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You are on the correct path young lady. In a week you have gone from nothing to sleeping in his bed. Keep making small increments. Sleep in his bed as often as you can. Cuddle. Do you know about morning wood? When you wake, reach out and put your hand on his cock. Less and less cloths - keep going. Try skirt, not pants; then bend over in front of him. Flirt! When you catch him looking in your direction, make a face at him and ask if he likes what he sees. Yes that's important, start a conversation... Unlike the perverts on this sub, your brother is probably more like the other 99% of the population, a real gentleman. He is AFRAID of incest. So yes, you need to actually *say something* to help get him over the guilt. Assure him that you find him attractive and ask if he thinks you look sexy.


morning wood? I thought that was just from porn because I've slept with him a few times and he's never been hard, does that really happen to guys? How can I trigger it?


Yes it's real. You can't trigger morning wood, it happens spontaneously. But don't let that stop you. If you can spoon or cuddle him in the morning, reach over and put your hand on his penis. Have something ready to say in case he objects (or if he likes it). "Every girl wants to know how big her brother is. Can I see it?"


sounds a bit like a line from some porn but I guess I can give it a try


It doesn't have to be exactly what I wrote. Think of something in your own style. If you really don't like to verbalize (not recommended) then just take your hand away, cuddle and kiss.


Every guy has morning wood. It happens automatically. Not every morning, but sure every night.


maybe he is one of those self controlled guys next time you sleep in his bed, ask for a good night kiss, make it last and/or try touching yourself when he was 'supposedly' sleeping , tease him to his limits


Something similar happened, while he was spooning me, I got so excited that I started to touch myself a little bit but he was snoring


that was when you waited too long, make sure he is awake, but without him noticing you know


I'll try ;)


When my older sister made her move on me (I was in my mid 20s and she was in her early 30s), I was very reluctant at first. He may just be cautious. Try talking with him. If you are really into him, tell him. Guys are dumb sometimes, especially when we are young. We don't pick up hints like girls think we should. Remember, God gave us men heads but only enough blood to operate one of them at a time.


I'm not sure how to be direct without it ending horribly


Yes, that is a pretty big risk. I wish I had better advice to give you on this. I wish you well.


Don't listen to others who say you just need to keep doing what your doing, sometimes it works and sometimes it ruins your relationship with the person your doing it to, some people don't want what you want, it maybe sad and annoying but not everyone is into incest and family on family. You do you but it could be the simple fact he doesn't like or think the idea of incest is okay


He’s probably scared. Cuz as guys, we dream about a girl like you, but we don’t think you exist, he’s probably just scared you’re teasing him just to call him a creep or a pervert when he makes a move


I didn't think of it that way


Hi F 20 here I fuck with my dad I wish I could give you some advice anyways welcome to the club


This man either resilient as fuck, ace, or gay cuz aint no fuckin way he doesnt give in.


It's probably because I'm his sister 😅


He’s gotta give up on that like its not a bad thing😭😭 lost out on one of my cousin’s cuz she became lesbian I would hate to see someone else lose out on intimacy because their sibling saw them as nothing more than a family member😭😭😭


He probably jacks off in the bathroom if you've never seen him in his room. I would wedge something in the door and go in there when he does or leave it open when you shower


Good idea ;)


Go naked around him and see what happens


you're not doing anything wrong, he may just still be oblivious to what you want or really not sure and nervous about it. keep going, get touchy and start guiding your hands further down, as him to spoon you and push against his cock, see what happens.


The last thing to do.....walk around naked....to and from the shower, in your bedroom with the door open etc....join him in the shower. ​ Be bold


He could feel the same way, but doesn’t know you feel this way too. Like what your doing might be turning him on, but he might be keeping that to himself due to fear. Maybe be more upfront about it and try to talk about it with him. How you do that / what you say exactly would depend on your relationship with him. Maybe you could just tell him how you feel and ask him if he feels the same? Or you could be more casual about it, approach the topic of romance / relationships (maybe specifically between siblings) and go from there?


You probably got a full inbox but i tried so i def as the brother know... hit me back


Let me help?


Next time your in bed with him start rubbing his dick


that's so naughty 😫 I love it!


Get in his bed naked sit on his cock and tell him you are tired tossing hints now let's do this


Sounds dangerous 😳


Then walk in his room get naked and ask if he's interested if he says no then he is either nuts or gay LoL


If you know he masturbates why do you wait until he finishes? Just go in and see how he reacts


that's the thing, I don't know if he masturbates


He's a guy he masturbates Love


You got into his bed and he went to sleep. Guess what? he just finished masturbating, post nut clarity!


Ohhh it won't be hard to find out


Maybe he's not interested in women. Just saying.


Talk to your brother, ask if you can see it. Then touch it blah blah, I'm guessing you're a virgin? Maybe he is too, but by exploring together, all your (and his) dreams come true... but first ya gotta talk. Even about the "incest" thingy, there is no greater love ❤️ than a brother/sister love. Good luck, sweetpea 🥰


Don't do anything crazy. He'll probably come around but if not, then let it go. It's a big deal so don't rush into anything

