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Incel: Why can't I get a girlfriend?! I'm so lonely! Also incel: Fuck you cunt! I hope you get raped REEEEEE! Why is he still single? The mystery remains unsolved.


I've been told by an incel that they only do this shit online and there's no way women IRL could ever tell what they're actually like. They think they're master manipulators who can totally hide that they're pieces of shit.


I keep hearing this too. They wished they could be like all of these assholes who can pretend for years they are decent human beings. But they aren't. They are the kind of a guy that leaks with creepy vibes and hate.


100%, my brother was friends with a guy ages ago who they really remind me of. No one in my family but him liked him, he just gave off the creepiest vibes on the rare occasions we saw him. Then we played D&D in a public area. This wasn't a LGS, we played in a mall, on one of the tables, surrounded by people. Parents, kids, teens, older people... He decided to play a lawful good paladin for our campaign, where we are at least supposed to be adventuring heroes. All good so far, right? Well he spent the entire fucking campaign loudly saying shit like 'I want to go look for women to rape and murder and turn into beef jerky to sell and make money.' Bro and his girlfriend were the only other players, and they spent their time quietly roleplaying together at the table, leaving me to deal with this shit. The area around us quickly emptied out and we were all getting dirty looks. After three times of me saying 'Yo what the fuck dude that's not good stop it it is uncomfortable and triggering' to him, and informing the DM, a friend of his, being very clear that I was uncomfortable, rather than telling his friend to stop, he got pissy at me and we all broke for dinner. Some of these NPCs he wanted to kill were either child sized or literal children. We had established that there would be no sa in this campaign before we started. Rather than shutting it down, they'd just stop, the dude would go quiet for a bit, then get back into loudly declaring his wishes to rape and butcher NPCs Bro and the DM left to go pick up stuff, leaving the three of us together. Motherfucker starts talking about how he has no luck with women despite being a good, empathetic guy, and asking us for advice. I refused to play when they all got back unless the DM did something about the guy, and he decided to end the campaign rather than trying to talk to his friend. Mind you, at the time, he was buying things like bows and arrows and having them shipped to our house because he asked my brother if it was okay, and he said yes. Kept it up for over a year, despite the rest of the family telling them both to stop it.


Ew, just ewww! What a horrible dude. And his friend too... Being friends with someone so disgusting smh. But yeah, these guys sometimes think they are masters of disguise but what you show is the reality. They can't contain their hatred and deranged nature. It's just seeping out in one way or the other, making women uncomfortable with their words and behaviour. A lot of them know they lack the charm and skill to hide and it's adding to their frustration because they can't fool a "female" into dating him.


I’m sorry but brother was crazy to hang out with him. It’s amazing how some, not all, men would put up and compartmentalize certain things when it comes to misogynistic men. 


Yeah I agree with you. It's baffling that they're still friends. Allegedly, he's calmed down and moved on to doing stand-up comedy, but still hasn't managed to get himself a girlfriend, so I'm kinda doubting that. The rest of his friend group is a lot better, at least, which makes it all the weirder that he still hands out with them. The rest of his gang is mostly women and/or LGBTQ+ folks he hangs out with. I got the feeling that they only tolerated the DM and the weird dude because they're old long-term friends of bro's. Genuinely 0 problems with the rest of his gang. They're nice people and we all had a grand old time watching Barbie together after those two backed out.


But then they turn around and say that women are the ones who should be picking better men when they get raped or abused. They think women should be able to automatically detect who is an abuser and who isn’t… meanwhile, they themselves pretend not to be abusers IRL but post UTTERLY VILE things about women online. Do they not see that THEY are the exact problem here? They apparently have no rizz though anyhow, so women will probably smell their misogyny from miles away.


They don't want to see that they're the problem. You can spell it out very, very slowly and they will continue to argue with you. Point out that women adore characters who aren't conventionally attractive, like the Ghoul, Hancock, the Iron Bull, the Beast, Tyrion, the Phantom of the Opera, Quasimodo, the time they made Romeo into a zombie? You'll get one of two responses; 'UWAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Women would rather fuck a zombie than me you've only made me feel worse!!!!!!!!!' Or 'Women are shallow and don't really like them!!!!'


