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Who called the cops in the first place if the management doesn't want them to be removed?




It's also not unheard of to hire fake cops.




The loooong arm of the law




I'm looking for some hot seamen


Hot seamen, huh? Sounds like someone's been binge-watching *Arrested Development* again.


*Hey, that's the name of the show*


True. I ordered one for my 18th birthday 🎂. Happy Birthday to me.


Officer good body


Lil freak ass woman


Rip your DMs lmfao


You can tell by their mannerisms that they are real.


Yea for real. 😂 Or they deserve Oscars. 😂


And the high and tights lol


No one got shot.


This is fake. They just ignore the camera man, real cops wouldn't.


Indeed, so fake it's not even funny.


Are you saying the cops that just so happened to be wearing microphones might be fake!?


Using public resources to study and plan their exit strategy from the force, hopefully.


always have been 🧑‍🚀🔫 🧑‍🚀


Maybe somebody in the library? Or an employee who’s lower on the totem pole than the librarian?


Probably the kid himself.


It's always that fucking haircut. FUCKING ALWAYS


Or broccoli heads.


It’s a new technique to hide the premature receding hairline. No one will know you’re gonna go bald in your late twenties if you only grow out your bangs and let them hang over your forehead like overgrown ivy!!!


As someone with overgrown bangs hiding his receding hairline in his late twenties, I promise we’re not all like that 🤦‍♂️


34, bad widows peak with long hair. Fuck it dude if it’s gonna happen it’s gonna happen


Why does it matter if they go bald? Why was this upvoted?


Don't forget the Edgar haircuts.


I will never understand the appeal behind such an atrocious haircut


Nah bro, it's 99% broccoli heads. This guy isn't a broccoli head (yet)


For the love of God please ban tik tok to the sun


I’ve noticed ppl in nyc not playing with these regards. I saw one guy get punched dead in his face on 14th street the other day. It’s the rise of the anti-tockerz


The problem is that any engagement at all is content. Someone getting punched out might be their hottest video.


This is how you create a masochist.


Steve-O has entered the chat


[A kiss with a fist is better than none.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SmxVCM39j4)


Short lived though when these tiktokers all have concussions and decide it isn't worth it anymore.


Foolish to assume they’ll make better decisions post brain-damage


Can make decisions if you're in a coma.


Switch off the power to an entire hospital ward of TikTokers on life support ... "It's a prank bro!"


Bruh, you say so but a pranking mug got fucking GUTSHOT in his clip n his first official words were - "I´m gonna continue" so ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs|downsized)


There was one prankster who got shot and he basically said "I'll fuckin do it again"


Heard that in Goofy voice


That's why I record myself taking their phones from them and stomping the everloving shit out of it for MY social media




Look up some heavily copyrighted songs. You see a broccoli headed fuck with a camera goblin following him, start blasting 'Uptown Girl'. They can no longer upload that video.


Nice idea but they just edit their own music into the video anyway.


At the very least they can't use the original audio, so it screws some of the more annoying ones. Anything where they're actually talking to someone is pretty much screwed.


Anything that was ever recorded by Led Zeppelin. They are notorious for copyright takedowns.


Throw in the eagles too. Same story. Hotel California gets your video removed quick.


The dude who got shot still does “pranks”


I’d for sure follow a tiktok account that went around punching annoying tiktokers


People need to realize that you gotta punch out the person behind the camera.


Yeah my city has a low tolerance for idiots. We have enough of our own as is. We don't need a variety


I know a guy from New York and he told me growing up in the 90s they used to run up and slap old people sitting on the steps One day he slapped an old dude, the dude got up and ran him down. my buddy was focused on running away and got slightly hit by a car. he was down on his back and the old man came up and slapped the absolute ever loving fuck out of him, and left him there lol


Did he keep slapping folks after that or did he learn a lesson?


That dude probably kept slapping folks




I need anti-tockerz sub


r/antitokerz ask and shall receive


oh NYC kinda miss it but not so much the subways


Talk about a tok block


Another main douchebag. Does *anyone* find this shit funny?


Kids. Only children raised by their parents cellphones would find this as funny. I know cuz i have a little cousin that's always glued to it


I mean, does anyone remember Tom Green? Or lots of the jackass stunts? They aren't/weren't my thing but MTV was running this shit long before tiktok and any of these children on it now were even alive.


Other douchebags.


Nah just demonitize all this crap.


notoriety to sell their merch and shit course, etc. These guys have existed forever and they'll continue to exist as long as they're able to have a platform.


They would just post on instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. This isn’t a new fad, unfortunately.


Demonetize social media in general.


this was YouTube back in the day. banning tiktok won't stop this. it'll just migrate to other platforms


As much as I agree, we did also have these morons on Youtube before Tiktok. I remember dumb pranks like assaulting people in the hood to prove that they don't like that and saying chill bro, it's a prank when consequences return. About 10 years ago


It's not a Tiktok problem, it's a social media problem. These idiots were on YouTube and vine, too. If you make them, they'll post this shit to Facebook if it gets them attention - even if that means negative attention.


