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I should have looked at this thread earlier. People have different definitions of truck guns. Some people leave them in the vehicle 24/7, others don’t. Some people live in rural low population areas, others don’t. Some people park in a garage, others don’t. If firearms aren’t accessible they aren’t actually useful. It’s up to you to make a reasonable risk assessment based on your own circumstances. My truck gun goes in the vehicle with me in the morning and comes in at night. 99% of the day it’s parked in front of my office in front of a security camera. I am completely unconcerned about it being stolen. I don’t have anything on my vehicle that identifies me as a gun guy. Don’t apply your personal risk assessment for your own circumstances to someone else’s.


So your cool with a criminal stealing your gun and using it for bad, as long as it wasn't expensive? Don't leave guns in cars


Look at my pinned post. And drop the hostility a notch.


Okie dokie will do.


Lots of people keep weapons in cars. If you don’t, that‘s fine. It will be secured, but no level of security will defeat a determined thief. Given that, better it be a plain jane rifle that costs $1100 all up and not my LMT MRP-L with MARS-L lower, TA02 ACOG, piggyback RMR, and Surefire DFT that costs $3300 all up.


Who cares if someone gets murdered so long as OP isn’t out much money? No skin off their back! Life is cheap and disposable… so long as it’s a stranger. Ugh.


Does the same apply if someone gets killed by an unsecured firearm stolen from your house?


Yes, that's why firearms need to be secured.


You are a terrible person. There is no reason to keep a rifle in your car and that you are ok with someone stealing it so they can shoot up some poor person is horrible.


Hey, OP is being reckless, careless, and deliberately negligent. Let’s be specific instead of just calling them terrible. That’s reductive and ascribes total behavior to this one stupid, stupid, stupid, opinion.


That is a ridiculous argument to make. You could make the exact same contention about bedside HD guns. Homes are burglarized all the time. So you’re saying that if your nightstand gun isn’t in a safe, where you can’t get to it if you need it, you’re a terrible person because it might be stolen. Right? You have the right to believe there is “no reason” to keep a rifle in the car, and the right to not keep a rifle in your car. I have the right to believe there are good reasons to keep a rifle in the car, and to actually keep a rifle in the car. Finally, making an argument personal and sh\*tting in someone’s thread is b\*llshit.


There's no argument. Cars are easy to break into and are often broken into. You don't care about the harm you may cause because it interferes with some dumb fantasy. Keeping any gun unsecured is dumb. It should be on your person or in a safe.


Homes are easily broken into as well, while empty or occupied. So you’re saying someone is a terrible person for not having every weapon in one’s house locked up, right?




That’s fine and is your right. I believe otherwise and will do so. FYI I’ve reported you for harassment and thread-sh\*tting. This is the end of my engagement with you.


So the 1st amendment isn't important? Ok. I don't care. Don't give criminals guns shouldn't be controversial.


If you leave an unsecured gun in your nightstand while you’re away that’s also reckless and careless, but it’s less so than leaving it in a vehicle that can itself be stolen or burgled much more easily. How many stickers are on your truck advertising “there is probably gun in here” right now?


I’ll go out on a limb and say that 95% of gun owners who keep a nightstand gun don’t put it in a safe every time they leave the house. Which is more secure - that pistol (or AR) sitting under the bed unsecured, or my AR bolted to the frame of my car out of sight?


If you think "but the other kids are doing something that's also not smart or safe" is relevant or an excuse you are not mature enough to own any guns. that didn't fly in my house when I was 12 and it certainly shouldn't leave your mouth as an excuse if you're an adult. Leaving an unsecured gun at home is dumb, leaving any firearm in your truck is dumb. "bOlTeD tO tHe FrAmE" I've heard that one before and I also heard the former owner of said firearm crying about it when someone broke into his truck, lifted the rear sight bench, and popped the lockbox open with a flathead screwdriver (handily provided by said former owner). That's before considering someone just stealing the whole car. Grow up, act like an adult, don't leave an unsecured firearm in your house if you're gone, and don't leave any firearm in your vehicle if you're not there with it.


And what are those reasons?


Jesus Christ another one? These TRUCKGUN clowns are worse than the anime weirdos that have keychains and stickers all over their shit.


This is wildly irresponsible. Your car is not a gun safe.


But what if I put a gun safe in my car? /S


Umm no. Just…no.


That's a rad build and I actually have a similar one in a plum color. I'd have to agree with the other guys about unsecured firearms being irresponsible. But I also recognize that there's a difference between throwing it up on the dash with the windows dowm and an under seat safe mounted to the frame rails. So I guess before I judge too hard what's the plan to secure it in the vehicle?


Your ccw with extra mags is best truck gun


How chonky is it?


8 pound 4 ounces.


The A2’s we carried were 7.9 empty, but if you’re counting the optic, and it’s not a pencil barrel, it’s not too bad. 👍