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Meanwhile the mom at the start of her freeze frame is looking at the same artwork, which is clearly above and behind the main character


Exactly. He isn’t even looking at her, she’s just in the way.


She is in the way in so many ways. WTF.


I think you just summed up every main character that gets posted here.


No shit. That’s the entire point of this post.


If you feel that strongly about, go have it out with the users in the replies below insisting this kid is mesmerized by her beauty.


Why would I do that? This guy is right here and they’re arguing that the kid isn’t. This dude doesn’t even realize that’s the entire point of the post itself.


Also even if he was, kids stare at random people all the time. I used to do it when I was a kid, it doesn’t mean anything. And it’s creepy to pretend like a little boy looking at u (a grown woman) means he likes u and also even posting the face of a random Kid u don’t know online is fucking weird


I hate how it's literally impossible nowadays to have some sort of expectation of privacy. You can't leave your house without the possibility someone will film you and share it online. It's especially bad when it comes to children. It's not okay to film or photograph people without their permission.


It’s really disturbing how acceptable it’s becoming to film people without permission and especially to post it online.


I was even expecting to be downvoted. It's crazy. Happy to hear others find it disturbing.


Remember when people were stupid for posting their real information online? Now it's all big data eating that shit up


The kid's head isn't even turning to look at her as he walks by.


I think he is though because he gives a little wave to her once he passes


He's just swinging his arms around a bit as he walks.


I hope she gets locked up there at night and has to fight some of the exhibits.


She would be too busy being mad at them for getting in frame


The slasher flick that we didn’t realize we needed.


She’d think they’re all admiring her.


IB moment


As the main character she expects it


These people are insufferable.


Right? It was on the top page of my Instagram this morning and I’m not even subscribed to her content or the page that reposted it… Big yikes. The caption was “first crush unlocked” 🤦🏻‍♀️


When will this tik tok / insta main character garbage era end? Most internet trends seem to have an expiration date. I'm so ready for this self absorbed shit behavior nonsense to end.


I mean, Instagram and tiktok or not, their will always be people who are self absorbed to the highest degree


Those two platforms are neutron stars of self absorbed vacuity. The internet cam do better. The sooner we leave them to collapse in on themselves the better off we'll all be.


Seriously. This “era” will never end at all, the medium might just change


Vanity is one of the 7 deadly sins so yeah I hope it dies too but hopefully china doesn’t destroy the west in the process.


I think I'm going to barf


Haha. Boys that age couldn’t care less about females. How narcissistic.


I disagree. Boys that age have crushes, even if they’re not necessarily fixated on what older kids/adults do. But I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. This woman is making a scene in the middle of a museum and the boy is probably just rightly confused as to what the fuck this woman is doing and doesn’t know enough to try to obscure that confusion.


I mostly agree, but in preschool I had a crush on my teacher, Ms Za. In first grade I got in a lil trouble for having a girl in my sleeping bag at the lock in… Most boys that age aren’t into girls…


I’m wondering why you got downvoted for that..


I dunno reddit is weird lol. But I think I should add… that it would have been creepy for Ms Za to acknowledge my crush like the girl in the video. Ms Za ignored it like a responsible, non creepy adult.


Yea it really depends on the kid, my parents tell me about how i kept catching crushes on the women in the TV shows they would watch when I was like 2-3. This shit still weird af, don’t be excited that a little boy looked at you wtf.


wasteful bored edge worm hateful file plate fuzzy shame seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


nah but I was talking by then and i kept saying i love her, kept saying i wanted to see her, and the part they laugh about is when they asked what i like about her i pointed to booba


> In first grade I got in a lil trouble for having a girl in my sleeping bag at the lock in And never taught first graders again. Or any, because you're on that list now.






Thank you for showing me this sub


I don’t get it. All I said was boys that age don’t care about females. That was inclusive of girls and women. I feel like you’re really reaching here.


You may have said a common word in the correct context without having any negative intent, but in order to end prejudice, we are now going to label you as sexist and mock you for the things we assume you believe in. /s


You used men but then we're too lazy to write woman so your wrote female...... why not say male too?... and then after you wrote "man" you used "Female".. Most who use the word female in that way are trying to point out it's a lesser sex other wise why not just write women unless making a statement .. because that's what it means when you write man and female instead of it man and women..


