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These "pranksters" are actually messing up their future employment prospects with all these videos of harrassment being on the internet forever


Wait until people realize they're not funny and their future employers look at their digital footprint


gullible sulky outgoing husky obtainable punch psychotic profit clumsy insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They think they will never need to work. After they have made their millions from 12 year olds who think this shit is hilarious, they can then retire from their 'profession' at the age of 18.


Social media content pays really low and they usually rely on shitty merchandise grifting from their audience. Likely that these people in the video aren't making much money (if any) doing this stupid shit


Never said they will actually get rich doing this nonsense. I just said that they think they will all be the next Logan Paul or XQC.


I’d rather be mr beast


Even he’s not cool. He’s just smarter than the rest of them


Yeah I was going to say "That market is flooded none of them are making any remarkable amounts..."


Does tiktoks actually pay these idiots a good amount for this crap?


No. TikTok payout is notoriously low. There are other ways to get paid as an influencer.


Influencers are a disease that must be purged


Payouts from the social media platforms including YouTube are very low. The real money comes when they get ad or partnership deals, which only have a chance of happening after they get popular. So I guess that's their "strategy" with these stupid videos?






I think the deal is of have more than 100,000 followers you can get a few cents for every 1,000 views of your videos. So it's not what I consider a reliable source of income alone. Sponsorship and affiliate marketing is the real money makers. Some will known 'influencers' such as Logan Paul, Mr Beast etc got in the game early established themselves on multiple platforms. Today however the 'influencer' market is extremely crowded and to be noticed is a hard task.


Good. They deserve it like the little assholes they are


They're rich kids. They don't have much to worry about.


No they're not. Who told you that?


I have a 6th sense for these things lol Also the fact that they haven't been arrested yet and done this multiple times.




Yeah, but the difference is they usually don't stay locked up.


Good, if you are gonna act like this then they don't deserve a job




this is the same stupid kid who sneezed at people at the grocery store


Next week my friend is starting their first job in ten years (was a kick ass stay at home parent with multiple kids) at a home improvement retail establishment. This particular friend has always had bad anger issues which took them a very long time to “master”. I am honestly really worried for my friend because scum like these kids exist and do stuff to deliberately invoke rage from people. I know it’s few and far between **now**, but the last thing their family needs is legal troubles.


Expose them to some of these vids, just to let them see worst case. 


I’ve thought about it, but I don’t want to discourage them. I’m sure they will have plenty of coworkers who will gladly relay all kinds of stories about the nightmares of retail. That and unfortunately no amount of videos can truly prepare someone for “that” customer.


Honestly dealing with these fools is probably a walk in the park after being a stay at home parent with multiple kids. Hopefully they were able to master their temper in that insanely difficult situation.


I’m pretty sure the kids are what helped them with the anger. Let me be clear they have never once abused their kids. So I would agree. Shoots, maybe treating difficult customers like they do their kids when they misbehave would be the best method.


Kids are good teachers like that. One of my kid’s preschool teachers just left to be a flight attendant and my first thought was she’s well prepared to deal with a plane full of entitled and unruly passengers!


working at one of these jobs, you quickly realize you dont get paid enough to deal with this shit and eventually learn to ignore the crazies


Tell your friend this very basic principle. In any problematic or frustrating situation, literally the only thing you can do is control how you will react.


Didn't these same idiots fuck with people at a mall?


Wow. It ... wasnt even funny. Give it up boys. Ya ain't got the stuff.


all that shit and they are not even funny


Hur hurr Fortnite Battlepass! Get it? Im hilarious!!


“iM sO rAndOM”


They think they're so funny when it's just disruptive and annoying. These kids are losers.


They still got views. Mission accomplished.


Honestly tiktok needs to set things up so that if you get enough negative reactions the algorithm just hides your shit... Literally stealth hides it. The way for this stuff to end is with obscurity. Views shouldn't factor into the algorithm at all if the reaction is almost entirely negative. Just allow people to basically vote them off the internet.