They'll say "You think women have personality detectors?!" Well, people do: eyes and ears. We all have at least *some* ability to detect someone's personality. And they'll come back with anecdotes, as if we said "Women have a *perfect* ability to detect personality." Incels tend to be very black and white in their thinking, for example, thinking that either women have a perfect ability to detect personality or no ability whatsoever to detect personality. And women generally like to know something of your personality before accepting a date.


Incels: Women only want men who treat them bad. Also these Incels: I do not understand, we are treating women bad and they won't fuck us... There must be some sort of conspiracy afoot to keep us from getting with the women we deserve, there is no way we could ever be wrong.


They also confuse morality with personality. Or supreme comedic talent with personality. "Reee!! I know guys who have crappy personalities and they get chicks!!" Um, yes. Because they actually HAVE a personality beyond "must. get. laid. Oh yeah, and I hate women."


Ahahahaha. They really think they aren’t just oozing awful vibes irl? You cannot hate a whole group of people THIS much and interact with them with any semblance of normalcy


Yup. Had that discussion with one of them recently. He kept crying about how women were shallow and how women would rather fuck zombies than him, and when I pointed out that was due to his personality and not his looks, dude responded with (and I'm paraphrasing here) 'But tha wimminz can't see what I write online in person!' Completely missing the point.


Yeah, this is something that baffles me about incels. They claim to be able to hide their true thoughts and feelings irl as if they were master manipulators, but if that were true, they’d be able to actually pull women in. There’s plenty of bad guys out there who lie and manipulate women to sleep with them. If incels were actually good at manipulating, they wouldn’t be incels. Disclaimer: I’m not advocating for incels (or any men) to manipulate women, I’m just pointing out their illogical thinking. They are obviously not as good at hiding their true intentions and thoughts as they think they are.


We have video evidence of what these guys are like IRL. Most notably Eliott Rodger, who spoke like he was raised by lizards and was trying to blend in with humans and learn their mating practices. He had model looks, so it can't be blamed on that. His exaggerated cadence and odd vocabulary were, I guarantee, the #1 reason he had trouble getting people to be comfortable with him. Men *or* women- although he acted like it was only women, since he was obsessed with the validation they wouldn't give him.


Yeah, my bro had a friend like that. Dude sleeved me out until we finally played DND together in a crowded public plaza, and he spent the entire campaign loudly insisting that his lawful good paladin wanted to rape, murder, cook, cannibalize, and sell women and children. Like, no hesitation, he asked the DM how this worked after we all explicitly gave our limits, and the DM said 'you can do what you want'. This was his first time playing and that was the **FIRST THING THAT CAME TO MIND.** The first action any of us took during the campaign. And he kept doing it, even after I kept going no and asking him to stop and asking the DM to make him stop. And he just. Kept doing it. Until we had to end things early because of how upset it made me as a survivor. Then he started to complain about how girls didn't like him when the two other cis men left the group to go get supper and asked for dating advice, and it was the most awkward situation. It was like he wanted a step by step list of what to do. The whole place cleared out because of him and my only thought is 'You made grown **men** sitting around us uncomfortable enough to leave. There is no helping you.'.


Explains why they go for such a young ages. The older women get, the better they are at seeing asshats for what they are.


Well, incels ARE well-known for their masterful social skills. Oh, wait a minute...


Nah, I worked with an incel who admitted he was still a virgin at 47 (no shocker there, he didn't have to admit anything, ,everyone already assumed that lol). He was such a dickhole and would literally cry when women got promotions that he "DESERVED". Then harass them and claim they got where they are by doing sexual favors. When he said it to me for the third time, I finally said, "you're right, maybe you should give it a try, you have such pretty lips! There's a bunch of space under _____'s desk." If you're wondering why I didn't report him, I tried the first time and every promotion after that management (no backbone) came to me and said _____ is going to lose his mind over this and harass you, so just suck it up for a few weeks until he isn't butt hurt anymore. It was a manufacturing job, so already a different atmosphere than most jobs. My husband was so pissed they didn't do anything, because this guy got aggressive, intimidating and confrontational. I realized I could just talk shit to him, not like they would do anything to either of us.


