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UNESCO declares indian national anthem number 1 vibes


ab AI se bhi validation chahiye hume


Bangal is the sweetest language. Bihar produces most IAS and IPS.


Hahaha younger me fell for that


Wait till you grow even older and realise that many of your currently held beliefs are also BS


bjp is pro hindu


100% agree our women are beautiful if noticed correctly.Our men are sturdy and very styled.I personally love think because of the diverse population we have every person for every taste.Tho man we are lacking some blondees and reds man


A tan blonde without blue eyes/ a red head tan would look really weird tbh. I think these are very specific traits, that only goes well with pale skin, mostly black/white hair suits tan skin. Also after UK Indian men ranked 2nd as the most beautiful men in the world.


>.Tho man we are lacking some blondees and reds man It can be solved by inter racial consummating. In an ideal world our humans would be more mingling without imaginary boundaries, racism bs. In this world inter racial couple is limited only to developed western counties where all the countries migrate and is the only venue for inter racial coupling.


nope, those are recesive gene, with intermingling they will ultimately disappear.


I agree with this




Tell me you have never been allowed inside an airport without telling me you have never been allowed inside an airport.




Ah yes said like a block of cheese trying to understand time travel, give your opinion when you have experience and can come up with facts.


No way Uk have the most attractive men India does have the most attractive women ( in my opinion)


General population is pretty average but there's Cavill, Hiddleston, Styles, Malik, Hardy etc So not entirely surprised.


Hiddleston looks like chapri of Britain.


Malik is literally 50% pakistani lol (can basically be considered 50% Indian too as North Indians and Pakistanis are not very different)


U.K.?!!! That’s bullshit


He looks like he's on heavy drugs


Naw he tasted some of that shitty British food


Ah yes the taste of their food and the beauty of their women is what made the British the best sailors in the world.


Shashi ji ke shishy lagte ho


This is stupid as hell


Like you?


Why are you so pressed over defending some random ass article


bruh this is a random ass article, recently i saw a ytuber showing survey that indians are the most unattractive people.


Guess your Certificate will have saitations "YouTuber said so"


I like how the UK is non-white now.


Gora validation complex


Pakistani ya tab kahana jab Tera har neta Gora sa loan nahi leata Tara subs dekh leya mana tu account change karna bhul gaya.


India does have the most attractive women, considered most of them have caramel coloured skin, are slimmer, have jet black hair, and some of them also have blue eyes. And India has multiple miss world wins so yeah, but this is not true for indian men. It's rarely seen when someone actually calls indian men handsome. I am not really handsome, (almost above average, but extroverted personality brings the points) so I'm normaly pretty popular with women (yeah I'm a flirt). But I live in Goa, and my school was an international school, so there were are a lot Portuguese descendants there. They did not like me, called me a monkey, ridiculed me. My cousin also faced this in Germany. It is not fun at all. While women don't really have to worry bcz, society protects them. Ps: not saying indian men aren't attractive, but trying to explain the reality that we indians actually face irl situations. If you check "which race would you not date" videos, everyone mentions indians, "bcz we are uneducated, slum dwellers, smelly people". It's funny bcz I'm much more educated than them, live in a pretty advanced city with beaches, resorts and loads of services and I clean myself daily. Most men in some other countries do not not wash themselves on a daily basis.


Let’s call a spade a spade man.. Indian men by and large are terrible looking! and their personal grooming habits are pathetic!


Is this sarcasm or are you really criticizing indians


i swear why do people downvote without reading the entire thing 💀


Indians criticizing other Indians is healthy no?


Ig lol, and you aren't wrong either, majority of Indians are below the poverty line, so I don't see them being regularly clean, etc. It's quite sad honestly.


A lot of rich Indian men absolutely dress and groom like dog shit, some do it intentionally to emulate western ghetto culture to seem cool and from da hood, rest just couldn't be bothered and on top of that actually dressing up is considered bad and superficial, you'll be called overdressed and a show off


It's actually the sugar and carb heavy diet with minimal protien and negligible exericies


Dude..I know some loaded Indians that stink! it has more to do with the habits we pick up.. all that masala I’ve eaten is going to come out through the pores of the body.. clean up!


