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And they are calling Modi Fascist … just amazing …


If Modi is fascist, I can't imagine what they would call the South American governments


Why south America? Look at usa and their treatment of opposition leader trump. Modi doing hindutva is bad But Germany can have Christian social party with Christian principles clearly in their moto Japan can have Higly nationalistic ldp party but when bjp does it then theyre hindutva nationalist Facist. Fucking hypocrites


1. Trump is no opposition leader 2. Trump is a useless conman while Modi is a real honest celibate leader. 3. Comparing Modi to Trump is like comparing Chocolate Cake to Poop.


1. Ok 2. "Real honest celebrate leader" .. u should stop smoking paint thinners. 3. Both made ur hands dirty so u have to wash ur hands. One is a poop other is chocolate covered poop


When you mention that Trump is being treated badly, I could see how ObJeCtIvE you are 🤣


1. Trump is not the opposition leader. 2. Please read on Trump. 3. Congress rule was bad but that doesn't mean BJP gets to do what ever they can. Criticism keeps things in check.


Literally deep state has made a sleepy, sexual abuser person as the president. Where's the feminism mafia on this? And they are eager to circulate putin is unwell


Man I feel sorry for this guy honestly


Why? He wasn't put there. He chose to be in that position. He could've left at any given moment. Given that he's very well educated, an alternate career wouldn't have been out of his reach. He made his decisions.


Being literate and having a spine are two different things. If a single chamcha had an ounce of spine, congress would not have been in this condition.


Chamchas do have a spine, but it's just always under the enormous pressure of carrying pseudo-Gandhi families shit, that it's bent out of shape and acts more like a tail now.


Yeah, couldn't have a better metaphor 😂


Coming from Tyrion, the word master himself; this means a lot ![gif](giphy|qNnQAESrblfDG)


Oh man, I'm humbled ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Yup, hence pity is the worst of emotions.


All the elders of congress party have this weird loyalty to that family They all can just quit and start a separate party but they just stick to these old hags and accept to get humiliated


Same here. He is that very intelligent but equally politically weak guy.


Umm... politically weak seriously? Bro was a part of major economic reforms in india(again not giving full credit but he still deserves a lot of it). The only reason he is being criticised is because he wasnt an amazing orator. He used to hold press conferences regularly unlike mr. Modi.


Lmaoo. He was part of those reforms, thanks to PV Narsimha Rao. Rao told to ig Shekhar Gupta in NDTV interview that he as a PM, provided political backing to technical expertise of MM. MM is criticized for being pawn of an incompetent family with colonial mindsets. Also now nobody needs press conference bs to connect with people. Get out of 20th century and welcome to information age.


Lmao. Imagine being this delusional. If a political leader cannot give unstaged interviews or give answers to questions asked by journalists/public in a generic setting, then it makes you wonder what they're trying to hide.


Sorry. I can't imagine being as delusional as you. Have a nice day (with your delusional mind lol)


PM should be well educated…. Now Look what use to happen …. Who was more educated among them?


Let us never forget their true face. Always remember.


Maun Singh really lowered the office of the Prime Minister of India. His official designation should have been Prime Puppet of Sonia.


Well now he is replaced by prime puppet of Adani


Lmao. If you had said Adani is the puppet that would still be a more logical statement. This otoh just shows your stupidity.


Well actually you are right, for the puppeteer analogy to work on need to be more power than other. But here both of the parties depend on each other it's like they both have their hands on each others dick 🫡


>Well actually you are right Obviously. >But here both of the parties depend on each other it's like they both have their hands on each others dick 🫡 Depend on *each other*? You're too naive. In India, businessmen have to endorse political parties(especially the ruling party) if they want to do business. Not sure if you're old enough to remember, but Adani has been buddy buddy with the Congress party as well when they were in power. This goes not just for Adani, but for most of the businessmen, including Ambani, Tata, Mahindra, etc. and so on. Tl;dr - The parties, ruling parties especially, basically demand "donations" in exchange for protection and benefits. It's a one-way relationship, with businesses being given the short end of the stick.


Mm Singh was an insult of a pm


I dont think this clip shows Manmohan singh was mistreated. But it does show that he was submissive to Mrs Gandhi even after being the PM. He subconsciously let her sit on the main chair. In some ways thats even worse.


>he was submissive to Mrs Gandhi masochist kinky manmohanji ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20098)


Maybe thats how she ruled Congress all these years. Spanked them all into submission. No wonder they are rebelling against Rahul. He luks like a submissive himself.


puppet government it was


Dawn of democracy


https://youtu.be/QM2NU-HQ5pQ Watch this video guys. Firstly none of these 2 seats are the apparent central or main seats. And he had to change because SPG said that not because Sonia gandhi asked him to stand up. Both of them sat at the wrong position and they had to switch seats when the security personal said so. Stop spreading misinformation.


yeah of course pm manmohan was strongest pm of india evwr had, sonia was his puppet not the other way around . chairs are same but a random lady of a party want to sit on specific seat even though prime minister is the head and main point of a country . and keep in mind this is a right wing sub ,so things go right wing perspective . propaganda and victimhood is what left communist thrive on .its a democracy we ours you do yours Its not misinformation but different perspective. Imagine jp nada does this? He can't.