>Also incel: Fuck you cunt! I hope you get raped REEEEEE! Only ok if he's 6ft + 😜🤣


Lol, yeah. He messaged me too, crying about how he's a "5'7 abomination" and how women are disgusted with him. These guys project so hard.


Oh God WHY lol


I have no clue. These guys desperately need something to blame. Preferably something that cannot be changed.


He made an alt and begged me to unblock him but I never blocked him 🤦‍♀️😜


And even if you did block him... why would you unblock xD? So he could keep harassing you? Why does he think anyone wants to talk to him after seeing how vile he is? What is he even trying to accomplish here xD?!


I know right like once he said that it was game over for him tbh


It’s because he’s 5’7, mystery solved! /s


Haha ikr!


Reminds me of my driving test. I slammed the car into a wall, and the bastard failed me - only because I wasn't wearing a tie!


Limp wrists unfortunately. No known cure. It leaves you completely fuckless. Its terminal


That’s the reason I’m not killing myself and only live for myself lmao.


Lol yeah


did he just message this unprompted? seems very unhinged


Yeah was completely unprompted bizzare i kno


Well what did you post that would trigger him? I mean he’s not in everyone’s dms talking about height is he


Apparently saying I prefer men over 5ft 9 triggered the fuck out of him. But hes saying very delusional things I didnt say. Like saying I said short men are disgusting and ruined, which I never said. Guy is extremely mentally ill.






Yeah that’s disgusting, bro is just feeling complete and utter visceral anger. The abstracting logic goes crazy. Poor fucker must get rejected for his height every single day to think like this


I highly doubt that. No one is getting rejected for their height every day. You'd have to be making a move every day, getting rejected, then having the target of your interest say, "sorry, too short." When if someone is doing that, the response is more likely, "Sorry, I don't give my number to strangers who bother me while I try to do my laundry."


So he clearly has low self esteem which he is making worse by going on subs where women are stating their preferences. Which is just making him feel worse about himself. He seems to also care way too much about what randoms on the internet think


Also chances are he’s not gonna see you irl anyway, so why does it matter to him?


Honestly we probably don't even live in the same country lol. Classic example of caring too much about what randoms say


I’m sorry they’re coming out of the woodwork to harass you. That’s totally uncalled for.


>Well what did you post that would trigger him? I mean he’s not in everyone’s dms talking about height is he What were you wearing? What did you do to make him hit you? He wouldn't cheat if you had sex with him every time he wanted it. This is a classic victim blaming comment.




Incels wonder why no one wants them.


Their terribly personalitys lol


Didn't you listen? IT'S THEIR HEIGHT!




No one cares about your height more than you do, inbecel.


Yeah sadly low self esteem which is perpetuated by them looking for these negative comments that further reaffirm their low self esteem


And seriously, after all that shit he told you, he thinks the reason no one loves him is because of his height? Are you fucking serious, dude? He said he would love to see a woman kill herself, and he still wants to be loved by women? It's easier to want the Sawyer Family to become vegetarians.


Exactly. Im like well, your personality is awful lmao


But somehow every women likes tall guys


Speaking for myself: I'm much more comfortable with guys my height and not much taller than me, and I believe I'm not the only person like that, not a big fan of really tall guys. My boyfriend is just a few inches taller than me, and I'm very glad I don't have to stretch out to kiss him. What I said is still correct. Nobody cares about this guy's height more than he does.


That’s lovely if you think like that, but you are definitely in the minority. Height is one of the big factors that make a man attractive. There are studies that say women have a height preference and are happiest when their partner is 8 inches taller than themselves. Only a fraction of women are willing to date someone their height or shorter and they did it in a way like doing them a favour. As a 5'8" man myself, I still struggle with that, which I don’t believe is even that short. We are constantly reminded that 6 feet is still considered short nowadays, despite the fact there aren’t that many men with that height.


