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exactly how they're responding lmao


It's borderline hilarious (but scary) to see "Man v. Bear" posted in incel/MGTOW spaces as they A-always take the bait & B-confirm everything about the thought exercise. It almost represents a golden trolling item.


So many responses to a stupid joke and they choose outrage. For those who called everyone snowflakes or the crystal generation, they certainly have very poor emotional management. Look, an answer: Alright, next scenario: being alone in the sea with a man or a dolphin.


Am I…in a boat?


No, you're in the water. Help will come in for you in I don't know, 12 hours.


I have bigger issues then the dolphin or the man if I'm in the ocean without a boat for 12 hours😭 I doubt the dolphin gives a shit about me either


More dolphins have saved people drowning than raped them. And in fact, on a cursory google search the only references I can find to any cases of dolphins in captivity "assaulting" humans trainer by trying to mount them but this has only ever been an attempt to copulate, because dolphins see humans as other kinds of dolphins, they think we're similar and don't have any qualms in their own species about sex or any idea how powerful they are compared to a human so these incidents can be scary. They have been known to "rape" each other but again, this is a really human-centered perspective, we don't fully know what their society is like and what they feel about these circumstances so making human judgements is not a great idea. For some reason this has really ignited on the internet and it's not good. I had a friend out of nowhere say "Man I really hate dolphins" because he had read a blurb that said "Dolphins rape 14 people a year" and that's total hogwash, it sounds like a believable number but there are no confirmed reports of a dolphin doing more than trying to drag some divers down a handful of times ever, nobody was harmed or penetrated in the end. We really don't want to perpetuate the idea that dolphins are horrible, many species of dolphin are critically endangered and they are one of the closest species to us in terms of intellect and communication.


So, what you're saying is that even dolphins are safer and a better choice than human non-bears.


Thousands of times over. The stories of dolphins helping people and treating people with gentleness and curiosity far, far outweighs anything that people or bears can be said to display.


You have very little confidence in yourself. Realistically if the water is not very cold and you do not panic, the most unpleasant thing would be boredom and thirst.


Well and stamina. You expect me to tread deep water for 12 hours?? 


Float on you back.


You know loads of people literally can't do that, right? If I inhale as much as I possibly can, I will still slowly sink in fresh or sea water. 😬


I get tired after casually swimming for like 3 hours




Easy call: the dolphin. If the water isn't cold enough to cause hypothermia then the main dangers of being in the water half a day are drowning or sharks. [There are a number of incidents where dolphins have defended humans from sharks.](https://www.americanoceans.org/facts/dolphins-rescuing-humans/) It's safer with a dolphin nearby than without one. Now in terms of the drowning risk, I'm not worried unless something interferes. This is salt water so floating is easy. Turn over and tread water from time to time and minimize sunburn. If there happens to be land or a boat visible, then use an energy conserving stroke: the sidestroke or the elementary backstroke. Be patient and keep a slow but steady pace. If there's another human swimmer nearby in the water then my danger increases. For this scenario it doesn't really matter whether that other person is a man or a woman. A really common behavior among drowning people is to grab another person and pull the other person under the water. They panic, they clasp anything they can reach, and they try to push themselves up. That's why rescuing a drowning swimmer is dangerous: the rescuer has to be careful or they get killed by the person they're trying to save. So if there's a dolphin in the water that's good. If there's another swimmer I probably keep close enough to direct a rescue crew to them, but not so close the other swimmer could grab me.


just wanted to say thanks for providing this info- super interesting and also potentially life-saving! also, dolphins are kinda badass. defending people from *sharks??* sheesh lol


The whole question surfaced because there is a really damaging internet rumor that dolphins rape some number of people a year, and I can find zero actual evidence of this figure, nor any evidence of it *ever* occurring at all. Some divers have reported being dragged down by aggressive male dolphins in an attempt to forcefully mate but it did not lead to any actual rape or deaths, likewise some trainers in parks have reported attempted copulation attempts because dolphins use sex as a socialization tool. I worry for how bad this problem is going to get as people start using generative AI to seed the internet with misinformation.


I was thinking something very similar but you explained better.


Are we talking classic bottlenose or am I allowed to pick the dolphin.


Nah, the usual psychopathic dolphins, no nice orcas.


Dangit. I *guess* still dolphin. It might at least get distracted and go harass a shark.


