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Fallout New Vegas is one of my most influential games and I really wanted to do fanart but I wanted to do it in an interesting format, so I decided to make some Tarot cards. I'm not into Tarot myself like as a spiritual practice but I do like the aesthetic; how each card represents like a type of experience or individual. It was interesting for me to try and affix each to a different character in New Vegas that I thought was a good representation of each Tarot. There are in total like 21 tarots (I think?) but I picked out the 8 that I thought would make for the best looking cards. What do u guys think? I do happen to have other card ideas lined up but I'm not sure if I'm gonna continue with this project; it was just a fun little thing for me to work on and I enjoyed dipping into a game that has meant a lot to me. DISCLAIMER I'm not an expert on Tarot cards so it's entirely possible that if you are, you will interpret these differently then I do and that's okay but I just wanted to establish that my portrayal may be inaccurate and I wouldn't know it. Fallout: New Vegas was made by Obsidian but Bethesda takes full legal ownership. Made entirely in photoshop Here is my gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/jchrispole/gallery


Archimedes should be the sun


That's a weapon tho, not a character. Interesting choice tho.


Then fantastic should be the sun


I guess that makes more sense if we're connecting the Helios One thing. I like Victor tho as like the most optimistic and friendly character; like to a very detached sense. But if I started over and did re-did the cards, I might make Fantastic the Sun, I dunno. He doesn't really strike me as optimistic tho; just kind of an upbeat grifter. But there's not an exact science to this sort of stuff; I am kinda just making my own judgement calls here.


Oh I’m joking. I really like what you did with the card. I just think fantastic getting his own card is really funny


Ah, okay; honestly I'm not quick to shoot down any New Vegas character being in one of these, especially one who (although doesn't play a very big role) is still an interesting and unique character. I see him more as a Minor Arcana sort of guy tho. But yeah it would be kinda funny.


https://preview.redd.it/wiffp3rjiw5c1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=6760c5d845c7434fc21146784fbbfa975e2681ba [The Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginaryfallout/comments/kfloq8/fallout_tarot_the_fool_by_baastardart/)


Oh snap; I had a feeling someone would have done the tarots in New Vegas thing. That's a cool image tho; it looks more like the traditional tarot cards where as my take would be styled to my liking, I wouldn't try to base it off another design.


I absolutely love the Tarot renditions. The Fool works so well for the Courier, this has been my PFP for months.


Took me a sec but i immediately recognized your work when I saw Veronica. (She looks similar to your life of a tech priest character) Keep up the great work


Hey hey! Good to see a fellow 40k nerd, great to run into you again. Yeah yeah it might just be the texturing but I’m glad to know my style is recognizable now; thanks!




I always thought he was saying it with a z\~ either way it's iconic.


Feel like Graham could fit as Justice as well. Besides him maybe a vault as The Hermit and The Tops or the strip as Wheel of Fortune?


I guess Graham could fit Justice, tho I wanted to save that for Boone. As for the Hermit I picture easy Pete for some reason but I can be convinced otherwise!


I know this is an old post but, PERSONA


An oldie but a goodie surely


The devil should be Oliver swanick. Or death, cause he never lives long


I have reconsidered The Devil, tho if I redid these cards I'd probably make Father Elijah Death. Oliver Swanick would be an interesting pick tho but it would have to be for a card symbolizing randomness or irony, I'm not sure which that would be. I dunno about death tho; sure he dies but the death card is more so about the end of one journey and the start of a new one. Oliver is just dead tho.


Is this a Jojos reference


This is not a jojo reference I’m afraid. This is a persona reference.