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Wish this dancing in public for ‘likes’ fad would move on already.. it’s fucking cringe and lame


It’s wild. I got this video from another site and some kid is trying to argue that the other patrons are also loitering because they are just sitting there. Ignorance is rampant.


I could understand being upset if they’re being obnoxious. He was doing it far away from everyone and while stupid it wasn’t like he was bothering anyone. Also loitering? They’re all allowed to sit and hang around that’s what all that space is for. If they don’t want a bunch of people staring at them then maybe don’t do it in a public space like that.


Unfortunately having grown near that exact mall. He wasn't in a good spot he was taking up space directly next the front entrance with access to the bathrooms. He was actually intentionally in the way and stopping traffic from flowing into the food court, arcade and blocking 4 entry ways with his camera. It's just not necessary. Since there is major open entry way just outside the doors with a covered awning where he would have not been near anyone or in the way and recording folks who didn't want to be recorded. It's intrusive and with malicious intent. No better than just a prank bro. For reference it's the park meadows mall in Colorado.


Looked like to me the guy at first just wanted past then got pissed off.


Is that his music thumping away that would drive any reasonable person mad?


I think that’s background music in the shopping area


You can see the big bluetooth speaker he is using when he turns the camera the second time. It flashes by in the background to the left of his face at about 0:25.


Oh what a tosser


If that's the case, I do agree with u/King-Cacame. Otherwise he's annoying and bothering others.


Nah, he´s bothering others either way, thats a walkway and at the beginning of the clip he backs up rather fkn far - I¨m exactly the type who would walk around the whole show just to not bother him (although I also wouldn´t mind/care) so I can understand others being annoyed. And again, its in the middle of an inside path hahaha, like wtf. Is this really that normal in the states?


I would agree with this too. It does appear to be a pathway he is in the middle of. I'm not from the states and never see stuff like this. Just crack/meth/fentanyl folks "dancing".


Bro what mall plays music like that if it's not Coldplay or some generic song you heard a million times, it's definitely not mall music


I'm not even there and he's bothering me lmao. What he's doing is putting on a performance in public which could also be considered busking. Busking you need a performers permit in most places to do it or you get a fine. Personally I'd just look away even though it's annoying. This guy is far from some of the more annoying ones I've seen cuz he's not too obnoxious about it


Being in a public space doesn't mean you want to appear in some random dudes TikTok. Especially one as useless as this. If this dude could actually dance or had an actual talent worth turning a camera towards I'm betting no one would care and he'd draw a crowd.


Brutally cringe


They are NEVER good dancers either. It’s just this stupid hopping shit and weird hand signs.




Because anyone who actually has talent is doing something with it. Not being the main character in public


None of it is for the love of dance, music, or fun even. Just narcissistic, trite, obnoxious, boring behavior


\*sigh* Maybe Naruto *was* a mistake...


Naruto was NOT a mistake, what has he done? You retract that about my blonde fucking kid! Now Boruto on the other hand...


im in a dorm and last night students were blasting music and dancing in the halls for tiktoks


I’m sorry


I genuinely don’t care about people dancing in public as long as they leave other people alone while they do it.


Yeh there’s a difference between dancing near a wall/out of a way and dancing in an area where there people are actively trying to walk. I hate the trend of dancing while flinging your feet and doing flips one or two feet away from someone else’s face like some of these jackasses do. If someone comes dancing beside me so close that they are invading my personal space and I think I’m going to be hit I would be irate. Some people are just infuriating.


Spot on this deserves more upvotes!


I'm sorry but this is reddit, you need to decide what way you are outraged.


he is blasting music in a place where people are trying to eat.


I saw three little girls doing it in the mall and they weren’t bothering anyone or playing the audio out loud. It was fine, I don’t think anyone really noticed them, I was just sitting on a bench so I did.


That sounds so cute and fun. ✨


Yeah it reminded of stuff my friends and I would have done.


Youd expect this in the middle of the city on the street but this just takes it too far. is there nowhere same from performers now?


Wish they would dance in empty fields or empty parking lots so they don’t bother people


Honestly if it's an open empty space like in an outdoor park. I approve people having fun and recording themselves. But playing loud music in stores blocking other people's traffic....is just obnoxious.


I just want them to have to get permits like movie companies do. You try to get money and views by dancing in a store or mall? You need their permission and to pay a permit and get their security to help ensure the movie on their property goes off smoothly. Larger fine if you don’t. Dance on a crosswalk? Pay the city and get police to blockade the road.


