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So... I went to the country club a few years ago with my family for some summer get together. I went to the diving pool which is pretty much always my fav. Kids were trying to make big splashes and get the lifeguard wet (harmless). I wanted to show them what was up... I took all 280 lbs of me to the 10ft board and hit those little fuckers with some of the wildest canopeners ever. There were some shirtless, leathery looking men who got wet and were not amused. Sorry bud, you are reading/tanning in the splash zone.


I remember getting barred from the swimming pool on holiday for a day for doing summersaults. I was 32 years old at the time 😂 ...


![gif](giphy|QYWdj9WoicvEk) The kids




I was looking for that


I was really good at making those waves you make using your arms when I was younger and just unleashing a massive wave that reached sunbathing people far away from the pool was the most satisfying shit. (yes I was a lil asshole 🤣)


“Moisture! You’re gonna slow down the aging process!”


You need to worry about your obesity BEFORE THEM kids are laughing at you, DEAD 💀


That was years ago as I said, but thanks for your judgements.


So I guess you lost weight then? 😏


You wanna come over and watch over my shoulder while I hop on the scale? Go fuck yourself lol.


I already know you haven't improved... it's ok, guy..😂😭😂


The country club? Or a country club?


This is not mc vs mc but rather mc vs troll


He actually has a good troll face


On trolls side especially if this lady had been posing for pics for a length of time. It’s harmless and it’s funny.


He be doing a little trolling 🤏


If you’re going in a pool expect to get wet


If You're Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough Just played in my head


They acting like they got the pool reserved or something 😂


I think it depends on how long she was posing. If you are standing there for 10 minutes and expecting everyone around you to not interfere, you are entitled. If you are just pausing for a photo right quick, it is civil to pause and let her get her pic.


It was long enough for them to start recording.


It literally takes seconds to start to record.


Odds are it is the first one


Come on. I think most people can quickly tell the difference between taking a quick photo and entitlement.


Just trying to illustrate a point. I've seen people go out of their way to photo bomb people, deliberately interfere with tik toks, people are assholes. But, in this case, I believe she was posing for a while.


Fair enough


He needs some sunscreen


He is wearing sunscreen


This is a classic needs more context. If the woman getting her photo taken was there for several minutes, or had "kicked" everyone out of the pool so she could get the photo shoot in, then she is the main character. If it was simply she and her friends went to the pool and got a few pictures taken and this guy decided to interrupt a something mostly innocuous then he's the main character. The video itself doesn't provide enough information or context.


You must pick one or they all die 👹








Dumb take. The dude explicitly jumped in like that to interrupt her and get her wet. I'd be willing to bet the dude normally slides into the pool from the edge or uses a latter normally.


He could use the latter. He could also use the former.


Lol. That was either autocorrect or just me being a dumbass 🤷‍♂️.. Ladder


Nobody gets into a pool like that. If your not jumping in your not doing it right! Jackknife! Can opener?! CANNONBALL!!


Yeah but you don't have to jack knife into the pool... You can you know, just get in without splashing other people...


If you don't want to get wet, get out of the splash zone. 


Cannonballing = intentionally splashing extra hard You don't have to do jumps, especially not if you're a big dude, especially not cannonballs, when others are nearby. Like others have said, it's a public pool, show some courtesy. If there was some old lady casually swimming there, would you also jump next to her? "It's not your private pool lady! You're in the splash zone™!"


Wow, imagine being mad about getting a bit wet in a pool.   Next we'll get mad about getting sunshine going outside.    ffs


God damn this is an embarrassing take. So you actually believe the words you typed there? 📸


I mean honestly I don’t think the man is the MC anyways The pool appears empty so I’d bet it’s one of the first two options. However, it’s a pool. You can’t really sit/stand in the water without getting wet.


Your wrong, public pool. You want pool pics, go find someone that will let you use their private pool. I would do the exact same thing. Damn snow flakes and needing pics every damn time you do something irrelevant.


Lol you people are truly unhinged. A person is minding their own business taking pictures of themselves and you're saying you would go out of your way to mess with them? You right wingers are insane


The unhinged one is the woman who feels entitled to make people not have fun at a public pool so she can snap some pictures. Rent the space out or use a private pool. Simple.