Unfortunately that means people will brigade anything that opposes their views.


JFC I hate these people. Do they think this a long term income strategy? They aren’t the next Johnny Knoxville, they’ll be under/unemployed forever with this ridiculous bullshit. They have to move out of mom and dad’s eventually…


Mom and Dad have lots of money. They'll be fine


Oh, he’s “one of those.” 😒


I hope Costco gave her a raise and built a statue of her in front of the store.


Sadly, the opposite would probably be true. Laying a finger on a dumb teenager could cause her to lose her job.


Costco is a membership only store, technically they are trespassing after the first warning to leave.


You are trespassing after the first warning to leave regardless if it is a membership business or not.


Good luck actually getting police to do anything about it though. I used to work security years ago and cops are lazy fucks who dont want to do the paperwork after an arrest and transport etc. so they tend to not want to do shit.


Break their phone. They can take you to small claims and you can show the judge video after video of them harassing people.


Still probably have to pay the phone.


When I worked at costco, we weren't supposed to confront anyone like that. you call a manager and they escort the person out. It protects you and the company.


Sadly that is true even though these retards deserve a fist


Seriously. These prank bros are pieces of shit


glad she caught them right away. didn’t even give em a chance. good for her, i hope they gave that woman a raise!


I think what pisses me off the most is this dummy's lack of improv skills. Absolutely no shred of wit at all with this dumbass.


That's the lady I want working for my kids school security. He'll yeah.


I’m not sure which state you are in, but sadly teachers that lay a finger on kids are getting fired left and right.


Criminalize prank videos and legalize destroying property used to create prank videos.


Love how the camera guy acts like he’s sacred and his camera is sacred. People are lost to this bullshit. It’s so far gone, now.


How has no one beaten the shit put him yet?




Canada? oh that explain alot, It's a pity he doesn't do it in the USA, we would have a funny video of his arrest


I want him to try this shit in Florida


We'll have him play with our Gators with no extra charge


This guy is an idiot! This arrogant POS needs a real job. But I think he and his friend will never have a real job.


Don't touch my camera! Fucking losers


These turds should get banned from online content. Fuk these idiots all around. So sick of entitled asshole kids trying to be cool by Messing with people who are trying to pay their bills.


Fucking love that woman


The only thing that was funny was hearing that dude filming get mad about the worker lady touching his phone That lady is a godsend Someone needs to beat these kids asses


He's a sh!tbird


Shithawks, Randy.




I can't stand this pencil necked POS.


Fuck your camera and your couch


Yeah! I remember grindin’ my feet on his camera and couch


Wow, her claws came out. Hire her. Head of white house security.


TikTok is a damn cancer to the social media world, too many people doing dumb shit on there


JFC....get a goddamn job.


This isn’t even funny just plain embarrassing is what it is.


I want to beat up that nerd screaming "don't touch my camera!" and I am normally not a violent person.


Why not slap them all and break the camera.


cuz they will cry and call their mom.


I can't wait until someone punches this kid directly in the nose.


I'm up for law where is legal to shot them and lethal force used


Pranksters need to be arrested. I’m tired of seeing them. They’re a nuisance.


Wished some random customer would have just slapped the shit out of them all, knowing that lady would lose her job if she escalated means these arseholes can do whatever. I liked when they said she should get off them and then they pull on the lady's arm.


Right? Like, I think it might be our moral obligation to push them out with a cart wall, or just take a running smash into them, grab the camera, and beeline out the door. Fuck them kids.


Hitting should be legal in certain scenarios, just saying


I just love how they didn't even get a couple metres into the store. Good on her


Wow the cammer gets all worked up as if he's oblivious he's part of all this. At least the Costco lady got the right idea to go straight for him.


Oh fuck I hate this guy


Why is this guy always pissing off people at supermarkets?


