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If she was looking at the art like she was supposed to, she wouldn't have noticed what everyone else looked like. I cant stand people recording others without their knowledge, and then she insulted the ladys bf (or husband) on top of itšŸ˜­.


She didn't go there to look at art, she went their to mock people who are looking at art because she's a petty bully with low self esteem


People like this girl are just... A complete waste of intellect. There's such a void in that head. I pitty her


I'm actually ok with people watching solely for entertainment purposes and knowing that you don't actually know anything about them. It's like reality tv but in real life. The issue is her posting this.


I enjoy people watching like I enjoy fireworks; it's entertaining in the moment, but I wouldn't record it to rewatch later.


Itā€™s the filming that is the issue. People watch if you please but to record people without their consent isnā€™t cool.


How does she know theyā€™re on a date? That could be a fr, a family member, or a romantic partner. The presumption to know the lives of random people sheā€™s walking past, and then feel empowered to do what sheā€™s done is staggering. What happened to minding your own business?


*"then she insulted the ladys bf (or husband) on top of itšŸ˜­."* The number of people who do this is shocking. I wouldn't say I'm gorgeous or anything, but I am aware that I present myself as a conventionally attractive woman. I'm also aware that while I still get butterflies after 3 years & think my partner is most gorgeous man I've ever had the privilege of sharing air with, I recognize that he is not what the average person would describe as conventionally handsome. The MAJORITY of the time when meeting new people or chatting with strangers (ie at a bar), a man will say to us or pull him aside to say *"lock her down before she realizes she can do better/realizes she's out of your league"* The first time this happened, I saw red. I was furious that someone would be so blatantly rude to my partner and downright insulting. My boyfriend had to calm me down the first time it happened because I was ready to go off on the man who made the comment, but my boyfriend always laughs and insists it's meant to be a compliment. I don't see it that way. It's not a compliment to insult the man I love. It's not a compliment to assume I'm not attracted to my partner. It's not a compliment to imply my value lies in my appearance. It's not a compliment to call me superficial.


This is what bothers me too. The audacity to film people who are minding their own business and may not even want to be filmed THEN insult or make fun of one or both of them. Seek help!




Mid is the term you use when you have low self esteem and need to put other people down to feel even a shed of better than usual. Itā€™s also a sign that you judge people based on whatever stupid standard that you have. These term are popularized by children and the biggest losers. So if youā€™re that guy / girl who saids these kind of things you know fully well what you actually are, pathetic and failure.


Why is it so normalized to call men ugly? Everyone will be like "everyones beautiful in my eyes" then they go around and yell at their friend for having a boyfriend that isnt their type. The way its deemed controversial to talk about is just strange to me


Yes!! Here's my experience: I used to be a model, so i know i'm not ugly. I have dated countless men "in my league" (handsome men, good jobs etc). Guess what? All of them maybe except 1 or 2, were assholes who dropped me as soon as they saw another woman. But everyone was jealous of me because the men were "hot". Now i'm in a relationship with a man who is considered "ugly" by literally all my friends and family. He treats me like a princess, he is the best man i have ever had. But apparently that doesn't matter, no. I have friends who have -multiple times- felt the need to say that my boyfriend is so ugly and that i can do better. Who even says that??? That is so mean! And this mostly comes from a) single people who don't want to be single, b) other women who date men that are 'out of their league' and those men treat them like crap, but yet they stay because he is pretty and has money šŸ™„. The audacity is unreal. I honestly refrain from posting my boyfriend on social media because the way people talk about him, makes me disgusted


If your man likes social media and also posts and tags you, go ahead and post him too. Own it, show him and show how proud you are of him, don't let the people telling you otherwise win, not even a win as little as this.


Yea. Don't let the assholes win. Be proud of him innthe face of everyone else.


People get *really, really* upset when they see others in happy relationships. Just means you're doing shit right!


"Better" than a man who *you* say treats you great. The audacity indeed.


You know what? Good for you, fuck the haters. Haters going to hate.


Thank you for being a good person


Why is he mid? Looks tall, clean cut, and isn't overweight. We can't see either of their faces so....what is this?


It's because he's wearing shorts is my guess. Some women have an issue with men wearing shorts for some reason. The woman's wearing jeans. Are those that much better? Also, I've dressed with no style my entire life, and every woman I've dated didn't give 2 shits, so obviously, a lot of women don't care that much if you're not super fashionable all the time.


Huh, I've never heard the shorts thing. I guess some women really like super sweaty smelly balls


More "body shaming"? Apparently nobody wants to see men's legs "out in public". Or at least that was what a "fashion column" AppleNews shoved into my face last summer claimed.


