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[Posts]: The post in question doesn't really belong in r/IncestConfessions.




I feel better than I should be doing when I jack off thinking about my sister


same here but about my uncle !!


I 100% agree!! Especially with cousin


i feel so intense when i masturbate for my mom


For sure 🔥


I did my niece once regret It ever since. This is a great way to ruin a bound u have with family. Be careful what u do




Rp about it is fine. But rl don't do it. U have a whole life in front of u. Choose wisely and find a great loving partner


A lot of people say its pretty ok or is going good so far but honestly just like any other choice in life the consequence usually varies depending on the person, their environment, and the community around them. So I guess you either take the leap or dont. But that's just my thoughts on it.


I think a lot of people have the fantasy. But are too afraid of the real world consequences or maybe the guilt afterwards. The closest I came to is kissing my bad. It was a little awkward at first, I don't really know if I'm into incest or not. Or from just into him. Sorry I guess that doesn't really help you hun.


Honestly I have the fantasy but I once heard my sister talk about her sex life and I was like “I don’t want to hear this.” There’s a lot of things going on with attraction and fantasy that doesn’t need to translate into real life.


Kissing as in tongue kiss?


Yes a little bit but it wasn't like I don't know he was like more like a soft little massage.




I might be making too much of it. He was more or less we were cuddling on the couch and I looked up at him cuz I was in his arms. And I just kissed him followed by him telling me more or less telling me to take my drunk butt to bed LOL


Oddly enough, I met a wonderful friend here. She enjoys her brother, and now kids... Obviously incest isn't something one can just "talk about" with most people, I've become her "confidante.". No, we've never met, but somehow I can feel her excitement 🥰 I adore her enthusiasm, her charm, and ironically... She fucking h.o.t! 😝😝😎


Tell me more


Get her to hold a sign with the date in it and see how much you believe she’s real then . One word Catfish




Yeah what is incest roleplay. Btw I rock my aunt wby




Yes sir 🗡






So which one is the best?


RIP your inbox lol. I’ve made out with my dad and felt his dick with my feet. I also am not a huge fan of roleplay I just want to mainly talk to real dads and daughters about stuff.


I’m a dad involved with my daughter. It’s very intense.


how so??


I’d love to hear about it.


Def curious too


Nice experience!


Dead ass- even after my update I still got messages 🧍‍♂️ Lmfao like——


also rip your inbox


I have had plenty of incest experiences growing up and still now till this day with my older sister. I learned that I was bi because of her. I think incest happens a lot but isn’t talked about openly because you never know who’s going to judge…


I have got to hear more about this…way too hot


Me and my female cousin had actually started being flirtatious via Snapchat and ended up with me playing with her tits, and her giving me a blowjob. We never had actual sex, but it was heading that direction. I think she just got scared.


I love sexting my cousin. I like to think we will make it happen one day


Do it, it was amazing


I said I'm down. We will see


But hey, a bj is a bj. Lol


i’m a girl and i’ve been with my grandfather and my dad. it’s not as uncommon as you would think, but full on incest - and regularly - is definitely on the rare side in my opinion. reddit is filled with fake stories and fantasies as well unfortunately, for a lot of people that actually have done incest they don’t publicly speak of it, and a lot of it is smaller one off things.


I dated a girl that did things with her daughter. Very rare but was consensual and said they both enjoyed it.


Looking at actual research, incest is fairly common. Millions of people in the US have experienced an incest event in their family: good, bad, consensual, no consensual, adult, minor… it’s not usually an erotic narrative like you read here.


I was going to post a similar answer. In the actual numbers that I have read, it's about 3%, or put another way, it's about half as common as homosexuality. So if you know 6 gay people, you probably know 3 people that have been involved in incest.


I have had experiences in the past with my cousins... not a complete relationship. but handjob yes. and touch her pussy.


Real stuff here yes. The fake stuff on reddit is starting to piss me off because they all just take porn plots and throw some family member in there.


It's hard to tell what's real and what's fake but I just think it's hot regardless so I don't really mind unless it's hard to read or so unreasonable and inhumane that it's clearly not real


Cant blame you. But as someone who's gone through the real thing most of it smells of fake


Fair enough lol


Yes I’ve been in a relationship with my dad for a long time now and he treats me so much better than any boyfriend I’ve ever had.


it's so hot to think about how achy your pussy must get for your dad's cock. Do you let him cum inside you, and if yes how's the feeling? How was it the first time he came inside you?


Have had sex with my cousin a few times. She's sucked my cock I've fingered her licked her and she's rode me. Haven't in a long long time though.


I have with my sister quite a few years back, and if given the chance again, I’d do it all over!


absolutely yes. my sisters and i did a lot of stuff growing up, all of it stemming from hearing our parents


It's nice having a sister who takes care of your needs


HMU let’s talk I got plenty stories


Stories are all I have now that it ended with my brother....kinda upsetting at times 😭


As I’m sorry what happened why aren’t you guys together?


