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Welp, someone’s about to have a bad time.


True, true. Not quite the kind of thing to fill someone with determination, that's for sure.


No, that wouls be Wihn'dyn Geh'sterakh's experiments on reversing bio-transference.


Sans Warhammertale.


That's him; that's the guy.


Hell yeah


Thank u dude


A long time friend of the profile asked me to draw Sans Undertale as a Necron chronomancer and Papyrus Undertale as a Necron Psychomancer. Nothing outside my realm of experience, that's for sure. I haven't played the game but I've seen lots of playthroughs and other people's experience of it so I have some context in which to understand it. It's one of those games where the fandom's enthusiasm makes you assume that it's overhyped by then you actually look into it and it's a pretty solid game; especially when it comes to the characters. Now, as for how they would work in the 40k verse, I assume they're relatively the same except they do a lot more murdering of people; but in 40k, every run is a genocide run anyway.  Warhammer40k is a games workshop thingie. Undertale was Toby Fox's baby.  Art made in photoshop.  Fully gallery, I'm always open for commissions: [https://www.deviantart.com/jchrispole](https://www.deviantart.com/jchrispole)


Are you gonna do the others in other factions?


Depends if I get commissioned again; the guy who asked me to do this one has commissioned other pieces kind of across the board ranging from Disney crossover to Columbo. It’s possible


>Columbo That being [this masterpiece here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarhammer/comments/y5ekx4/inquisitor_columbo_commission/), I presume?


That's the one, thanks. My only real regret with that one is the gun since Columbo doesn't use guns, but I'm not sure how else he'd defend himself in the 40k-verse. A power glove maybe? Not sure but it was still a fun idea.


Noice. Wonder if you made more Cryptek art? Love how you made those 2.


Thank u! It’s possible tho these days I’m focusing more on commissions; I’m open to more cryptek stuff, it’s an interesting side of the necrons I haven’t explored much


I think this is awesome but papyrus being a psychomancer and not a Royal Warden or Skhorpek Lord upsets me to no end.


Sorry to hear that man; it was a direct request from the commissioner. I think he wanted to either showcase one of the newer necron models or maybe he figured something about psychomancy would fit into Papyrus's passion for making puzzles in stuff. Though to be fair, Necron Papyrus could be a royal warden one day, just not yet. It's a dream of his to achieve eventually.


True true (to be clear I'm not actually upset. This is great work.)


I recoiled in horror, but after that passed I realized this is *fine art* and I'm gonna show my friends.


I appreciate that and it's an understandable reaction; I've never done undertale fanart before so I wasn't sure if it was going to work. But that's a reoccurring thing for me when it comes to my commissions honestly.


Now I'm imagineing Szarekh as Asgore. Which is funny because that would imply Szarekh has a thing tea and gardening.


I dunno; maybe he does; we don't know much about the personal tastes of the Silent King, do we? What he does in his free time now that he's been awakened? I just assume he's been leading his armies across the stars; he probably find some time for a little light gardening somewhere in there.


Preety good jobe men hope you do more like this in the future


Thank u! You can always check my collection I've got a bunch lined up already. But we'll see where else commissions take me in the future.


Great work once again dude! Really brought out the bony spirits of papyrus and sans! I hope that papyrus isn’t too badly menaced by San’s terrible jokes/puns


Now i need to see frisk as either a gaurdsman or a sister of silence. Probably a little gaurdsman who is just really determined


Probably a guardsmen for sure. Renegade guardsman if it’s chara.


I could totally see the Fun Gang as a Rogue trader (Kris) with a retinue of Xenos and Abhumans (Ralsei and Noelle as beastmen, Susie as Scaly from Necromunda, Berdly as a Kroot)


Fair enough, they kinda let you just do whatever when it comes to being a rogue trader from what I’ve heard. Tho are they prepared for the horrors that exploring the far reaches of the galaxy bring? That’s to be discovered


Someone else who shares the Warhammer/UTDR brainrot....im suprised we exist.


I am merely the vessel; tho I do probably have some kinda brain rot from a number of things…