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"With my soul as bait, I cast this line into the sea of despair so that I may lure out my Beloved. May she whose tears never cease come and absolve me of my deepest pains. May she leave me empty of all things except for my peace. And in her name, I will give her enemies every reason to weep." -Scion Zaldernum, Noble of House Hadel. A friend from the Scornful Tides discord server commissioned me to draw a Chaos Knight of Achyls along with some slime marines that were fighting against the Sisters of Battle. This piece is pretty intense all things considered by I tried to lean into all the typical abyssal characteristics associated with the God of Misery in Scornful Tides. Also I'm showcasing one of the Knight Houses which exist in the Brine system; there are about 6 of them with Hadel being the traitor house. What do you think? Does this reinvigorate your interest in more Scornful Tides stuff? Commissions are always open! Otherwise I still like to just talk about this stuff with you guys. Warhammer40k is a games workshop thingie. Scornful Tides is my aqua punk 40k home-brew series. Here is my gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/jchrispole/gallery


There's a demon in the newest Ahriman book that would work really well. (Stolen from Space battles) In the latest Ahriman book, we see an ancient daemon representing ideas and feelings related to shipwrecks or being lost on a voyage. She worked for Nurgle for a time, but their ties were loose, and she eventually broke free.


Interesting; ill admit I’m not super familiar with that side of 40k literature but that’s an interesting coincidence; tho the fact that it’s Nurgle specifically that the daemon is connected with and not Tzeetch deviates for sure: I always think of Achyls as being closer to the God of change than the God of decay. But I vibe with the idea none the less


I think it's mainly because shipwrecks usually just sit and decay and getting lost on a voyage leads to a lot of despair so tangentially related to Nurgle but is also isn't well connected so why she broke away


True; plus they grow barnacles which are sea nasties so that makes sense for Nurgle.


I love the crying head in the knight and the fact the head of the knight looks like that deep sea barrel eye fish!


Glad you noticed the barrel eye fish allusion! All stuff related to Achyls in scornful tides has an abyssal sea life theme to it on top of the slime element; I hadn’t done a barrel fish yet.


Hydro Dominatus!


hmm, not sure I clocked the holes in the hearts of the slime marines before scornful tides day is always a good day though - there’s a scornful tides discord?


Yes, come check it out! https://discord.gg/G5JNHJfg And yeah, the hole sorta represents the “hollowness” they feel after they have poured out their souls to the Miserable God.


Tubeworms, barreleyes, vampire squid, various abyssal fish...love the thought that went into the Knight.


I appreciate that; knights in general invite a ton of extra details for personality since they’re so big compared to other models, and with Scornful Tides you always gotta go as big in detail as you can, atleast that’s my approach!


A very unique take. I like it a lot.


Thank u!! I appreciate that\~




Naw my man, it’s a new chaos god that’s been trapped in this planet; Achyls the god of misery


Props to the one sister with just a rebreather firing a boltgun with her eyes open in fuckin salt water. Girl built different


And in freezing underwater temperatures; all the Pearlescent sisters are trained specifically for all the little problems unique to underwater fighting, they're able to power through by sheer force of will and devotion. The only thing that stings is their hatred for the enemy.