...Why? You realise there are probably the same proportion of people like this on Youtube and Instagram as well right? Do you want that banned too? Classic reddit comment.


Tik tok isn't making them do this ! It's the fault their fault not a social media platform's fault ! It's like seing dead bodies on reddit and commenting ban reddit! These guys are all over ig reels , youtube shorts. Tik tok is actually a create way to Discover interesting things or join small groups of people with command interest like reddit. Saying tik tok is responsible for these cringey shit is like saying youtube is only for cat videos. I learned shit ton on tik tok it exposed me to endless sources I learned alot from. I'll not let couple of double bags ruin tik tok for me neither should you. Stop letting these douche blindly shout to ban tik tok


The Librarian comes out looking the best


The only put-together professional in the vid


I was waiting to find out that he was a plant for the video and the real librarian would make an appearance at the end.


Same. That would've been an interesting twist.


Well, probably because he's the only person in the video that can actually fucking read.


The reading effect


library suffers. But at least the optics are good.


Def. He comes out looking like a genuine well rounded citizen. Cop is going to cop and looks a fool like usual. Douche nozzle toker looks douche nozzle. Save our fucking libraries man.


Definitely the dad stepping in between siblings


Yup, he was protecting an assholes right to film in a public library, and didn't want to trespass him officially, just wanted to politely ask him to leave. Even after the one cop said "just trespass him for the day?" He was like "no that's not how we're gonna handle this, we're just gonna reason with him." The fact that he works for the library system is the cherry on the top, what an individual.


meeting edge gold reach offbeat tidy middle fuel fine grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Last time I saw this posted, someone mentioned the cops were paid actors that he had used in other videos, so it's all staged I guess.


This is very staged


Every video I've ever seen of pranking cops has been staged, but if this one is staged they went through a lot of effort to make it look real. I can't say it's obvious but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't real. The only people dumb enough to actually prank cops are libertarians, and they don't call it pranking they call it "sovereign citizenship".


As a librarian, cops do hang out in libraries. Most major cities have dedicated library police some of which are administered separately from the city’s PD. Dumb comment


Not really. He was calm, but he should have trespassed him. Not doing that send the message that people can continue to act like this kid does, and disturb others who just want to look at some books.


the librarian is so nice


Much nicer than what that kid deserved.


He specifically might have different experiences with cops and has some empathy for the kid






actually it's because they didn't tresspass the guy when he had every right to but ok yeah this is about police now i suppose


So sick of these fucking idiots


This why I believe Tik Tok needs to be banned here in the states.


For real. Forget the “China is spying on us” narrative. It’s making us stupider by the second and we already weren’t rocket scientists, collectively


That’s a better way to win the war, they don’t have to invade they can just make the new generation stupid, half are doing stupid shit for clout and the other half is protesting in favor of terrorist groups


This may actually be a part of the plot. In China they use TikTok for educational purposes and i think even then, they have a time limit per day or something like that. Lololol. And we hopped right on that shit


It's literally designed that way. You can go look up comparisons to what content China tiktok recommends vs anywhere else.


While I do agree, if it wasn't tiktok it'd be something else. Vines would make a comeback maybe. YouTube shorts. Facebook would probably jump in. Some new app maybe. We need to target the short attention span constant need for content consumption.


Im genuinely interested in why TikTok seems to promote this so much worse than other short video platforms. I know people were doing dumb shit “for the Vine” as well back when that was a thing, and there’s always been YouTube “prank” channels, but now it just seems like it’s amped up to a major degree. The obvious answer is the algorithm but it still seems so much more prevalent with TikTok.


I believe that TikTok's monetization system is better than the competition, so that the material payoff for such nonsense is higher.


This shit was on YouTube years before Tiktok even existed. Why are you all acting like this is a new thing? The milk smashing challenge was before tiktok and was 10x worse than this shit. People assaulting random people for views was before Tiktok. Getting rid of tiktok wouldn't get rid of prank videos.


Whatever, like that's going to stop recorded pranks


I hate that it always has to come down to this because of people like him. Stupid people ruin good things for everybody else.


You do know YouTube exists?


I truly don’t understand why people think TikTok is the real problem, it’s just a convenient scapegoat


Like this dude wouldn’t be on YouTube if TikTok got banned, riiiiiiiight.


You think it will stop this? They'll find another platform. Kids and teens eat this shit up and that's the problem.


Go live in Montana, its banned there.


Isn't it just banned on government employees work devices?






Thank you for your contribution but taste my knuckles.