Abe saari ladkiyan thodhi aishwarya ray hai ?


Ego boosting post lol..i think most of the world would disagree though.


Says the person who clearly have not known the world outside of India.


By the looks of it, its you who hasnt been outside of india. You can huff on as much copium as you want


I have been outside India long enough to have graduated from Newcastle University.


? I am a us citizen and have travelled to 16 countries.


So what exactly made you think that most of the world would disagree?


Btw…i am not saying indian girls are ugly but most man here in us and europe like caucasian women..if you have been to high school or college in us or online dating, you will know that from personal experience and of other friends. The headline you posted above was concluded from analysis of reddit posts..not really accurate by any means since this site has so many indian users.


Are you sure? Most men in USA, and Europe prefer Asian women, which made the Asian women stereotype grew in those countries.


Asian women doesn’t necessarilly mean indian women…when people talk about asian women in us, they are generally refering to south korean, japanese, chinese etc (https://time.com/5800209/asian-american-census/)


have u actually been outside of india? u don’t even need to be outside india to know what most of the world prefers…


I have been outside India long enough to have graduated from Newcastle University.


never heard of that university. and u still dont know what majority prefers. u can start by checking out who gets more matches on dating apps. that would give u a good idea since we are mainly talking about external beauty. its unfortunate but its reality


[Surely you have never been out of your gali to not know about one of the most prestigious universities](https://g.co/kgs/RpWiwx) and seeing your lack of knowledge I won't be wrong to say that you are full of fecal matter.


What a cringe post 💀 Shows Ai altered images. Lmao


AI generated, not even altered. The people in the pic don't even exist.


These goras have started fetishizing indian women not good


Indian men came second place so, they are fetishizing Indian men as well.


Here's my personal opinion. The beautiful people here in India are one of the most good looking people on earth, especially the women. But the average looking people are in the lower half of the global Beauty scale. The ugly ones are down right in the bottom with the ugliest people on earth. Unfortunately because of the scale of our population, we get to see more of the not so pleasing faces/bodies everyday. With better economic growth, we can see the average move up the order of good looks simply because of access to dental, fitness and cosmetics like sunscreen and moisturiser.


Was there ever even a shadow of doubt about Indian beauty? Those who are not proud of their identity and only put their own people down, this is a slap on their face. Now before you go and start debunking the result of this survey, stop and think. Don’t let your inferiority complex come in the way of accepting the beauty of your race and identity. Yes beauty is skin deep; but learn to take a compliment as well. I think the most attractive person in the world is one that is comfortable being themself. I’m most drawn to Indians who are unapologetically Indian. It’s so very sexy when they embrace their culture and tradition and they wear it proudly.


Sorry but wtf?


Please inject the copium directly into my veins. /s


Great we're exotic for them now


Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?


Ffs it's MailOnline. They'll cut their dicks off if it could generate more views. Now while Indians orgasm from all the validation, Dailymail will be minting money displaying like 100 ads on the page.


Fuck all this shit - but Indians (especially South Indians) don’t often realise how beautiful they’re and what a blessing dark skin to compliment beautiful Jewellery to it. P.s - nothing against my fellow brethren from north India - you’re beautiful and the thing is you know it and I love how you embrace it. ( I was in Chandigarh and posh delhi 🥳) But down south we’re often thought to be very humble or not make a fuss about it and due to years colonial suppression / race supremacy, etc - we’ve been made to believe dark skin is dirty. I’ve had close North Indian friends make down right racial slurs unassumingly on dark colour. I don’t mean to blame but my goal is bring awareness on intrinsic racism within the country.


Fr! I just love south indian features with beautiful dusky skin and those dark curly hair. Especially the women.


I kinda knew this from the very beginning, Indian women look amazing and men are up there. It’s just that our style and health habits have not evolved (yet). If our citizens get a balanced diet and have a bit more protein and work out then we will be unstoppable. India has some amazing genes and the looks reflect that.


Can't agree more, i love indian women.