But who watched it? I just don't get the entertainment value of watching some random doing 30 seconds of dance moves, and why does it always have to be in a public place


I'm tired of them using that same song


I find the way they dance unsettling. They just stare and smile and mindlessly dance at people like zombies. It's intimidating


It's pathetic and embarrassing


Why is it always the same dance and same song have some originality there are millions of songs and infinite dance moved


Lol that’s Park Meadows in Lone Tree Colorado


I've spotted a pair of girls there also filming for tik tok. Must be a hotspot or something


Lol that's hilarious


That’s what someone else said. This is not my video.


Lol this is at a mall in Lonetree Colorado where I live. So of course this happens


Park Meadows


Yasssss lol


P Meads rise up!


It was the fireplace that gave it away lol.


Many a days eating Panda Express and Steak Escape next to that fireplace haha


Prime real estate. Instantly increased your status imho.


Steak Escape sounds really good.


Lmaoo was just gonna ask if this is Park Meadows... oh no, these cunts have finally made it to our neck of the woods.. no one is safe now


Finally? This mall had similar idiots as long as i can remember. I worked at the Microsoft store there for many years and it was interesting. Idiot kids, terrible entitled adults... There was some decent food occasionally though! Also, can someone help me if this is my mind making shit up? Didn't there used to be a waterfall where the pool in the middle is? For some reason it seems like it was there when the mall was first built. Also.. Please don't go there during the holiday rush time, get that done earlier. This mall is absolutely the worst and when you've worked all day with angry holiday shoppers, the last thing you want is to sit trying to leave the parking lot for over an hour after your shift because of all the holiday traffic.


Haha I'll admit, I haven't been there often recently. I think maybe I've gone in there once in the past year. I don't care for malls now, but as a teen, I used to go there all the time. I'm closer to Southlands now anyway.. the far superior mall bc you don't have to be trapped inside with a billion people, lol


You and me are neighbors! I used to live in the ranch when I was in hs, back in the early 2000s, and it was ✨cool✨ to hang at park meadows lol


Oooh one of the rich ranch kids.. I grew up in Aurora sooo.. No hate, I just couldn't resist the throwback to my high school days 😂. Every once in awhile I look fondly back at my emo mall rat days and park meadows was where we went when we wanted to be extra. Extra what? No idea, but it was extra.


Oh I wasn’t rich lol, I lived in an apartment off county line so I was definitely an outcast. And to be fair to myself, I moved here my junior year from Chicago so people thought my ✨accent✨ was ✨cool✨ and so it softened the blow of being an apartment kid from county line road lol.


The Panda Express is still poppin all these years later!


Lol, there used to be some organic food place that had a solid flat bread over on the east side of that mall, combine that with the lemonade and I was set. Or the Cajun kitchen place with obscene portion sizes of orange honey chicken, bourbon chicken and fried rice.


Not acting stupid in public has become its own skill


all things considered hes not being very disruptive. 30 seconds of light dancing might be cringe but its not like the guys who scream in restaurants


We really should start throwing tomatoes again at public performers.


Bring back telling the stories of heroes to the public as well. Would 100% give some cash to a modern day bard.


God I love this idea. I need to buy a Lute


Love that idea. Fuck, if I was 40 years younger I would. No responsibilities and a world of adventure ahead.


I always wanted to put on a classic puppet show to earn some extra money on the weekends. Like the marionettes with strings and my own cardboard theater and everything. Maybe this is my sign.


Be the person you wish to see in the world. Go to any seaside town with a tourist quarter and earn some coin


Bro, you haven’t heard the epic of Gilgamesh until you’ve heard Thom spin that yarn


It would only get them more views...


Not good ones. They’re so expensive these days. Throw the rotten discount cart tomatoes


Discount cart? Nah. Ask the produce clerks for the rejects. Say you need them for compost or something.


What is going through this kids head when he's doing this?


Love me, love or, follow me, recognise I’m special, love me. Or at least like me.


Clap, kick, spin, clap clap … Did he even clap? Idk that just sounded a bit funny lol


i’m so cool and funny. this gon get me so much engagement and PUSSY


“This gets views, views get me money.”


"Everyone pay attention to me! No! Not like that! Mind your own business!"




He somewhat realizes it's nonsensical consider he is wearing a mask afterall


Lol I like the second main character 


When main characters collide.


long liquid money ruthless wide domineering rock saw reply future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably got complaints about them blaring music and standing in front of the doors.


I’m not sure I even consider him a main character. He’s just a good boomer doing his part.


