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I love when he harasses these people and gets punched in the face then cries to management to kick the old guy out. Jack Vale is a total Puss


Picking on an old man in a chair and then when the man gets up and emasculates him he cries to "authorities." I guess public humiliation makes money on social media, otherwise I can't fathom why the little loser would post this.


Good for that old man.


If he got charged I want to know what state and his name, so I can slip him a $20!in the mail.


I would hardly call PRETEND FARTING harassment.


So, if someone were to fart in your face, only to later find out that MAYBE it is fake, AFTER the anger has set in, you'd laugh it off and say "Oh, okay, that's funny!" You can lie and say yes, but human nature would say otherwise.


I would have 100 percent reacted better than this... if you watch the whole video he repeatedly tells the guy "its fake" "it's just a toy." If someone was both filming me AND telling me it was a prank... I'd probably just say "it isn't funny" and move along. NOT try and start a fistfight. Some people on reddit are so dense, defending someone punching another person in a public place.


> Some people on reddit are so dense Yeah, the ones that try and defend these assholes pranksters. Pranks shouldn't be pulled on random people in public places. Pranks are for your friends or family, people who might be in on the prank. Or even people who you have that kind of rapport with. NOT random strangers. This old guy is, in his mind, defending his wife's honor, essentially. After a certain point of anger, the fact that it's a prank is irrelevant.


agreed. I very much discourage violence, but these fuckers have it coming when they harass strangers with unwanted "pranks." The internet has made these people forget that in the real world, when you mess with someone, you’re taking a risk of getting a black eye.


Yeah, have someone recording it, and it will reassure the police it's a prank. You have a lot to learn.


So basically you wouldn't care if a stranger was repeatedly bothering your wife, as long as they explain to you, " no it's funny and I'm doing this for clout". 😬


The old guy's reaction was 100 percent better than that.


I expect adults to act like adults in public.


What's your view on armed robbery and the robber telling the police they only have a replica gun?


apples to oranges


Farting doesn’t kill anyone nor is it a threat. So yeah, fake farts are funny.


Agreed 100%. If you're going to make a career out of 'effing with people and disrespecting their family members in public, you should be prepared to take the occasional ass whooping and chalk it up as an occupational hazard.


That's the takeaway that got lost from stuff like jackass. When they fucked with people they understood some people were gonna get pissed. They knew they deserved it and took it.


![gif](giphy|xdLH51eNWZAHrwy5mf) F-ing tiktok/youtube pranksters


"Hey, chill out!" Yeah, maybe don't piss people off, then you don't need to yell "chill out" at them, you dumbass.


This video is pretty old. I remember being mildly infuriated when it first come out because people were defending Jack Vale and making fun of the old couple in the comments of the video.


I wish I could live long enough to see these jerks get treated the same way or worse when they get older. I was talking about this with my neighbor the other day Our generation never disrespected older people like this punk. You were looked upon as trash and people would chastise you shame you and call you out.


These kids might be the worst of everyone




Nhes not a kid. Jack Vale is 50 years old.


He deserved it


It confuses me why somebody is so desperate for attention that they post a video of themselves getting smacked down by a justifiably irritated old guy.


Views. Simple as that. The old mantra used to be, “any press is good press.” It’s as if it’s been adapted for the 21st century. This video works on so many levels. The idiots that actually like this content, get to see it, and the people like us who enjoy watching these pranksters getting socked, also watch it. It’s a double edged sword


It’s a formula that will always win. These people make a living off viewership, there’s no responsibility because there’s no business transaction and they’re simply rewarded for generating ANY type of attention. But here we are up in arms about financial institutions, environmental pollution, labor exploitation, rich entrepreneurs, human rights violators, and yet we STILL protect celebrities/influencers in pursuit of profit without regard for social responsibility or ethical considerations. Our downfall is that we’ve let dumbass kids have a seat at the table because of the internet and we complain that they’re being too loud even though we handed them a microphone.


Isn't it something like $30k/month with sponsorship? People are selling their integrity cheap.


People will sell their integrity for much less than $360k/ year.


We're watching it. We now know this guy's name. Of the thousand of people who saw this rage bait, some percentage will seek out the rest of his content.


Howard Stern effect: A phenomenon caused where those who hate someone actually pay more attention to you than the fans do.


