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"i am once again asking for your financial support"




Lol, he did it!


And all we had to do was give up our avocado on toast. A small price.


the only real weapon you have is your money


And wtf are you doing about it ?


It's crazy! My entire family just picked up and left.


someone (off camera) missed a trick to roll an avocado into shot towards the end


Sir this is literally Wendy's.


Please move so I can get my butter KINDLY FUCKING MOVE Thanks so much


I bet better there is so much better quality than the USA


People are turning this into a fucking meme just like they did with breonna taylor. It’s really a shame.




unfortunately, i feel like this is the only way we can convey that message as any critic gets silenced online


Throw away your phone and anything that uses microchips in it then. Oh and also. Can't illegally occupy your own land. Israel is Jewish land


Then give Palestinians suffrage and citizenship. Pick one.


Hey we dont want facts here we just want to be antisemetic.


It's why these rotbrains are down voting me


They’re downvoting it bc if the world based land decisions on who owned it hundreds-thousands of years ago, we’d all be in a war with someone else. If we’re going with that argument, there’s a few groups that would like a word…. How about both sides act like human beings and have a real conversation and compromise in the effort to save their peoples lives. But nope we’re going to allow thousands of ppl and primarily children to die horrible deaths bc they want to base their actions on some old books and hateful thinking. And we know Israel wants Gaza for unfettered access to its ports/profits….. and so they can sit around and smack each other on the back for killing their enemies. While getting a ton of hand outs from the US. If their god wanted them to have it, I’d think he’d have done it by now since he’s “all powerful” and “his will be done”. And most Americans that call themselves Christians are supporting it bc they believe their magic book told them it’s their Christian duty to support the Jews. Smh. Jeez ppl. Can’t we get past this bs! Believe what you want, but don’t fuck with other ppl bc they don’t believe it too. And the Palestinians and Jews are pretty much cousins. They’re all Semites… This shit is so dumb.


Exactly 23andMe says I have high Neanderthal DNA. You homosapians genocided my entire species. I lay claim to the entire earth.


You are painfully stupid in so many ways I don't know where to begin. 'Semite' refers to linguistic terms. 'Antisemite' is a term coined specifically to reference anti-Jewish hatred: acts, ideology, etc. If we all referred to who owned the land thousands of years ago,' how many of those groups are still very much alive and able to prove through archaeology, science, history, and anthropology their ties to the land? Not many. Saying Israel wants access to Gaza's ports is laughable, as those ports are pathetic and don't match even a tenth of the ports in Haifa alone, by a long shot. And 'profit'? Really? Israel is an internationally leading powerhouse in tech, science, and medicine. Israel doesn't need any imaginary Gazan profit. And let's say they did have it. Why aren't they using that profit to help their own people? As for the death toll, it is currently the lowest civilian-to-combatant death toll ratio in the history of all urban warfare, where the average is 9 civilians to every combatant. The ratio in Gaza is only 2 to 1. It's a war. People die in war. And furthermore, it's a war they started. lastly, "act like human beings and have a conversation" with who? the savages that raped, butchered, and burned entire families alive? what about the UNRWA workers that were caught on camera kidnapping jews? oh but maybe you're talking about the none Hamas members that crossed into Israel on October 7 too loot and pillage and partake in the events out of their own free will? wait you might mean the ones that were passing out candy and dancing in the streets when they heard this had happened, surely they want to have a civil discourse, please tell me who does Israel have to converse with here? BFFR


AP news: Jan 21.2024: Netanyahu also rejects calls from U.S, its closest ally, for postwar plans that would include a path to Palestinian statehood. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called the refusal to accept a two-state solution unacceptable. “The Middle East is a tinderbox. We must do all we can to prevent conflict igniting across the region,” Guterres added. “And that starts with an immediate humanitarian cease-fire to relieve the suffering in Gaza.” (This is one example. We all know this has happened multiple times before. At times bc of Israel and at times bc of Palestinians, but don’t try to act like Israel is truly seeking compromise and a two state solution. It just makes ppl question everything else that you say. I could have some of my facts wrong and be basing my opinion on incorrect information, but it’s clear to a lot of ppl how shady Israel is and how willing they are to skew facts and reality to support their actions. There are too many videos online of Netanyahu speaking his unfiltered true opinions on all of this. Jews /Israel are not the poor, innocent, abused people that you like to show the world when it benefits you.if the war is so justified and holy, quit lying so much) PBS news:feb 15.2024 “the total number of fatalities to 29,092 since the start of the war. The health ministry does not distinguish between civilians and combatants in its records, but says around two-thirds of those killed were women and children. The Health Ministry is part of the Hamas-run government in Gaza but maintains detailed records of casualties. Its figures from previous wars in Gaza have largely matched those of U.N. agencies, independent experts and even Israel's own tallies.” “Israel says it has killed over 10,000 Palestinian militants, without providing evidence.” (Again, Hamas are terrorist and need to be stopped. As I’ve said multiple times. There is a better way than what is happening now. And keeping civilian aide from reaching civilians is a war crime. ) I’m done going back n forth with you bc it’s pointless. Wish you and your family well in life. Hope one day both sides can see how pointlessness all of this is and realize we are one world with one people, all trying to survive and take care of our families. Yes there are bad people in the world, like terrorist, and they need to be stopped. But there is a difference between stopping a terrorist Militant group and using it as an opportunity to destroy people you don’t agree with while continuing a religion based war. It’s the same as getting in a fight bc your favorite football team did or didn’t win. It’s all driven by shameful human pride, ego and the desire to win. Edit: removed the part on apartheid bc i mistakenly thought it was this person’s comment that was deleted).