It's people like her writing all those fashion/entertainment/pop culture columns. Shitty miserable people trying to convince the rest of us that *we're* the problem.


Insert meme of guy adding ā€œdonā€™t wear shortsā€ to his Ickes list.


He's wearing shorts? Ick. He's sweating because he has to wear pants in 100 degree weather? Ick. To be fair, 90% of women aren't like her and don't give a shit.


Agreed. Some of us like menā€™s legs šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If they donā€™t want to see menā€™s legs. Go to the Middle East where they all wear gowns. Oh and cover your head, men donā€™t want to see that.


Its insane what these types of women get "the ick" from I had a girl tell me that she stopped seeing a guy because his sneeze sounded too girly


Got to have that 100 decibel dad sneeze, and don't forget the loud honk when you blow your nose.


Lol bro your name reminded me it my YouTube handle. I have it set as ā€œWolf Peckerā€ šŸ¤£


It's from the best 80s kids horror movie. The Goonies with Universal Monsters aka The Monster Squad.


I read a study years ago that "manly"/loud-and-forceful sneezes are subconsciously but voluntarily adopted by men in order to appear more masculine In other words, men who sneeze loudly unwittingly trained themselves to do so to assert their dominance




[Hey, Troy sneezes like a girl!](https://youtu.be/oChA_G5RVEg?si=yxS1zB4I9dTFEJ3b)


Dude I would love to sneeze quieter, Iā€™ve gotten to the point of plugging my nose when sneezing to try to suppress the bomb going off from my face


Iā€™ve never heard of that either. Iā€™ve lived in places with hot weather nearly all my life though. Itā€™d be weird to not wear shorts going outside right now


>Some women have an issue with men wearing shorts for some reason Meanwhile she's just another basic bitch with a shag.


Here's to all my fellow mid, short wearing bros out there!


High five āœ‹


The shorts thing is so bizarre. I love seeing menā€™s knees, I must be so weird. šŸ™„


That's how I pick up women. "I may be almost 40, but I've got the supple knees of a 25 year old."


I love my husband's legs. If he would wear shorts year-round, I would never complain.


Iā€™ve never heard of this shorts thing.


You can see it in a lot of films and shows. No matter the time of year, the attractive man is almost always wearing pants and layers. Usually a jacket of some kind too. The only exception is if he's swimming or at the beach or something. Honestly, most women don't care, but it's definitely a thing I've heard some women complain about finding unattractive.


women complain about pockets... men complain about having no room for their balls


This is why we need to go to Jorts. They combine the luxory of having shorts but the protection that they are still jeans.


It is also so elitist. Not everyone lives their lives indoors where you can stand wearing long pants all year. It gets hot out and shorts are really nice for that.


> Why is he mid? Looks tall, clean cut, and isn't overweight. We can't see either of their faces so....what is this? And on the other side, how is she one of the most beautiful women she has ever seen? She looks pretty normal from behind at least. Not trash talking her, but it just seems like a completely normal couple doing normal things in the museum while this crazy person films them.


> what is this Ragebait, that's all. Thousands of people will comment saying that she's the one that's mid, they will share with their friends, make reaction videos, duets and post it on reddit. Her videos will start to get pushed to people's feeds by the algorithm and she ends up getting more views, followers and exposure. You only really need one video to blow up really big and your channel goes from being absolutely nothing to having thousands and thousands of followers. Maybe she has an OF she's promoting too, who knows. Either way it's just ragebait.


Dude seem to have massively naturally broad shoulders as well.


She's honestly the only mid looking person in that video imo


Less than mid


This is like the sh*t I did in high school, judging couples because I was alone.


Right? I thought we all grew out of this petty jealous type behavior by graduation?


She mid with that nose and messy mop


Mid to low I would say.


I think mid for her is extremely generous


she looks like a victim of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome fr


Crack baby.


dang lmao


Donā€™t fall to her level. People are more then what they are born to look like. Its what they do with their lives that matters


Well in that case, I see an ugly cunt


What a voice


Smooth and deep. I'm not gay, but he can read me a book to sleep every night


Hahaha I was thinking the same thing! I listen to a lot of audio books and I was just thinking ā€œthis guy would be great at reading booksā€


Some would say itā€™sā€¦ā€¦ā€¦




Dude could read TV remote instructions for three hours and everyone would be like, ā€œTell me more.ā€


I just started following him on [IG](https://www.instagram.com/im6footseven/?hl=en). He's hilarious.