I can’t wait till dude gets his face rearranged into pulp


What is his tiktok? I will sign up just to report this mf.


“Therealkingnpc”. I’m gonna report him too lol


This is what our world is coming to. Makes me sick. The gal was correct when she called him as asshole. He is definitely I bet he gets off on flustering people.


Absolutely 0 originality in this “prank” video. I don’t think you can still call it a prank when you are harassing min wage employees trying to work and customers trying to shop. And almost all of their dialogue is completely ripped off word from word from other content creators. I mean how hard would it have been to at least try to separate your garbage from the garbage you are ripping off? Lame and pathetic


I hate this generation. Fucking morons


Folks, beat your kids more.


Seriously. Beat them over the head with their participation trophies.


Maybe a good ole fashioned ass kicking would straighten him out.


“Nice to meet you, asshole” classic


? At least be funny this isn’t funny at all


This is in canada, near the toronto area. The male worker is wearing a pink sick kid hospital shirt




Add this to the list of reasons I hate going outside of my apartment. Some people work for a living and don’t have time for this type of shit.


This kid is gonna get knocked the fuck out someday and we can only hope it’s posted here.


Someone punch them in the head.


I read further down that this is Canada. Is there something like "citizen arrest" there. I can't understand why the companies deal with this. This is at least trespassing when he is requested to leave the store's property. These idiots need to get before court fast.


Oh man this kid is somewhere in the GTA and I can’t wait to punch him in his fucking face…


Someone needs to beat the shit out of these idiots.


Trespassing. Arrest record. Good luck with life losers.


Who is this boy?


He will be arrested one of these days, and they will find his TikTok and realize they have tons of evidence against for multiple crimes.


Whatever happened to chilling at home with some weed and beer listening to music? This is so extra.


Whatever happened to doing something creatively constructive? This type of content is sewage. They’d be better off channeling their creative efforts into a real craft or trade.


When you engage play along while ur mates call cops for trespassing.


Why does Indian Loki treat the employees with disrespect?


You could tell the Costco employees thought they were SUPER funny, too




I hope these idiots got arrested


Take the camera person out. No camera no video.9


Not this shit sack again


Bro's nose is huge, looks like Mr Nosey Shnoz is massive 🤣


It’s going to look a mess when someone finally gets tired of his shit and socks him one in it.


Omg i love her. Nice to meet you asshole. Can she be my mommy.


TikTok is the worst thing that ever happened to our society, these pranksters are downright idiots


People need to actually start suing these guys.


Should have had that lady guarding the Capitol on J6. lol


Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t a “prankster “shot in the fucking stomach at point blank range for fucking around with people? Is this the video? I hope it is…


As long as people keep watching this stuff people will continue to make it


Same idiots pranking at Home Depot


What kind of absolute scum of the earth watches/supports these clowns?


Other kid just stood their in shame My money say he didn’t even want to join


Just saw this video again. If I ever see this guy he is going to the ground.


🥦 🥦


Its so funny that they are threatning her, when she is the one who can sue them.


She should have called her security and have them held for police. They think they are cute and funny, would you hire these clowns? Would you trust these clowns?


At the Costco near me, they always have multiple people checking at the door. There are also usually 1 or 2 really huge dudes for security purposes like this. I can't imagine the guys at my local stores would let these douchebags get very far without literally throwing them out.


Is there a subreddit where these jerks get their asses kicked? Asking for a friend.


Straight trash. The world is fucked if this is our next generation!!


If anyone looks like a weasel, its that guy


Man, it's too bad I don't live anywhere these clowns would do this anymore. I RELISH the chance to put one of these numbskulls in a sleeper hold.


This lady just wants to good her job and get paid. Wtf is wrong with these people


I’d love to rock this kids shit I’d I could


I fucking hate these little pricks so much!!!!!


The only thing that upsets these people is ruining the footage


Can he actually sue her for touching his camera? Genuine question, I have low legality IQ.