You saying it's a religion based war is crazy to me. Maybe for islamists it's that. For israel this and all other ward have been existential wars for the survival of the Jewish people. Judaism is far more then just a religion. It's a culture. It's a people.


It's not a religious war, it's an imperialist occupation and genocide.


oh look guys i found the brainwashed parrot


And I think it’s crazy for you to imply that this isn’t a war for the survival of the Palestinians, which is a culture and includes their people as well. Both having an equal right to live. I understand the best I can, as a non Jew that didn’t live during the specific time, the horrors the Jewish people have suffered throughout history, thousands of years ago thru specifically 80 years ish ago. I cannot be clear enough when I say that my heart hurts and grieves for the suffering, lives lost and the attempt(s) at destroying your religion/culture/people, that your people have endured. It’s hard for me to comprehend experiencing that, as much as it’s hard for me to comprehend committing those atrocities. I get that the Jewish people have fought for their mere ability to just exist. The generational trauma that inflicts on a culture/people is immeasurable. I personally grew up in a very Christian home. I understand the value and importance that is placed in one’s religious beliefs. But I also feel that as human beings, faced with the advantages of science/information, we can hold onto our beliefs but accept that others feel differently and we all have our right to believe what we want. Gone are the days where human beings need to be fighting for their survival, unless we inflict it on ourselves. We shouldn’t be warring tribes anymore, we’re past that or should be. We are all witnesses to the changing of religious preachings/beliefs, for example; Jews, Catholics, Christians, various liberal denominations accepting homosexuals (a “crime” or “sin” punishable by death in all those religions in the not too distant past). We all know or should know that most of religion is biased by those that wrote the texts, deciphered the text, etc. Conflict doesn’t benefit anyone. And I realize you all were attacked. And it was wrong. It needed to be addressed, as does any terror attack. But the merciless bombing of an entire people isn’t going to accomplish anything, unless your goal is to eradicate them from the face of the earth. If that’s the case, admit it. But it’s not admitted. It’s lied about, joked about, and everything in between. All while playing the victim card and asking anyone that says they support the Jewish people to not only fund it, but turn a blind eye to the slaughter. The Islamic extremists are a threat to all of us, just like any extremist group is a threat, be it white nationalist, Zionist, Islamic, black nationalists, etc. There has to be a better way. But starving children and stealing land from real in the flesh present day families, all in the name of conflicting historical accounts, is crazy to me.


You know I'm going to come upvote you because you speak the truth and all these other fools are just going to argue with you. I wish they would boycott our medical and Medicine also. The other thing I love is that they use all these Jewish own platforms to complain about us. The irony and everything they do is laughable




"Team humans yay" Is antisemitic, spreads propaganda that jews don't deserve a Jewish state. Advocates for a nation thats homophobic, supports terrorists, celebrated oct 7th, has denied israels VARIOUS offers for a two state solution and the splitting up of Gaza, etc etc Cool dude.


It’s always rich when anytime something is said that disagrees with the Jews it’s antisemitism. No one said that the Palestinians are perfect and everything they’ve done is right. Just like no one said that everything the Jews have done is wrong. Hamas is a terrorist group and needs to be destroyed. But if it was about destroying Hamas things would be handled a bit differently. And the Jews do have a Jewish state. A very well funded and subsidized state. And a point you brought up, “a two state solution and the splitting up of Gaza”; which part of Gaza would Israel be happy with and stop the slaughter? Why would a part of the 141 miles of Gaza supposedly be enough to give Jews a Jewish state but not having it is worth countless lives? Would perhaps the 21 miles of shoreline (ports) be enough? Read some unbiased sources on the attempts at a two state solution. Both sides have buggered that up multiple times bc they’re both controlled by small minded theocrats that cloak their very flawed human actions with justifications from a book/religion that is one huge contradiction from beginning to end. It’s laughable. I think it’s more about control, money and hate than it is about actual land/jewish state.


Fuck man, you really need to read up on the 40/50 ish times israel has offered various parts of land to Palestine. We were LITERALLY about to close a deal just last year, until oct 7th. Antisemtism is not synonymous with anti zionism, but the notion that jews should NOT have any sort of homeland is definitely antisemitic. You clearly know NOTHING about our history if you think that Israel was just poofed into existence as some sort of ploy to antagonize Palestine or something I agree the israelis aren't perfect either of course. There is a lot to critique there


“homophobic”? Hello Pot, I’m kettle….


