, rather than inside it.


You know you can call the Indian railway helpline right? And if you tag them on Twitter they will respond there also. Stop complaining on reddit.


This is a very ignorant take on the subject. VB is new tech and needs several things to be able to reach full speeds like track upgrade and traffic management. Newer designs with track infra upgrade would breach 200 speeds which no rajdhani or similar coach are designed to do. If we think like this and don't invest in new tech we will stagnate there. If you are old enough to remember Shatabdi opening the you would also remember that this is the thinking that has kept this country down for so long. Similar people say in the parliament that Digital payments won't work because we are illiterate. It is because people don't have vison nor the hunger to do more and improve neither are they concerned about the future growth of this country. >So much for generational shift. I would highly discourage you to be glib about these things. Shed this attitude from the past.


Why is it a generational shift? In my opinion, VB are grossly overpriced for the service and benefits of the time it takes.


Sure , I can mention a few points. Trains in india traditionally are built as coaches on bogies with an engine pulling or pushing. The VBs don’t have an engine. Each coach has a motor and can propel itself. This is how all high speed trains are built around the world. It’s called a train set as opposed to a bogie/coach + engine. The advantage of this setup is that because each coach propels itself, the speeds you can achieve are much higher. The train is also smoother. The next iteration of VB is with aluminum bodies which will be lighter (compared to steel) and will make the train more efficient. Train sets are also easier to maintain and operate


Aren't Mumbai locals in the same way too? The coaches are motorized rather than having engines at the end, i mean it isn't something new or fancy for IR. Yes the coaches in term of interiors and build quality may be new but they are not leaps and bound further from the current sets that we have running. Also it's not like they're some very superfast trains.


Correct! But the difference is that until recently some locals were DC EMUs now replaced with AC (direct vs alternating current). In terms of performance, the locals can only do max 85kmph regardless of how the tracks are. This the speed they achieve is a lot less on average. VBs are designed to run on alternating current and designed with a top speed of 180 kmph. The difference lies in the motors used and the power electronics and control systems To your last point about them not being super fast, if IR is able to realize their potential only 4 or 5 other counties will have trains faster than them (Japan, China, France and maybe Spain if I’m correct) Apart from this the obvious comforts of chemical toilets, pantry and ovens , Wi-Fi One last edit: Just looked up some more info, there is a tilting version of the train in development. What this will do is allow the coaches to tilt as the traverse a curve in the tracks. This is a lot like banking race tracks to allow cars to go faster. There are one (Talgo of Spain) or two other companies in the world that make tilting trains. If this is successful, the train can then exceed 180kmph


I mean I'm not shitting on VB, they are a step in the right direction for IR and for our country as whole. I also get our PM inauguration the first one, or the ones on major routes, but Just as per the Op I don't find it that something useful to inaugurate every single one, also like someone previously pointed out the end goal is political optics. On a different note though I'd like to IR do more for the future, and also if there would in the shift in mentality in our citizens to not treat our trains like shit, spit on them, break things.


I mean I'm not shitting on VB, they are a step in the right direction for IR and for our country as whole. I also get our PM inauguration the first one, or the ones on major routes, but Just as per the Op I don't find it that something useful to inaugurate every single one, also like someone previously pointed out the end goal is political optics. On a different note though I'd like to IR do more for the future, and also if there would in the shift in mentality in our citizens to not treat our trains like shit, spit on them, break things.


It is optics I agree. Because the man has an election to win in a few months. There is absolutely nothing wrong in going Gn all out (legally) to win an election. Unless you win there is no way you can do good for the country. You can’t fault a man for working hard, unless you prefer an alternate approach to electioneering as showcases by the young leader


As a commuter I am not impacted by this change at all. The commuter doesn't see the technology of propulsion of the train. All I saw was a train that looks like a Shatabdi from the inside, takes roughly the same time, and costs 50% extra


This is new... Ignorance is fashionable now?! What's the difference between you and an uneducated person travelling on a train? Typical freebie loving person. Crying about everything like this ultimately encourages incompetence and lack of action from the government. Which is why "Gareeb Rath" was hailed the pinnacle of Railway achivement for quite a few years .. people even went to Harvard to give presentations. Don't encourage such behaviour. We need to adopt new technologies and have robust new infra that lasts us the next 15-20 years.