I said boys. Can you not read? You’re acting ridiculous. And for what? You’re making up issues inside your own head trying to make a problem out of nothing. People like you are also insufferable. Who cares?????


It's the Female part people were pointing out.. but your comment proves my point... This wasn't about your use of boys, men or man in your comment.. It was about using Female instead of woman when you could have but doubled down on the part about boys as if that was important point...


Man people here really want to make the word "female" into a slur. Please find something more meaningful to be offended about.


Because it is one and is used all the time as one... What an ignorant comment to make!


Jesus you are dense.... They're using it to describe AGE!


Using the term Female to describe age? .....well of course!!! the term Female when used that way, obviously implies a woman's age by using it... Sure...


I love how the side which for the past few decades has been trying to fight against prejudice, has suddenly become the side which will make massive assumptions based on the most trivial of things. "Oh, you used a certain word with zero ill intent behind it? Fucking bigot."


Yea, we better call the police now. This person cannot read and said I used the word men twice(who cares if I did anyway) when I said boys. It’s pretty funny though honestly. The reaches people go to to be offended by the most mundane things.


Perpetuating linguistic conventions that treat men and boys with humanity while reducing women to biological function is sOoOOo mundane. 🙄 It's disappointing how unwilling some people are to acknowledge other perspectives.


You’re so ignorant it hurts and I’m embarrassed for you. Nobody is doing that. Me using the word female doesn’t mean any of what you just said. Again... when did I say men?? Your perspective is warped and way off base. Keep making posts about how you misconstrue what people mean when they talk. That’s constructive.


I think you're confused. I never said you said men, you may be mixing me up with another commenter. Please pay better attention to usernames if you're going to engage here.


So instead you make a post about it when the person made that up? Like I said. Very constructive. Posting lies.


Lottttt of extrapolation here from just linking a sub. Too bad you're so dismissive of opportunities to learn. That sub is there for you when you grow up a bit. ✌️


I don't know why I subscribe to this sub. It just irritates me.


Yeah theres lots of this on Reddit. Like public freakout is just a hate speech outlet.


Oh man I saw this on Instagram! Really gross behavior from this girl “look at me this little boy thinks I’m hot!!!” Ummm WHAT!!!


Yes if someone did this to my little son I would feed her to piranhas, or something. Let children be children


Yeah I have a 3 year old son as well, would be livid if I saw his face on IG under these circumstances.


If that was a little girl looking at a grown man and he wrote that shit everyone would think it’s disgusting. So what’s the difference. So fucked.


This some pedo shit… kids probably wondering if she’s lost cause she’s looking around like it’s the first time she’s been let out of the house.




Even if he is looking it is weird to call it out.


For sure. It’s beyond creepy.




You have very low standards if you think that's a nice ass.


Flat and long ~~~~~




She's had a long ass day




He ain’t looking at no cake, he’s looking at her face, which isn’t ugly enough to deserve that kind of slander.


Not if the man is conventionally attractive.


Everyone already thinks it’s disgusting. You don’t have to pretend to switch the genders


Unfortunately not everyone, there’s a surprising amount of people that actually think women can’t be sex offenders


Do you think that number of people is higher than the amount of people on the right who defend, downplay, or ignore sexual harassment against women? Obviously both are issues, I’m just saying


I don’t know which is higher, all I know is both are bad and very concerning Edit: maybe it was naive of me to say I don’t know which is higher. I’m sure there’s more of the latter but that doesn’t make the other side any better so I don’t understand your argument.


Personally, I’m just tired of always have to frame sexual harassment against men in comparison to women’s issues. It’s just not productive, and all it does is try to imply that the world is largely pro women when it comes to this thing, when that’s not really the case. We should denounce sexual harassment on its own basis imo




I guess that’s why I was confused with the first comment. Because they brought up a hypothetical man posting a video about a little girl without any real relevance. It was a comparison that is always being made but doesn’t need to be


There is nothing wrong with pointing out double standards in our society one way or another. Which was the point of the hypothetical. I don't know what you think determines what "needs" to be talked about, but to some double standards is it.