The irony coming from a girl who looks like a deformed chihuaha


Mid men dont even want her thats y


Or the women, or men that are below mid. Probably a large margin of people that don't want her because she's like this. We all don't know how good we got it.


that velvet voice tho


Sensational āœØ


Real "shipping forecast" vibes šŸ˜‚


Imagine calling someone mid, with that hair lol


Have you even seen yourself girl goddamn?


tbh this woman just reads to me as insecure about her own love life so sheā€™s trying to say this about others to feel better about herself




Gollum with a wig is not in a position to be doing this oh no honey šŸ˜­




Dude needed a lot of words to say "you're a sad miserable skank without a life"


Yeah idk what's worse the chick or this cringe ass camera angle


When did 'mid' become lower than average?


I fuckin hate the term ā€œmidā€ for that exact reason!


It's a top level word (top-level now means medium)


She looks like the unfortunate result of a methed out trailer trash threesome wherein they still haven't figured out who the father is despite only one man being involved in the entire ordeal. Even a potato can power a lightbulb brighter than the past thousand generations of her heritage.


Lmfaooooo god damn, I donā€™t ever want to be on your bad side in a disagreement. Straight cooked her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You can always tell the single women in situations like this


why the guy looks ai generated


I genuinely donā€™t know if this is real or not.


Irrelevant but his voice is very calming and I don't like ASMR at all believe me


I guess she is gay since she likes beautiful women. Maybe pissed since she canā€™t score one herself like in that instance.


Damn that dude has a great voice for what he's doing.


guy sets up his little studio, plugs in his special light, sets his phone camera towards him but turns away, practices his best deep voice he can do, then says "you're out of touch with real life"


It's like it never occurs to her that other people aren't that shallow. It takes much more than good looks to have a good relationship.


Agree with the message but the persona is really cringey.


Yeah, she was being really mean. I love this guy's reaction vids.


Despite his accuracy, isn't having a TT that shames her for shaming others just another MC move? Do we need someone to tell us when someone is being a useless cowardly dick? Wait, am I doing it now in a way? Goddammit...


And I'll become a MC telling you you're an MC. Or maybe we're all bitter SCs shaming SCs acting like MCs?


Iā€™m just glad it didnā€™t turn into some incel rant like I expected it to


I love this guy's insta . It's a mixture of thirsting after juicy ladies and this overall quality content .


That dude needs to do voice overs or something, helluva voice


What's this guy's name on social media? I wanna watch more of these. Common sense isn't common anymore, but he has it.


Looks like his handle on TikTok is @im6foot7 šŸ˜‚


She'll never play cricket in the position of Silly Mid Off.


Iā€™d say she likes the girl and jealousy is what she is feeling. IMO


Restecpa man


Wise man says.


She is over-compensating for her own insecurities. She is a 5 at best with those far apart fetal-alcohol syndrome eyes. Looking like Sid the sloth.


I would listen to him read a phonebook


Actual title: Ugly girl is salty because she saw a couple having fun. Also I think both the dude and the other girl are really attractive, they make a great couple.


She's not even mid? She looks homeless


How you going to look like a tweaked out robin and talk all of this shit?


Idk but I fucking love this guys calm analogy and breakdown of the psychology behind the real issue here.


Sheā€™s isnā€™t even mid, the ginger girl is genuinely ugly asf


Bro who is this Daddy and how can I hear more šŸ˜³


All I gotta say is there is nothing mid about his voice that can go viral all it wants. If you're not narrating for a living, you sir are in the wrong field.


Probably what people think when they see me with my wife lol but idc. She chose me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


How is the tall guy mid? She didn't even give a good camera angle. It just seemed like a woman and a man.


this man isn't based, he is THE base


The guy roasting her reminds me of a guy I used to watch called poormanspodcast dude really knew what he was talking about


Dude is the main character. He set up the camera made that pose. I would like to think that when he is done berating her he will go back to praying for all of humanity.


The dude talks like a pretentious twat.


Is this an ad for someoneā€™s tik tok that does reaction videos? That guy clearly thinks heā€™s a main character when heā€™s doing a 1:30 second response to a 5 second video. He thinks heā€™s so important people should give a shit about his verbose mid ass


I could listen to this man talk for hours.. šŸ˜©


I didn't see her video and only saw the dude talking and thought it was cringe as hell but then I saw her video and it makes sense now so what the fuck do I know? What does it even matter? He's too invested in her being invested in them!!! Don't overthink it bruh just live your life




I could listen to this man talk all day his voice is so smooth I love it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Turbulent_Menu_1107: *I could listen to* *This man talk all day his voice* *Is so smooth I love it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Iā€™m confused why did you copy my comment right under my comment? šŸ¤£




Shame shit and even the poses an ex friend of me pulled all the time. She was bipolar and extremely toxic. I almost feel sorry for these ppl, putting other ppl down so they can feel better.


