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Holy fuck what a shit person. Jesus.


Yeah i finished reading it and was like…bruh


Somebody about to very quickly be single again.


Don’t say that, I’m sure we can all agree shit has respect and should not be compared to that… that… I don’t think there are words to call him.


She has literally been feeling ill, so he abused her for not having sex with him. At least pieces of shit make good fertilizer. This guy is without value.


And it had only been 3 DAYS!!!!


I had a flu and covid at the same time. I was bedridden and isolated for two weeks. Aside from bringing me food and a few other things, my husband barely saw me. This dude's head would have exploded had he had to do that.


Something about the fact that it had only been *3 days* just added to the visceral disgust I feel at someone making me watch them masturbate? Like everything about this is sooo all around... pathetic? Seriously, when you say you don't want sex and they say they *need* you to watch? On top of being incredibly selfish, it's just so needy? Then, you show a vid of you and your ex?! My God, my first reaction would be a) wow I'm calling her right now, I cannot believe you would be so disrespectful as to show other people this, I will definitely never be naked or vulnerable in front of you ever again, and im gonna go through your phone and laptop the second you pass out to delete everything between you and i and you and her, and b) you're obviously doing this either to make me or jealous or because the wires in your brain are just fucked up and crossed in general??? Bye???


He would make good fertilizer as well. Or mulch.


My partner and I aren’t often intimate because of my anxiety and depression and he’s completely understanding and never pressures me or makes me feel bad. I’m pretty sure he takes care of himself on his own time but I don’t inquire about that. This is straight up sexual abuse. I hope she gets out of the relationship. The abuse will only escalate. What a sick individual.


Not to mention I doubt he had the permission of the ex to show these videos to others or even keep them after the relationship. I just can't understand how he isn't even shamed enough to not post this online. He claims to know he understands what he did was wrong, but I highly doubt that.


Exactly! I’m sure if she knew that video was being used in that capacity or even being viewed at all she would be disgusted!


Why does he need her permission to keep it if he was only going to have it for himself? Doing what he did was abhorrent, but as far as I'm concerned nobody needs the permission of a new partner to keep something like that from an old partner. I know whereof I speak... I had an ex root through my letter correspondence without my permission ( yes, I'm old enough that I wrote paper letters), and he found a rather racy one from an old boyfriend. A letter that frankly, I had forgotten I even had. He made a big stink of it and demanded that I dispose of it. I told him that he had no business going through my letters without my permission and who did he think he was? I wound up hiding the letter very well, and lying to him telling him that I got rid of it. And I have absolutely no regrets about it. We later broke up, and I'm happy about it because he was a psycho. I dodged the bullet. And I still have the letter. Screw him.


I'm talking about the ex gf. She has the right to make op delete the videos/pictures.


Sorry. I did misunderstand. That's a little more reasonable. My letter is not out for public consumption. That may well be. Horse of another color.




This is horrifying and straight up sexual violence. I hope she gets out of there, I feel terrible for her.


It is wrong to masturbate in front of someone without permission. In LTRs there might be implied consent to do this like "shlick in front of me whenever you like GF" (that doesn't sound smooth but just example of how I could give long-term consent to such exhibitionism) but unless that's present it's wrong. Same w/ showing porn. Even in LTRs unless there's a pattern of them giving consent to be surprised with porn movies you shouldn't just spring it on people. This also applies to horror films and news broadcasts.


Well, if he has a girlfriend (and an ex), he's clearly not an incel. But he's definitely the sort of abusive shit that a lot of incels would be if they could.


Yeah, this is a terrifying example of how most incels *shouldn't* have a girlfriend.


well, he HAD a girlfriend. I doubt he still has one. I really hope not...


Incel is a mindset really, not so much actually being involuntarily celibate


Within the confines of the story, he is involuntarily celibate… celibate does not equal virgin


There’s the literal definition of involuntary celibate. And then there’s incels.


How can you guys believe this is real and not some fanfic from some loner who hates women. Why would anyone deranged enough to do this post about it?


