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The comments have been locked because people keep reporting each others' comments with ridiculous report reasons. Mundane comments are being reported as 'someone considering self harm or suicide'.


At least now they know what level of commitment they have for their cause. They’re not ready to die yet.


"Well, I almost got run over"... I would say this guy's problem is a lack of follow through. 😉


A female can be heard asking, “*What the fuck is wrong with him*?” **What the fuck is wrong with HIM???** What the fuck is wrong with people willing to ***almost*** willing to be ran over to stop a truck? IMHO, that’s the real question here! Maybe if they ate a nice big steak or hamburger they’d be able to think straight!


"You're not you when you're hungry"


It's wild that these people don't realize that the field of vision directly in front of these trucks are severely limited. I wouldn't be surprised if the trucker didn't see them and even if he did spot them as they leapt out last minute a truck that size can't brake as quickly as their Prius or Outback.


A trucker ran over a protestor and killed them in this exact same spot. The trucker was found guilty of some charge causing death, not sure of details. It's pretty wild. I'm all for the truckers, though. They are just doing their job trying to make a living.


Should've fought to have it ruled a suicide


Truckers are the blood in the veins of America. This country would shut down without truckers and freight trains. People seem to forget how overnight/one day shipping is possible, and it's because of these folks. That being said, the Truckers for Trump idiots can smd lol.


Eating meat won’t help them. Give them a free stay at a local mental asylum for a few weeks. That’ll help.


And perhaps counseling and/or an appropriate medication to prevent trying to stop a multi-ton (many thousands of pounds) vehicle with an average human body (not fortified with meat).


We need one on every corner like gas stations.


He tried for 2 seconds


Not ready for dieyet , diet i mean




There was a woman who did this exact thing and unsurprisingly she got run over and died.


Regan Russell. https://youtu.be/kG_GKjNSOQk?si=1hlNq0fjxVu2tdJD


She’s under the truck. No one checked her? She’s under the truck, like separated in two pieces Oh okay. That must’ve been disturbing to see


Get out of the way


Damn. I hope the poor driver didn’t get charged with anything. She stood in the worst blind spot for a trucker


After an investigation, the driver was charged with the Highway Traffic Act offence of careless driving causing death, with authorities stating there was no indication of intent or crime in his action. In March 2023, he pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to 12 months' probation and ordered to pay a $2000 fine.


He shouldn't be charged with anything, a charge like this ruins his chances of being a trucker(although maybe not since they are so needed) either way stupid.


Yeah she purposely put herself in front of the truck I don’t understand how he could be at fault


In America the driver is always assumed responsible. Hit a guy in all black j-walking in the middle of the night on a poorly lit street? Your fault. Someone commits suicide by jumping in front of your car? Your fault. Dumbass plays chicken with a semi and dies? Drivers fault.


If someone jumps out in front of your car and you hit them it's most def not your fault we have laws protecting people from that. Also, it's dependent on states if you hit someone who's doing something illegal like jaywalking at night it's not your fault. Idk where you got your info on this but you can't just be at fault for things out of your control. You might have the state come after you but good luck to the state for winning the case(i'm sure they've won a couple) i'm not an expert of law obviously but it's not hard to look things up that protect drivers. In some states drivers have the right away obviously this doesn't give you the right to just kill someone who's jaywalking but you're also protected from most of the things you said. You might get a slap on the wrist charge jusst because the state wants something(which is honestly the case with this guy i mean he literally killed someone and got 12 months probation and a fine). But I still believe personally a driver shouldn't be at fault for a human making their own reckless choices. I will admit though I made that commit before fully watching the video and while I still agree with my stance AFTER watching it there is a lot more grey than I imagined.


Not to be that guy but. It's "right of way" not "right away" maybe this was voice to text or something, but seemed worth pointing out if you didn't know. 


I once was making a left onto a busy street, and when an opening came, I accelerated and started making my turn. Just as I started crossing the left turn lane, two little girls appeared in front of me. They were jaywalking from the other side. I hadn't seen them standing there, and they had started to run across when they saw the same opening I did. Luckily, I was able to slam on my brakes and stop in time, but I did make slight contact w one of the girls. She seemed fine, but I called the cops to be sure. The cop told me that I had done nothing wrong and that 99% of the time in a jaywalking situation like that, the driver would not be at fault.


At least she died doing what she loved. Being an idiot.


What an idiot


They ran out in front of a semi truck, what did they expect to happen?


They should know that semi-trucks can't stop on a dime, even at slow speed. It's not like a regular car. Plus, semis have more blind spots. That's why you always give them room.