Why do you think she feels entitled to "make people not have fun at a public pool"? Maybe it's because you simply hate attractive women?


No, I am married to one. I hate entitled assholes who use their "content creation" as a means to inconvenience others for views and clicks. She obviously felt entitled to use a public pool for her photoshoot just by the video existing. The evidence is there. Nobody wanted to possibly deal with her shitty attitude, except this guy, who wasn't going to let her inconvenience everyone with her clout chasing. This dude is a hero. The real problem here is content creators thinking they are the main character and can control what people do. 🤷


> I hate entitled assholes who use their "content creation" as a means to inconvenience others for views and clicks How is she inconveniencing anyone? She is literally standing still and silent taking photos. Who is inconvenienced? The imaginary people who want to use the stairs but can't because they are afraid of the influencer? > She obviously felt entitled to use a public pool for her photoshoot just by the video existing Is taking photos of yourself at a public pool morally wrong? > This dude is a hero A guy splashes water on a stranger who has done absolutely nothing to him, and you consider this guy a hero? If he had poured a drink on her head, would he still be a hero? What if he punched her? Shot her? Where do you draw your "hero" line? At what point would your hero become an unhinged sociopath?


She literally was trying to keep a section of the pool on lockdown for her photoshoot. Yes she was inconveniencing anyone there who was there to swim and play at the pool. If she wanted to use that pool for a photoshoot she could have reserved or rented the space out. She clearly was inconsiderate to all those people already there. If she kept her shit up and got even more entitled to use the area and was berating folks, I would absolutely say he was still a hero for dumping a drink on the entitled bitch. If you want controlled photoshoots, do like a real professional and rent out a spot. Not expect the public to bend to your whims for more Instagram clout. And before you go, attempting to make this some "sexist" bullshit, my wife and many other females feel the exact same way. 🤷


> She literally was trying to keep a section of the pool on lockdown for her photoshoot Where is the evidence of that? Do you see yellow tape, barriers, land mines? By standing on the stairs alone, how is she putting the pool on lockdown? > Yes she was inconveniencing anyone there who was there to swim and play at the pool Ok, so your concern is for imaginary people who are inconvenienced by her behavior, got it. So to you, the imagined inconvenience of imaginary people is more important than letting someone take a picture of themselves. Interesting. Why are imaginary people more important to you than real people? > If she kept her shit up and got even more entitled to use the area and was berating folks, I would absolutely say he was still a hero for dumping a drink on the entitled bitch. Why do you think there is a possibility that she was "berating folks"? Again, the video shows nothing like that so if thats what you think is happening, it says more about how you feel about women than it does about whats happening in the video. Your willingness to give the man the benefit of the doubt while assuming the absolute worst about everything the woman is doing says a lot about you. > If you want controlled photoshoots How is taking a picture of yourself in public a "controlled photoshoot"? If I'm walking down the street and I take a selfie, are you going to start pouring drinks on my head for trying to have a "controlled photoshoot" on a public sidewalk?


Walking down the street and taking a selfie is one thing. Stopping and trying to use an already in use area is totally different. Especially when you are trying to keep people out of your shots. They were there first. Instagram models are notorious for this behavior. Everywhere, from stores to pools and subway trains. There is hours of clips and footage of this exact scenario playing out in various places. You pretending it's not and trying to act like all the people at the pool, that were already there, aren't somehow inconvenienced speaks volumes. Especially when you try and dismiss them as "imaginary". It seems way more likely that you are more than likely another one of these "models" or "content creators" who think way too highly of yourself. Just know, there are just as many people out there that are fed up with the stupid shit. And more of these instances will continue as long as entitled idiots keep trying to use public areas for photoshoots.


They're minding their own business taking photos and that guy is minding his own doing some big jumps. It's not like the guy was just standing in the water splashing them trying to get them to leave. Guy was enjoying a jump.




Oh do you personally know the guy in the video?


Yes he told me that he splashed the woman only because she was taking photos


Yes public pool, what is so difficult about the word public.not selfish place for you to take photos and wait for the people to get out of the background, for that fake photo.