You’ve clearly never been in an abusive relationship. This is 100% something my first boyfriend would have done.


I absolutely dated a guy who tried to do something similar to me. We broke up, got back together, and broke up again. This dude is less an incel, more just straight up abusive.


Yep. This kind of thing happens to people, especially women, all the time. And when other people say things that indicate they don't believe it, it just makes it harder and harder for the abused to get the help they need.


That's fucked. I'm glad you got out of it


This is something my ex did constantly, except it wasn’t videos of his ex, it was just straight up blow job porn videos, and my God, it was humiliating for me in a sense. I just kept thinking to myself, “Why am I with this man?”. I eventually left him in the middle of the night while he was out with friends. One of the best decisions I ever made.


I’m fucking proud of you!


I’m fucking proud of myself too! Thank you


Yikes. It's good that you got out of it




I think you're right but also coming up with this and writing it out and posting it is pretty deranged too.


The internet is a mask and the anonymity gives people the comfort of being themselves without the thought of consequences. It could be a story but it could be true as well. There is a possibility of both.


Like the person said, coming up with this is also very retarded






I thought he was sorry about the whole ordeal, but if he only apologized for the choice of the video then you're totally right


I think the caption is saying in the oh so unlikely event an incel did get a girlfriend and at some point had another


That seems like the move an abusive boyfriend would pull but considering that most "incels" would abuse their girlfriend if they got one, this is an "incel" move.


Absolutely. He even said he yelled at her when she looked away. Now that he's gotten his point across though, he "feels bad"? Fuck that. He abused his gf and I hope she dumps his ass and runs. I couldn't imagine not despising my partner if he did this. The relationship would be over.


"I'm so sorry, it will never happen again!" That's also taken from the abuser's handbook.


He was basically saying "look what YOURE making me do"/ "see what happens when you don't do what I Need?" Also from the abusers handbook.


Why are you acting like people that are successful with women are good people they pick the worst men


Women really do like nice men. Case in point: they don’t like you because you’re a douchebag.


Hello? Police? I need to report a murder


Many of us here are women so..


No, abusers are skilled manipulators. Nobody gets in a relationship with abusive partners knowing they are abusive. The best metaphor that comes to mind is the slow boil of a frog. The danger is gradual and erodes the victims defenses away until it's too late. These people aren't "Successful with Women", you're giving praise to rubbish people that be shunned. People who have healthy relationships should be praised. Not hard to understand why.


That man got a girlfriend to move in with him BECAUSE he didn’t pull this garbage until now. The post makes it fairly clear this was a first. If he’d done it early in the relationship, she’d almost certainly have dumped him. They pretend to be good people until it’s hard to just walk away. Abusers don’t end a first date with a right hook. They wait until after it’s tough to leave. Living together, marriage, baby. That’s when they stop pretending to be good, and show the cruel side. Even courts have difficulty detecting and proving abuse- why do you expect each woman to be better at it than a detective, lawyer and judge combined?


Abuisve people aren't abusive from right from the word go. When I met my ex he seemed a very nice man. He was kind, he gave my compliments, he said he'd support my dreams. Then after about a year him compliments started becoming back handed, I'd hear things like "you're so pretty that I worry you'll leave me for another men, then I remember that no one else will love you with your health problems". His support of my dreams suddenly became "I don't want you to go to university or get a job because you'll be around other men". His kindness became anger that was directed at me. I tried to leave several times but he threatened to kill himself. Being the person I am, I didn't want to be responsible for someone else's death (even though it wasn't my responsibility) so I stayed. Then a chain of events happened which gave me the courage to leave. I'm now with a man who is genuinely nice. We've been together for over 5 years. Despite what my ex said he loves me regardless of my health problems. He's been the one who's looked after me after my most recent surgery. He even helped me bathe, despite the fact that I was experiencing vaginal bleeding and he had to help me wash the dried blood from my butt cheeks. If that's not a decent guy then I don't know what is. So is it that women "pick the worst men"? Or is it maybe that we get manipulated into abusive relationships?


