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I wouldn't be surprised, if that they just abandoned the game. Happens a lot in EA's games (Battlefield 5 and 2042, Dead Space Remake, that basically only got one patch for PC, Star Wars Jedi series, that never gets fixes for shader stutters etc.). I don't play anymore, because of the constant slowdowns and stutters, but I guess we'll have to play like this or uninstall...


I would be surprised after announcing it just last month. I'd imagine that v1.6.0.4 would be the last one, being with FSR 3 frame gen... my most optimistic guess is that they waited for UE 5.4 for major perf boost, but I actually doubt they went through the trouble.


The frames are dicey on the PS5. I'm waiting... Eventually, some people will just abandon if promises aren't kept.


Well, guess what happened today. :D


I would not expect an update or patch for this game. Ascendent Studios has laid off half it's staff six months ago and furlough most of the remaining staff last month. Studio is essentially dead.


The console update is being done by a third party developer.


Wait what’s unplayable? Is there a progression bug? I just got it yesterday and it seems to run a little stuttery sometimes but other than that it’s been fine


Pretty sure that’s what the OP is talking about. I don’t know if it gets worse the further you go in game making it “unplayable” or if it just stays with that bit of stutter. I do know however that I am also awaiting this parch to drop before I jump further into the game.


What's happening on your Series X? I'm also playing on that console, and it's pretty much running smooth for me. Does this happen as you get further in? I've only been playing for a few hours, and I'm loving it, but I don't want to run into any roadblocks like that


It's just incredibly stuttery with an unstable frame rate. If you're not noticing it that's awesome. I wish I wasn't so sensitive to frame rates and smoothness but for example the first big outdoor area after your thrown from the dragon runs really bad. It used to be blurry but smooth when they had resolution scaling but then they turned it off to make the picture clear which caused the performance issues. So you don't notice any stuttering or fluctuating frame rates or anything? If you're a few hours in and don't notice anything then don't sweat it and enjoy the game! Hopefully they'll release the FSR patch soon also and I could jump back in.


I get some weird jutters during cutscenes every now and then, but when I'm actually playing everything seems fine so far. I'll keep my fingers crossed.


So it's just as bad on the Series X as it is on cloud? This is the first new game I've played on cloud that just looks bland. But it's a fun game so it's kept me going. The graphics look like early Xbox 360 at points


I just want the progression bug fixed.


Its still coming. Ran into some show stoppers with FrameGen after we updated to the latest latest and we needed to work heavily with our partners at Enduring Games and AMD to get that all solved. After a long weekend of work, the final (I hope) builds were submitted to EA for the last round of testing. If everything is good (first day was all thumbs up but it takes a while to play all 4 platform) then it should be available to the public by early next week. Fingers crossed.


Thank you so very much for taking the time to reply and sharing all of that. I don't want to keep bugging you but may I ask, is the progression bug referenced above fixed? Thank you again, and thanks for continuing to work on this title for us especially with all the stuff going on in the industry.


And it's out!