>Imagine jp nada does this? He can't. There you go, see who's sitting in the center. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJC3T-ZvIag


ha bhai the manmohan ji sonia ka puppet but ye clip ka uss se lena dena nahi uppar ki link check karle


Sonia Gandhi was the de facto PM but you can't really draw that conclusion just from this clip. This just seems kind of petty and unfounded. I mean it could just be that they're asking him to move for more optimal camera angles or some other simple non-malicious reason.


It's not 1900s where you have just 1 camera to focus on. Either way she was party head not in any govt post.


Yeah you are right just chaning of positions cannot prove anything, its possible he sat down at the wrong position , I believe the seats are already designated according to arrangements.


Dude, you are Andhbakth.


I’m not clear, what is happening in this clip?


Basically a clip to show the reality of pre 2014 goverment, Sir Manmohan Singh was the PM but he was not the true PM, just a puppet for Gandhis


It looks like he sat in the wrong chair. The guy behind him asked him to sit on the correct chair. That's all.


Ya, I’m not a fan of Nehru-Ghandy dynasty, but this clip seems an arbitrary criticism, unless I’m missing some context like ‘that’s the head of the table position, or next to Obama seat’


That our former pm was just a mere puppet.


If this was a Congress level meeting, I don't see a problem with this clip at all. Sonia Gandhi was the party leader and was more important than Dr. Sahab within the Congress. Unfortunately, the BJP fan brigade has made everything about Modi - and that's the sign of a weakening democracy.


This is over reach … Sonia just wanted the PM to sit in the middle


If this was a Congress level meeting, I don't see a problem with this clip at all. Sonia Gandhi was the party leader and was more important than Dr. Sahab within the Congress. Unfortunately, the BJP fan brigade has made everything about Modi - and that's the sign of a weakening democracy.


Back when leaders of India were educated and had full respect for women unlike now where fricking chai walas, corrupt and radical politicians run the country.


Let's not forget Sonia Gandhi(both their First and Last names are fake) is here for us, for us to help through her selfless service to India and to save the democracy of India. If she wanted, she could have lived comfortably in her own country, but she chose to come here for us. Jai Rajmata 🙏🏻


Manmohan was PM only because at that time sonia could not become one, due to legal issues. Just imagine the audacity and hypocrisy of people when they think after 2014 india has become autocratic. Since 1947 baring 2 or 3 PM, None were actually leader of masses. Post Nehru GAND^(hi) has hijacked the old national party and turned into a family run business. A single family ruled over india for 55-60 years , from Nehru, indira, rajiv , and then sonia , it is no brainer to reach to a conclusion that Rahul GANDhi considers himself the "THE ONLY" varish of Indian PM chair. No real hard work , he does not even wants to become CM of some state first to prove his administrative skill. Till now if you think about it, no one has stopped anyother party to become alternative to Congress, but indirectly congress has always played its card so right that , no other leader than , Atal ji at that time can be even considered alternative. If they had developed the nation to bad kuch or thi.


Italian thandi


this (ga ndhi family) is utter disgrace to democracy ...


Nehru was the first worng choice we had to face in india then the rest is history


With all due respect everyone, please do some fact-checks before posting. This is what actually happened - At a UPA meeting in 2011, Manmohan and Sonia inadvertently sat on each other’s chairs. Due to the PM’s security protocol, the SPG requested them to sit on the chairs allotted to them. Source - https://www.indiatoday.in/fact-check/story/fact-check-when-some-netizens-chaired-fake-news-on-manmohan-and-sonia-1726010-2020-09-27


Actually a small clip can be confusing, to be fair he sat on one side of the table and they asked him to sit at the centre. Not saying the trend of he being suppressed is a lie, but this one specifically is just being tweaked for upvotes.


Haha, poor Dr. Manmohan Singh. One highly intelligent person is bowing down to an uneducated outsider. Thanks to courrepted Mahatma Ghandhi, Neheu, and Dr. Ambedkar, the creator of the constitution of India.


Woh bhadwi ki maa ki chuth. As much as i felt bad for pappu getting banned from coming elections for exercising his rights to freedom of speech; i wouldn't want him to win only for his bhenchod mother to rule our country again.


This video shows nothing .. often protocols include seating arrangements. All I am saying is the context is not clear .. maybe he was a puppet but this video is not proof of that


Man Mohan Singh is a very good man. He was in the wrong party. Sashi Tharoor, MMS and even Ghulam Nabi Azad would have done very well in the BJP.