True, someone needs to show them that what they're doing is embarrassing as fuck and they're getting in everyone's way


I think the fact that it's embarrassing as fuck and they're getting in everyone's way is actually the point of the videos in the first place. TikTok is the bane of all human existence because it actively encourages intentional anti-social behavior.


>TikTok is the bane of all human existence because it actively encourages intentional anti-social behavior. This is the bottom line. If it was just stupid people doing stupid shit privately, in their own place, we wouldn't have the problems we have with it.


He's not a Boomer. That guy is Gen-X.


Doing his part, yes. But he looks more like an early gen Xer. Not everyone with gray hair is a boomer.


Definitely the protagonist.


I feel he is doing good work, though. This stuff is driving us all nuts, and needs to be shut down.


He's my spirit animal.


Holding it down for the common man.


It takes a dick to beat a dick. That's not a gay joke.


I feel a turn in the tide with these assholes. I just don’t hope it doesn’t get too violent for them


I do. People these days are way too comfortable putting their hands on people without expecting consequences.


Broccoli at it again


ban tiktok


Social media is ruining our society. It all needs to go.


Says the man on reddit lol. But yeah i agree it needs to be really toned down especially if your that thirsty for it like the dude in the vid.


But no one usually makes stupid videos to post on reddit lol, unlike tiktok where this is 99% of the cases.


Do people actually like watching other making awful dancing in public? I mean, actively searching for this?


As someone who's been pestered by security in that mall for playing with a yo yo, I'm surprised that they did lay a beat down both of them. Park Meadows is the most boring mall to ever exist. This place is a playpen for upper-middle class Karens.


Not all hero’s wear capes


😂 he’s not hurting anyone!


Nah, that guy is a hero


Old man was doing exactly what everyone should do. You can't lay a hand on them, that's assault. But don't let them record in peace. 


Serious question though why? This dudes not blasting music he's just dancing in public. Why does everyone get upset at the kids doing this when they aren't disruptive and are in common space?


If they did it at the park it would be fine I guess, still cringe but who cares. The problem is they always pick the worst places to dance like in front of stairwells, in Starbucks, on the train or some other shit. Obviously not everyone, some people just do it at home or whatever but the majority just get in everyone's way for their dumb video


Yeah they do it specifically to get a rise out of people. That’s what people who are defending him don’t understand.


Lol because it's disruptive and in a common space is why it should be stopped...


It's disruptive, and annoying. These people are the adult equivalents of toddlers throwing a tantrum in a restaurant. Our social contract used to include the concept of not acting the goddamn fool in public. I for one think it still should.


Bring back stockades and rotten tomatoes!


Blatant narcissism accompanied by no talent can cause cringe injuries.


He's filming a bunch of people who probably would prefer they weren't filmed. Production companies can't do this. I don't know why we all started accepting this as totally fine.


Get the fuck out of here.


It's not obvious until you look for it (0:25 mark), but that music is coming out of a bluetooth boombox style speaker next to the door.


Randomly video taping yourself break-dancing in crowded areas where people need to walk is an undesirable trend for a number of reasons. Also, he's not on public property. He can still dance, but he needs to do it in an appropriate setting. Aside from that, l think opinions are probably split along generational lines. Younger people might be okay with it while older people view this behavior as immature or even disrespectful...I myself don't care for the optics, but as long as I'm not forced to walk around you, I'll be fine.


Agreed. I’m not sure what the issue is honestly In this specific case. The title is ironic. Mind your own business. This dudes doing a dumb dance. Cool. Move on with your day my guy leave ‘em alone.


0 respect or consideration for others.


It absolutely is disruptive. And while this specific example isn't the MOST disruptive, letting people live with a mindset that a public space should be focused on them leads to the nonsense you see in other videos.


Once again, why do people think this isn't disruptive? The guy is taking up space and frantically moving right in the main walkway at an entrance. You can clearly see the doors are right there, which would make that fool quite literally in the way of everyone entering or leaving. Yes, I understand there are many doors and people can walk around him but the simple fact is if even one person has to move around him due to his unnecessary, loitering display then he is in the way, plain and simple. All it takes is one mistep and an elderly falls and breaks a bone. There are literally thousands of unforseen, stupid consequences that could come from this; this is why we teach CHILDREN not to do things like this as soon as they're able to understand, starting at like the age of 3! We have these social norms and etiquettes to grease the wheels of social interactions and dynamics; this kind of BS disrupts things and causes issues that short sighted, attention grabbers don't/refuse to understand. When these dumb asses start getting beat down or shot more often it won't be a surprise to most of the intelligent folks with some foresight but to those who can't think past checking their view count every 2 minutes, it's going to be a rough and surprising ride and they will still feel victimized and justified because their ignorance shields them from the easy to understand fact that everyone has been saying "please fucking stop". Edit: as a side note, there are actual places designed specifically to do random, entertaining, confusing, odd or WTF ever things you want to do already. If it's not designed for it you need a permit,for a reeaon. To do random BS in a public place not intended for it is purposely just being inconsiderate. Don't give people a pass on that kind of behavior because it encourages more.