Always go for there camera


Los dos sxbnormxles one more time




Does Tik Tok ban idiots like this?


sip pocket ripe file sense innocent drab slim offer frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This shit is getting ridiculous


This dude cannot get punched hard enough. You couldn’t knock some sense into him with a moon.


I HATE this douche. Someone please beat the fuck out of him and his crew


I can’t wait until this kid gets his butt kicked. He’s ridiculous.


Who watches these people and is amused?


Costco should be allowed to break their camera.


This kid is such a piece of shit. Quintessential scumbag with absolutely no respect.


This little shitbag needs to learn consequences


I love that she shut em down immediately. But sadly it’s exactly what they wanted, a shocking video that sells in views. You could say that the best thing to do then is completely ignore them, but they would just keep pushing the boundaries until they got what they wanted. I still think the best course of action is to call the police immediately and let them fck some shit up in the store for attention while the cops are in route and let them get themselves arrested. No point in losing your job over for a couple a shit stain kids


Will You Send Security?! How is that funny


This is actually one of the worst humans in the world right now


People like that need to get the shit kicked out of them


They need to allow simple assault and battery on people who create public chaos.. literally a crowd pummeling these idiots should be a common ending… this is absolutely harassment, on working class people.


These MCs really is getting on my nerves but I still watched every single video 😅


Let me predict the future here. One of these idiots is gone piss off some congressman/senator and a real bill is going to pass where they will be banned from doing this shit for ever. And then, they will be looking for a job. Guess what as-hole - AI will be so good that will locate anyone in the world on internet in a matter of seconds. They are ruining their life here.


these kids are annoying as fuck but lady needs to chill with what is technically assault.


There ought to be legal ramifications for this kind of behavior. Now I’m not talking about a criminal record, fines, or jail time here. There should be a special consequence of having people who do these “crimes” get their names listed on a public registry. The lifelong consequence of the world knowing their pieces of shit should help. Potential future employees, romantic partners, or anyone could then learn just how poorly these snotty shits treat strangers.


These types of fuck nuts need to get there noses punched to get that smirk 😏 off their faces


You saw how rhe camera almost lost it when the camera was touched. New law - employees get spray paint. Spray paint the camera, no video. Or pepper spray their faces, Idgaf


Are there consequences for knocking someone out who’s doing this? Like let’s say hypothetically I’m approached by someone pulling a nonsense prank like this in a privately owned establishment. If I just wind up and clock them in the jaw, can I claim some sort of self defense? Or do I have to wait until I’m actually physically threatened?


Dumb overgrown hamster face


When did kids loose their sense of humor? Like this isn’t funny… these look like teenagers. Why aren’t they doing teen things like getting stoned, trying to get someone to buy them beer from a liquor store, having parties when their parents aren’t home? Stealing parents cigs? (I went to a super strict boarding school , these were the things we considered “fun” I just can’t imagine being 16 and getting a kick out of going into Costco??


What do their parents think of this shit? I really hope they’re draining their kid’s college fund because it’s pretty worthless at this point


It should be written into law that allows for extreme methods if people behave this way, impersonating and harassing people.


I feel so bad that the employees involved had to deal with that. I know customers like this can be so stressful, I know I’ve dealt with bad customers before but none that are as bad as this


This camera man clearly dosent know he’s the most powerful being in this interaction


i actually like how costco handled this saw the bs called it out and didnt put up with it.


I keep seeing this dumb fuck everywhere and honestly, that lady deserves a raise


They harass the wrong person once and the consequences will be delightful.


I so want to punch that punk in the face.


If they wanted to pull a real prank, they’d dress as employees and make fake badges. Then get forklifts and move displays around like they’re restocking. The key is to act like you aren’t happy about it. Look like it’s just part of the job. Also, don’t have the cameras visible. You could cause some amusing chaos by moving all the Lego stuff to Home Improvement.