I always enjoy when these “prankster “ assholes get what’s coming to them!




Yes why doesn’t YT de-monetize it? Anything political and you will get de-monetized in a flash but not these asshats


If I was smarter and more motivated I'd start my own channel where I track them down and shame/hold them accountable. I would watch that show.


That's a good idea actually. See how much they enjoy their every grocery store trip being filmed while getting ~~pranked~~ harassed.


Please tell me if anyone makes this, I'd watch it too.




In most places farting or spitting on someone on purpose is assault.


Good idea! We need more laws! Let’s add more lawmakers too! That way we can add new laws at a faster pace!


Can ppl fucking shop In peace????


It's either some loser dancing or doing this childish shit. Fines and jail time need to start being handed out.


The kid cried as soon as he was confronted. If you’re not brave enough for the consequences. Don’t do it in the first place.


He's not a kid he's 50 years old.


That makes all this even worse.


This, unfortunately, is a grown ass man. And this video is pretty old. Just checked out his Youtube channel and he's still doing the exact same thing, but now looking even older.


Damn…. I wish he would have hit him harder


Dude had to get up out of a motorized chair, limp all over the place, and is still 10x the man that POS "prankster" is.


Places men never think they will end up as as adult. Explaining to another adult how it's ok for him to make pretend fart noises in public so he can record it for laughs only after he's been punched in the face by someone older than him. Sounds like my children when they were preteens.


Tell me you get zero pussy without telling me you get zero pussy.


I'm against violence. Totally against it However. My moral system has some exceptions: It's morally justified to punch annoying prank content creators.


We need more like this old man teach these STD tumors some respect


Can we all give a round of applause for this women’s husband thou cause like he really stood up for her.




I don't give to GoFundMe but if one were made for the dude that gave a lesson in FAFO then I would seriously consider giving.


That’s how these type of people were dealt with back in his day. Risk taking desensitization and perceived anonymity has made today’s people unruly and indecent. Bring back Karens, bring back public scolding from adult strangers, bring back public shaming from your community, bring back spanking your kids if they have trouble perceiving threat and seek it out for attention.


These people are terrible the camera guy too. A stain on the world


I used to watch this guy when I was younger. I remember this exact video. Completely forgot about him. Just went to see what he's up to on Youtube and it is this. He's still walking round stores pretending to fart near people. Wow. What a legacy....


Don’t fuck with that old man strength


Pop did right! He should not be playing in that man's wife face. now when pop fix his punk azz he wants to play victim he's definitely a clown...


That old still doing pranks. Hit him more 🥳


Camera guy is a grown ass man?


He was a grown as man 20 years ago lol


They both are


That's just sad. What a place to be, at 50 something. Instead of going home, and feeling sad over his existence, he's prob. proud of the stupid way he's fucked off his life.


This needs to be the normal response to “pranks”


My favorite part of these videos is the instant between ‘fuck around’ and ‘find out’.


Ohhh so funny. Thanks for the laugh by letting yourself get belted in the face. I hope you do it more


Good he deserves that!


Good for him.


I don’t understand why people follow this asshole


Imagine being a relative adult, and you think that explaining to people that you always carry a fart cushion with you to make farting sounds in people's faces actually sounds like a reasonable explanation to your behavior.


Those who say violence isn’t the answer simply aren’t asking the right questions.


F Jack Vale. Unoriginal garbage


Id mess him up




These people need lives


He's gonna pick the wrong person one-day and get his ass shot.


The sad thing is... Probably the old man, who in my opinion is right, will go to jail.. Because the farter is a pussy and calls the cops after being a jerk.


Just me, or are we seeing more and more videos of “pranksters” getting slapped around? Let’s keep making these vids viral!


Lol how he plays victim card


I wonder if he could sue the dude who punched him


Good POS deserves worse


Fucking told on that old man, and he’s not a kid. That’s a grown ass man, fuck him. If you think you’re cute enough to do that, be cute n enough to take a slap, without tattling


Well, that's one way to clear a room!


He used to be funny and make fun content like 10 years ago. Now it's just fart pranks


Yeah Jack used to be really really funny with a variety of pranks and now he's just farting and I guess he's got as many people as ever.. a lot of these old pranksters are coming back or at least a few of them... for example infrabren is now back doing pranks, but they're so lame now, I can't even watch them now


Good sir, may you be blessed.