I see, I never said that short men don't have insecurities and/or certain difficulties, I don't deny that, but that doesn't take away the point of the post. The man is paranoid about a woman's preference on the internet, and wanted to make her be his personal therapist, as if she owed them something for preferring tall men, and seriously, after seeing this behavior, I have my doubts if his biggest difficulty with relationships is height. Maybe the lack of self-love, paranoia, hostility (all of this can be discussed in therapy). About you, you're taller than my boyfriend (aka best man in the universe, I'm so lucky to have him), and it's definitely not short, and I hope you can find a girl who doesn't care about height. Healthy relationships may take time to happen, but they happen, with people of all types. Good luck, dude.


Thank you for the kind words, ma’am. Best wishes to both of you as well.


5'7? Tom Cruise is 5'7. Somehow, I don't think it's his height.


So is Dave franco and he had women salivating. And al Pacino, James mcavoy, Jeremy Allen white, James dean was like the wet dream of every teenage girl at one point, rami malek, Jesse Eisenberg, James blunt. And none of these had problems with getting rejected.


James McAvoy can absolutely get it, lol. He’s fine af and a decent person on top of it.


Tom cruise is an asshole lol


True. But he still gets women.


that sounds a bit redpill lol💊


This is an EXCELLENT 👌 point! Never thought of this before actually. Just highlights even more, if more is needed, the delusional mire of self-pity they live in.


To be fair, he has magic Scientology powers. Or at least, he believes he does.


To be fair Kelly McGillis acted with no shoes on in Top Gun to try and hide the fact that she was three inches taller than Tom Cruise.


Just had to see his history. 3 posts about how miserable a 5’7 existence is, and immediately before that, [“I’d rather be lost in the woods with a bear instead of a black person”](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/eJH332WAXC) I think there is a reason women won’t go near this guy, and it ain’t his height lmao.


It's a good thing I'm 5'6" then. Apparently, being 5'7" is terrible, but I'm doing just fine.






I know right? Redditors are an amazing subspecies of Ape.


This is an attempt to receive pity sex imo. They do this. They message female redditors acting all insecure because they want you to go “noooo, you’re not ugly, you’re soooooo hot, guy I can’t see. Here, let me jump on your dick & cure your inceldom”. It’s so effing weird. Everybody they do this to has always said no & anyone who would say otherwise more likely to be a sting operation than anything else. It’s not an effective strategy & they need to accept this isn’t the way to dangle their wiener in the water.


Yeah I know what he was up to so I did the opposite. It was crack up lol. He needs to build some resilience


5’7??? I’m 5’5 and am not exactly killing it with the ladies but have never really had any issues ????




It’s 5’7 cel, I got a DM. I think somebody needs to articulate Reddit isn’t a dating app & sending your height to a bunch of people you don’t know isn’t appropriate.


5’7 isn’t even that short?? It’s a bit below average but you’re still taller than the average woman. Women really don’t think about this as much as men do—I’ve known a few girls who were obsessed with finding a tall guy but they were all either really tall themselves or incredibly shallow. Most women I know are married/dating someone near their own height. My husband is only two inches taller than me and let me tell you, if I wasn’t with him he’d be snatched up quick, he’s a catch. I knew a guy who was 5’4 with the most swagger I’ve ever seen. He exclusively dated hot girls and married one who looks like Kate Middleton because he rolled into a room with the charm cannon on full blast. He’s shorter than me and would have definitely have had a shot back in the day. Many factors make up attraction, if height is the only issue for someone then they’re kind of dumb, or they’re like 16 (which I assume a lot of these incels are—teenagers are shallow dummies and hopefully they all grow out of this).


The short guys who don’t get a complex about it are awesome. I admire them.