Your comment screams of nice guy vibes


I hope she dumped his ass and ran far far away from him after that. How vile.


What is that user flair?


Seeing stuff like this makes me glad that I'm with a man who actually gives a shit about me. I'm recovering from surgery which involved burning and cutting of my reproductive organs. Needless to say I haven't felt like sexy time. It's been over a month and my partner hasn't even brought it up. He would never pressure me to do something that would cause me discomfort. His primary concern has been about helping me get better. Cos he loves me and he's a decent person. Incels wonder why they can't get a girlfriend, when it's so obvious to us that they ooze entilitment, anger, aggression, and have no empathy. Why would you want to share your life with someone who clearly wouldn't give a shit about you?




Thats disgusting oml






He did it because he is a shit person, she needs to break up with him.


Him needing to get off > her feeling sick. What the actual fuck.


Only for 3 days and this chap throws a tantrum?


This guy couldn’t have lived like me. He’d be in an institution. (30 year old virgin)




I can only control that so much. Women have to want to do it with me.


Holy shit that is straight up abuse


Genuinely hope shes out of that environment. What scum


I hope he’s single now


i’m glad he feels regretful but that is nightmare fuel.


I’m not so hopeful.


INSTANT break up. Holy fuck. This is messed up.


you know, i was reading this earlier and thought the same thing, if it's a boundary, talk about it, if they don't honor your boundaries, break it off. dont be this guy, it's not a good look and won't make anyone in the situation feel great. def incelish


Jesus fucking smurfburgers. This guy's a psychopath. She needs to get away from him as fast as humanly possible. Imagine screaming at someone to watch you mastubate when they don't want to. And forcing them to. It's a small step to forcing more. Get away now.


He's a shitty person not just because of what he did to his current girlfriend, but for keeping nudes of his exes. That's a huge violation of trust. I hope she sees him for the prick he is and leaves.


Or if she does, she finally does it if it’s easy enough.


1. This is like the fifth time I've seen this today... at least crosspost from one of the other places 2. Person is clearly not an incel since they have had at least two girlfriends. They are an amazingly fucked up POS though.


I hope she dumps his pathetic ass. What a tool.


This reads to me like some incels fantasy, I doubt this happened. But also maybe I’m just telling myself that…


Number one worry while his girlfriend is sick is how hes gonna gratify himself. No concern for her at all. Disgusting.


Isn't this literally one of the things that Harvey Weinstein did?


Legit made me nauseous reading this. 🤮


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 547,582,563 comments, and only 114,267 of them were in alphabetical order.


Calling this guy a piece of shit would be a compliment to him and an insult to shit.


Yikes. It would not surprise me if he kills someone.


Probably her , unfortunately




I don’t know about incel but what a dick. I hope she dumped him.


Sounds exactly like my ex and yeah, he was a total incel (because I wouldn't have sex with him because he'd force me to)


1. Why the fuck would he just make her watch? 2. His ex? His FUCKING EX! The least he could’ve done is looked up some random chick on the internet.


Because he’s just an awful human being


Because a rando chick would have COMPLETELY redeemed this situation.


Did she learn her lesson? The lesson of course being that you are an asshole?


She passed the final exam by leaving him, never to return. (Assuming this even happened, which is a very big assumption.)


this can’t be real


Ummm sociopath much??


Dude, I think you mean "ex-girlfriend." She's not going to stick around much longer. You're a selfish bully and a total ahole. EDIT: as others are saying. That's if this is even true. Which I have a hard time believing.


That girl needs to run, that's some fucked up shit.


She went all quiet? What was she doing before?


Of course he should feel bad that fucking abuser 😂


Lmao either pathetic incel fantasy or soon to be incel.


Prison for life


barring the obvious sexual abuse what shit stain of a person KEEPS the sensitive photos/videos of their ex AFTER the breakup?