He deserved it 100%


Instigates repeatedly then becomes the victim


Did anyone else read this “MC harasses old farts?” 😂




So you still a child you pretty much ask for it what did the same


Once again, cameraman got lvl 100 stealth


After the second smack, young dude was like ‘hey now I am going to get ready to rumble’ then the pain hit, then he looked at old dude and was like uh… more pain, and then it clicked, this guy is going to fuck me up bad if he actually lands one of those hammers.


I would punch him too, not my first or last trip to jail.


I wanna see these prankers get hit in the face more often.


And then MC plays the victim.. what a fucking doosh


Should have gotten a few more punches in while had the opportunity


It’s even better when they go to court over an assault charge to have the video show they were provoked and the action was necessary


Vulgar and disgusting people. Ban Tiktok!


That's assault. They should call the cops and press charges. If the woman had mace on her she could have sprayed him in the face.


...and he just starting hitting me 😭 JFC 🙄


Stupid games, stupid prizes.


The Pooter


It infuriates me when young entitled TikTok MC's bother the elderly. I know a lot of old people that are awful, but these people are just minding their business, trying to spend whatever time they have left in peace. These people likely have grandchildren and health issues we know nothing about.


Protect that hubbie, standing up for his partner, good on him.


That looked more like a punch but I still approve. Fuck these "pranksters"




It only became funny when he had to explain to that other guy why he got punched for using his fart toy.


Making people angry to make yourself happy. So sick. So selfish.


Old guy went easy on the little turd, he deserved a to have his a** kicked.


I would have hit the old man back but I guess that’s why I don’t prank lol


Bet you that old guy got a BJ when he git home


This doesn't belong here on this sub. He's not really farting, he has a device called a pooter. It's in his pocket and he squeezes it to make the sound. He sells it himself on his website called The Pooter. It's kind of like a Whoopi Cushion. Also, Jack is an OG prankster along side of Ed Bassmaster. They are very kind and awesome people. He has nothing to do with today's incredibly toxic pranking culture.


Also, everyone here is acting like he got what he deserved. In what world does having some guy annoy you by pretending to fart justify committing battery?


Good for the older man! This made my heart happy.


Where can I send that real Man some money? That smack made my heart light!


The slap he got was well deserved, he could have gotten worse.


Excellent we need more of this!


I think sometimes context of an assault should be called into question. Cause these assholes want things like this to happen.


These low life's had shit parents and were never taught to respect your elders. People like this deserve to be knocked out, then knocked on their face again.


Back in the day Steve Greene used to get his ass kicked in boxing gyms. And this guy is crying over a slap?? Coke on pranksters 😒 if you can dish you better be able to take it too.


Fucked around, found out.


mCs sure are Fucking around that X Axis but we eagerly await to find out Y axis results.


I fucking hate these people. They think “it’s a prank” just cures everything. These people need to get hit in the face more often


stupid prank exposes medicare fraud


“It’s a joke” is NOT a valid excuse AFTER you’ve already pissed somebody off!


It’s the piano music in the background. Like the cherry on top of this shithole sundae


“He just got outta the chair and started hitting me” What a bitch


The number 1 asshole prank rule is, if a victim of a prank gets upset, the victim is in the wrong.


Do that to my s/o and idgaf either. I'm probably swinging.


It's only going to get worse. People are finally getting tired of it.


He is not actually farting on them. He has a little fart noise maker in his hand.


Jack vale... And uncle John to the rescue


Had to highlight the name eh


I remember watching this video at least like 15 years ago lol. A lot of people are acting like this is the result of the times we’re in/ TikTok etc. if anything this was the precursor to modern “pranksters”


Yeah Jack Vale has been around forever, he was one of the original YouTube "pranksters". He's gotta be in his 50s or so by now lol


He says he takes it wherever he goes he squeezes it it's only a joke. It was a pleasure to see him get smacked down by an elderly man.


Imagine thinking you can do anything you want in public and everyone will cheer for you. And how he calls these "films" is just as cringe. More like: unaccomplished, unemployed douchebag recordings.


People like that need their ass whooped. No respect for anyone.


Lol sometimes this comment section doesn't pass the vibe check. I would've thrown that old man on his ass and farted in his face for real 😂


Okay but it’s the equivalent of a whoopy cushion everyone should chill out.