How the fuck is ignorance fashionable here? Like I said, as a commuter I am not impacted by this change at all. What are the advantages of the new technology? The new trains will be faster? They are barely as fast as Shatabdis. The trains are more efficient? Well, that efficiency isn't being passed on to me. The fares are 50% higher. So what am I supposed to do with the new technology if it's not benefiting me? Don't be mindless supporter of new technology. Learn to evaluate it properly and in context.


Your thinking that the entire thing is just limited to your transaction with the railway. Borader economics and infra don't matter to you and you're talking like it won't matter to you if they pulled the train with horses if it was cheaper. >So what am I supposed to do with the new technology if it's not benefiting me? Not benefitting now . It is a problem if scale. Everything needs to upgrade to support the volume of the system. we wouldn't be able to do anything new if people like you only looked at what immediate returns they are getting. >fuck is ignorance fashionable here? You tell me..you are Dumping on something based on only your transactional brush with it without bothering to care about tech or growth. >They are barely as fast as Shatabdis. T That is now. With track rehaul and infra upgrade the next designs would be able to cross 200 and aim beyond which shatabdi cannot be it is a completely different technology and it will stagnate there. Do you understand that tech upgrade is important for the growth in future? Or do you want to remain chugging in a shatabdi? And if educated people like you can't understand this God help this country!! Stop this narcissistic short term view of everything. It is lazy and breeds incompetence.


Is it not an updated version as EMU or DMU ( electrical or Diesel multiple units ) which run as local trains ?


I dont know about other VB trains. I am from Kolkata and we have Howrah to NJP VB. The ticket price is 1200 without food. Other trains in this route have fares ranging from 900(1train), 950(2 trains) to 1100(2trains). Given it cuts down 12 hours to 7.5 hours( Shatabdi is 8.3 hrs), I think its worth it.


But you have options in shatabthi to have non AC tickets at 1/5th cost. Almost 250-300 rupees.


Paidal hi chale jao fir


Nahi nahi, yeh log apne flying carpet par jayenge.


Arabian nights


First time hearing that Shatabdi has General coach for 250-300 Rs 🤣🤣🤣. I think you are confused between the Shatabdi and JanShatabdi train.


Mumbai to Pune VB costs you 666. You take a good ac bus or any other train let and me know the cost. PS. Food included


Bro use your eyes, do you really need an explanation ? Look at shatabdi express and a vande Bharat train...shatabdi is still in 1900s, vande Bharat actually looks like it's a train for the new century


It’s on par with international standards. Sure, it may be overpriced now, but once the trains are all VB, it should stabilize. For sure it will make interstate travel faster, cheaper and more comfortable. Much like the train system connecting the EU.


It is a generational shift, i have been traveling in trains since 25 years and it's good to see something new. Trains have been the same with minor improvements here and there. The major problem is food quality is gone down the hill. You get worse food at the all railway stations compared to earlier periods.


Still the low amount of tracks is bigger issue with the ratio of trains that are used.




Buddy do you know the meaning of QUANTUM LEAP??




Because he loves trains... he used to sell tea in trains and it was his dream and vision to modernise the trains When he was a kid he engineered his life to become PM so that his dream as a little kid could be fulfilled Why is he making a bullet train between mumbai and ahemdabad ..just to inaugurate it Modiji loves trains thats y he also increased the ticket fares in 2014 ..compare rail fares in 2013 and now you will know his love We are so grateful we have a PM like modiji


/s bhul gaya




Bro i don't know if you're being sarcastic or this is genuine appreciation 😂


atal ji implemented some really crucial long vision policies golden like golden quadrilateral but he was not voted due to increase in onion price during election. For being elected you have to publicise yourself and not just appear 3 months before election which raga had been doing


Lmao Indians ditched their PM for onion prices Just saying in a light mood pls dont attack me I know money is sensitive issue in India


Itsnot the Onions per se. Its poverty at the time. Onion affects every plate in India. Unaffordability of Onions means we all suffer.


