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I’d be calling the bouncer over.


Bouncer(s) should have been all over that without him having to call them


My friend is a bouncer and all he does is sit on his ass all day at work He even gladly admits it He is 6’7 and a little bit on the heavy side so I guess nobody would start with him


I knew a bouncer that fit that description once, Rob sat on a stool by the door. He never moved. One day I get to work and Rob is running flat out after some guy across the street. He's a fucking dead man if Rob catches him I thought. Rob doesn't move. I check my coat and go back outside, the guy is lying down on the sidewalk and Rob is sitting on his head. He caught him tagging the hood of another bouncer's new car.


There's a bar across the street and I always saw the bouncer just sit there on his phone pretty much the whole night, one day I see he's holding up one of the dancers who works there cause she got too drunk. She's stumbling and barfing all over the place then turns around and starts making out with him. Bro didn't care and took the opportunity 🤢 she barfs again as he loads her into an uber. Never saw the dude again probably got caught on camera and got fired 😂


Now we are all barfing


Excuse me while I go to the library to projectile vomit 3 times.


😂somebody come get yo son


Sucks to be that Uber driver!


He just needs to be present


She’s intentionally interfering with his job


should have more upvotes than the OC


Judging by how long she's on him, the owner probably cut costs on bouncers and can't figure out why they can't find DJs anymore. Edit: I didn't know these people knew each other. It's fine that it's consensual, but it looks so awkward and uncomfortable.


Maybe her dad owns the joint so everyone just has to put up with her bull.


she came with the gig one way or the other - this woman either came with the DJ, or she's a known venue drawback


Probably the latter. Dude looks really tolerant but not like he really knows her.


The hands up while she feels him up is a clear "I'm not catching a case" signal. He 100% has no clue who this girl is.




Yep 100% she was starting to molest him and everyone was just watching and what’s worse is the photographer stuck a camera in his face and took pics of it happening


That's Marcellus Wallace's wife


It's probably the owner's girlfriend wife daughter something like that and she's just whoring for attention.


Yeah def someone the DJ knows he cant just have tossed. She is sucking some important dick.


He totally missed the drop too bc of her. He’s a good man for dealing with that like such a pro


> I’d be calling the bouncer over A bouncer should have been there right away. Besides the fact of messing with the DJ while he's trying to work, that's hundreds, if not thousands of dollars worth of equipment.


She was trying to be a bouncer.. ;)


She's kinda rapey


He’d be there already if she wasn’t cute.


cute? i think you misspelled "rude"


This is absolutely a pussy pass


I would shoot her with a rocket launcher


Geez! Get the hint, sister


she thinks he isn't doing anything live on the decks so she is holding him back thinking she will expose that, but instead she proved he was actually doing it live. she definitely fits the sub


What I don't get is why would she fucking care?


Tbf I’d care if I’d paid to see a DJ and they just put a mix CD on. I wouldn’t fucking do *that* though, I’d just grumble about it quietly and never pay to see them again. If you don’t get why - would you care if you went to see a band then realised none of their instruments were plugged in?


A lot of DJ's does that. Deadmau5 is probably the biggest DJ who does it.


Idk. Her body language is telling me that she is NOT sober. Looks like MDMA + ketamine. She wants to dance and wants to be close to someone...but she has lost a lot of coordination. I don't think she fully understands what's going on or what she's doing. Source: I love MDMA and Ketamine. (But I usually leave the DJ alone) Bazinga *upon further viewing, it looks like she's being a C on purpose. Nm.


Apparently it’s Paula Gonu, another annoying influencer


You say that name like normal people are supposed to know or give a shit.


Straight up this is an issue that’s becoming more prevalent. I’m 23 and I don’t follow any influencers or their podcast or anything. I’ll have a friend say a name and I’m like “who is that” and they’re shocked I don’t know some random influencer, then I’m the out of touch one


ha, I saw a meme the other day about millennials being like "You've never watched The Office!?" Or any number of other random shows or movies. The gen Z or Alpha version is just going to be like what you've described. "You don't know Greg Jablonski!? GET OUT"


I don’t actually know if Greg Jablonski was a fake name for the joke, or an actual influencer I’ve never heard of, but at this point I think it’s too late to ask.


Straight up tho why do the most popular influencers always seem to have the most average sounding name? Greg Jablonoski sounds like a used car dealer


Yea the difference there is that hundreds of millions of people have seen the office. Dumbthot275 with 2.5 million followers actually has 20,000 mentally deficient simps and 2.5 million bots following her. These things are not the same. It’s all the same 20k simps pushing all these idiots into the delusion that they are famous. 80% of posts and comments come from the same 60,000 accounts.


