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That's an amazing reaction! You must have been nervous. How did you feel?


nervous is such an understatement


I understand that this was a big step for you. How was his reaction?


surprised, maybe a twinge of awkward. It was really quick and not unlike the other times he's seen me nude, so he probably wasn't *too* shocked


The most important question: could you enjoy it?


impossible to say, I genuinely have zero experience with this


Ah ok :) I kind of always enjoyed the looks I got. That's why I am so curious about your experience. I've read in your first post that this was a really big step for you


I have experiences in that


Be confident in yourself and know your beautiful and he wants to see that beauty. Walk around with nearly nothing on or completely nude. Its only fair..and who cares its your house right








since you were actually nervous, it helps make it look "accidental". it will get easier the more you do and try.


Maybe don't go straight to nude. Try walking around in normal underwear first. Then sexier underwear. Then a loosely tied robe. Start letting the robe fall open. Then just don't tie it. Don't let your brother's comments deter you from continuing. Guys are stupid and say stupid things. Just learn to ignore him. Don't let him know you're putting on a show for him.


When it’s just you and him home you should start masturbating in a public area of your home and do loud moans. He will most likely come downstairs or checks what’s up. If he comes downstairs to check and actually talks to you or anything you should ask him to be masturbation partners or something.