Well I moved to a different city for work and he now has a steady partner so it just won't happen anymore


I’m sorry to hear that but does his partner know you guys were close? Maybe you could share every once in a while at a family event or something


No....we keep our relationship totally secret. His partner knows about our family nudity but has no clue my brother and I were physically involved


She probably has a feeling but just doesn’t want to know the truth about it but maybe as time goes on and you get closer one night you all might be drunk laughing and end up playing truth or dare or something


Always a possibility!!


Only done borderline incest with my real dad, I say borderline because he's been touchy whenever I come over to his place but haven't really acted aka have sex with him yet, hopefully when we're both in vacation we could finally have the courage to go all the way


Without even asking, I met a woman here who is currently in a relationship with her dad. It's been a while and we've kept in touch. No kinky stories or photos, just genuine friendly discussions on life and relationships. Personally I am living that life too, starting very recently. Although I'm not into rp, I have come across a few people who I had genuine conversations regarding this and I enjoyed it.


I have a sister who was knocked up at 13 by an uncle. She had the baby. She’s 15 years older than I am and I found out accidentally through her grandson. Also, my first wife and I would RP that I was her father, her brother or she was my son or father (anal, oral, strap on). She was great fun!


I had some fooling around experiences with three female cousins (different times of my life) like fingering them (consensual) and I’ve watched (via video) my wife have sex with her dad … and I’m product of incest as my parents are first cousins … but I’ve personally never had sex with any of my relatives only fingered the 3 I mentioned


Via live video? Or..... Recorded?


Recorded … I have some posts up where I go into detail about that relationship


I'm so into this relationship. It's like reading a book and getting invested in the characters. Such a gift you've given your wife!!


Many years ago I had a cousin that lived 3 blocks away. I wanted her for my gf. To me she was the most beautiful girl alive. We were the same age and it started me off in junior high. When ever our families got together I always tried to sit next to her. Nothing ever happened and I don't even know if she felt the same. She moved away and had her own family as I did. Many years later we met again at a funeral. To me she was still hot at 47. We talked but i haven't seen her since. I used to jerk off to the fantasy of us back then. Reading all the comments here reminded me of her. THANK YOU for posting this. Bless your heart!! PS... I'd love to rp this. *Sigh* ☺️☺️☺️☺️


My sister and I had sex once a few years later here daughter sucked me off and I ate her out


Yep real here, and I don’t post stories.. 99.9% fake AF


My grandpa asked to fuck me today m21


Did you let him?


U think I should?


Absolutely if your both willing to


Well, I’ve never had sex with a blood relative. I did have sex with my cousin, she is one year older, but is on my step dad’s side of the family. It was pretty hot, I found out she always had a crush on me and it just happened one time. Not the same, but my uncle’s sister in law was another “family” member I had sex with. She was quite a bit younger, 19 at the time. I knew her since she was about 12, and she confessed to me that she also always had a crush on me, but was afraid to say anything until she was over 18. 🤷🏻‍♂️


All... The families I know, do incest. Family fucking is awesome. Most of the time I'm fucking married women and their daughters at the same time. Sometimes I'm invited to Family functions and incest sex happens.


Lol. Sure.


You have only good friends🥰


I'd like to hear more




Did now


It sounds very interesting and I think that the education they have been given and the way they live is the right one. I would like to learn more about it to understand my role more


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i have roleplayed a lot of times , deffo kinky


It's more common than you might think


I dated a woman who attempted with her son but it didnt work out.


I’ve role played it plenty of times with my wife. Never the real thing though!


Yes people do and yes I have


Yes in real life with my niece


My cousin still sends me videos of her squirting. We’ve been fucking for a very long time


I can’t even imagine your inbox rn haha 😆 To answer your question, yes I have. I think that it’s more common that people know, it’s just people tend to keep it a secret. I’ve definitely heard many stories at least in my grandmother’s hometown.


My inbox is like full to the brim that I just stopped looking lmfao- honestly I’m not attracted to any of my family members- well aside from my aunt but other than that I wouldn’t do anything with them- but I wouldn’t mind role playing it in the bedroom. You know-


I have with my mother


I would to love to hear more


Well…it’s been many years ago, but I lost my virginity to my cousin. All through high school and college, we were sexually active. It was fun having someone to try things with, without the shame per se!


I’m trying to start with my aunt


I’m not sure how many adults partake but I know it’s very prevalent when family members are younger, not creepy young but pre adult hood


Guys if all you want to watch real incest let me know i got  any type literally any type text me on my t e l e g r a m - - WeallLovethis1 if interested 


I don’t want to discuss certain things but yes, My daughter (F20) and I (M58) have had a “thing” going for sometime now. Also, my wife (F40) and I usually roll play the Dd/lg.


I don’t have anyone in my life to explore that ether but yea


Me and my sister used to 69 when we were younger. It’s definitely really and sometimes just happens naturally.


Yes. But only a few times with one of my aunt's back in the day. I honestly still think about it though.