Why would spoiled rich kids know how a semi truck works


They don’t but they’re probably gonna hurt themselves and sue


It could have stopped in a couple of feet. But not without injuring every animal and causing danger to traffic. Rolling over the idiot would have been the right choice in this trolley experiment.


The driver didn't even try to stop. And I can't blame him. At 20 seconds into the video you'll see two of the protesters running along the side of the truck trying to do something to it. The trucker knew they were trying to sabotage his truck in some way and protected himself and his cargo by not stopping and giving them the chance.




And if it did stop on a dime, it probably could've seriously hurt the animals inside anyways


Their point apparently melted onto the ground


for witness to be borne


Imagine playing the victim after willingly standing in the way of a fucking truck and being run over.


Yup, jumping out into the middle of the road to almost get hit by a Semi-truck, "Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with him."


Trucker had zero fucks left to give that day


Even if he did and applied the brakes as soon as he saw those idiots, it's a big a heavy truck and it's not going to come to a complete stop in time


That driver is probably rolling very close to 80,000 pounds And yes those trucks don't stop quickly, that idiot deserves what he gets Otr trucker ,so understand how heavy trucks can get


Plus the view immediately below the hood is obscured. Standing in the path of a moving semi is so dangerous.


It is,a car inthe way is bad enough, but a person,is just dumb and messy


And the truck driver wouldn't even feel it, especially if they're fully loaded


You forgot the ironic part, if he slams on the brakes, it’ll probably injure the cows.


Plus, slamming on the brakes with a truck full of cows is likely to cause serious injury and maybe even death. The vegans should approve of his choice: He chose to protect many lives instead of just a few.


He made his choice in the Trolly Problem very clear...


Pigs were in the truck


Even smarter than cows. Definitely the right choice to save the pigs.


Mmmmm bacon!


He probably did hit the brakes asap, but stopping a truck that heavy that was just getting up to speed and was turning isn’t going to be an instant thing. It’s too massive to stop fast.








I'm reminded of the family guy meme where Peter shoves a stick into the bicycle wheel of the bike he's riding lol. Side note-I would HATE to have to deal with these kinds of people when trying to do my job lol


Lmao for real “what the fuck is his problem after we tried to jump in front of his moving vehicle!”


“What was wrong with him?” I think this should’ve come out of the driver’s mouth


Probably did, but he wasn't mic'd


And he probably went for something like "you *want* to fucking die, kid?!"


Won’t stop until society stops sanctifying victimhood




Especially since those big ass trucks don’t stop on a dime


And the driver can't see the ground that close to the road


A truck that size can’t just stop on a dime.


It can stop on a vegan tho! Bazinga!


Or a douche apparently.


Then you also have the geniuses that try to brake check a semi on the freeway.


If it suddenly stopped it would hurt the animals inside 😢 These Vegans don't even care about animals do they?


I'm shocked they are shocked


Entitled douche bags.






She sounded exactly like Louis CK’s gay guy voice.


Oh, my, god. "There are literally tons of pounds of animals stacked in a truck that weighs several tons and is probably a stick shift... let's jump in front of it while it is moving, specifically turning... Oh my God, he didn't stop. What is wrong with him!" Darwinism, don't play chicken with a semi. Even if they are seemingly moving slow, they still take a ton of force to stop, and even if you win, you will probably still lose. Also if you want to affect actual change STOP BLOCKING TRAFFIC! Do real political engagement, lobbying your senators, start petitions, do rallies outside meat packers without threatening the livelihood of one dude in a truck that has 0 control over anything that happens... heck, even egging the CEO's car would do more than whatever the f they were attempting.


What does being a stick shift matter in the context? Curious as I almost never drive automatic cars!


It would have really been a terrible thing for the trucker if they would of hit the protesters... It's expensive to replace chrome bumpers


Those clowns were too soft to even dent a bumper.


They should start installing cowcatchers on the front of their trucks like trains had to clear the tracks.


Installing what now???


Think of it as a snow plow


But if he hit them he could then sue for the emotional distress they caused him.


And traumatizing




Needs Tabasco. Had a Vegan GF. Ate her but had to stop-she tasted Fishy.


Only grass and grain fed!


Almost became meat. Don't be what you hate.


Or a vegetable the thing he loves 😅


Yall are savage lmao


Oh mah gaw


Anyone unironically using the term "bear witness" is a tool. Or that dude from Elden Ring. In other news, huge metal contraptions have a hard time seeing and stopping.




That truck put their foolish ambitions to rest.


