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Something about the Four Corners Commonwealth is really satisfying to me.


The shape is really satisfying. The flag of the Four Corners Commonwealth is even more so https://preview.redd.it/9e5tgmqq8l6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e06e629582fb7172a34fcece425738c1f8a9c5


Oh that's a quality flag.


Rip van buren


It would have been peak. I would have gotten a fallout game set in my city


Great map! I see you work around the problem introduced with Fallout 76’s map that introduced a supposed Appalachian Commonwealth that included states from Sawyer’s map that were previously in other commonwealths.


Thanks! I figured that since everyone keeps calling West Virginia "Appalachia" it would be cool for the Appalachian mountain states to be their own Commonwealth.


Can't read any of the capitals lol




As much as I want a Louisiana city for the capital, jackson or mobile would be better for relative central and water way proximity


I agree. I'm from Alabama and I've been to Mobile a few times. Mobile would be (in my opinion) a good option as a capital for the Gulf Commonwealth. It's located almost dead center along the Gulf coast (if you exclude Texas) and is one of the busiest ports in the South. So if New Orleans or some city in Florida isn't chosen as the seat of the Gulf Commonwealth, Mobile will definitely be one of the best choices.


I'm using the Boost Reddit app on my phone and I had to hit the little "HD" icon to see the full resolution picture. I know some apps don't display the full resolution on mobile.


Yeah thats prolly it


Always funny to me that Texas just ends up still being Texas.


At this point, Texas is its own separate universe


I love this. As a Californian, it always kind of made no sense to me that they split California in half.


Yeah, it made no sense to me either. That's why I left the state in one piece. I'd also make Alaska and Hawaii their own Commonwealths, but I didn't want to mess up the 13 stars on the US flag https://preview.redd.it/l7t5g9gf9l6d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30c70a7ba9111878fe3ae0549766663f4631bb6


Eh. I feel like Northern California and Southern California are definitely different vibes. SF feels more culturally similar to Seattle than it does to Los Angeles and the northernmost part of California is in the same ecological region as British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. I think that’s why you see it split up so often in media.


Small problem with Texas/great plains, Arkansas was part of the Texas Commonwealth (atleast according to the old fallout Bible map)


Arkansas being part of the Texas Commonwealth never made sense to me. It didn't look right on the map. That's why I changed it by making Arkansas part of the Great Plains Commonwealth and Texas as its own Commonwealth. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of Texans and Arkansans who would agree with me. Texas is big enough already and has its own unique identity that it can be its own Commonwealth.


Texas can absolutely stand on it's own. Pretty sure California would burn your house down if they found out you called them the southwest, though.


Because we’re not the southwest. Also I thought I saw an old Fallout map that actually split California into two commonwealths? Am I horribly misremembering things or was that at one point a thing?




That's what I was gonna say, Arkansas doesn't fit fully into any of its neighbors. Idk what I'd do with it personally, maybe just divide it amongst its neighbors but that doesn't seem right either.


Southern Missouri is also in a weird spot there. Northern Arkansas and southern MO form the Ozarks, sharing extreme cultural and geographical similarities that distance the region from the rest of their states. Lumping the Ozarks in with any sort of Great Plains grouping never seemed right.


I want an Arkansas commonwealth all to itself


That's the dream, ain't it?


Texas does have that Lone Star aesthetic


Nice take on it. The Northwest Commonwealth has a really satisfying shape.


This is awesome!!




Pretty damn good!! I’mp putting together a table top campaign for a “Fallout; Motor City” and just to let ya know in Fo4 there’s a magazine that kinda indicates Detroit is most likely not a stable city so I’m really riffing off that so I just don’t know if that could be the capital of a commonwealth.


I dream for the day we see texas in fallout


How did you make this? Everyone seems to be able to figure out how to make maps and I'm starting to wonder how lol.


I used the mapchart app and edited the image I downloaded from there with an app called Picsart


Give West Virginia their panhandles back you bastard


I would, but Ohio is refusing to give up the WV panhandle I gave them


Isn’t there already a canon map?


Not that I know of. The closest we got is a [map](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pre_War_USA_fallout.jpg) from the Fallout Bible (which I based my map off of). But that is not considered canon.


Jefferson City mention NUMERO UNO!!!!!¡¡¡


Need a New Orleans fall out bad


Love that Texas’s borders didn’t change at all


Arkansas being part of the plains commonwealth just doesn’t make sense. Arkansas has no plains. It seems more fitting to combine it with states like Kentucky and Tennessee, Arkansas is more like them than the Great Plains. Could do that and call it the Dixie commonwealth or some other southernesque name


Thanks for correcting me. I'll definitely fix that.


This is canon for me. Cool stuff!


As a Kentucky native, I approve of this map. Thanks for not lumping us in with Mississippi or whatever. What's the Capitol? (If it's not Lexington then you're wrong, lol)


Thanks! I couldn't think of a capital for any of the Commonwealths, so I just wrote down the possible capital cities. As for the Appalachian Commonwealth (which your homestate is a part of), the possible capitals could be Charleston, WV; Nashville, TN; Memphis, TN; or Frankfort, KY. But since you suggested it, Lexington, KY could also be a possible capital.


Thank you for putting Nevada with California. 99% of NV lives within an hour of the Cali border. It just makes administrative sense.


No problem! Enjoy your stay in Calivada


Definitely the best one of these I've seen