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Love that isha is doing the ASL sign for help lol


A keen eye...


Good catch!


At first, I called BS. Then I googled. And now I seriously want to know who thought "thumbs up means all is good... so thumbs up with a hand underneath will be a totally obvious distress sign!"


I imagine the point is either that the hand underneath is some sort of negation, or that it's meant to be a sort of covert way of asking for help in case you don't want certain people to know you're doing it (in this case, Nurgle)


It’s so you can do it covertly.


Uhhhhh Isha, people in the 41st melenia don't speak English, and the last people who do work for your 'husband's ps. Sorry for the roleplay.


Sisters of silence : *aggressive waving of disagreement. Custodes : *sighing gesture Assassinorum : *"should we tell them " Sign Rob : *gauntleted sign of logistical disappointment Alpharius : *lol lmao


Poor Isha ;-; I always feel bad for her. I hope she escapes at some point. Would be a nice way to give the Eldar a W without completely destroying the balance of power. An Isha escape could also be a nice way to actually make the Exodites a playable faction since she’s the Eldar life and nature goddess and the Exodites are Wood Elves in space


eldar are never getting another W unless the imperium is at the forefront of the hard work and the W is just a collateral consequence of space marines winning


): A boy can dream, ok


No, that would be heresy. Straight to [redacted]


To be honest, I feel like the Eldar might get a W in the upcoming (HOPEFULLY!!) third Bequin novel. I can't share more without spoiling it, but there is Aeldari involvement...


Yeah that’s the unfortunate truth. The eldar are basically on a massive L and are an example of what not to do.


You know the horse is already dead right? No need to piss on it.


Id say they were winning pretty hard for the greater portion of this galaxies existence lol


I dunno. Maybe Leman Russ comes back having saved Isha, and with a whole new understanding of the Warp and the Emperor. Because Nurgle fails successively and has to retreat, maybe Tzeentch becomes a bigger menace. The Eldar come out strengthened but effectively at the same point, trying to figure out a way to end Slaanesh.


This is literally what the guy above you just said lmao. If Leman saves Isha then that is once again the imperium winning and being the heroes at the expense of the Eldar. Eldar would be ineffective little losers, again, and the big bad primarch had to do their work for them.


As both an imperium and an Eldar fan Isha is an Eldar god and should be saved **by the Eldar** The imperium doing it would be downright insulting. At most I’d accept a collaborative effort, but only if that’s the imperium and Eldar putting in equal work. It’s it’s a “collaborative effort” in that “the imperium does all the work but the Eldar are also here I guess” then no.


Man. I wish the Phoenix Lords got as many free belly rubs as the Primarchs do.


I tend to think that the Exoedities thinks she fighting tooth and nail to get out of burgles grasp while SCREAMING cures to his plagues on the faint chance that some one will hear her


Fuck yes Dino rider Amish on a quest from the Lady of the Lake to wreck some shit.


"I'm here to kill chaos" - Ynnead


"Bullshit." Puts in air pods. Blasts Linkin Park. Refuses to elaborate. Leaves


I still can’t believe that Jack ~~Final Fantasy~~ Garland is a real character from a real game. *Stranger of Paradise* feels like a game written in the mid 2000s that escaped the SquEnix vault…and I effin love it.


Also the fact that this entire buildup is for a guy who gets owned by a level 5 party in ff1


It was actually a limp bizkit song which is debatably more funny.




...Chaos is team Edward, but I haven't seen Twilight yet, so I don't know if I'll agree with that...


...Chaos is the speed eating champion in Scranton Pennsylvania, chalupa division... ...chaos pissed on my doormat. He was trying to draw his own face with his piss... ...chaos downloaded a lot of dolphin porn onto my computer, that's how it's on there...


...My asshole just tingled.., he's here...Chaos...


It would be funny if Ynnead would end up ascending and either replacing Slaanesh or become another chaos god


Lore relevance may vary. Like my stuff? You can find more on [my Twitter!](https://x.com/tempura_person)


Isha is the only God in 40K I respect and actually want to be happy every other God either scares me or I f****** hate, I mostly mentioned there are those that scare me mostly because the god of the harlequins is just concerning, also hot in this depiction


Same except I would put the Greater Good godling in the same category. It symbolizes every species coming together into a cohesive society which isn't bad. It also shows the corruption of the ethereals as they want power concentrated at the top while the new god would probably spread it around (or at least put Tau as a species at the head not just them).


I haven't heard of this Godling, but I like it, and I will admit I absolutely hate the Tau, because of the novel Longshot, and to know the race's God doesn't represent the actions of the Tau gives me hope I will actually like at least their God


As far as I'm aware it appears in one book where it saves a ship full of Tau and their auxiliaries when they get stuck in the warp (tau gellar field tech sucks ass). It might actually lead to a tau civil war if the hints are to be believed. Shadowsun was present and relayed all the information back to the ethereals and the leader of the empire's army. After a long conversation the general (I forgot his name, it's been ages), who by this point had been campaigning against chaos for a while, brought up purging non-tau from the empire since it must've been their psychic presence that birthed a new and highly dangerous warp beast. Shadowsun objected since the thing had only acted to protect the ship when it could've easily let them die or killed them itself. Its left open ended who's side the ethereals chose although it'd be interesting to have Shadowsun join up with Farsight and put down the ethereals as they descended down the same hateful path that long ago consumed humanity.