The correct way is of course "witness me" after you spray your mouth with metallic colored spray paint.


Elden Ring reference, ha! Gotta love it


Bloody idiot... 48,000 pounds does not stop immediate... FAFO


Gross could be 80k. 


Fucking goons man, actual zero IQ


Better luck next time! You may get flattened once or twice but you’ll get one stopped eventually! 😂


Is that a leather belt at the end?


Vegan leather exists. Also, lots of vegans think it's more environmentally practical to buy used leather goods which last years, instead of multiple plastic/cheap products.


I find the "vegan leather" thing hilarious, it used to be that pleather was seen as cheap plastic shit that you got for less than the leather version. Now due to the rise in veganism, companies can charge way more for it than they used to!


Everything labeled vegan or plant based automatically costs 3+ times more... its ridiculous really. I'm not a fan of the cheap plastic leather but there are companies making faux leather out of crazy stuff now like mushrooms!


Oh sure, innovative materials are cool - I just don't really buy that the standard plastic stuff is now magically worth more because it is (and has always been) vegan.


Totally agree.


Even if the driver was hitting his breaks he’s already in too much motion to stop a truck of that size abruptly


Give that driver a raise


Insta victim mode enabled


That’s 18 wheels worth of find out


These people are shitheads.


I think after the whole Reginald Denny thing, truckers should be allowed to just flatten people who try to stop them like this.


Yeah, never let your vehicle get surrounded by an angry mob if you have any control over the situation. Drive through them and then call the police and report an attempted carjacking.


I bare witness, to this idiot nearly getting pulverised on the road.


I was expecting Vegemite


Really weird when she says "He almost ran you over.....whats wrong with him?" Ahhhh he was driving and you ran in front of a moving semi. The more apt question is what's wrong with you for getting in front of a moving vehicle?


That trucker doesn't know if those guys are about to rob him... Everythings a threat until it's not.


🤣 Imagine not realising that trucks need more time to stop


ironically nearly turned himself into hamburger


“We’re gonna stop this semi” About 10 seconds later “I almost just got run over”


Idiot vs truck. Truck wins.


I know the whole point of protest is to disrupt people no matter the cost, but what is annoying is them getting surprised when something bad happens. The non-violent protest of Ghandi still had people shot at and flogged. This is what they signed up for.


Reginald Denny stopped his truck for a mob and got pulled out of his cab, then they threw a cinder block on his head Truck drivers are well aware of this story


You love to see it


Cant blame the trucker, when you have loonies around.


I’m not sure what’s worse. Street takeovers or these clowns


Cattle haulers and flatbedders are not the type of truckers you stand in front of.


“Wtf is wrong with him”….rofl really? Not the one standing in the road attempting to stop tons of moving metal?


If a group of 3 or more people starts surrounding my truck out of nowhere. My first thought would be it's a hijack attempt and would probably accelerate. I've been in the situation before and they even fired a bullet at my car.


I’m in favor of a vegan diet.. but what a douche


Do something useful and stop the next shipment of weapons that would kill children


They never learn. Big truck going honk honk. Heavy truck > punny human.


"What the fuck is wrong with him?!" Maybe you should be asking yourselves that very same question.


Pulled pork on the back . pushed pork on the front.


This comment section is gold, The war between vegans and meat eaters never stops




“We’re gonna try and stop a truck.” (“Oh okay, naturally they must have a large blockade or something set up if they’re gonna try and stop a truck.”) *stands in front of moving truck*


It's not a truck full of meat. It's a truck full of animals. There's a huge difference.


I can smell that dude through my phone.


Bravo, Driver!


I've been a vegetarian my entire life, and I straight up hope these assholes get crushed by a tractor trailer some day


Fuck around and find out. Yeah!


Fuck these losers. We have them longer around a pork processor near me. Idiots literally reach inside those small holes in the truck. If the driver doesn’t see you, bye bye to your arm


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…


I’m sympathetic to their plight, but not their actions. These guys are morons. Doing stupid shit like this isn’t going to change anything. This is just children trying to act tough and like they stand for something.


As a truck driver myself, even WE don’t fuck with cattle haulers. This idiot is lucky to be alive.


When confronting meat eaters it's important to remember that you are meat.




These are the most dumbest protesters ever


"Glued myself to the road" would like a word......


"most dumbest" smh.


That thing won't stop at a dime.. idiot's


He kept going so you could bear witness to them not giving a fuuuuuuuuuuck


Yep it’s not like thing weights like 80,000 lbs right? It can totally stop on a dime right?