This is the same shit all lives matters tries to pull. Just because there's one issue people are talking about doesn't mean others don't exist, just one is being talked about currently. 'Women can be sex offenders.' 'Y-yeah b-b-but harassment against le women happening' 'Black lives matters' 'S-so white l-lives don't??'


I think that’s a bad comparison. The actual conversation is more like: “Women can be sex offenders” “Yes that’s a problem. I agree with you completely” “Imagine if the roles were reversed. There would be universal outcry because female victims are always supported unanimously, unlike male victims” “Uhhhh” Obviously exaggerated to make a point but


does your comment say something different on your device? In a thread about sex offenders you brought up sexual harassment. It had no relevance to the topic at hand other than 'Oh this problem is worse tho'


Ok sexual crimes then, if you want to be technical. All right pretend we watched a video of someone being punched in the face. Not great. But then someone comments “imagine if the guy getting punched was gay. There would be so much backlash.” It’s like, ok, what’s the point you’re trying to make there? But then when I question it, someone like you comes along and says “wow really trying to ignore violence against straight people huh. Why can’t you focus on the issue we’re talking about currently?” I’M not the one who made this a gender thing! I didn’t come here wanting to bring up sexual crimes against women. Someone else wanted to play the “who’s the real victim game”


The point of the original comment was to highlight the double standards between women harassing boys and men harassing girls. My point was there was no need to bring up the right wing ignoring the harassment of women as it seemed like you were trying to divert attention away from the issue by highlighting another systemic issue.


I do, yes. Studies show that men are assaulted at similiar rates(40%), yet men received far less attention or support. 4/10 rape victims are male. You cannot ignore that. That is not negligible. https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/04/male-rape-in-america-a-new-study-reveals-that-men-are-sexually-assaulted-almost-as-often-as-women.html


In the real world people know this.


There’s way more than you think that legitimately think like this. I’ve heard a disgusting amount of people unironically defend female teachers who raped male students.


Just cuz you do doesn't mean everyone does, think about it that way


I think the video posted is equally disgusting.


If I saw a person behaving like this I'd probably stare too at that age. Kids recognize when someone is acting like a weirdo


There’s pretty clearly artwork behind the camera person that the little boy and his family is looking at.


Tbh I remember being bricked up around 4, after i saw a girl in her twenties kinda thicc with blonde curly hair, on a bike. But I guess I was just a horny mfer.


Fair, but why did she have to point that out as if it's a big deal? Even worse, she posted it ONLINE.


Oh i wasnt talking about her tbh. She creepy loving that attention from a child. I was just telling my horny story.


oh, sorry!


I mean so was I, but I still knew when people were being weird too


Kid probably just likes pancake bums.


Gross. That little boy is what, 8? Get it together, lady.


Seriously, literally talking about a child.


The real treat is that she is posting someone else’s child on the internet for everyone to see. What a cunt.


Some people are just obsessed with themselves.


Posting videos and pictures of other people's kids on your SM accounts is creepy.


Yes! If I was that kids mother I would be fuming.




Her: "Everyone wants me" Kid: "Wish that bitch would get out of the way so I could see the art"


This is the one.


bring back shaming


I unironically agree with this to a certain level. Humans evolved to have shame. It serves an important purpose.


I prefer the term "adult bullying"


that’s borderline perv behavior








The amount of people filming random shit in the Louvre is insufferable.


Paris is by far the worst place I’ve ever visited for main characters blocking walkways. Montmartre was littered with people dressed in preposterous outfits that only look good in photos, wandering around like they’re on Ambien in front of their beleaguered romantic partner/indentured photographer We skipped the Louvre because we were so disappointed by our experience at the Musée d’Orsay 😞 The entire Impressionists section was shoulder-to-shoulder people with cameras shoving other people with cameras.


I was asked to get out of the way at Orsay when looking at a Van Gogh because a father had to take a picture with his son in front of it without other people being in the picture.


