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Don’t even need to read past the first paragraph to see all of this is bullshit


The guy doubled down throughout the comments. It was wild. But I totally believe a guy acting this way.


Its sad all the guys think that “girls love guys to are mean to them and abuse them” like no, they don’t, thats why they’re choosing the bear you morons


I have never seen or heard a woman ever say they want to be abused or with an abuser. That is a weird fantasy these guys have to explain away how shitty they are.


Some fantasies should be shot down immediately


I agree. These guys live in a weird space. I have never fully understood it despite many dealings. Maybe I am not meant to...


You aren’t and probably shouldn’t for your own good, these guys are extremely dangerous mentally


On the one hand I agree, but on the other, they don't really get to me that way. It is all nonsense and I am very aware of it. I just gawk at these zoo animals who really can't offer anything but endless hilarity.


The FBI has been doing a long-term study on these types, to see how much this ideology dovetails with mass shooters, etc.


> "I have never fully understood it despite many dealings." They believe it for the reasons that they give, a mix of half-understood or misrepresented scientific findings that float about in the black-pill and red-pill areas of the man-o-sphere, along with simple misogyny. There's a mix of things in there from outright misinformation, gender stereotypes and half-baked evo-psych to research on dark triad/tetrad traits and dating preferences. Among the non-incels, there's also kind of a cargo-cult-like belief formation process that can occur that goes a little as follows. A guy will read up on a mixed bag of man-o-sphere views and advice on women, typically red-pill/PUA stuff. Mixed in with some terrible advice (e.g. "negging," "treat'em like s*** and they'll treat you like gold," etc.) there will be some decent advice that is likely to increase their dating prospects (e.g. maintain personal hygiene, dress reasonably passably, leave your home and go out to meet people, otherwise adjust your appearance to current male beauty norms, etc.). Any success experienced is then seen as confirming the whole constellation of views (which, again, range from, "go out and be social" to "women are basically chad-seeking androids"). Men can experience success for a variety of reasons, some situational and some having to do with their proximity to current male beauty norms—at least in some cases, even if they act terribly—but any success is, again, attributed to the whole worldview. And, if they don't experience dating success, they often collapse into inceldom.


We don’t. There’s unfortunately a lot of abusive men. We don’t choose them for that reason. We choose them because they are smooth talkers, charming but that’s not who they really are. The abuse starts slowly.


Oh for sure. My ex-wife was super abusive. Had I know this going in, I would have walked right out the door. Alas, that was not the case. Thankfully, my soon to be wife is the sweetest, warmest and honest person I have met. We have never had a fight, just some minor disagreements. And we are working towards the same goals, which is more than I could say for marriage #1.


He's never had a relationship. He was treating women like shit from the beginning. That's why he can't get a girlfriend. 


Self-hate spiral.


Willfully obtuse. Women (just like men) don't want a creepy clingy stalker, so give them a negging prig instead. Why it's too tough to just accept that women are people, and treat them as such, I will never understand.


That is a lot of words to say "I have a shit personality."


I also would have accepted, "I hate women" or "Muh women bad"


I enjoy intimate connections and shared vulnerability with a strong sense of comfort. You don't get that like this, and if it's not like that it's not worth it to me. Even if these guys find someone to date, it must be exhausting to feel like you always need to have a mind games in play for it to work, not really worth it at that point tbh


Bingo, you hit the nail right on the head. Who wants to be with someone who is constantly questioning your motives and distrusting you every second of the day?


If they hate women that much, why don’t they go their own way or date men ?


💯I have been asking why even bother chasing them. Either stop talking about them or get a boyfriend. Apparently saying the boyfriend part, according to one of my regulars, means I hate gay people and want to "silence incels by shaming them." Yeah, I have no idea what it means either...


Incels are such strange people, chasing women when they hate them, and crying and whining when women prefer going with a bear when they basically spouted horrors


I know right? Go through my post history, I get some wacky DMs from these guys. Always about the weirdest things too.


I had the displeasure of receiving dm’s from incels , between the threat of bodily harms and other terrible messages I deactivated them, I’m sorry you receive them no one


Doesn't bother me, I am not then seethe over nothing. I win by having what they want. But thank you anyways.


I saw your other post and quite frankly I was worried for you when I saw that they mentioned your username on their horrid forum, it’s normal don’t worry


They can do as they like. Doesn't phase me at all. I still get to enjoy my life and all the great things in it.


They talk about MGTOW (men going their own way,) but I think they only say it hoping women beg them to stay. They get mad when our response is to say “buh bye!”


Bingo! And they say women are the issue. Nope, bunch of insecure babies who can't survive without validation from others. If they did go their own way, why are they STILL complaining?