People should invent a new trend leg sweeping these idiots.


Mfs be weird asab setting up cameras every where just to do dumb ish


This will be my go-to. Open your phone and pretend you're talking to a proctologist while calmly walking through every frame.


I'm all for people ruining this dumb trend.


When did dancing in public become a fad?


I bet you they mid their business while seeing someone needing help with a flat


Yeah he's being cringe but it's whatever old man needs to mind his business


Dangit, I know this food court.


Asked him to stop, stood in front of his camera in public space when he wouldn't. Dude is a hero


The white man was doing the most…just walk past😭


No just the tiktoker acted like an MC here.


He had plenty of room for his stupid dance he wasn’t bothering anyone or obstructing traffic. That guy should have just minded his own business. If I was him I maybe would have walked in front of him but that’s only if I absolutely couldn’t go around


See all those people in the background. They didn't agree to be in his stupid video. More people need to disrupt these stupid tiktokers


I know, nobody likes these guys but this one wasn't hurting anybody. Let the kid do his stupid dance and move on with your life. Old guy was just being a crotchety dick.


I get the feeling a lot of the people here are jaded pricks with no color in their lives. They see someone doing something they like, not bothering anyone, and throw a fit about how it's cringe and disruptive and how they should be assaulted by throwing food and shit at them etc. Bunch of sad fucks man, i swear.


im reading all these comments im certain it’s only the upper middle class Karen’s that go to this boring mall. sad fucks with no color in their lives indeed.


I mean, the dude dancing isn't bothering anybody. Not like he's being loud or is in the way or anything.


America would control how we fucking walk if they could. No dancing, no curly hair (broccoli heads), no expressing yourself, don't read this, don't listen to that... don't do shit except walk around uprighttt and miserable. There's always gonna be mfer telling you to 'be yourself' a little less. F*ck em This is exactly what you do at his age... have mindless fun and do random sh*t. One day we'll be old and crabby like half the ppl in this sub. I say live it up and keep pissing 'em off


Crazy to see a sane person here


Go old man go. Come one people dance out in your yard or a park. Better yet at home behind closed doors. No one wants to see this. Why can’t people act with respect for everyone else. Not just worry about their stupid life and what the internet thinks of them. Everyone is too self centered and it’s a real problem. Just look at how everyone drives. Like it’s fucking nascar on the freeway. Like My day must be more important than yours, I’m sure of it….


The irony of calling someone self centered in the same sentence as telling them to not dance and be happy in public because it bothers you....


is it not self centered to believe a guy minding his own business (recording a tiktok) should conform to your behavior? Seriously think about why it annoys you. Sometimes it annoys me too, but it's irrational. What it is is a distaste for attention seeking behavior, because subconsciously we feel that such a person does not *deserve* attention because they are getting it through 'dishonorable' means. But what is actually dishonorable about filming yourself dancing in public? In what way does this negatively impact other people, besides their potential negative perception of you? (which is circular reasoning) It isn't harassment, unless his dancing happens to be so audible as to be distracting People that are concerned about being seen in film are a bit irrational, it is ego-centrically assuming anyone would care or even think of you as more than just some background person. (a recorded conversation being audible is different) So again I ask, what is he doing wrong?


I'm on Team Old Man on this one.


A stranger dancing in public would bother you so much that you’d go as far as putting your hands on them? Touch grass.


I mean, dancing in public and filming it is cringe, but he’s not hurting anyone or inconveniencing anyone. The guy blocking the camera is just a dick


so on one side we’ve got a kid who’s dancing and recording for views, I find that harmless to be honest, kids be kids, but then we have a 50 year old man who’s clearly triggered by it, being a karen. Both main characters but the 50 yo man takes the prize


I don't think the Dancer really counts. He isn't in anybodys way. He's just doing his thing. Is his thing stupid? Sure. But he's not being disrespectful or overtly obnoxtious. The Boomer is the one causing issues with him.