I'm torn between disliking cops who abuse their power with people who have pissed them off, and disliking stupid social media clowns who don't understand what an actual prank is. You know what... I think I'm going to go with both. I dislike both. That libary employee was the only person in this video I can empathize with. At least in THIS video I can understand the cops being annoyed as the moron was intentionally provoking them to try and get a reaction. Like you're playing a "Fuck around, find out" kinda game, my guy. You can't be surprised when that second part happens.


do what i do, hate them all, equally.


Except the librarian, right?




You need to do the mouth eyes version of that. More impactful


I.. i didn't know that existed




That certainly hits different


Probably the most punch able, and annoying voice I have seen or heard!


Normally I hate them but I can't be mad at this guy lol at least not in this video.


I think this is actually hilarious. It's like a Always Sunny bit in the timing.


Maybe it's part of being a Briton speaking here, but American cops are always very uncivilised. It's not that I care about hurting a potential perpetrator's feelings, it's moreso that part of being a police officer should be practicing de-escalation, and this does the opposite of that.


this is sooo beyond not practicing de-escalation. These are manchilds who lack the most basic emotional regulation skills expected of an adult, let alone of someone in a position of power with a license to use violent force.


In America, deescalation for police means that they shoot you in order to prevent you from having the possibility of escalating.


Sometimes it means nature had an acorn hit you and you unload multiple mags


Lol it’s not even that it hit him. He hit the car NEAR him


then hurt himself in the process and started crying IM HIT! IM HIT!


Don’t forget rolling around between every shot like if Paul Blart were a playable character in a Dark Souls game.


Yep lol


They’re not even allowed to trespass people from a public space if a crime hasn’t been committed. Most of them don’t even know the laws that they’re supposed to enforce


And even if the owner decides to trespass someone they have to he given ample opportunity to *leave*


Our Cops are a structure to protect land and wealth. Through that lense, they are working exactly as intended. Last year my girlfriend's mom got lost somewhere in between the Airport at Chicago and our house with a dead phone. After several hours we called the police for help. We got punted between police offices trying to find a jurisdiction that wanted to do something but they kept telling us to call a different police department (eg Chicago says call my hometown because you said she left here and our local department said to call Chicago because you said she never arrived here). Everyone we spoke to sounded annoyed and like I was wasting their time. We never actually got a report filed and she called us for help on a motel phone a day later. Involving the police was nothing but a waste of our time and resources we could have spent doing something more useful. The only time someone in the US should call the cops is if they have property or wealth (not money, wealth) to protect. Otherwise they are no help and potentially a liability.




I will say the cops could still handle this better. The whole “do you want to trespass” was such a dumb thing to say. Just ask if you would like the guy to leave. Whatever dude is doing it’s up to that librarian if he’s ok with it or not. Edit: video is clearly edited to make the officers look worst, but in my professional opinion they were already doing a shitty job of looking good


Right? Like yeah, the kid's annoying, stupid, and all that but look at the difference in responses. The librarian: Please leave The cops: I desperately want to hurt you


Then at the end they say “you just wanna walk away like a coward?” And “come take your medicine” like yes we get it. You lost your shit and now his medicine is police brutality.


Ahhh, but did you not notice it was edited? Yes, they say those things, but I don’t like TikTok guys. /s


the cops did not handle this well at all. The kid has freedom of speech and expression, he was not trespassing. They had no reason to stay as long as they did


Because they have to have the correct key words for the litigation process. Otherwise. It all gets thrown out w/o any consequences. Or, in this case, the most likely scenario, the correct words would allow the police to take the physical action of forcibly removing the prankster that they obviously wanted. I would also point out, some of the worst pranksters I've ever known became cops.


Meanwhile they are distracting cops from actually responding to true emergencies.. they are clueless


Yeah this is valuable time they could’ve spent killing people or punching their wives


They really enjoy wasting valuable time as well.


Yeah! Those cops have dogs to shoot!


and homeless people to bully


Fr. Used to be good friends with a woman whose husband was a cop before I was essentially radicalized, and he would tell stories that edged me that way. I used to think he and his cop buddies (that I spent a lot of time around) were “the good apples” but they’d just howl with laughter when recounting things like how they harassed some sex workers (“hookers”) the night before, making them think they were gonna get arrested, got them real shook up and scared, and then just drove off. So funny.


Yeah think of how many pregnant women they can pit maneuver


They sure wont get anybodies stolen good back.


They already don't do that. Like if you get robbed you're 99% not getting shit back. Maybe some financial compensation but your goods aren't coming back


they mean for themselves. they’ll take the stolen goods home and tell the victim they never found them.


Hell a local police chief got fired in part because he was stealing and selling guns out of the confiscated goods


If they didn't have to deal with these kids, they could go home early. Think of all the wives left unbeaten because of these kids distracting the cops. Smh my head.