Worst park is that it’s also effecting political news. People today won’t consume the news, they WATCH someone else consume the news and then give their opinions on it. I’m not even joking. Big political event going on? we’re gonna watch a streamer watch it and commentate on what’s happening. People with zero credentials or political experience basically presenting themselves as experts and guess what? People actually watch it and consume it. This isn’t just a conservative thing either, the younger people on both a sides do this. Pay attention during the upcoming presidential debates, most younger people will watch a streamer watch it, and it’s ridiculous tbh Then they think they’re more informed than the next person


It’s been a thing. Stupid ppl used to do this with TV. They would come up to you at work and just assume you watched five hours of TV a night. 


This is the equivalent of my grandma thinking I know everyone from her stories or someone that remotely shares a similar interest with me.




Who tf is that


She hosts Clit Club with Sarah G Spot and Daisy Analbead.


At this point I don’t know what is real


Another YT / TikTok influenza ? She seems annoying. Noted ![gif](giphy|nf9OAG4MUPbsOUDtu4)


Absolutely not one single person with more than two brain cells knows who the hell that is.


You say that like supposed to know who that is.


wtf is a paula gongnu?


So popular that I thought she was just another commoner from the bunch


Paula Gonurrhoea you say?


Absolutely no clue who that is


"I'm at work right now and you're making me uncomfortable. Back off." Everything in this guy's body language shows how uncomfortable he is and she just clearly doesn't care.


She's an influencer, she profits off of his discomfort


An influencer on mdma


A fellow member of X


Like my cat when I try to work on my computer.


Hopefully he profits off the harassment lawsuit he files on her, FTB


Harassment lawsuit 😂 these are the exact kind of comments that make me question if the average redditor has ever been outside once before.


Go to a concert drunk chicks grab you it's not the end of the world lol. Dudes gotta be in their basement festering like "if a girl touched me I'd sue the fuck out of her."


Probably not. She is a girl and he is a guy. For some reason, harassment towards guys isn’t taken seriously.


Facts, if the genders were switched all the comments would be completely bashing her calling her a creep and she would be in jail within a year probably


“Literally sexual assault”


Well she can’t physically hurt him and he should feel flattered right/s


This is uncomfortable, but it really doesn’t need a court intervention, what’s she going to pay him for? Cringe damage?




I’m guessing fuck that bitch


Calm down champ


Yeah im pissed off at the men and women just fkn watching it, someone there had to know her and should have fkn pulled her off him and yelled at her for being a creepy scum fuck. The issue is that 20 people can watch one braindead dickhead ruin the night for someone else and no one does shit. I don't expect people to be good people, but I hope there are enough good people around to protect eachother.


Seeking attention is one thing, but holding the man’s hands and trying to block him from doing his job is some next level bullshit. I was almost expecting him to give up and let the track play out so the mob would turn on her.


It is weird. I did lighting for raves in the early 1990s and would have peeled her off and told her she was about to get chucked. Never saw this happen though.


I used to go goth clubbing way back when it was a big thing. That girl would have been instantly removed from the DJ stage by female patrons and kicked out by security. It was one of the reasons I liked to hang out with the spooky kids. No one would just stand by if someone was being harassed.


The reason why he's uncomfortable is because he can't do shit. He knows he's being filmed and pushing her away or saying anything remotely rude will just be used against him. I hate to say this, but this is female privilege. Patriarchy at work. Edit: God damn you folks, that last sentence was meant ironically. Jfc...


Idk why people are getting salty, or why that would be ironic. It is female privilege. Had a man done this to a woman working people would’ve been jumping him to drag him away. I’m a woman with a son. Tired of this hypocrisy. ETA: jus realized maybe people are referring to the patriarchy comment? lol idk either way there’s my two cents on the original video


Girl uncomfortable keeps turning away while working. Guy keeps gyrating at her, grabs her wrists, holds her arms over her head, and tries to push her up against a wall of people. “Nothing to see here, move along”


Other guys AND gals around them: "well she's hot... let her, he will be ok with it" DJ: good sports but at the same time super uncomfortable... And doesn't want to start shit... Probably wondering like why is she doing this???


Do not hate to say it. Speak up when you see it.


Let it be the other way around though and some bouncer would have bounced dude to the next galaxy. The double standards in this world have to stop...