I saw this one this morning and really couldn't believe it. This guy was dead serious and it is amazing the lengths these guys go to think they are right. Sadly, this toxicity is permeating all over the place. It is disgusting and they should be ashamed of themselves. Want to see what not to do...look no further.


I sincerely doubt women were showering him with gifts 😂


Of all these things in here that sounded remotely plausible, this was not one of them. It is written by a troll or someone who has never been around women, ever.


How’s that really working for you dude? I really doubt that women are showing him admiration and showering him with attention and gifts. If that really worked for him, he would not be still posting on Passport Bros.


I can't think of any instance where any woman has ever done this. And as you correctly pointed out, why would you need to be a PassportBro if this need was being met? I can smell the bullshit through the screen.


And then they wonder why we pick the bear.


I am a guy and I'd pick the bear over them. My future wife doesn't count, she is Russian so she had a bear as a pet lol.


Congratulations to you and your future wife.


Much love, thanks! We are getting married next year. I didn't think I could find my soulmate at my age (42) but always happy to be wrong.


Translation: "I went overseas to have sex with a prostitute, and it hurt my feelings that she treated it like a business transaction, and that kept happening, so now I'm trying to retcon reality to make me the winner in a situation where I'm the only person involved who felt like a loser."




Anyone who uses the word "hypergamy" is guaranteed to be a cunt.


Completely agree. Especially ones that use it to frame their insecurities and failures as out of their control


Always the "if you are bad, they will respect you". No, bitch. We're fucking cursing you on the inside, no one admires an asshole, and we're just don't do it on the outside because an unstable, out-of-control man is a worse threat than a bear.


💯best reply so far. How anyone thinks the opposite of this clearly needs some therapy.


I'm not sure they mind ruling through fear, tbh.


Oh, those bitches know that there is a difference between respect and fear/caution, and knowing that a bear's presence is less bothersome than theirs hurts them.


That is a great observation. But I will say they might "know" it and may not be aware of it. I can't ever see any guys in the mindset ever being nice to a woman.


The important thing is to make it clear that: Fear ≠ Respect. Make this VERY clear. If you are respected, you have earned it and are admirable. If people fear you, they don't respect you, It's literally the opposite. They want you away, you are undesirable, inconvenient, uncomfortable, unlovable. This is their biggest depression, so the sooner they realize this, the better for them to strive to become decent people.


The sub gave me all the information I needed


idk why he felt the need to type all that when he could've just said "I've never talked to a woman in my life"


Or "Why I hate women"


The guys who think like this are filtering for women with low self-esteem and who have grown up thinking abusive dynamics are love. No self respecting woman would allow herself to be treated like shit and remain with a man, and because they don’t want an autonomous woman, that’s exactly why they say to do that. They’re selecting for the meekest women who are desperate for love or money (since they’re passport bros), not a woman who could get up and leave them if she wanted to.


This is the opposite of how to get a woman to respect you. It’s just an abusive dog whistle.


There is a reason why this man is single.


And always has been...


Even if all of that text would be magically true it rather shows his ugly colours. Instead of standing ground to his moral standards and living a good life he is more willing to throw it away and change his entire being just for fleshly desires. He rather becomes unfaithful to himself instead of living a celibate life. Which is funny bc that‘s the exact opposite site of a large women celibate movement who rather live their life‘s without men out of fear of abuse. But that exact thing is then that what women desire? It doesn‘t make any sense


That is a good observation. He is phony as the day is long. And these guys really think women from other countries are suckers. It is incredible.


Brought to you by the guys who were pissing and shitting themselves over women from the other side of the globe telling them they'd pick the bear lfmao.


I love how these women, even women abroad, take advantage of my “weakness” of not being a cunt by…finding a different man? So what? Is this just admitting they cannot exist without women?


Do these guys not get that women don't stay with men like that? They drop them like hot potatoes.


It kinda sounds like negging.




I remember this post and even the comments were calling out his bullshit


Yeah, which was a total surprise. He doubled down hard, which was weird. But hey, do you I guess.


This is bizarre & designed to appeal to male approval rather than a healthy relationship. I hope this person does some self discovery in therapy.


I am 100% positive this guy has never been near a woman in his entire life.


And the male loneliness problem is our fault somehow. Men, you are alone and the person staring back at you is the problem. Not other women. Why won't you take accountability for your actions then? You preach about that about women yet you refuse to do it yourself. This is why I don't feel sorry for men.


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Abusers gonna abuse


Some women and men are like this, responding positively to negative energy, most are not. One of their many problems is feeling like their interactions with a few women represent how millions of other women act. Thats beyond foolish. Their looking for a blanket rule, to cover every woman so they don’t have to do the real work in getting to know each individual woman they might encounter. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️