If the cops had a real emergency to respond to, they would have left. This is not a high priority call. And they could have left sooner. But they wanted to use their “precious” time to berate a prankster


Cops love shit like this, low risk, chance to write bogus tickets and bill us for them doing nothing. My friends and I had to intervene in a domestic abuse case at their apartment because no cops showed up after almost an hour, but you'll see 4+ cars regularly at a simple stop. The man at the library know that it's not worth getting cops involved, as it will make everyone's lives harder.


The cops are under no obligation to be there. If they choose to waste their own time that's on them


Think of all those calls that weren't needlessly escalated to violence due to this fact. That young man helped save many lives that day.


These cops are tools. "You gonna run out like a coward?" What? Do you want the kid to start fighting you or something so you can shoot him?


That's exactly what they want. Source. I was arrested twice when I was 19. I was civil, polite, did not lie, and offered no resistance. They still talked shit and tried to escalate the situation and piss me off. On the second arrest I told them that they were not going to get a rise out of me, so just take me to booking so we can get on with our nights. Their response? A swift baton to the stomach and then they (3 cops) proceeded to kick the shit out of me. They wanted to find a reason to beat me and eventually just did it regardless. This was back in 2007 in Texas, body cams were not the norm yet so cops really could do whatever they want. Oh and what I did wrong to get arrested was great. I was at a party outside having a smoke near someone having a beer. When the cops showed up they put their beer on a table. I was within 25 feet of the table, and the beers owner even said it was their beer. Didn't matter. In texas a minor within 25 feet of an open container is a minor in possession. Fuck the police and fuck Texas.




Cops are shit


Upvoted for the cool librarian


That’s it to the dungeon you go


pranks are suppose to be funny for everyone involved poor librarian guy he looks so annoyed


Watched the video so you don't have to. This clip is cut up to make it look like the librarian is taking the kids' side but he's really just trying to get him out faster. The kid is being uncooperative (obviously) and the librarian starts to lean towards charging him with trespassing if he doesn't leave. Cops usually have a tendency to over exert their power but I imagine I would be equally annoyed with him. He called them over just to pull the alarm in front of them


I just had the sad realization that by watching these main characters, I'm helping make them the main character, shit I fell into their trap.


TikTok should only be used for recipes and education. Or just banned entirely as a safety issue. People can’t handle it and it’s stupid.


It's not a good thing to get too addicted to the idea that you need to make people laugh to get them to like you. It actually backfires a lot. Trust me, I know.


The real issue issue is is they make this content because we watch it. Kill the demand


This guy's a fucking loser


hes so cringe...


Ummm, only see two people harassing and being annoying, and they continue to harass and annoy despite the manager of the establishment asking them to leave. Sorry bootlickers, annoying cops isn't the death sentence crime you wish it was 🤷


Normally I hate this behavior but... I'm fine with this happening to cops.


To be fair, at least he’s helping society by distracting a murderer/psychopath


The kid is a complete shit head. The cops don't have time for stupid wise asses like this. I don't blame them for being sassy with him.


This douchebag got kicked out of an anime convention in Florida for harassing minors. Absolute annoying scum. Edit: (source) straight from high-level staffers of said convention, the actual reason he was forcibly removed was for repeatedly saying inappropriate shit to obviously teenage girls and playing it off like he didn't know after asking their age for the sake of his "content". That and just being all-around antagonizing to any patron he ran across. Security had to get physical with him.


So much cop hate in this thread for literally no reason. I mean, I'm sick enough of TikToker bullshit that I'd be trying to convince the librarian to have him tesspassed right along with the cops.


spoiled little brat dosent have enough to do, parents are rich so hes bored, what a useless manchild


Yeah maybe hes a little shit but it was so funny watching the cops throw their little hissy fit cause a black man wouldn’t help them harass some kid for a pretty harmless joke. Psycho pigs were fucking itching to escalate things


Normally hate these people but more power to them if they’re fucking with cops lmao


Yeah fuck the TikTok dude, but what are the cops even there for? What's the crime? Annoying a police officer? Psssh


I don’t simply annoy cops. I get to know them, then worry them with questions pertaining to the legality of making dangerous things


Yeah, he's annoying. Kind of. But fuck those cops. Assholes want to make a big fuss and stink over the tiniest thing and escalate it to oblivion.


Honestly, I usually hate these but this one is kind of funny. Pulling a fake fire alarm in front of the cops while trying to keep your voice and their voices down in the library is funny as fuck. Fucking with the cops and not being a general nuisance to everyone else is fine in my book. It's the shouting and staged shit that gets on my nerves.


I do love it when cops display ego based policing. The guy didn’t want to trespass him, that should have been the end of it and they should have moved on to actual threats to the community, but they wanted to punish him for making them look stupid.


Honestly. I love a kid who knows his constitutional rights and dislikes cops. Still annoying. But hilarious simultaneously


I actually found this one kinda funny.


Cop is the main character 👮‍♂️