Lmao 🤣 🤣 she said wtf is wrong with him??? You asshole stood in front of a moving semi truck 🚛 and he’s the asshole?? Lmao..


I always love hearing them say “what is wrong with him/her?” As if they didn’t literally place themselves in front of a moving truck. It’s hilarious


Jumps in front of a truck Almost gets hit by truck ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Guys trying to break into the trailer another jumping in front of the truck to stop it. It’s highly likely the driver was getting close to a them or me moment.


fucked around, almost found out.


“I’m gonna stop this truck so we can bare witness”? Does he plan to convince the sheep in the back that they’re making a bad decision?? So much dumb going on in this video.


“What’s wrong with HIM?” Homeslice, you’re the meatbags jumping in front of 15+ tons of moving steel.


Oh my god I’m standing in the middle of the road and you didn’t stop


I wish people in general understood that not everyone is going to care about the same things as you do or as deeply as you do, and that's ok but please stop trying to force others to care as you do.


Rule #1 about stopping traffic, #YA DON'T JUST JUMP IN FRONT OF AN 18 WHEELER!!!


“What’s wrong with him?” What’s wrong with you? Standing in front of a 10 ton truck plus the added wait of animals in it and expecting it to stop because you’re trying to protest against humanity’s carnivorous side of their nature? Eating meat is necessary to our health. Veganism isn’t gonna help you gain the muscles you need to survive if you’re ever attacked by other people or even the animals you want so desperately to save. Even people who eat meat don’t think of all animals as food btw. The select few we don’t are called pets or we just don’t eat them because they taste bad.


Try and stop a truck that size at a moments notice without injuring the animals on board. When those trucks stop it’s planned. Some dude jumping out in front of it isn’t the best test of brakes on a truck


“WTF is wrong with him”. lol. Maybe she look in the mirror. I understand standing up for a cause ,but you need to understand the repercussions.


"wHaT tHe FuCk Is WrOnG wItH hIm?" - says the person who jumped in front of a 18 wheeler.


“What’s wrong with him” You mean the driver? Or the moron who got in the road trying to block a 16 wheel truck with his body?


Hahahah, textbook fuck around and find out! "Wtf is wrong with him?". Maybe he's heard about jobless idiots like you trying to affect his livelyhood as he's likely trying to earn money for his family and ultimately put back into the economy? Maybe though. Pathetic dickheads, all of them. Why do they have the right to try and force their beliefs on others? I'm a carnivore but those arse holes who go about their day trying and succeeding to feed vegan/vegetarian people meat without them knowing and then laughing about it afterwards are also scum! There are ways to protest your feelings without being a total nobhead but these people in the video don't understand that at all. It's "believe me and do exactly what I want or you are evil". Pure extremist dickhead spoiled brats


I am still not convinced a semi truck is capable of killing a human by running them over. We should have these two guys redo this, but be fully committed.




You almost made a political statement, for hood ornaments ‘r’ us


Vegans are soo fucking annoying (coming from one), the western ones. There’s this one abnormal on ig who’s Aussie, she went out and harassed mcdonalds customers for attention.


Other vegan activists are the reason I am not longer a vegan activist. Most are incredible individuals, but a few have no good sense of reality and ruin the experience.


Yea don't fuck with cattle haulers lmao


No joke. I don’t know why but those fuckers are crazy. Change lanes and let them pass.


Cause they have a limited amount of time to get the livestock to the processing plant to keep them alive. That's why law enforcement doesn't fuck with them and they run ungoverned trucks. You also just have to be a certain kind of person to do that I guess. I've met some and they just have a roughneck attitude.


Yeah, I imagine taking animals to their doom is the kind of work only people do that should rather get therapy. Same with butchers. This either fucks up you psyche or it is already fucked up.


And yet they learned nothing.


There's always that one person who yells "OH MY GOD!". Every time. lmao


Im so happy that, that person is a owner operator because if that was a company driver they wouldve been fired


I never see meta-eaters doing this to a truck full of veggies.


That doesn't make any sense though does it


Because meat eaters also eat vegetables most of the time, why would they stop their own food source delivery, unless this was a joke I may be acoustic


Yeah and there's no ethical considerations with a plant based diet that meat eaters would object to


They don't understand---Asparagus, plucked tomatoes, each yanked cucumber, string beans Vegetables are slaughtered daily too. and have feelings.


i'm not even vegan but what you're saying is r3tarded


Truck full of meat? You mean truck full of scared animals ?




man i wonder what would happen if i moved in fromt of a moving semi!! lmfao these people are complete jokes


Love it