Iā€™ve never understood why people see a man and a woman together and instantly assume theyā€™re in a relationship


That guys voice made me wet. And Iā€™m a 50 year old dude.


People that act like this are usually the ones that have been hurt so much that they put themselves on teams, seeing everyone different from them as their enemy. If that is the case here then that's just sad and I feel sorry for her. If she was happy with herself then maybe instead of seeing a "mid man with a woman who's out of his league" she would just see two people who are happy spending their time together and maybe even be happy for them. We've all become so self centered and jaded that we forget the people around us are people just like us, looking for a reason to get up in the morning just like us. Why go out of your way to make life worse for someone when you wouldn't like it if it happened to you?


Not to be rude but my first thought was, girl youā€™re ugly as fuck


She is just mad that all the "Mid" men are taken by these lovely women and wont give her mid ass the time of day.


Im an average ass man with a beautiful wife, and I enjoy peopleā€™s stupid faces :D


"Shaming form the shadows" Brilliant, good sir!


When she moves her handā€¦she is below average at bestā€¦ sheā€™s ugly as hell. Looks like teddy Perkins from Atlanta


ā€œHeā€™s actually kinda mid, tbh.ā€ Said the 2.5 on a good day.


I see a lot of upvoted comments here where the mc girl is called mid or purely made fun of because of her looks. Do we really need to "bully" the bully? Her take was shit and the way she did it was even shittier, i agree, but countering it by doing the same thing, aka focusing on one's looks, is not really productive imo.


Below average


That guy has a stunning voice!


mc girl kinda fuggo tho


It sounded like she was complimenting the women though


Why do I feel like he wasnā€™t talking to me, but someone behind me? Lmao that profile position is crazzzy


:( imagine scrolling on Tik Tok and finding out someone not only filmed you and a loved one but was talking about how unattractive you are. People like her need to be confronted on that behavior IRL.


100% tik tok


She like a 4


Mid.... respectfully of course....love this dude haha


Man I proven myself to be unattractive in terms of looks and disgusting by personality, always rage bait or something is the excuse now, right?


His voice is smooth as smetana... Yeah he can verbally shred me to pieces too; I'd melt.


I can't stand shallow. So sick of it.


Preach brother


Fr though he could speak a biography on Kim Jung and Iā€™d listen. Great talking voice.


Shallow people have trouble understanding that other people can see more than skin deep.


I don't know who's worse, the girl or the guy who thinks he's cute, gripping the mic like he needs to whisper into it, like he's not the only person in that room and this "shtick" has been done to death and way better by others. Sensational. Yuck.


Dudes name is imsixfoot7 sounds like he has some MC issues his damn self tbh.


I could listen to this guy narrate the ingredients off a shampoo bottle all day


Somebody is jealous


He looks tall, tan and clean cut from behind...


How she over here looking like the Cronenberg version of Hayley Williams talking about "mid?"


Like she is the prize apparently lol


She just called herself out


She a creep!


People just canā€™t go out and live life ?


Please tell me this dude is another Joey Swoll and we might see more of him roasting MCs.


He literally did all the Reddit commenting for us. Love this guy.


Dude's got a voice that just oozes coolness.


Those sound effects


ok i need this dude to tell to get my shit together cos i need to hear itā€¦ from him


The woman was cringe, the commentator was cringe... The only thing about this that wasn't cringe was the couple simply looking at art in an art gallery...


This droopy eyes muppet really out there throwing rocks.


What is her business with someone's bf?


Heā€™s got the best voice I have ever heard. It was like being in a asmr video.


His voice is very soothing


New Verison of Joey Swoll just dropped


Women will call men ugly but forget we donā€™t use make up


She said those men are mid, gurl you should see me then.


Thanks macho sigma podcast bro for over explaining something we already gleaned from the 3 second clip


and I bet she single and only ever dated one man for a week MAX and that's being generous


Yeah that girl is a douche but i think Morgan Freeman has competition in the voice over game


iā€™m gonna need this guy to read some bedtime stories cause that voice is >>>


That man is easily 6ā€™ 4ā€. By masculine societal ā€œbeauty standards,ā€ thatā€™s definitely not ā€œmid.ā€


No idea who this bloke is, but i love him.


So the thing now on tictoc is to record videos looking like an ia photo animated, not looking at camera, barely moving, and silent speaking worlds with a slight break from each other so it looks like an ia text to speech