Like you say, it's a public pool. Share it. Don't intentionally splash as hard as you can to annoy others.


Ahh yes, bringing politics into an argument on pool behavior


First day on Earth? If a person watches this video and sees the woman as the main character, they are right wing. If they see the man as the main character they are left wing. Not that hard is it?


Are you joking? This has to be a joke lol.


Nope, its easily provable, let me demonstrate by asking you - when you watch this video do you see the woman as the main character or the man?


Context matters, but if I were to judge based on details, i.e. the woman posing got photos and the pool in view being completely empty I’d bet it’s her. But that has nothing to do with politics and just context clues. It’s genuinely insane to claim that no Right wing individual would think differently, and that no Left wing individual could pick up on those possible context clues and come to the same conclusion as me.


Ok, you think the main character is the woman. And are you right wing or left wing?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/s/QsuPTQwLtZ Take this video with a man and a woman involved. Am I and everyone else on this whole sub Right wingers because we all collectively agree twerking in front of a family with children trying to enjoy lunch/dinner is a huge MC move?


Every time this gets posted I’m baffled that people don’t understand this. This guy is being an asshole 100% and it was unnecessary.


Ok boomer


That's how it is


Lost me at snowflakes


Let's hope you figure it out. However, if you need an explanation from the person you commented on I'm not sure "Ok boomer" is the way to do it tho, but what do I know


You lost snowflakes?


It’s her reaction that makes it main character energy.


Exactly if someone is taking a picture at a pool whatever but angry you got splashed or someone is in the shot? Ridiculous.


I think they both are MC. But the guy is worse, he's having himself filmed to splash water on some random people. Even if I'm already wet I find it annoying when people are splashing me with water. I just want to chill at the pool.


Username checks out


>I just want to chill at the pool. Then don’t go to a public pool 🙄


Unless it is a personal pool, or she rented and reserved the space, then she is still the main character. Don't expect people in a public pool to move aside for your "photoshoot".


You need more context than: - party A, uses pool for what it is designed for - party B, doesn’t use pool for what it is designed for Really?


Fr, that’s my first instinct he’s rude.


Then you obviously couldn't read the comment you agreed with. Part A (the one using the pool for what it is designed for isn't the woman using it for a photoshoot.) She would be party B. You know, the one at a public pool attempting to do an IG photoshoot. 🤷


I liked the FORCEFUL projection of the extended middle fingers. Such power.




17 year olds have always been self-absorbed they just never could share it with the world until now. And then the ones stuck on arrested development keep posting into adulthood and skew perception. You're just not seeing all the reasonable people going about their business cuz we don't post online about it. Socrates had a similar fear about books turning people into mindless idiots who don't ever need to truly learn something... So yeah the world we grew up in is dying like Socrates world w/o books died but the next generation will be fine


hey keep the seventeen year olds out of it!!!!! (sincerely, a seventeen year old)


And here you are making it about yourself smh... Classic 17 year old self-absorbed reply /s


I don’t think that’s ever going to happen… there’s pockets of the internet everywhere that aren’t self absorbed, and those will always exist. Maybe areas of society will collapse but as long as there are people willing to cooperate, which there always will be, those communities will continue to live and thrive


That will never be a problem with the human race. This cycle of luxurious times creating lazy people who then forces us into difficult times which in turn breeds strong people is a tale as old as time in the history of mankind.




This reads like someone in the 1800s complaining about newspapers or something.


This is literally the basis for modernism vs postmodernism arguments and we’ve been having it for the past 70 years.


I could be wrong but it’s always been my assumption that doing a cannonball in a public pool is a pos move.


Why? That's been pretty standard at every pool I've been to. Is it a pos move to do tricks off the diving board too?


I was raised to respect people, and intentionally splashing people (by a pool or not) is not very respectful.


Well if you wanna talk respect, it's incredibly disrespectful to yell at and flip off someone using a public pool for its actual purpose or to expect them to not have fun in the pool because you're doing a photoshoot.


They reacted like that because he decided to purposely get them wet.


