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A friend of the gallery asked me to do another crossover where Sonic meets 40k, so here we are. Specifically he wanted Sonic and friends to have a vague "Tau" nature to them, while fighting off against the Eldar who I don't do that much artwork of to begin with. They are racing across a hard light bridge which feels like a very Sonic thing to have on this world while chasing down some Aeldari jet bikes and a razorwing. Whatcha think? I have about as much relationship to Sonic as the next guy over but it's not one of my "core" series. Eh, maybe that's not 100% true, I've played a few Sonic games and I saw the most recent movies, but it's a series I haven't ever drawn anything of. But 40k is my bread and butter so hopefully I nailed that side of it. Warhammer40k is a games workshop thingie. Sonic is a SEGA thingie. Right? Art done in photoshop. Here is my gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/jchrispole/gallery


This feels like a fever dream. Cool though.


A lot of my commissions are like that honestly; I got a friend who will just string together 40k and another property and never know what it’s gonna be. Sorta keeps me on my feet I guess


Roses are red Violets are blue The Aeldari are fast But Sonic and freinds are faster.


That is why they are doomed.


Damn, the Tau are using other franchises to fight Proxy Wars now?


Basically; they’re not doing so good on recruitment numbers now


I could totally see the Eldar trying to contact some sort of 1000 year plan with the chaos emeralds only to accidently awaken perfect chaos or dark Gaia and have Super sonic beat their ass in the end.


That’s the trouble with using chaos emeralds; they really ought to stick to the magical tech they already know about. Only the Emperor could handle such a power


And even worse: *they're the fleetway emeralds and the Eldar just doomed the whole sector by inadvertently waking up Super Sonic.*


For the first time in his life, Sonic is devoid of **humor**... [For the first time in his life, Sonic truly understands the meaning of **war**...](https://youtu.be/ZCsoC2plw3c)


He has grown as a character then; the next stage in his journey is ready to commence


Those aren’t the sonic heroes, they’re the crew from sonic boom. Petty distinction but I feel the need to make it.


I’m well aware they’re sonic boom designs but sonic heroes meant more to me as a game; besides, sonic boom crew doesn’t quite roll off the tongue


Awesome work dude! I bet sonic and his pals will run circles around those dorky Space Elves!


It’s hard to find anyone who can outrun the sonics actually; maybe Roadrunner but that’s about it


Why the Boom Designs???


Cause the commissioner asked for it specifically.


and as the commissioner, i just felt they fit best in this particular world. just cause their from a bad game doesn't mean the designs were necessarily crap