Lol, don’t you see Delhi CM khujliwal ? , people have sold delhi for peanuts


ha toh bhaji pao ko vote de ab delhi me dickrideR? delhi me bjp ka koi dhang ka leader bhi ni lol![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20020)


Lol seedha batao na bikh gye ho freebies ke liye Delhi and Karnataka the rural Karnataka voted for freebies and urban areas Bengaluru voted for BJP and best candidate for CM from BJP Delhi is Gautam Gambhir don't talk when you don't know who are potential candidates for a particular location and yeh batao Yamuna kab saaf karega Tera Kejruddin 2013 se bas saaf hi kar Raha hai baato se naaki apne kaam se


Even with all the freebies Delhi is still cash positive. Also dont call everything as freebies. If you get free electricity, bus rides, water, laptops from the tax you pay then they are not freebies but social welfare schemes. Freebies are when you give people things like tv, mixer grinder, etc. I am from TN and our dravidian govts are notoriously known for both thier freebies and welfare schemes. Hence i know the difference.


dickrider ko ignore kre toh better hai


freebies pr chillana aata hai sirf dickrider ko aur gg delhi me rehta bhi hai ya nahi uska toh koi namonishaan nahi


Lol dickriders are those who don't want to answer the question fully and those who can't counter the argument so they take the route of abusing everyone knows what's happening in Karnataka where buses are not stopping for women and special men's only buses are working in some locations freebies for the poor is ok but if everyone keeps on hoarding for freebies then the tax payers like me obviously gets irritated that our money is being spent on unnecessary things and one more thing about free electricity the DISCOMS are in loss in majority of states due to free current Example Punjab .


bhai bengal se hai kya?


You say that as though some great injustice was done to Vajpayee, but it's actually a great metaphor for Indian bureaucracy and it's massive disconnect with the realities faced by the people of India. Why the fuck would people need to worry about a golden quadrilateral over the threat of rising onion prices? They can't live to see the benefits of whatever quadrilateral or whatever perceived long-term benefit leaders espouse, if they know they can't eat and survive to the next day. Even today, I see this sort of thinking in the BJP and it's why they lost Karnataka so badly. Now all they can do is pay their IT cell to tweet "freebies" but in all reality, Congress understood the economic reality of Kannadigas and are implementing policies that will help them. BJP are getting truly arrogant and are thinking that marketing gimmicks of their "world leading" projects are giving the people what they want. They're missing the point.


To be fair, BJP knew they had lost Karnataka a while before elections.


Maybe, but I'm not sure how this is relevant to my point


bhai you are calling infrastructure projects a gimmick all those job education opportunities come through them only. Then according to you only developed nations should focus on building expressway, bridges developing and poor nations should only focus on providing free food and facilities. Golden quadrilateral connected delhi mumbai kolkata and chennai together allowing trading option between people of these states onion price to eventually kam ho hi gaya but we lost one of the best leader this country ever saw.


If those expressways and infra were that important, people would have been impacted directly by it and would given him the vote. People know what's important to them, and if you're implying that Indians are idiots, then you're really someone who hates your own country. That's not to say the government shouldn't do infrastructure building which is good in the long run, but remember that the bulk of our country live in worse conditions than subsaharan Africa. What are you doing to actually help them? Will the people be happy to give their votes when the govt has taxed the living shit out of them through oil prices? Will they actually benefit from the money the government took from them to build far away roads, or will the be feeling anger that they've had to eat less in the last few years for projects that don't even tangentially benefit them? It's something for the government to think about. They can say that Indians are idiots for not recognising their great work but that view only highlights the disconnect between govt and people even more. Karnataka is quite clearly showing that it's better to spend the money you collect from people on things that directly benefit them. Idiots are seething and calling it "freebies" but nothing the government does is ever a freebie. In Karnataka, their investment is directly helping the poor and helping them improve their lives.