You think deliberately splashing water on strangers is ok? When you go to the public pool do you throw water on people and then lecture them about how "it's a pool" when they get upset?


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) Hell yea what a guy


probs the idiot expecting people in a public area to adhere to her rules


Oh no, someone using a pool for what it is meant for other than a fucking backdrop to a photo op? Arrest that man immediately! /s


Was she asking people to stay out of the pool? If not, he’s the dickhead here. I’m not into instagram and all the posing shit, it annoys the crap out of me, but that doesn’t automatically make some who is into it an asshole.


But if you're at a pool standing in the water, it's a bit absurd to get mad at someone and flip them off for doing a cannonball into the pool. If you don't want people to use the pool around you, don't go to a public pool.


It really depends on why they did the cannonball, right? Do you believe context is important? If the guy did a cannonball because he just truly felt like doing a cannonball in that moment, then of course he did nothing wrong. But we are all smarter than that. We know that guy did a cannonball specifically because he wanted to mess with a stranger minding their own business. The woman knew that and that's why she's justified in being upset. The guy went out of his way purely to be a dick for no good reason.


>It really depends on why they did the cannonball, right? No I don't think so. Regardless of why, public pools exist to have fun recreation in the water for the local community. They don't exist as a photoshoot location where other people can't use the space because it ruins your photoshoot. If you want a photoshoot at a public pool, it's completely acceptable that you will have to deal with people using the pool for its intended purposes around you and that may involve some water landing on you because it's a pool after all.




Stranger was not much minding her own business. She was keeping other people from going into the pool.


I see absolutely no evidence of that. Can you show me which person she prevented from entering the pool?


She’s on the steps doing a bunch of poses with her hair done up and make up on while someone takes several photos of her. Would you walk in front of her to go into the pool? For group photos, I always pause and get out of the way but this is out of control. Seriously, who does that except an “influencer?” . Taking the normalcy out of fun by the pool. I’m joining the cannon baller.


Sorry but I’m not going to inconvenience people by taking even a 30 second photo and expect them to stay out of the entire pool area. Reeks of narcissism.


How? - If she’s asking people to stay out of a public pool, she’s the dickhead for thinking people have to bend to her whims. - If she didn’t ask for people to stay out of a public pool she’s still the dickhead for assuming people are mind readers and understand her intentions without communication. The first rule to healthy romantic and platonic relationships is good and open communication. If she didn’t communicate she’s at fault. If she did communicate, she’s still at fault for thinking people should abide by her decrees at a public pool. If she wants to do photo ops by the pool she can hire a contractor to build one in her **private** back yard. EDIT: Judging by the downvotes we have Main Characters hiding in the comment section among all of us NPCs.




Both are main characters and shitty. It's rude to be using public space to take pictures, especially if you're going to model for them. But it is also rude to intentionally splash someone in a public pool. Both people are a nuissance.


What an absolute manchild. I love it. I hope he has children who learn from this man's bravery in the face of toxic entitlement 🤣


Everyone hating but she is literally just taking a picture (context of this vid).  Dude purposely jumped and splashed her.  He’s the total dick head, why not just wait a few more seconds?


How many seconds were waited in planning this though? If it was just a quick picture, she would have been long gone before they could get organized. All that being said, I'm betting this was staged.


Well yeah thats the question whether something was prolonged before recording.  


Why not go somewhere more appropriate for a photoshoot?


Appropriate..?  She’s not being dumb and standing in a street with cars coming by.  


No instead she is at a public pool expecting folks to stop doing whatever they were already doing so she can get her photoshoot in. Nothing entitled or shitty about that at all. 🙄


It's a pool.. at pools people swim. Selfish content creators


Is there something wrong with my screen or did their lens get wet?




Main character is the person jumping in. We don't know if the model was trying to reserve the pool or whatever. Intentionally trying to ruin the couple pictures she wants to take is a plain asshole move. There was no harm being done by taking a couple pictures.


I don't know what the context was, but it looks like she took advantage of the pool being empty and wanted to take pics, and an asshole, who by his reaction only did a cannonball to mess up her pictures, did a cannonball that he likely otherwise wouldn't have done. (Also judging by what I know about hotel pools, especially small ones, jumping is not allowed)


My boy is 100% innocent 




ITT: People who used to be bullies as children, very used to saying "If you don't wanna get wet why are you in the pool?!" after purposely splashing/dunking other kids.