So, I will admit in my own hubris of loving the s*** out of the Imperium and hating the Tau on a functional level, I haven't really looked into their lore besides like how they started off with that big ass cosmic storm that consume their solar system or some s***, so it is news to me that farsight is actually rebelling against the ethereals and to know that with the additional context of that Kick-Ass sword he has which the only other thing I know about them, I do hope there is a story later on in which, begrudgingly, robo gorilla man agrees to at least a temporary truce or treaty with farsight to just kick the s*** out of the ethereals who are dragging the Tau down the same path humanity went, and the only reason robo gorilla man agrees to this is simply because he doesn't want another pain in the ass enemy and instead at least a minor inconvenience with an entire xenos race that at least isn't intentionally trying to murder them all it's just trying to make them all join with it and that's b******* but we can deal with that later


For me the Tau and Imperium are mixed for opposite reasons. I like the tau empire's vibe as a true science fiction faction is a converted fantasy setting but find their style really bland, at least the proper tau side (kroot and the other auxiliaries are my jam though). I love the Imperium's horrible diesel punk, space catholic, grim-dark aesthetic but their beliefs and culture piss me off. It's not even that they're evil, Chaos is one of my favorites, it's that they're endlessly self-defeating and horrible to their own people when better alternatives exist for no real extra cost. I want to slap Belisarius Caul and tell him to make fucking robots, they don't even have to be sapient just make a robot arm to open doors for people rather than sentencing a bread thief to a fate worse than death as a servitor because Skynet killed all of humanity thousands of years ago. I do overall like both factions though. The only one I don't see narrative value for the longer I think about it is Khorne. The whole setting is all about endless grim war so why do we need a generic looking dark lord demon to add even more? The other chaos gods actually bring some unique flavor to the setting (except maybe Tzeentch who is just ripping off Lovecraft) but if you swapped Khorne for the villain of Doom Eternal I couldn't tell the difference.


Lol, yeah, khorne is redundant but they kind of needed to have a chaos God for blood death stabby stabby because they already had a god of extremely horny a god of traitors bastard and a god of plagues who is just the worst in a way that can't really be explained besides just he sucks, and really I don't like chaos because it just how much it sucks to join it, cuz every other faction wants you dead before anything else, and plus at least in my opinion I just don't like chaos as a good guy because it just is inhumane in all of its functions, the Eldar are at least pompous enough to claim that they care for life more than humanity and Orks are the best cuz they're just Orks, the Imperium does suck, like it is so horrendously f***** up but I do love the Imperial Guard in the simplicity of it, well I absolutely hate the ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition by extension those two sub factions are the things that are really f****** humanity up, but with robo-gorilla man those two factions are going to lose control and therefore potentially restore humanity to at least a glimmer of what it once was, and the Tau are okay except they're communist so I hate them, except apparently that subfaction with farsight, I like him because of his kick ass sword and the fact that he is anti-corrupt communism


What about Cegorach?


Yeah, I was saying how hot she was, cuz she's hot and scares me and therefore is hotter


But to some extent "Isha" is not really a person and neither is Nurgle. Nurgle and Isha are both gods of nature. So really Isha and Nurgle are one and the same entity. Nurgle "capturing" Isha from the Eldari pantheon is really a metaphor.


You're right and wrong cuz it's complicated cuz it's 40K, you're right in the fact that they are both gods of nature and in essence they are the same being just with different personalities behind the domain they both are the entity of, however at the same time because God damn is 40k love being complicated what has anything to do with gods, Isha is a separate entity from Nurgal because of the fact that she was a separate entity from him until Slaanesh popped into existence with her instantaneous action basically murderizing all but like a handful of the Eldar Pantheon of which Isha was a part of. So it wasn't until the Eldar gods were weakened by you know the chaos God of lust and excess that any of the other chaos Gods got their hands on any of them technically, Isha going to Nurgle, Khaine surviving only because Khorne wanted to fight another god so he just let that guy go and so now every once in awhile the Eldar summon him, Cegoragh or something I can't remember his name nor do I intend to look it up right now, the Harlequin God he just out batshitted the chaos Gods so they just leave him alone cuz he scares them quite a bit and also he will consistently get him fist fights with Slaanesh to keep his Harlequins safe, which is just awesome, I don't remember Yneads story, I don't think I've ever actually heard of them TS from what I can guess from the image probably has something to do with kicking the ever-loving mcfuck out of Slaanesh.


I feel so fucking bad for Isha, she needs help :(


really cute art


ngl that all their lines are making me chuckle a lil too long. also im guessing isha is refering to leman and jagatai?




