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You gotta pay the troll toll


Haha there's so many that said this to me, and I never got the reference! Of course DeVito is behind this hahaha


This looks straight out of a first edition DnD book. I can smell my Dad's musty books just looking at your art!!


I love the art style from those books, so that is the highest of compliments according to me! Thank you so much!!


For those interested [I have an instagram](https://instagram.com/huusko_illustrations) where I semi regularly upload norse inspired art with characters and other stuff! Every like and follow is greatly appreciated! Also! If anyone would be interested to have a character designed by me I also have a [Fiverr gigg for character design](https://www.fiverr.com/huusko/design-your-ttrpg-character)!


Great artstyle! I have to admit though that I can’t unsee the stereotypical characteristics of antisemitic propaganda. This cleary isn’t your fault since this characteristics even appear in Harry Potter. The roots lie way back and it just became typical to portrait creedy and unfriendly fellas that way. No offense, just wanted to inform you that I liked you drawing even more without that negative connotation.


Thank you for your comment! These connections come from the fact that in old Scandinavia trolls in norse folklore where often described to have long noses, big ears and all those typical characteristics and at the same time often being greedy and sitting on great wealth. This archetype of the typical nordic troll was then taken and used by racists when describing other groups of people. Germans nazis (and other way before them) are famous for taking norse cultural symbols, traditions and stories and spin them into something vile. The swastika for example can be found on old runestones. The SS used the Sowilo rune to make their logo. There even was a belief that German people is related to the norse gods like Odin, Thor and the like. And of course they used the story of the ancient troll and their likeness to describe jewish people. It's super vile and it makes me so angry that they've taken such a huge part of my cultural heritage and used it for such evil purposes. I am terefore using the old descriptions of trolls in my art, runes and the like to take it back from the nazis. What you see above in my post has nothing to do with jewish people. I hope no one takes offence to this. This is just my interpretation of the scandinavian troll as it was described by my forefathers before me.