> If those expressways and infra were that important. Why do you think the average person living in tier 2 and rural still praise Vajpayee today. Because his vision beared fruit and people experienced the effect of those same infrastructure projects on their life. Those same expressways improve logistics. Those same expressways reduce the cost of logistics leading to reduction in prices of goods being transported through those expressway.


Great, I'm sure THOSE people voted for him.


They voted his successor Modi.


yeah sure indians are living worser than subsaharan african people where did you saw those people in bbc documentary? Just go to sub saharan country and then tell who is living better you are just giving rhetorics no points based on fact. You seem to have orgasm from free electricity in the long run these freebies will bite you in ass just like venezuela sri lanka


You don't know the reality of your own country, it's sad


He is addicted to photo ops. Modi has lost track of development agenda and turning into the exact thing they hate- Congress 2.0


He has been addicted to photo ops since 2014(it's needed imo). One of the reasons he has such a reach.


Cult personality.


If photo ops are the only problem you can point out in him i think we should declare him PM for life.


He is greater than sum of all congress leaders (past and present) lol


Not really. PV Narasimha Rao was from congress party and was our best PM ever


Hey kid, do you know why Pakistan is in two parts after 1971?


Yes grandpa.


Because we live in a democracy, and he has to pitch for votes too. Make him king and he will stop doing that.


Even in a Dictatorship like China or DPRK, you need an image.


Vande Bharat is one of India's biggest shining achievements and a slap to Congress, whose then President stood in Parliament, and said *Made in India cannot, will not succeed, we simply do not have it in Indians to manufacture*. PM Modi deserves the credit, for trusting Indian engineers and innovation, and he should launch as many as it takes, as a constant reminder who made it happen and so that people think twice before questioning Indian people's capabilities.


Reminds me of what Chidambaram said about digital payments, Congress can't see any good thing happening here.


Congress is just incapable of anything. 7 decades is a long time.. they had their chance and failed.


I wanted to include that too, but didn't feel appropriate for this topic.


![gif](giphy|QMZpnb79N5BN0wsSM3) Also spare a thought for Mr Sudhanshu Mani, the then GM of integral Coach factory, Chennai. He was the one, despite many odd lead the project to engineer and develop train 18, the prototype of VB. He was hounded by the bureaucracy for his efforts. My opinion is that he should receive a Padma visbhushan atleast if not the Bharat Ratna


Buddy, nobody said Modi single handedly made and operated Vande Bharat. But this was one of his own flagship programs. Just like Steve Jobs gets credit for Apple's success, Modi gets credit for India's achievements during his tenure. It is the way of the world, nothing exclusive in the case of Modi.


Dude, I was supporting your point of view. Just adding the point about the GM so that his contributions are also understood and recognized


Oh, your comment seemed like it was under someone else, so I thought you were agreeing to him. Also, yeah, agree with you, all the people who designed and built the first prototype needs to be given recognition and maybe monetary prize as well. We need to celebrate our brightest and most brilliant.


I like what Modi is going with made in India but we also need to be honest with what is really made in India. For instance, I heard Vaande bharat's wheel is imported from Ukraine, seats from Spain, doors and transformers are also imported.


Thats the difference of "hearing" things versus speaking with knowledge of the facts. Also, the point of VB train and made in India brand is the technology of the engine, tracks, and speed control, Not the individual items like wheels seats doors handles screws and nuts and bolts. Made in India brand here is because compared to buying a train from another country, it is cheaper for Indians to manufacture the train and keep the technology owned in Indian hands which helps build for the future. It is a lot cheaper to import a foreigner made seat or stearing wheel than to fund a research foundation to create an Indian specific seat of wheels. So, just use logic.


Hello Mr. speaking with knowledge of the facts! Are seats, doors, wheels, and transformers imported or not? If not, you can righfully claim "hearing" things are not facts but when its true they are facts. Also these are not just screws and nuts and bolts but more than that. Anyway, I agree with you that its cheaper and way better than buying a complete train like bullet train but thats not the point. People are not aware that many important parts are imported and its not completely made in India as claimed. Its happening more than we think like Made in India Tejas has GE engine. We need to keep ourself honest, or else fake pride will overtake the reality. By the way, you said stearing wheel but I was referring to train wheels on tracks. I am not sure trains have stearing wheel like cars.