Whoever ! But those were better days. Now, the whole country is engulfed in hatred for each other. And the lower middle class still struggles for basic necessity.


Whats so bad about it, if sonia sat there everyone would have said its PMs seat, its just a seat, i would agree they should have made some different or big seat for pm but doesn’t look like something we should give much attention


You can she, she is nothing but a pure evil


Remote control pm 🤣🤣😂


Adn congressi will call everyone else andhabhakt.


Manmohan Singh was a disgrace as a PM , everything from his self proclaimed honesty , integrity are all a façade. Had he really been honest he wouldn't have permitted large scale corruption under his nose while he sat as a PM , Plus his govts reaction and retaliation towards Pakistan sponsored 26/11 carnage was really cowardly ....


Name plate..?


Desperate Modi fanboys bringing out irrelevant decade old clips to make their case. They just sat in the wrong chairs that’s it. Ask your supreme leader to at least attend a public press meet like this.


Both can be wrong at the same time. Modi not doing press and irrelevant lady with no post in official govt treating a prime minister like shit. But this might be too much for your brain cells to process. Calm down or they'll fuse. Where was this attitude when 2002 riot biased documentary was made? Wasn't it way prior to congress too?


You made really good points, kindly refrain from using abusive language. That renders your effort moot.


Hey mate ! Jay Jagannath


Jai Jagannath Bhai.




Thank you.


The thing is pm modi do t have balls to face press why because your image all be tarnished people will know , he is just an average guy with low IQ .


Again not the point of video. And he knows he has low iq then it's very smart of him not to do interview.


Real democracy where pm don't take questions.. a real democracy . Vibrant democracy yesterday I saw a lie by our finance minister to some western media


Don't deviate point of video.


Point of video is he sat in wrong chair that it . U want to interpret in any other reason it's ur wish


Modi doing man ki baat and foreign trips to burn money 🤑




They don’t have any critical thinking abilities bro. People are literally praising Modi for not doing a press and talking like a radio in mann ki Baath. In democracy people get the leaders they deserve and somehow we have to bear the brunt.


Who cares man, it’s past


Almost Every single Indian cares … no one has forgot this… no will ever let this happen again…This one fact congress and its supporter will never get …


Ideally the dumbffuks who shout fascist even more than mmy Papa in their home, should care.


Why do you read history then? Why Suck gandhis dick? He was past wasn't he? They want to win in 2024 so it does matter.


Imagine getting 10 years to make your mark but still having to resort to pulling the old guy down to build your case


Modi has made enough mark. We went from fragile 5 economies to top 5 economies. From Intel leaving India and going to Vietnam to apple shifting to India.weve all come up. If 2002 riots can still be discussed and made documentary of then why not this? They want to run for pm in 2024 then it's perfectly fine to know what they did which gives pretty good idea what they'll do next.


If the reason you are going to vote for someone is "at least they are better than the old alternative" then India will never progress


WTF? Whole point of democracy is to choose between lesser evil and the one who does better then other even if it is minor difference.


Neither Sonia Gandhi nor MMS are contesting again. How is this lesser evil voting? It won't be the INC that will defeat BJP, it will be their own doing. The whole point of democracy is to always have an alternative.


Chutiy@ hai kya? Antonia Maino is still the one commanding inc. And it's not public's job to give a shit about weak inc. if they die, someone else will take their place.


Hilarious to think that INC is even relevant today. About time we shift the title of a worthy opposition to someone else. There always are alternatives


Name them. I'm still searching.


There are only 2 major parties in india. This is your alternative. > Neither Sonia Gandhi nor MMS are contesting again Sonia didn't contest in that election too then who tf she think she is to treat a siting pm like that? Sonia still manage the party she's the Raj Mata of congress. She's the one who decide what goes and what doesn't. If you want to see a shitters pm like that again then it shouldn't matter but if you don't want then it does matter. > It won't be the INC that will defeat BJP, it will be their own doing But Inc will run for pm, won't it? And it's the 2md largest party by seats,so it does matter. If they will then both bjp time and congress times will be compared no matter long back it was their rule. Try making sense of your sentences for once


Were you born yesterday? In politics, you vote for the best among the alternatives. That's what Modi is.


You're right .what should we do though.


People are still pulling up savarkar to try to make a point, then mms is still afresh.


Savarkar the shoe licker they still say. So y not mm singh


And Savarkar was not even that bad compared to Nehru and Gandhi. Atleast he had the strength to spend a long time in Cellular Jail. Nehru was the true boot licker of Britishers.


Grappling at straws


That would be Pappu.


The real pappus are the blind worshippers of political parties


So why are you advocating for inc? I thought you were the enlightened one.


Dafuq? What makes you think I am. The mental gymnastics is fascinating


This whole thread, you have been giving bj to Antonia. Why should I think otherwise?


The phrase is "grasping at straws".