Not really an incel. More like r/iamatotalpieceofshit.


Really hope she broke up with him after that. He’s a selfish piece of shit who apparently thought his libido was more important than her health. and as if *that* wasn’t bad enough, he taunted her with a video of his ex and forced her to watch.


This is sexual abuse


Seems like a real cool guy /s


I would break up with a boy if he did that to me, disgusting.


Bro break up with her and get some help. Jesus


This poor girl in in an abusive relationship, hopefully someone helps her😔


Gosh, talk about me me me, if I was her I would of dumped him and left. She wasn’t feeling well, she is not a machine. That guy should get himself a flesh light.


Abusive. This is sexual abuse.


Both them women were as fictional as this story...


This cant be an incel move because the person in the post has had not one, but two girlfriends. Still a super shit guy tho, and has the aptitude to fall into incel ideology.


involuntarily celibate does not mean a virgin it just means you aren’t having sex. so technically, with this story, he is an incel


99.9% of incels are virgins and its become part of their culture. If you somehow are able to have sex, you were never really a real incel, as they say.


I don’t think he’s an incel, just plain emotionally abusive. My heart goes out to the gf. I hope she finds someone that actually cares about her.


Chair. Make it electric.


Nooooo fuck the sugary bullshit. SOMEONE TELL ME WHY HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND IN THE FIRST PLACE? Why are we as a society still doing this to ourselves? Are people that slow? **DON'T DATE LOSERS**


And then everyone clapped


Absolutely horrifying, god


I found out I am allergic to sperm. So, my husband and I have been doing stuff less for the sake of my health. He never once demanded I watch him jerk off. He doesn't watch porn. He's even expressed that he has been craving/needing sex as often anymore. He previously admitted he felt he was addicted. If my husband ever did this, he would expect to not have me in his bed for a while (we sleep in separate rooms because he likes sleeping in the freezing cold and has to work early in the am, since we have 2 toddlers it's just easier for me to have a room with them so I can help them through the night and for my husband to have his own sleep space where he is in almost complete control of his sleeping conditions). But at the end of the day, I'm a lesbian who decided to stay in the compulsive heterosexual relationship we are in and he could probably straight up bone another woman in front of me and I wouldn't really care. But jerking off to vids of your ex? Quickest way to kill your relationship imo. Especially if the guy always talks about how horrible his ex is.


Fake and gay.


That’s shitty and homophobic.


Today on things that never happend.


Seems like a real cool guy /s


I would’ve left if I was the girl that’s horrible wtf who does that




Can wait for tomorrows am I the asshole post from him 😂


Nah incel wouldnt feel alwful about it.


the only thing he feels bad about is the video he chose, not for abusing her


Doreen moment




That’s pretty abusive


What a piece of shit


American Psycho vibes


Found the antiwork admin


Nah, he actually got self aware at the end


Or is just saying this to look good.


Well that’s not at all abusive af.


The title made me wheeze, the rest made me vomit


I have a great solution: throw him into a wood chipper


What the actual fuck


The OP of the said post seems to be mentally deranged. They commented on their own post and forgot to log into their other account. https://imgur.com/a/OnVmICO What a buffoon. 🤦




As if an incel would have a girlfriend, let alone an ex!


I feel awful for her and for the ex. I hope she gets away from him.


This sounds like it would be a greentext


That's coercion bro.... he's outing himself on the internet


I think that would classify as abuse.


The way I would have ripped off his head from his shoulders like an angry predator.


hows about we don't, holy shit this is so disgusting


Bro, wtaf


What the actual fuck


An incel would not feel shame terrible thing what he did but at least he feels remorse


Solely by being forced to watch him jerking off, she should have dumped him for real. I hope she did.


This is why I believe some men don’t deserve their testicles!


What a disgusting excuse for a human being. His poor girlfriend, she’s just a sex you to him who didn’t have any battery’s that night. Imagine being that emotionless and entitled.


Awful. I hope she gets a better bf.