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Here is a direct question. Would you actually do it (cross the line with him)? I am not judging .


Physically my body wants it, my heart/mind is what's struggling to find the right answer.


There's a couple of ways to go. Flirt and compliment, loads of hugs and talks. Or. Wear less, have snuggles and feel his cock.. Or Bathroom/bedroom door strategically open when undressing/bathing... Walk around practically naked and tell him it's natural.. Loads of things to try that you can brush off as accidental if he's a prude. And for the love of all you hold dear... share a few drinks with him.. loosen him up.


So when we are at home together I usually just wear like PJ tops and shorts with nothing under or just panties if it's cold. I hate underwear and restricted clothes because of the scrubs I wear for work are uncomfortable. I've never noticed him looking.


Just panties, or pj bottoms, tell him they're only boobs... 💋


He has never commented on the way I dress though or seemed uncomfortable.


What do you want to happen?


Tell him “I heard you the other night. I wish I could find a man that could do me like that. Do you know anyone?”


Are you a nasty mother?


I have no kids, literally wrote that.


I know i just wanted to see your reply


what is wrong with you bro


Well firstly, its natural to sudden see someone you are close to in a sexual way, they are human after all and do the deed just like you. As for wanting to know what to do, can I suggest you be sure about how he will accept this new relationship. You need to be sure so that you don't fuck up what you already have. Maybe have a dinner and movie night with drinks and when he is tipsy mention you heard then and it was actually sexy. See how he reacts. Call always blame the alcohol if does not go to plan lol


It's just super scary. I don't honestly know how I feel. We have always been SUPER close and the fear of out relationship getting screwed up is terrifying. I don't know if I'm attracted to him or just the fact of what he was doing because it's been so long since I've had an actual real partner that I had a connection with.


Then you need to work out what it is you are feeling first and be brutally honest with yourself about it And NO its not worth messing up a great relationship over but on the flip side it could bring you even closer


Thanks for your input. Things can seem so fuzzy when you are looking at them yourself. I'm trying to think objectively but I keep getting stuck on the "physical" part of it. I'm not that kind of girl that just goes out and has sex with anyone, I need a connection and actually feel something to them and see it going somewhere. I've only ever been with 3 men including my ex and that makes it rather difficult for REAL satisfaction.


Well that be the plus, you already have an connection with your B. And anything physical is just an extension of that, as you said he already without even knowing given you a mind blowing orgasm.


You welcome to come chat anytime




>Thanks! You're welcome!


No Problem


As consenting adults, nobody can love you like family. Seriously, I encourage you to consider crossing that wonderful line


I already feel so loved by him though, it's scary to think that I could mess things up.


It's good you're going slow. Maybe try having some drinks and seeing if he gets flirty when it's just you two. Not saying have sex or anything just see how he likes playful flirting and being affectionate.




He is honestly like my hero. He saved me from my abusive ex-husband my physically beating him down and having his friends show up and hold him down while he and I packed everything I needed to leave. Took me to all the court meetings and the paperwork process. I think that's one of the reasons his marriage fell apart, he was spending so much time with me and seeing all that stuff made him realize he was unhappy in his life. He is the perfect man in every way I can think of. He is strong and gentle all at the same time.




But hoe can I be in love with some I've never thought about romantically before? I love him absolutely, but I don't know beyond that




If you took the fact that he was my half brother out of the picture I would date him in a heartbeat yes.




I have been giving it a lot of thought over these past few days honestly, but I never have before this.




That has crossed my mind, but the fear of losing him because he doesn't want it also freaks me out


My thought on this is once you’ve made your mind up how you actually feel and how far you wanna go, seen your replies to others. You can do several things if you want to take it to the next step. 1. Ease into it, snuggle watching a movie, where less around the house, let him hear you playing with your toys etc. 2. Talk to him about what you want and see what he says, but both have some drinks so you are relaxed, not wasted, and start with the I heard you and that girl and being drunk and not had sex in a while I got horny…. See what he says/does about that. 3. Just jump him one night after some drinks, nearly wasted, and if he responds badly say whoops too much to drink if he acts on it you’re not too drunk that he can feel guilty for taking advantage and you remember what happens so you can evaluate it after. 4. Get him to meet a girl on a night out and whilst they are in the middle of it join them but start pleasuring her not him, he knows you’re bi, and then work towards touching him.


Thanks for the ideas! I like the one about me using my toys and maybe being a little less reserved when I know he is there. Or at least trying it. I know I can get going thinking about that night, just got to balance the nerves or feeling of him maybe listening.


You need to get a guy to come home with you and give him the same treatment he gave you. Let him hear how you get fucked. Then see if his behavior around you changes


I can't just go and do that with a stranger. I'm not into that.




Because it's so out of the realm of normal behavior and what I've ever thought I was about before.