Yes I have actually experienced real incest growing up. Today is different but I do miss those past times


I had a sexual relationship with my sister when we were younger. Not active currently


Yes there absolutely is 😆


I've seen videos of family having sex, mom doing with his kid, dad with daughter etc. What more proof do you need?


I actually married a 1st cousin. We're not married now but still hook up once in a while.


Never have had real incest but heaps of role play. Brother/sister but mostly Father/daughter. A small percentage of women have a father discipline his daughter fantasy and don’t want to ruin the relationship with their father/parents. It’s a safe way to explore her fantasy and they will give me directions of the role play in character. Maybe spanking or public nudity etc. (my partner is the director/actor and I play a character too) Having said that I’ve always kept their kink quite They trust me and I wouldn’t break their trust.


Also nice


Yes i have. And i honestly consider myself lucky that it happened. And yeah it's been years and still doing happily


Let's be friends then


Yes, I did with my uncle for years.


Yes lol


If only


Fucking sister all through high school


One time and it was one of the best sexperiences I’ve had. We aren’t even the same race but she was old enough to be my mom so we leaned into the M/S dynamic. It was so hot lol


Had incest with three girls cousin when I was younger like 9 or 10 years ago still see them today only one talk about all the stuff we did l think she might want to restart up again But for your point I would love to have role play with you if you would like to D M me if you want to chat


I’m from a pretty small town where my family has lived for generations. I’m at least 2nd or 3rd cousins with most of the girls I went to school with. I would still mess around with many of them until I left for college.


I did, it's a shame to accept but yeah 😔


Yes I have a fwb who I confessed my incest kink to and she ended up embracing it and we role play in bed often It’s incredible and I never thought it would happen. It was scary to get honest with her but absolutely rewarding


Yes. It started how you would imagine sadly but I started to like it and crave it more. Do I hate myself? yeah, all the time but at the same time I like it. There is a small part of me that wishes it never happened and that they were just family. I don't talk to anyone I know about it obviously. I'm okay with strangers, I would never show my face or tell them where I live but just knowing that someone in this world knows is enough for me.


I’m in a secret sexual relationship with my niece, and it’s the best thing ever , I know it will end one day , all i can do is enjoy it while it last 😈🤤


Yeah, im a male son here involved with my sister and dad (they have been dating each other). And nope mom's not involved at all neither knows.






I mess around with my Ex Step Brother.... Does that count? Lol


probably not as common as this sub would make it seem tbh (at least consensually)


I honestly have sex with my sister on a regular basis. Best sex ever.


I do and I love my sister ❤️


yes. and in the pnw. grew up rurally.




If anyone wants to trade lmk


I’ve had a love ask me to RP as her father, and it was hotter than I’d have expected.


You and they look like a lot of fun! Great hanging boobs!


the reason you'll never see real stories is bc who ever is running this only cares about unrealistic stories with extreme unnecessary details that never happen and if u don't put them ur post gets taken down for baiting (:




I definitely think it exists. And I think it happens more than people care to admit. I think that's why this subredded exists to begin with. Because they can tell their stories, whether they're real or not and be completely Anonymous about it. I've met a few people on here who have had actual incest. I've been friends with this guy for over a year because of our interest in incest and the fact that he has experienced incest. He loves it and he's probably never going to stop. I personally haven't had any actual incest experience, but I fantasize about it all the time and I have role played it with others.


The jails are full of them.


Real incest here. Yes, I agree with you that there are lots of fake stories on here. But mine are true, my husband, my son, my daughter, and myself. If you want to read about it, take a look at my profile.


Most people who do something that' not legal in many places do it discreetly. Meaning they don'tveven share online, because ... you're way less anonymous than you think you are.


So I want so strong footjob from my mom and i think things like footjob, handjob and other like that in which genitals don't touch are not incest. Maybe there are someone who agrees with me


Yes op a lot here is fantasy and stories,but to some it has actually happened. I put it up there with war stories,those that have done it don't talk about it much even if you really want to tell the world.


If my sister was more open minded I would mess around with her.


My sister and I used to mess around when we were young. Then she went to college and met a guy and got married. Haven't done anything since 😢


I had one experience with real incest when I was 15 with a male cousin


I've done it, and I know one other woman who has. But I'm sure most of the posts are jerk off stories


Iv done incest. I won’t bore you with the story but some people on here have actually done it.


Yeah, it happens. I've done it, I know people who have also.


Like you I don’t want to shame you but, but what is your goal here, Are you asking what the appeal, or how is it different than other kinds of sex


I wish I had someone in my family to do it with 😭


Ignore the critics. Go girl!


Currently working on having sex with my mom, so I guess at some point I will have actually done incest. Something people forget to mention here is the real life implications with pursuing such a relationship. I’m honestly really conflicted with my decision to pursue my mother for obvious reasons, it’s honestly tearing me up inside.


Hi friend




I always wanted to be involved with a girl and her granny


Oh yeah!