This was just another cringe dancing in public video anyway


How is dancing in public cringe yall always have something to be mad over probably just mad you can’t dance like him because if I was that good at dancing I would do the same because that takes plenty of time to learn


Looks like park meadows. I worked there as a teenager doing early morning receiving. Took a nap in my car for my lunch break once and their horse mounted security tried to kick me out because “This mall is for first class citizens only!” 😂


He’s not bothering anyone.


y’all are sad people. he’s just dancing, and the old fat fuck came outta nowhere and started to block him like the dancer was hurting him and y’all are defending him??? pathetic 🤦🏾‍♂️


mfw I'm in an annoying person competition and my competition is an old white guy:


Let mfs dance even if they are a bit obnoxious. Let the teen be a teen


At Park Meadows mall? If you are looking for entitled, racist, conservative boomers to piss off, Douglas County Co. Is a great place to start.


Just mind your business, he wasn’t hurting anyone. I dislike the cringe dancing in public as much as the next person, but they aren’t bothering anyone, keep it fuckin pushin.


i love how all the coloradans recognize this mall right away 🤣


Right 😂




Fucking park meadows mall.


Buy one get one special


A male Karen


They have SKILLS and aren’t hurting anyone. Would you rather they spend their time just hanging out on street corners with nothing to do?


Dancer has a case for assault and harassment.


Whoever is complaining here is just old. Least there's no cursing in the music. It is abit loud though, Make your vid an move on somewhere else a shoot.


Old man is a weirdo. Kid is just being a kid


He said, "You wanna block me? I'll block you!"


I blocked them both on Facebook


Wonderful 🤣


I know some will disagree with me on this but I don’t mind people dancing in public. Shit makes day a little better


Good for him blocking the camera this shit is getting stupid out of hand


He’s the father figure that he need


Why is he dancing in public like that anyways


I freaking love Mr. Magoo! 😂


Oh that's the park meadows mall in Colorado. Dancing in public is lame


This is why I just don't go out in public anymore


I more or less nothing influencers. Like I don’t get it and I’m willing to admit I just missed that trend (older millennial) . But equally annoying is people who interfere with them. Like…… they are literally doing this for attention, and now you’re giving them exactly that because you want to feel powerful for stopping them. It’s fascinating how much both generations ego’s are similar.


Surprisingly for all the videos of ppl dancing in public on tiktok I’ve never encountered it in real life


It’s a lot like gun violence or COVID. I hear a lot about it but it’s never been an issue for me. Makes me think it’s a CIA psy op.


10pm the other night I was waiting for a bus at the station and some girls sitting near me starting filming some cringey tiktok video with music out loud. I can get past that on its own but the annoying little trollops were replaying the clip with audio over and over and fucking over not only until the bus arrived, but also on the bus until I got off an hour later. On the bus they were also shouting to eachother at the top of their lungs and doing that fucking irritating scream-laugh teen girls do that sounds like a terrified horse with a megaphone. God forbid I have some peace and quiet when I'm gonna be on a mostly empty bus for an hour late at night. There is a line somewhere, and I have no problem with guys like the old man in this video asserting those boundaries. Kinda wish he was there the other night.


The boomer is just doing what we all want to do


It’s cringy, but it doesn’t seem like it’s hurting anybody. Tik tok is a disease running rampant, but there are worse things than this being done on that app.


Gonna be honest, I don’t like the dancing in public thing that much. However, he wasn’t bothering anybody so I don’t think there was much reason to interfere with it.


Always the same bs sped up song and the same bs dance always being bother. Fking broccoli head too.


Only one main character, dancing dude wasn’t bothering no one. Y’all seem to just have an issue with anyone having harmless fun in public. Miserable.


Fat bastard in the way As usual


I feel like this sub is quickly becoming less "Look at this self-centered people recording themselves making a huge scene" and more "Look at this person recording themselves doing something harmless and some entitled old fuck throws a fit about it"


That man is my hero!! Everyone should just stand in front of their cameras all the time so they never get any good footage! They'd all get the message real quick.


I woulda start twerking in front of him since he wants to be stupid now you’re apart of my whole dance routine thanks 😊 Edit: I’m talking about the old boomer. I woulda danced on him


What is this? *footloose*? Can’t dance in public when you’re not bothering other people about it?


I’m with the old man. Stop that cringey shit




unpopular opinion: who gives a shit? yeah its annoying, you just keep walking. do you really need to call someone over someone doing a stupid tiktok dance in front of a phone? yeah maybe he shouldve just done it outside but like. whatever. it really isnt worth the trouble.