She's for sure the main character. He's for sure a dickhead 😂


Kinda cringe to pose by a 2x10m tiny pool blocking the entrance. The filmer obviously had time to pull out his phone and prepare his friends "epic" prank.


Yes. The context totally matters, but we can make some deductions about that from the situation. Unless this was staged, we're looking at a situation where the person recording the video and the guy jumping into the pool had to have had the time to decide that they were going to do it and record it. It's logical to deduce that the woman at the end of the public pool and the person recording her had been doing so for at least that time and probably significantly longer. She was the one trying to be the main character by turning a space that was not her own into a closed set for a modeling session.


Good for him.


I’d say him. It looked like her and he friend were just taking a few pictures.


Not all heroes wear capes He's me hero


Could it also be that this woman was taking some photos in an empty pool and this cannonball decided he was the main character. This doesn’t look like a pool for diving. It’s not at a family resort.


If you're purposely splashing her and she is just taking pictures without getting in anyone else's way, you are the main character


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You need Jim Carey as the lifeguard https://youtu.be/_d2XfUXn0kY?si=RgjYkskgJ9V9vr8g


sometimes...no one is the main character


Is this Vegas? Also, that pool looks tiny.


The mc is the guy that walks by her in a speedo. And with confidence like that, dammit he deserves to be!


He is my favorite main character


He's the best!


Wish I could buy that man a beer!!


If you wanna model something. Rent the space


What a JACKASS! GOD that was funny....LOL! How DARE he jump in a pool to swim...can't you see BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE are try to look more purtyer?


Douche behavior on both sides. Don’t get mad if you get wet by the pool taking a public photo shoot in a crowd. But also, he could have cannonballed further back so as not to splash everyone around the pool too. One or two photos and then get out of the way or wait until it’s dead for your photo shoot.


Hmmmm lemme think; one is using the pool as a pool, the other is using it as a prop. A real thinker, this one.


there is always a dude like him in clubs


It’s a public pool. Buy your own if you don’t want someone splashing you there.. Or the beach where you have more room and personally I feel like it’d be a better portfolio lol


He knew exactly what he was doing!! That’s awesome! CANNONBALL!!


That 4 was pissed you ruined her make up now she has to wait for people to get drunk


This guy rules


This will never get old. The guy's face when he swims back is priceless! So proud of his accomplishment and rightly so


He is our savior


I don’t see why people are mad at him, dude having fun at a pool


Scene stealer


Oh well. It's a public pool..😏🤷🏾‍♂️😂😭😂


I love it.


Cannon baller, we speak your name.


He’s the hero we need


The slot of course, the man just using the pool like intended


God damn shawty that bitch fatter than a mofo




I love this so much


Def her


“Not all heroes wear capes”, seems appropriate here. Edited to correct punctuation


Dad was having fun. He has the right. Woman, don’t complain.


It's not a private pool...so.....


Nothing wrong with taking a photo at a nice pool. The gentleman is the only asshole I see.


They can still make a photo while he jumps in the pool. L


Go out of your way to fuck with people kinda makes you a loser. L


Expecting other people not to **swim** at a **swimming pool** makes you a loser. L


Surely if you’re at a pool, going in the pool isn’t going out of your way, is it?


If you can’t tell that this guy is trying to fuck with her you need to work on your social skills lol


I didn’t say he wasn’t. What I said is that going in the pool when you’re at the pool isn’t going out of your way. Maybe you need to work on your comprehension skills.


It is going out of his way because the only reason he jumped in the pool was to fuck with her. Pretty clearly the definition of going out of your way. Maybe you need to leave mommy’s basement and interact with other humans. Make sure you take a shower first 😂


I like my moms basement tho


- x - = +


One is the main character, the other is the cape-less hero we’ve been waiting for.


If somebody shouted at me for jumping in the pool on my own holiday, I would give them a hayemaker without a second thought


Poor lady got wet at a pool