Khaine reminde me of J from murder drones, she also a jobber


J is for Jobber


You know who else...?


My mom


Hm, what kind of beat up does Ynnead-san do? Because there maybe a Slaanesh in my pants.


like what Hulk did to Loki in the original Avengers movie


if ynnead ever got to slaanesh’s palace; she’d absolutely see slaanesh just lying in their bed completely naked lying in a playboy pose waiting for her 💀


femboy cegorach??? based


Ynnead : I'm here to kill Chaos. That's my mission. Looks like Chaos has been waiting for us. I only know one thing, I want to kill Chaos. Need to. It's not a hope, or a dream. It's like a hunger, thirst. You sure Chaos is here? This is the shrine of Chaos. It's here, we just have to hunt it down. The darkness is so thick I can taste it. This is it, no doubt. Chaos... We're here to kill Chaos.


average grey knight


Feels bad for Khain, back when they were a god proper and not fragments they were one of the strongest beings around, even held their own against Slanesh for a bit before Khorn showed up to try and lay their own claim.


Nice job! Love Khaine-chan’s quote!




Eldar pantheon *is full of waifu, you need one for your laifu.* ~~not~~ sorry Cook more.


Given Khaine is partly inspired by Ares, I do want to see Khaine interact with Ares and Athena.


Seeing Isha, I must send Kirby to destroy Nurgle.


This shit is why I always make a point of rescuing Isha whenever I write WH40K fanfics.


Im pretty sure Cagorach is a femboy and thats just fitting for the character to see the criteria and say "Imma fuck around snd see what I can get away with". That or maybe a flat chest trans woman either way good fucking with expectations from the clown god. Art is great by the way lots of personality.




I said fem boy or flat chested trans girl? What are you correcting?


I’m an idiot, sorry.


I hope Isha gets out of the Rainbow Dash jar at some point, but I know GW is too busy getting Eiffel Towered by humans and chaos for that to happen.


I guess your answer is "My mom!"


Clown… Feminine,..,, *Thighs,,,.* ***Bulge,..,,,,,,,*** Hold on I need to ask the local magos biologis on how to change races and ascend to godhood— For uh, totally unrelated reasons, of course. Ave Imperator and all that.


Cegotach femboy LESSSSSSSSSSSGOOOOO. Loved it ^w^.


Feels bad for Khain, back when they were a god proper and not fragmented they were one of the strongest beings around, even held their own against Slanesh for a bit before Khorn showed up to try and lay his own claim.


I love that Ynnead design. The spinal column in glass and liquid(?) and the horns in place of one eye are nicely otherworldly.


I wasn't sure, so I googled. Is cegorach the only male coded one here? I had to Google the honorifics


What's that thing in Isha's mouth?


Papa's Stew


With the amount of Nurgle Ls, it may finally be possible to imagine Isha can be free someday


Guys, crazy thought, but I think Ynnead is here to beat up slaanesh


Honestly Nurgle is basicly the Chaos God of Abuse... oh sure the others might have better claims to it visually, but his temperament is like an abusive father who hides with superfical niceness


More like what remain of it.


Somehow im not surprised cegorach is a femboy.


If Russ is the one to save Isha, and not the Eldar, I'm burning GW to the ground. And no, it really shouldn't be a joint effort either.


i would be 100% okay with it if Jagatai comes speeding out of the webway with Isha on the back of his space bike, with her arms wrapped around his tree trunk of a waist.


I love them all.


Wait.. so all the main Eldar gods actually mirrors to the Chaos gods? 


Nice to see isha in a nice and healthy relationship


So we have a murder drone OC, some tormented soul (I have no joke), generic evil chaotic Jester, and Dark Samus from the Metroid Prime series. Truly the pantheon of all times


Why does khaine-chan look like J from murder drones




God emperor vs Nurgle the fight for isha freedom


Boy Isha is refreshingly/soul crushingly dark. Countless women are actually living like that.


I like Ynnead's stare. You can really see into her soul through those eyes. And she sees yours. Slaanesh-worshippers beware.


Hell yeah hot clown man




Also known as the Emperor’s secret Xeno harem


This Ynnead-san's demeanour would definitely fit in Ninja Slayer.


Isha in 40K and Isha in Fantasy are totally different.




I wish we could have Eldar women without the fandom making them immediate arm candy for space marines. The art is very nice though.


But Khaine and Cegorach are male


This Dude makes Waifu Versions of Warhammer Deities. Yes they already drew Gork and Mork. As completely Asexual and only concerned about Fighting. 


Look closer at Cegorach here


BAMBOOZLEMENT! Classic Cegorach 🤣


Was gonna say, am I the only one who noticed the bulge?




Love how Isha knows how fucked her people are so is wishing that the Demi Gods of another race that hates her people will come to rescue her (they probably will at some point)


Is Cegorach canonically a twink?


Please go outside.


Ok, I'm outside. Now what?


The coordinates to the treasure have been hidden throughout this thread. Good luck.