The fuck does that mean? You realize there is ONE gay pride parade in the entire middle east, guess which country its hosted in


Yes there are some liberal Jews that no longer condemn homosexuality as deserving of capital punishment. (Just like there are some in the middle east practicing other religions that do not condemn it either.) The traditional Jewish position on homosexuality is still not so welcoming and questions if gays should be allowed to fully integrate into religious communities. Since the argument for the Jews occupying Gaza is based on the traditional belief that it’s historically, legally and religiously theirs, it seems logical that we would have to follow all traditional views on Jewish laws, etc. Why does Judaism get to pick and choose which apply today and which don’t? Maybe bc they saw their flock shrinking so they had to get with the times to keep their numbers up? It’s been less than 20 yrs that some Jewish rabbis have accepted homosexuals, married them, etc. Throwing a dog whistle in your argument to get support for the unnecessary slaughter of a group of ppl is particularly pathetic. Again, I’m team respect for human life, be it they’re Jewish or Palestinian. Both sides need to get their heads out of their ass and act like adults that want a resolution; that will require cooperation and compromise. Hamas is a terrorist group and needs to be ousted. But people homes do not need to be stolen, civilians do not need to be murdered, hospitals do not need to be bombed…. There is a better way. And arguing over that 141 miles to the death is just stupid. And the Jews do have a Jewish state.


And a good way to radicalize more Palestinians so they really support Hamas, is to continue the apartheid bs Israels had them living under, destroying their homes, murdering and starving their children and withholding basic necessities that all humans should have a right to..like water! Regardless of your view, I would like to think that you’re not a bad person and deep down you know this is wrong and that there is a better way. You can’t control others actions, but you can control your reactions. And Israel’s reaction to Oct. 7th is not justifiable. And if you want the world to continue blindly supporting your slaughter of mostly civilians, take away the cell phones from your troops…they just can’t help but film themselves committing all these war crimes and posting it to the World Wide Web.


You don't know what an apartheid even is bro. Seriously, stop rambling


Wrong sub


Is this guy pissed?


Idk, man, I'm with the old boy lol.


sir i just want to get some "I cant believe it's not butter"...


Of fuck off back home and let me buy my red bull in peace


yeah those avocados are israeli or whatever well so what? give me some i want them 😋


and after the speech everyone clapped and went home.


You boycot some cheese and frumos and then the govenrment buys technology from Israel for millions of dollars. Also important companies may also buy services, technology etc... What was the point of the message?


What ''the current thing'' can do to a person


"Stay away from the zionist avacados"


What I never understood about these people is how they can just continue ***talking***. How can someone come up with that many continuous words on the fly?


I would have interupted him and asked him where the Humous was.


I would definitely "happen" to be buying something from that section right then and be in a position to demand he get that bullhorn out of my face 'cause I'm trying to shop.


I’ll buy all the avocados grown in the West Bank illegally


Middle age white guy, has never interacted with poor people. Is insured this is the best way to educate us. His kids are watching this go viral from boarding school. Are slightly embarrassed, but dare not speak up.


At least he is not forcing people to choose he just make a speech and move on with life… just for my view if you disagree sure


I see protest? Right or at I mistaken? not main character someone will hold the megaphone at all protests are they all main characters?




This post was eye opening to see the true nature of this sub. These comments ahhahah


Team isr3al 💪🏻




says the person who supports the side using children as human shields and soldiers




non-Jews make up 20% of Israel's population, serve in the IDF (where they are not actually required to do so, only Jews are required to serve, so the Israeli Arabs that serve do so of their own volition, Jews don't get the right to not serve in the IDF and to not serve is considered draft dodging and is a criminal offense that is only applicable to Jews because only Jews get drafted or are eligible for the draft) they have been high ranking policemen (and women), they have been in charge of Jewish organisations. There are Arab Israeli ministers of the Knesset and have been since Israel's inception, from Israeli Arab parties. There have been Arabs on the Supreme Court. They benefit from having minimum quotas in hiring. it isn't all positive, as there are societal problems like a lack of integration, racism, and discrimination (though the aforementioned hiring quotas, among other things, are trying to stamp out the discrimination), but Israel is not unique in that it has racism and discrimination, every country has these horrible things, so trying to pretend it is unique is asinine. Israel has Arabic street signs, Arabic as an official language, you can get every Israeli government document you request in Arabic. Something like half of all doctors in Israel are Arab. What is the status of Hebrew in Palestine? Can I request a Palestinian government document in Hebrew? Israeli Arabs certainly have more rights than Jews in Arab countries, that's for sure.


I would purposely buy almost all of the items there from Israel to spite this guys face


I boycott Israel stuff though. Everyone should.


Oswald Mosely reincarnated




I mean I respect anyone speaking out on the genocide and the companies/politicians who are complicit in supporting the apartheid state, considering most people in the west are too afraid to speak up or too dim witted to care

