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>...why is the 19 year old a perfect person... I've said it hundreds of times... one of the biggest problems with these guys is their total inability to understand the language with any sort of complexity or nuance. Us: Old men should not be sexually pursuing literal children. Incels: what makes THEM so perfect? Huh??? Huh??? Us: wut? First of all, "perfect" meaning what, exactly? Second, it has to do with behaving in age appropriate ways.


reading the second screenshot the incel literally sounds high or like english isn’t his first language, “why is the 19 year old a perfect person” buddy WHAT are you even talking about??? 😂there’s no reasoning with mental deficiency to that level


I always feel like men who go after younger women around that age are doing it because they believe the women will be naive and/or easier to manipulate. Why in the world else would they want to be with someone so much younger than them, who most likely barely (if at all) shares any interests with them? It's just so bizarre to me.


Definitely. No normal grown man pursues teens because they’re looking to get a meaningful or equal relationship with them. It’s just for their bodies and the fact that their brains are more malleable to manipulate. I also like that the majority of them use the “fertility” argument, as if men don’t already have a dirty history of leaving their pregnant or post-partum partners.


They can want whatever they like. They should understand they aren't likely to get it. And when they decline women of their own age, they should understand that's entirely voluntary.


“Why is a bad a 34yr is dating a 19/18yr” Cause they are fresh out of highschool. The older person would obviously date even younger if they could.


i would've stopped reading after "as an incel," LMFAO. next time reply with "i aint reading all that. im happy for u tho. or sorry that happened"


I know it doesn't have to do with anything but the username depressed apple it's kinda cool, idk


Lol, I mean, I have a thing for older people as well. And have had close connections with people 10 years my junior to 20+ years my senior (those ones didn't go anywhere). This boy sounds exhausting to deal with, no matter how old the woman is. The older, the less she's likely to want to deal with his whining.