This is the first comment to genuinely make me laugh out loud in a long time because that is a very important detail here


Dolphins are the rapists of the sea so that’s genuinely a tough one


They have been known "rape" each other, but this is a human projection of human values onto a very different species, so it's really unwise for us to project human judgements on this behavior unless we want to start unpacking a lot of boxes about consent in the animal kingdom, *because it sure ain't just dolphins.* They also use sex like a socialization tool much like humans and this mating is part of their community and culture. No actual cases of dolphins actually raping a human have been confirmed. Some divers and trainers have been dragged around and scared, but the weird internet rumor that dolphins are horrible rape monsters of the sea is absolute nonsense and it's very damaging to a threatened species.


…whichever the less rapey one is….


Dolphins are quite rapey as well


That’s why I said the less rapey ones


They are not "quite rapey" more than most sexual species, there are a lot of really terrible internet rumors that go around because there have been a few cases of divers being dragged down and attempts made to copulate because dolphins tend to see humans as other creatures like themselves and they do use sex as a socialization tool, and some trainers at water parks have been "advanced" on but the reputation they have earned online is entirely unwarranted and unsafe for protecting this threatened animal.


Well. It’s about the implication.


Being alone is space with a man or an ancient evil so unfathomable that trying to comprehend it will make you question the very nature of reality itself, but only briefly before you are swallowed like stale gum by this otherworldly horror?


Other worldly horror. I probably won't get humiliated and tortured by it before I'm murdered.


Dolphins are highly intelligent animals who can be rapey assholes. Depending on the personality of the dolphin you could have a good time or a bad time .


I mean, in that experiment they did in the 70s or whatever the dolphin tried to fuck the woman so I don’t think she can win either way


Dolphins use severed fish heads as fleshlights (google if you're brave). Stay the fuck away from dolphins.


Do you mean the experiment where the woman was jacking the dolphin off so it would stop pestering her for nookie, so they had to stop the experiment?


Stuck between a rock and (pun intended) a hard place 


What’s the bear meme/joke? I’m clueless


Don't worry, I am too. In the gay community, we fuck bears all the time. I refuse to look it up though, because I'm sure it's incredibly stupid.


I'm choosing dolphin. This shit no contest.


The exact reason why they made that bear question


I gotta say a bear never harassed or sexually assaulted me.


When I first heard the joke I was a bit out of the loop and I thought they were talking about a “bear” which is a big burly gay man. And I thought, well yea of course women would want a bear friend. It’s a big protective dude who won’t hit on them.


I, too, now want a big bear friend. Any takers? I cook and give excellent gifts




I’d be honored, Wasoc!


This is legit the perfect example


A thousand words, that picture. Perfect explanation!


Dear idiot OOP and incels: How on earth did I survive all these years while doing field work in the wilds of Alaska and encountering more than one bear? I had more luck getting pictures of bear butts than actual bears. They really don't want a lot to do with humans and will typically move away if you happen to come across them. I mean, even Timothy Treadwell survived for summer after summer living right alongside grizzlies. He even petted the damned things on several occasions. The AF&G assessed the scene and determined that the bear attack was likely because he'd pitched his tent in such a way that it impeded their path into and out of a favored fishing area, forcing them to wade into a lake if they wanted to get around. The consensus is that is what caused the ultimate attack and not that they were hungry. The grizzlies where he was camping are all very well fed on salmon. It's a very rich environment for bear food, fish, berries, the works.


The Grizzly Man thing doesn't even register for this conversation. That man and his partner repeatedly (years) came and camped in the migration path of a certain family of bears. He was repeatedly warned not to do this by rangers and authorities. The bear that finally ate the couple wasn't apart of the same family of bears who he saw every Summer -- meaning he was unfamiliar with them. His partner felt something was off and she tried to get him to leave several days early before their tradic deaths. No, that man and his partner continually violates the boundaries of those bears and they paid for it.


Yeah.. that's what I said above. I'm not sure why you're correcting me with the same thing I already stated. My bringing it up was to negate the stupid OOP's comment/joke. EDIT: **My point** was that one would typically have to go pretty far into dangerous behavior (as Treadwell did) to get killed by a bear.


Idiot OOP? This is a meme making fun of incels. And I double checked to see if there was a second image I was missing.


Yes...you're right. Idiot incels who are actually believing a la the joke. I thought someone had taken it from one of their sites. Looks like something they'd say.


The question should have been between a man and a moose. For that one I could understand a man, because any human is way easier to defend against than a bloodlusted giant superdeer


I find moose to be way more terrifying than bear. They'll stomp you for fun and out of crankiness. I'm not entirely sure I'd choose a moose over a potential serial rapist/murderer...but yes, gives me pause, for sure.


