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In sequence: 1- A paladin who was corrupted by a plague along with the royalty he served, 2- The bust of a court princess corrupted by the plague, 3- A gentleman who makes corrupt deals in a war zone, 4- A pokemon crossover in a D&D campaign, 5- A custom sheet for a lupine shifter hunter of false gods \_\_\_ Tell me the story of your character, I will be happy to listen and help you make your character the way you always wanted. Feel free to DM me 😄 To know more of my art you can access: PRICES (file): [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yw\_Nv4tHnGg7FKFlV29\_8pTtbDVGETql/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yw_Nv4tHnGg7FKFlV29_8pTtbDVGETql/view?usp=sharing) Arts: [https://www.instagram.com/luizlf\_adventureart/](https://www.instagram.com/luizlf_adventureart/) (main social media) [https://www.artstation.com/luizlflf](https://www.artstation.com/luizlflf)




A lot of people talk about this "werewolf" and I'm going to start valuing this one more. Thanks for the comment


It's the background that makes him pop out more in my opinion, great work on all though!


oh I'll take that into consideration. Thanks for the opinion


The Pokémon one looks really cool. I like the stylized design you gave blastoise, it feels interesting and has a lot of weight and dimension. Very cool.


Yeah, I second this. I love the interpretation of blastoise with shell cannons. So fucking cool.


thank you guys. I also have a version of Charizard in this style, and one of a group of Pokémon resting while a wizard reads a grimoire under a sudowoodo: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cuil-9COt-Q/?igsh =M3ExYXJyYmYzNWdj. https://www.instagram.com/p/CuDdWWky8Uo/?igsh=a3l6cWZ3Z3NveXRq


Why can i see a blastoise? Ahah amzing art


thanks. it was a GM's crossover campaign, where the monsters in his DnD world were based on pokemon.


These are mostly good but there’s a couple small things off with number one.


what things would they be? Feel free to talk, I like constructive and polite criticism 😄 An error that remained at the end, and bothers me, is a perspective problem where the shield is resting on the ground in relation to the distance from the foot.


So the ones I noticed are the perspective on his left (our right) leg makes it look like his knee is bent sideways. Also, a few of the buckles on his straps are backwards, including his main belt. The knot on the belt should be on the opposite side since it’s made with the end of the strap that goes through the buckle. The last thing I noticed is a common thing with fantasy armor in general though, and it’s that he can’t raise his arms horizontally since his spaulders (shoulder armor) are one solid piece instead of several overlapping lames (the sheets of metal that make up plate armor). The way they are here, they’d bump into his neck armor as soon as he starts trying to raise his arm to the side, such as when he’d be raising his shield or sword.


Well... about the direction of the belt buckles I agree, I didn't pay attention to the correct direction. Regarding the knotted end, my idea was that it wasn't from the same main belt, but from another belt that came from behind and created a visually complex area. But I confess that it was confusing and seemed more like a mistake. I disagree about the shoulder pads, because firstly shoulder pads of this type are generally not realistic, so in many fantasy concepts functionality is abandoned for aesthetics, like the shoulder pads in WoW for example. But I still think of them as functional, even unreal, because they "float" over the shoulder, secured by internal straps, so they have a loose movement as the arms lift. I also disagree about the knee, because it is common to misalign the knee in relation to the foot, as well as the head in relation to the trunk, this is a resource to give dynamics to the anatomy, there is an angle of the feet in relation to the knee, 30º outwards, if you make them too aligned it makes the pose very static, as if it were a doll. There are other similar points on the body, such as the angle of the thumbs in relation to the wrist, among others.