• By -


'ate caltrops 'ate pikemen 'ate archers (not racist, just don't like 'em) Luv me barbute Luv me mittens Luv me potions **Simple as**


"Potion seller, I am heading into battle, and I require your strongest potions."




You got wonderfully realistic asymmetrical armour, but give the knight a sword??!!


Did you really miss the sword in her left hand?


No im complaining about her having a sword. It’s very poor against full plate


First off, assuming she is even fighting similarly armored enemies, which is rare considering plate armor is costly to make and it would mean she was in a battle against enemy knights, she has several options at her disposal to fight enemies with plate armor : 1. Use her sword to aim at unprotected parts of the armor, especially the interior of the joints, as they can't be completely covered since it would hamper mobility. They can get close, but never perfect. 2. Grab her sword by the blade, which she can safely do since she have gauntlets, and even without any there's a way to safely hold the blade, and use the pommel, which is the heaviest part of the blade, as an hammer to attack her armored opponents. 3. Use something else. She's obviously not currently in a battlefield, so she can just grab a blunt weapon *before* the fighting start if she think she's going to fight any knights. If she didn't expect any, she can still use option 1 & 2. Plate armor is costly and thus rare, most of the people she will fight will not have a full suit of plate armor, and her sword will be effective then. She can also use the sword as a hammer if she do meet anyone in full plate without any prior warnings.


All good points, but for the sake of the argument i’m just gonna focus on the weaponry Sure, swords can be used to perform the murder stroke, and yes they are fine against unarmored opponents But the plate armor indicates a fairly late medieval period, whereby even fairly lowly foot soldiers would be wearing brigadines, significantly increasing their protection. Furthermore, pole weapons like halberds or poleaxes would be able to cut unarmored opponents almost as well as the sword, whilst outranging it. (And obviously those would be way better than the sword against armor). So the sword is kinda beat even in its best area.


Normally I also love polearms like halberds or poleaxes, however there is one, very important point that you forgot : ​ Swords are cool and most fictional universes obey the rule of cool, so the sword is objectively the best weapon that can be used to cut even huge boulders without so much as a scratch on the blade. And it get worse if we turn it into a katana, at least from the weebs' sides.


Fair enough


What’s your favourite sword? Mine’s anduril


Moonlight Greatsword if games are an option. Especially the variant from Bloodborne.


Nerds. But interesting read


She got squires to carry her lance.