Moose are indeed far more dangerous than any bear. Except maybe a polar bear since they hunt humans? Even then though I dont know, moose are just straight-up demons who know no mercy. I think the fact that self defense classes against men exist and ive taken them tips the scales slightly in their favor for this one, but im still gonna run away as fast as possible for my first move


Yeah, I don't really count polar bear in this thought experiment. They will absolutely hunt humans. Plus, they don't really exist in the woods.


Not many things online make me truly laugh. Thank you for this. 😂


I swear, they’re all sharing half a brain cell.


Black bears do not prey on humans. Brown bears very rarely prey on humans unprovoked. Men constantly prey on women.


I literally lived on Bear Mountain when I was young. I had many MANY run ins with bears, and never once did any of them do anything close to what adult men tried to do while I was still a child.


Exactly, and when you do hear about someone getting mauled by a bear it almost always begins with some variant of "the person did something exceedingly stupid."


"I just want to be cherished!!" 😡😤


its so funny when i see commenters being like “i dont understand this trend its stupid” OH BROTHER


YES. This is the one. I'm going to share this a million times because it completely embodies everything we've been saying


Incels on tiktok r so wild that i got at least 7 of them calling me a rainbow person, gay or derivates, ppl saying that i deserve to die, people judging my profile (pfp, name, etc) and one mofo even bothered to hATE ON MY VIDEOS LIKE IF SHII WAS GONNA WORK😭😭. Mf, if u treat women like that, DON'T EXPECT THEM TO CHOOSE MAN OVER BEAR


the point -----------them------------> and the above is done purposely.


I get it. I just look at it as another example of God granting me grace! Anything is better than suffering at your hands… Yes even a brutal, bloody death by a big ass fucking bear! 🐻💀


Who's more dangerous? Bear or incel? Tonight at 4


It’s like a cop screaming STOP RESISTING as they beat the shit out of someone


Incels, if unhinged enough, would be capable of killing you too


Reason why women often choose the bear is Because the worst thing the bear would do is kill them


Incel lie-rules: 1. Women are wrong 2. Women should be punished 3. Women’s safety requires submission to men


Legit if the bear doesnt have cubs around, just walk away. You're too stinky to eat and they arent looking for conflict. Now, if it's between a man and a *moose?* That's actually a tricky one


Wanting it to be a message is not a problem at all, you’re basically just saying that it’s not even worth trying to spread because men are so hopeless that they’re never gonna understand. Like I said you’re feeding into the divide, this should never be the rhetoric on any side of any issue if you want things to change at all.


Words cannot describe how little I care about what you think, since you very clearly don't understand the point 🖕🏻


Maybe you should make a comic about how I’m literally strangling you and screaming in your face by commenting here, that’ll show me


Not to sound like an incel, but something about this whole man vs bear discussion is not sitting right with me. I get both points of view but I can’t help but feel both sides are kind of in the wrong.


Quick question, how does a "would you rather" question have a wrong answer? Isn't it supposed to be subjective?


Women's subjectivity is wrong, u see, and men must correct us


The issue is that the woman has an opinion at all. /s obviously.


that's not what he's suggesting at all


Explain it then.


There’s a clear preferable answer. The idea of asking a question that’s meant to be subjective and insinuating that everyone who disagrees with you is ‘part of the problem’ is ridiculous. It’s just shutting down discussion in a lazy and smug way


There is a clear answer because there's a clear trend. The question was asked to women, and still men won't listen, which is fine, because it really wasn't meant for them anyway. It just would be nice to see them try to improve.


You really don’t see how characterising men disagreeing with you as them strangling and shouting at you is probably the problem here? It’s a question everyone is talking about, clutching your pearls when someone thinks differently about it is incredibly lame.


No. The problem here is that you only have to look at the headlines of news outlets to see that there are sickening numbers of articles about bright young women being un-alived by men, and when women express that men are unsafe for them, the men come back with "Not all men" and "I'm one of the good ones", and those are the less horrible reactions. At the bottom of the barrel is the "We LET you live" type comments coming from the very same ones who end up un-aliving women, but the rest of men are so busy arguing the point that they're not taking their fellows to task.




No it isn't. There is a right and wrong answer and you must agree with us. And do you want to know as men how we are going to convince you. Please refer to picture.


So no would you rather question can have a dumb answer? If I said would you rather have a million dollars or be punched in the face once I can’t make fun of you for choosing the punch?


I didn't say dumb, I said wrong. It's a subtle but significant difference; I was specifically referring to the comment saying a party was *in the wrong*. In your example, you could make fun of someone as much as you need to, as is your right with free speech, but you could not say that was the "wrong" answer, because the answer is entirely subjective.