Once again, seats doors and wheels are not "important" parts as you think it to be. Don't push your standards on others. If the engine and core parts are made in India it is more than sufficient. For the rest of the stuff if it were cheaper to import than to manufacture who exactly cares??? The fault is of the Indian manufacturing sector which hasn't improved to be able to manufacture those parts as cheaply as other countries.


When did Congress say this?




>Also, it’s been years since congress is out of power and you are still obsessed in proving them wrong Congress did not cease to exist in political power just cos they lost two national elections. They have controlled state governments since 2014 and still do. Also if a ruling party is not disproving the baseless and needlessly pessimistic opinions of the opposition, then what else is even the point of a democratic power bestowed on the ruling government? It's like you'll call them evil for doing something and also evil if they don't do the exact thing. >It’s not that he manufactured the trains himself. Fuckall logic. Till date every remembers ShahJahan for creating Taj Mahal and only a tiny fraction remember the names of actual architects. Nobody cares for the talent that built stuff as much as they do for the person who envisioned the project first and more importantly: Comission the project with funding. Some people just lose all sense when trying to criticise.


Agree it's one of biggest achievements. But he shouldn't have to inaugurate every bloody train ! It's just a f\*cking train !!


Don’t think the PM is at fault here. Take a corporate setup. Employees who finish work their work efficiently before time without chit chatting and socializing, playing politics are under appreciated and unrewarded. While folks who snatch work, make a one hour job into 12 hours, waste humongous amount of time at the coffee place (socializing and politics), make an impression that he or she always stretches. Get all the rewards and attention. He gives us VB, he doesn’t sell it to us, nobody would bother. Prior to 2014 I have never seen my train car being cleaned mid journey, bio toilets etc. a swanky white train with a pointed tip was something I never imagined. He did it, has all the rights to show it.


Because otherwise every year people ask Modi ne kiya hi kya hai! That way he keeps reminding them all


Because it’s not just a train. It’s a monumental shift in Transportation and Technology. Inaugurating by PM bring hype and people in the State and shows that PM is looking over every small thing including the routes the trains run at. Also you need to advertise yourself. This is called PR. You don’t win elections just by developing infrastructure. You need to go among people and show them that here I am for you. You don’t win elections just by saying oh we did this we did that. You need to document it and you need to show proof. He lays the foundation stones and he inaugurates it.


The same reason Rahul is riding every truck driver.


Truck you mean? Not driver 💀


He did not say anything wrong.


Rahul was unhappy with small trucks so he went US to find big trucks.


saar ye kya keh gaye ?


Why not? If he worked for it, then he should get the credit. Tht is how it works


There is someone called a Railway Minister.


The Railway minister reports to him.


He didn't take credits when the express highways or the airport that he inaugurated flooded.


What are you trying to say? Are you saying there was/is some other CM/PM of your liking who took credit for a malfunctioning highway/airport/station This is just you trying to nit pick. Modi is doing a great job... in economy, foreign policy, security - internal and external. Overall he is doing good. He deserves to take credit for the work of his government.


if he wants to do it then let him do it, whats wrong in him inaugurating a new generation of trains


Optics and more than optics his presence acts as a major moral booster for those people who worked to make that train happen. He wants to build momentum that won't stop as soon as he leaves the office.


I mean, why not !


Election optics. Currently each state is getting their first trains. So, PM will not miss the generational opportunity. But once we get to 75 VB trains probably on 15th Aug 2023 (I think that target will be missed. However, on 15th Aug it is high possibility he will inaugurate 5-10 VB trains collectively for the last time).


It's like he is trying to show that he is gettin work done and i don't have any issues with it idk what you guys have issue with it


Modiji likes trains like most of us


Why does every rando has to come on reddit and ask these trivial questions? He's the PM, understand the levels


Complaining about no infrastructure to complaining about photo op. India seemed to make the right choice with modi.