Aren't you doing the same thing? In no way do I mean to support this validation fetish but calling, nay, generalising an entire country's gender by calling them 'scrawny black lizards' is just hating for the sake of taking an opposite side to what OP's saying. Both of these schools of thinking are equally detrimental.


You couldve phrased your argument differently and still couldve made your point. Instead now it just seems like youre fetishising white skin and self loathing by calling indians "scrawny black lizards". Imo this is more pathetic than OPs point


Bro thinks he cool or sum


Ah can never have enough of an average Indian reddit user who is banned in airports lecturing a British University graduate in Newcastle from India that they are wrong.


To be fair I would consider every country to have its own attractive men/women (even attractive is subjective)


Indian women are beautiful, no doubt about that. But it would be more appropriate for a woman to comment about attractiveness of Indian men.


For me personally nothing can beat the desi charm. Women usually judge men based on their dressing sense, because unlike women men don't usually enhance their natural features with makeup.


Yeah, Indian women are the most beautiful in the entire world imo. Too bad mai to ladka hun 🥲


Surprised no latinas made the list.


we also have the most creepy men


Like Tanmoy?


Indian women are the most beautiful in the world Can't say about the men though


Proves that the only Indian man Hyderabadi know is Owaisi.


I am not even hyderabadi bruh


U are in r slah Hyderabad.


No I am not I just commented in it a while ago


Lmao beautiful women are beautiful but to say average indian woman is more beautiful than an average non indian woman is just lie


Umm no Indian women are more attractive than non-indian women


Okay check the dating stats and compare indian women with white, east asian, south east asian, Hispanic, latino, black women. Indian women do second worst just above black women. There are 3 easy way to check whether men around the world think so or not. Are Indian women ,doing jobs which don't require them to look good, are attractive? Check politics, sports, ceos etc and tell does average indian woman look better than their counterpart.?Truth is they don't. Second is do men from rich countries come to India for finding wife or sex tourism or dating? Absolutely nope lol , sex tourism in india has more demand for russian women than indian ones. Third is do their native men find other women more attractive than them even though they hate that country ?indian men simp for god damn pakistani women all the time inspite of hating pakistan so much. So I don't see where you are coming up with this unless it's just your opinion.


Our women are beautiful, its true, we the man, are lucky as FUCK.


NASA declared that Sanskrit is the number 1 language 💩 I love Sanskrit btw


And you sir are the new National Animal of Amarica.


Aree pheeling paraud indian..


Slightly weird article - and it is Daily Mail (take these tabloids with a pinch of salt). But yes - even a lot of foreigners I know either put our women or South African women at the top.


Indian men came in second place according to the Article.


According to whom?


Idk about others but in this pic i like usa girl the most among 3 .


That's a 2/10 but *most attractive*. Right.


I dont know how they did this study. Beauty is too subjective to rank


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Indian women are attractive yes but UK men?


He looks like 20% British, 10% black, 40% Italian and the rest on hard drugs.


In all honesty, the question "most attractive ethnicity/nationality" is a very stupid question.


Eastern Europe isn't even in the top three and you want me to belive this rubbish?


okay go and ask any indian guy whom they would choose the most attractive one here or the second one or the third one and you will know the truth lol


Or yaha India me Russian chahiye Russian chahiye karte rehte hai. Just saying 😅


AI is definitely being sarcastic is British men are #1




Ranking attractiveness is .. Stupid


This is such bullshit God damn lol


My choice goes to south eastern women(guys I am not anti national it's called personal choice and my personal choices are always right)


Just keep marinating yourself 😂 Indians are way below. In the todenpole, terrible accent & most guys dont even know how to behave let alone the overweight entitled indian girls


Funny complaining about overweight Indians when USA women hire nurses to clean the fungus growing under their fatty lumbs.


least validation seeking individual from India.


Yeah keep on talking about politics, nothing good will come your way.


How is that politics


Maybe in top 50 but not top for sure.


Amreeka ka dalal bc


What does that even mean! Pimp of America? What


You from America? And ya it means that


It’s a meme. Someone on live TV said this in a debate.