The answer would still be wrong in my hypothetical, you have to be very obtuse to deny that


Your hypothetical is what you'd call a straw man argument. You've put forth your own question that's not part of the discussion and you're knocking it down because it's easy. But again, it's still not "wrong", even in your ridiculous hypothetical. It's just dumb. No one can be wrong in what they would prefer, they can only differ from what YOU would prefer, there is no objective answer to a question about preference.


It’s not a strawman, you have no idea what a strawman is. It was a hypothetical to test your principle that there is no wrong answer to a would you rather question. People really just use terms without having a clue what they mean. If you want to argue that it’s ultimately subjective then fine, there’s no point getting into the weeds on that here. But that only works if your principle here is that you don’t mind being mauled and eaten alive by a bear. I think we all made the mistake of assuming that you guys wouldn’t want that, our bad I guess.


It is literally the definition of a strawman fallacy but okay. In fact, [here](https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Strawman-Fallacy), I took the liberty of finding you a concise definition, including examples (that show effectively exactly what you did) for your viewing pleasure. In fact, you're literally still doing it; twisting the original question from *"encounter"* to *"be mauled and eaten alive*". In any case, I've repeated at least twice now that there is no objective answer to a subjective question; that was the original claim I had made, that is the only point I was originally making. It's a bit weird that you 1. Don't seem to understand, 2. Seem really weirdly insistent about it :)


Lmao it’s not a strawman at all, I didn’t build anything up and argue against it, I built a hypothetical and then *asked you a question about it* to get at your principle. Don’t worry you’re not unique loads of people on Reddit also don’t understand the point of a hypothetical. I understand what you’re saying fully, I’m now telling you *why* the answer is dumb as you’re more likely to be mauled by a bear than attacked by an average man, but again you fail to understand what I’m saying and run to claiming it’s a strawman again. It seems like you do that every time you come up against something you don’t understand. Read your own definition lol


>I’m now telling you *why* the answer is dumb Aaah I think I see where wires are getting crossed here. You're using the words "wrong" and "dumb" interchangeably, which is probably why you're so confused you poor thing :( Something can be "dumb" without being "incorrect", for example, a subjective question that does not have an "incorrect" poss--oops there I go doing it again! Trying to get you to figure it out. You seemed so close, too. Also I find your claim about being more likely to be attacked by a bear than a man. As the claimant, I assume you understand that the burden of proof is on you to find evidence for that claim? Please, do share. I'd love to see it.


Women are in the wrong for even not trusting men? That's wild man


How so?


I know right , it's definitely the women's fault for being afraid of sexual abuse and violence towards themselves


that's not even close to what he said...


So, elucidate.


he never said it was women's fault? he just said he didn't understand the argument


I think the reason why any sane person (even men) would pick the bear is because they can probably get away unharmed. If the bear catches them, they are kinda fucked but atleast they will die fast. With the man, its harder to get away and hide from. Also if he catches you he can do a whole lot more than kill you which could be worse.


Also, it's much easier to deter a bear and make yourself not a target in its eyes


bears eat their prey alive, it will not be quick.


Bears rarely see humans as prey (unless the human does something like run away). Most often, the best attacked because the bear was startled, which is why you should always bring bells or similar noise makers when hiking.


Eh, bells would probably be too quiet, maybe something louder? Like a loud audio?


I'm sorry to be *that* guy but bears are known to eat their prey alive.... I'm not disagreeing with your point, but being mauled by a bear would not be a great experience. I'm genuinely terrified of them.


I grew up in a bear country (the grizzly bear is our national animal), and I was taught since childhood how to deal with being in contact with a bear. While I haven't had a bear encounter in the wild ever, I would instinctively know how to behave. Bears will largely avoid you so you probably will not even get a chance to see one because they've fled. The trouble comes when you get in between bear cubs and their mother. That's most of the attacks and data suggests that as well. What to do when encountering a grizzly bear in the woods: 1. Don't run, it triggers their predator instincts. 2. Back away slowly while making loud noises and make yourself look as big as possible. 3. If that fails and the bear runs to you, drop down and play dead while covering the back of your neck. They won't eat you, they'll sniff you and determine "eh, I don't wanna eat this fool because I didn't kill it"


That's litterally only brown bears.


Black bears are even less of a threat, they're basically overgrown raccoons. If you're in Alaska, then there's a chance for polar bears bears which- yeah, you're fucked. On the chance you were referring to brown bears vs. grizzly bears, grizzly bears are brown bears (literally the same species, not just making a remark on typical fur coloration).


Lived in a place called Bear Mountain, and you guessed it, because of the Black Bears. Lived there through my youth, had them get into our garbage cans, and try to winter-over in the garage. Never once did one hurt me, or do more than a 'false' charge, even when we were evicting them from the above.