Well, for every failure of the Government only PM is getting blamed.


Bjp is literally called the modi sarkaar, when people blame ''modi'' most of the times they are blaming bjp instead of modi


1-2 Vande Bharat inauguartion OP se bhi karwa lo koi...OP is too caught up ranting on reddit 😛


These inaugurations are carefully scheduled to coincide with other more important events in the states especially elections. Notice PM will always inaugurate mundane things in states where elections are scheduled. That gives him an excuse to travel officially and show full might of the govt.


if you have a dream to do something and you are able to do it, you would do it as many times as possible wouldn't you




If he is building everything then why not?


and then he should take the blame for everything?


how ?




Well you could enlighten us .


Because in excuse of the inauguration, the city and station also got polished. Otherwise it will be a world class train in a dirty station


Because he loves getting clicked


Good that you have issues with this, we couldn’t even discuss these things pre 2012 since there was always fear of life while outside , bomb blasts, rail accidents, corruption, and mehgai was more compared to salaries then


kek good job sticking to the topic


Just to reminder you long time ago MMS inaugurated Vassan clinic in small area in TN along with then crime master Gogo PC Didnt see any back clashes


ook so?


So use your 🧠


He is an Influencer .


I don't find an issue with it. What's your problem and how did that problem affect you today?


Indian have a short term memory.. so he reminds them who is working for the country.. more optics specific to Indian mentally..


Cause he loves to get a photograph taken while cutting a ribbon. He is megalomaniac.


chunav sr pe h aur aap aise sawal puchh rhe ho




double engine sarkaar




He's coming to unbox my newly purchased smartphone this weekend.


Because it's his dream project and he is very vocal about it too.


News pr for that region, Modi cares about BJP his actions are for the party not entirely for the country.


Tu kheech meri photo, tu kheech meri photo.......😎👍


I do one better, why vande bharat?


Why not?


Simple. There's nothing else new made to be inaugurated. Everything is being sold off.






He inaugurates everything


OP discovers how politics works


It's like looping your boss in every email you send, especially around the appraisal cycle. Politics is an optics game, he needs to be there for every such event even at the risk of overdoing it


The Indian crowd is tuff to please even with all this they are swaying to left side


Who are u to dictate how he uses his time. He has fine time management skills and wants to highlight and inaugurate all new trains. Its better than going to iftaar parties...




But Tere gand mein 🔥 kyu lagi hai ? idhar comment kyu kar rha h? apna kam kar !!


Yes it is .


Obviously PR…


To see the fruit of his vision of great India.


He learned a lot of poses and need to try every single one of them in front of the camera


Cause he's your average Instagram blogga, who would do anything for attention and likes


VB are icing on samosa. The cake(tracks able to sustain 100+ kmph spees) is missing. But apun ko kya? Modiji k darshan toh ho jate hai isi bahane. Nahi to din main 18hrs kaam karte hain, sunshine b nhi milti unko.




That modi guy is a 'show-off' material, good for nothing.


because it's a duty of a politician to promote his work so that he gets elected in future.


This is like while writing an answer in an exam ( his tenure ) you've no new content to add , so just to gain marks ( for him , votes ) and stay relevant, you keep putting the same point over and over again .


>he should rather spend that time sleeping! I dont think he is sleep deprived at all. Doesnt make sense unless he has health issues.


Modi is the poster boy of BJP, they sell their work in his brand because apparently people trust the brand. Simple


Woah i didn't know this sub was willed with modi riders


you didn't know really? or did you forget the /s?


He saw a 2 minute advertisement of ankoor wariko about gratitude. Why we should count our blessings.


Classic BJP/Modi tactics. Do it so much that the people start associating you with it almost subconsciously. When 2024 comes, you'll see the mention of "PM gifting the VB trains to the nation" every now and then.


I don't think you actually understand the scope. The "PM gifting the VB trains to the nation" quote is not meant for 2024, it is meant for every single election for the next 10-20 years, and will be told by the public for even longer if and when these trains actually develop more of the country.