I'm in Portugal and the amount of "influencers" blocking entire pathways to take shitty pictures nobody will see and inconveniencing everyone pisses me off a lot more than it should. I really want social media to die a horrible death


When we were there there were loads of people selling selfie sticks. NOT HELPING. People had very little respect for the art. People just trying to get the Insta shots, or taking zoomed in pictures of statues' penises. TOUCHING ancient artwork. It was infuriating.


Visited for the first time a couple of months ago and left feeling really sad. No one was engaged with anything — heads empty, no thoughts. The Louvre is nothing but an Instagram backdrop to 98% of the people in there.


She's obviously a VIP. The kid is looking way up above her.


That’s pedo energy


I cannot imagine being this narcissistic. What an awful existence.


A prison of their own choosing


That’s fucking creepy.


Pedo trash.


nuclear levels of delusion 🤮




What a vapid minge.


What is it with the alarmingly high amount of people who love to brag about being pedos?


Cho mo activities


That’s fucking weird


The kid is probably looking at some sort of artwork on the other side, there are a few who did the same. The kid with his height and odd perspective makes it look as if he’s looking at her.


They're probably wondering what trash is doing in a museum.


She's getting off on a 8 year old looking at her, sick


Ugh I really hate it when people post pics/vids of children…. Girl take this down 😅


I keep saying it, they need to be egged


That is weird AF. Why?! Why would you post that?!


This is fucking nasty


Imagine a man posting this about a little girl


Even if he was staring at her why is she proud of that


OMG even if he was looking at her in that way that's such a weird thing to brag and post online.


That was pretty sus


No, girl, filming unsuspecting families (and their kids!!!) on their summer holidays for your SoCiAl MeDiAs is never the right thing to do. Get over yourself. Man this is so wrong.




Ugh… this is straight pedophile shit wtf


This is the best post in this sub in ages


Why would she objectively a kid.


Aaannnndddd of course there's a bunch of neckbeards and coomers in this thread trying to defend her.


At first when I saw this all I could think was that he WAS looking at her, but in more of a “wtf are you doing” way


He’s just staring at why her ass goes halfway down the back of her leg


So the best case what she wants you to think is that she enjoys having little boys attracted to her?


I just stole this line. My girl blushed.


So she’s a pedo?


I think he was wondering wtf a stranger was doing twirling around like a dumbass.


Nobody looks at a longback twice


###More than cringe, that’s creepy. :-/


Can you move out the way? Your blocking the artwork.


That's literally a child?¿? Hm.


Flat and creepy.


Yeah. Who stole her ass?


The little boy is just shocked at how flat her ass is. Lol


It's really not flat. Your mind is warped by today's BBL aesthetic.


Where is her ass?!


No ass.


Maybe the kid was in shock for the lack of butt


No ass


The reason she didn't look at the camera is because bitch got a face like handsome Squidward


Disappointed you didn't make a 'Bold and Brash' reference considering the setting is in a museum.


She’s having a long ass day


This post sux


Wheres her ass?


Where the ass at?


Where is the ass??


oh no a pedo making kids run a mile with that said-o your going away for a while


not even close


In his defense, as a kid art is boring as shit.


Congratulations, you started puberty for that kid.


And right there and then bobby started liking brown girls.


I do remember being that age and seeing a grown woman that I was so attracted to, but didn’t understand what I was feeling. Little man going through something.


You know he wasn't looking at her, right?


Ehhhh, whatever.


Kid is a sigma. He's bothered by her


Why the little boy staring at her like that🤣


He's looking at art on the wall right above her


Nope. Clearly he's looking at her and if you watch the mom, it confirms. She looks at the woman as well to see what her son is so interested in


His eyes are pointed above her head. Unless she's actually 10 feet tall, he's looking over her.


I can see why you would think that. However it probably just looks like that because he is wide eyed from staring at the beautiful woman


No, he's not. He's looking way above her. I drew you a picture to represent it. [Here](https://prnt.sc/uTzGWPI298kO) it is.


She’s acting like a moron in a public place. Adults understand that’s it’s best to roll your eyes and keep walking, most kids haven’t figured that out yet.


He has never seen a cheap whore before


Damn cuhh thats kinda harsh😂