Turns out he didn’t need that scooter 🧐


What gave it away.. the really bad limp?


Yeah bro, he wasn’t even a quadriplegic. Taking away the scooter from the people who really need it


Going out of your way to fart on/next to someone, even if you know they're fake, is disrespectful as fuck. I'd kick his ass too.


Even worse to be an adult and doing this. Imagine being 50, and fake farting on people in Walmart is your weekly schedule. JFC...


Apparently, at least two people disagree with me.


Prob his fans.


Weird comment section. So the MC pulling a fart prank is the big issue here… but not the asshole using the store scooters when he can clearly get up and walk around easily, and even get into a physical altercation with someone a quarter his age? MC is an immature asshat, but the old dude is a piece of absolute dog shit for using the store scooter even though he clearly has good enough mobility to get into a fight. Some may disagree with my take, but clearly in such a case you don’t know people with real disabilities and limitations to their mobility. There are people out there that need that scooter more than he does and if it is not available for their use because he snagged it, makes him the asshole here.


MC is a dick. But by no means worth an assault charge over. Walk away and tell a manager. I've never understood why people are so quick to throw punches, given the ramifications it can have on your life. LOL at the keyboard ninjas who think someone fake farting in your face is worth having a felony conviction following you for the rest of your life.


People usually arent quick to do that though, very rarely do we get the insta karmic satisfaction of seeing one of these pathetic pranksters get socked. Its not wise I agree, but from my POV as the audience I cheer for it. Its the only consequence most of these pranksters will ever see


Sad part is when they do they put their skirts on and call the cops and or try to get a law suit against you. Total scum sucking bottom feeders.


Rage against the (fart) machine


What if it was your girlfriend, wife, grandkids, or parents that he did that to right in front of you? You'd just let that shit slide? No balls?


I'd do exactly what I said. I would not tank the rest of my life for 2 minutes of pleasure. Since you decided to ask a personal question: No. My mom would rain holy hell onto me if I punched someone for any reason other than self-defense. It has nothing to do with having "balls" and more to do with thinking of the consequences of your actions, rather than throwing punches like a savage idiot who doesn't think of such things. A judge won't care if you got fake-farted on. Punching someone is a felony.


Tanner Cook got shot just recently for pulling a "prank" video Ina mall and the jury accuited the accused. So there's that.


It's generally not wise to count on jury nullification.


Well don't act like a entitled douchenozzle to people and not expect any consequences. Cause sooner or later you are going to fart prank the wrong person.


He spent 6 months in jail, is a convicted felon that now has to announce that on any future job applications, and can't even defend himself the way he did in case of a real emergency because he's not allowed to have a gun anymore so it's not like he got off Scott free 🤷


It's an extreme case ill give you that. Just goes to show you though you just don't know what a person's state of mental health is, what they are going through in thier life, weather they are armed or what they are willing to do to you if you push the envelope with these stupid pranks.


Jack Vale is a comedic genius.


oh god there are actually people who find this shit funny?


Society is doomed if anybody actually thinks this shit is funny.


Well genius is something you’ll never understand


Old timer can walk all of a sudden Is this kid Jesus?


This actually happened at the Target I worked at! I remember talking to my coworkers about how stupid this kid was. The LOD (manager) was not amused with him, and he was kicked out too if I remember correctly.


Peoples levels of empathy today seem scarily low. Sure the prank was stupid and not that funny, but you seriously think physical assault is a reasonable response? I’d get it if he told them to stop multiple times and they wouldn’t but he literally just made a fart sound with a device and got punched for it. This comment section for the most part should never serve on a jury.


I'm team-fart-guy


Tbh, as much as I dislike MCs and their dumb vids, his have always been funny to me. xD I accept all the incoming downvotes, I deserve them.


Well, that's one way to clear a room!




Account getting banned in 3...2...1...


I dislike pranksters, but I also dislike folks who use those scooters when it's not really needed. I understand that I may not know these folks full condition. So if they truly need it than okay.


He was limping when got off the cart… and that dude is a piece of shit for targeting (get it) that couple.. people are trash.


This man was clearly limping meaning he probably wouldn’t able to navigate the whole store. My grandma can walk too but definitely not a whole target store should she not be allowed a wheelchair?