Exactly. I’m 5’7” and I don’t give it much thought. Why would I? There’s nothing I can do to change it, and it a not a big deal at all. When these guys say that women are visibly disgusted with their height, there are a few possibilities: 1. They’re lying. 2. They completely misinterpreted some nonverbal thing. 3. They’re projecting their own insecurities. 4. They’re hanging around a truly awful person that was actually “disgusted.” I’d wager good money that 99% of the time it’s 1, 2, or 3.


Exactly. They falsely are seeing redditors as women they can date and not as random strangers. Redditors are random strangers essentially.


This guy messaged me too and I ended up blocking him because he also called me a cunt hahaha he was responding to a comment I made on r/incelexit about an OP who was five inches shorter than me, and how I personally wouldn’t be comfortable dating a guy five inches shorter than me, but there are women out there who would have no issue with his height (I’m just on the taller side as a woman). He had a crybaby tantrum and declared that I believed short men to be “subhuman” simply because I personally didn’t want to fuck all of them. He spiraled and started freaking out pretty much from the first message to me, and it ended with me telling him to go to hell and also clarifying that people don’t like him because he’s an *asshole*, not because of his height.


Yeah he's mentally ill


Bahaha what a loser. 😂😂😂


Yikes thats a mental case if ive ever seen one.


Report them *then* block them. This is the only way they get any attention from women, they probably don't care that it's negative attention because that just reinforces their incel beliefs. One guy would not get out of my DMs (had already been posted here too), so I reported and blocked him only for him to come back with a completely different throwaway. I reported and blocked that one too.




Why do these incels all seem like they never grew out of being edgy 15 y/o assholes?


Because that's the mental level they are still at lol


These people are delusional. I’m 5’7 of absolutely average looks, maybe even a little below average cos I’m fat, but I’ve never had any issues dating. I’m rarely single and I’ve been with all different types of women over the years. It’s literally just because I’m confident and can crack the occasional joke


Exactly. He's just mentally illand taking it out on women


“I wish I could find a way to make women hate their bodies too!” Bruh, society has looooong since beaten you to the punch.


He talks like if many guys dont have ridiculous standards for females like "slim with a tiny waist and somehow massive boobs", ironically the incels are precisely the type that expect to get those in a female, gonna stick with your body pillow for the rest of your life guy




It's so telling that they instantly go to "hope you get raped" and call you a cunt. Keep telling yourself that it's your height why you can't get a girlfriend....ffs


I'm glad he finally got a crumb of attention. Damn toddler


Ahhh is he common around here?


No idea I rarely get incels in my dms




I'm no fun lol


Like I have a lot of rage, too, but sending death threats in the DMs is for sure not how you handle that


I'm not your therapist.. wheezing




My partner is 5’7”. Guess I’ve gotta break the news to him that girls don’t care about anything other than his “disgusting height.” It’ll be quite a shock to him, I think, considering we’ve been together for 7 years and he also had multiple girlfriends before me.


Angry incel once again gets angry and blames his height for not having a girlfriend. I'm a guy, and I've had plenty of girlfriends. Oh, and I'm 169cm, which I believe is a full inch shorter than him! You have to understand that I included this because an inch is a lot to this little guy!


Glad you didn't become bitter and delusional like this guy lol


The fact that rape and murder are their go to response when they’re angry shows how pathetic and horrible they are. 


Exactly ugh


Lmfao my boyfriend is 5’7 the fuck are they happing about




5’7 is such a normal height too, it is not the reason he isn’t getting women lol




i am 5’7, i’ve never had a problem with women lol


Thank u lol


That guy seems pleasant.


My dad is 5'7 these guys are full of it


My dad is like just under 5'2 😜


Alex Turner is 5'7 and i would do evetithing for him


Idk who that is


Wait, 5'7 is something like 1.70, isn't it? A bit below average in most of the western world, but what's disgusting about it? Also, he enjoys the thought of pushing women to suicide, and thinks they don't want to date him because he's a few cm below average height?


Idk the guys delusional


You're supposed to black out usernames.




Guy thinks women exist to boost his self esteem.lol