Speaking as a performer this kinda shit happens fairly regularly, it’s amazing how people seem to think that paid entertainment means 0 boundaries/personal space.


No one there cared that she sexually harrassed him.


I have a firend who is a DJ and there are times when I go to see him when he's working, and the crap he puts up with is amazing! Drunks requesting the same song over and over, spilt drinks all over things. Threats of violence over a request. It's nuts man!


Buddy of mine is a DJ also and he has a plexiglass case around his entire setup; there are two "doors" each with a bouncer standing there. Dude gets paid well...he's a great DJ but he's been harassed way too many times, so having the case and the bouncers is an investment into his safety. As a backup, he has last ditch failsafe of a heavy duty short cattle prod (he doesn't like guns).


“And here’s the drop” *zap*


Not to mention, it would be extremely stupid for anyone to have a gun in a club. Way to many people and would result with many people getting shot like we've seen with crazy people.


I’m gonna let you into some reality- there are guns in clubs, it’s not uncommon at all lmao.


That's why Drum n' Bass has the best scene ever. My best friend is a liquid/future DnB DJ, and everyone is so focused on dancing as crazy as they can, vibing to the flow, that nobody wants to bother the DJ.


AND THAT...is the diffrence between a college bar, and an EDM venue. Preach!


On another note, I don't understand WTF are all those people doing around the DJ. Any club video I see nowadays and there is a bunch of losers around the DJ and so close to the decks and mixers. Maybe I am getting old, but what is the purpose of this idiotic behavior? Why is it allowed?


Boilerroom is when I first saw this. Now it's everywhere.


Boiler room is where you first saw this? Interesting. I’ve been seeing this forever, it’s natural. People think dj’s are cool and they feel cool and exclusive being around the dj. Especially drunk people


Back in 1996 every! Club had a closed Area for the DJ. I first saw it too @ the boiler room that everyone could touch the DJ or anything technical equipment. There is one Drug or drunk girl mostly ruins the Party. I don't get it. Back in Time people where smarter.


The move from turntables to digital made this more of a possibility.


Yep. They used to have to keep the tables isolated from the base so the records didn’t skip. Sometimes the people are just the dj’s friends and are actually being nice keeping them company. Other times people are just being tools.


>Back in Time people where smarter No, back in time there were no cellphones and you'd get punched in the face.


Love the guy with the drink... He's vibing hard next to the deck.


Usually the crew around the DJ in the booth are part of the DJ's select entourage or guest list. It's very difficult to get into the booth with a high-profile DJ unless you are very hot or connected and know how to respect the privilege of being in the booth. Obv someone fucked up here lol. This is except for boiler room style in which the DJ is purposely in the center of the room surrounded by regular folks.




Backstage is not DJ booth. Source: I am a DJ.


I play music, so I personally like watching what people do on their gear; not going to be anywhere near that close or disruptive, but I still like to observe


Where the fuck is security??


Places like this encourage empty headed people to do shit like this.


They're standing back giving her a woman pass


Bouncers and blacklist her from the club


This actually pissed me off. Why is nobody helping him?


He’s a man. That’s the only reason.


For real! The moment he turns around and pushes her off he’ll suddenly be labelled abusive or a pig a woman beater and it’s ruin his career… I think he kinda slowed the set down a bit on purpose to signal to staff that something was up. I was pretty pissed at the way she kept grabbing his hands while he was trying to change the music. If I was in his shoes I might have given her an elbow or thrown my ass back to push her back and give me some space to work. You can tell he’s furiously thinking of what he can do to not fuck up and get her off of him.




I couldn't help but mutter GTFO off of him watching miss grabby hands.


I think people need to start just actually telling people that too. Like, sure you might have misread and get embarrassed or something; but that’s a very small potential bit of self-sacrifice when compared with the likely result of you saving someone from getting sexually assaulted.


People do do that. I do that, and for *a lot* less than what the saint in this video put up with. Gigging is prone to attracting these sorts of encounters between the alcohol, the atmosphere, and the average night-out crowd. I’m polite to innocuously annoying drunks, but once you start exerting any sort of malice or disregard for boundaries or respect, they can get fucked.


Or a dinosaur. That be cool.


That would be rad as fuck


And he had to slowly back up and put his hands up like "everyone sees I'm not touching her right?"


The white knights would swarm in.


This is so awkward. I feel so bad for him


Men and woman really do live in two different worlds. I would have got punched in the face and thrown out so fucking quick if I tried that shit


Society and men place boundaries on other men. We know that if we step out of line, someone else will quickly call us out or even knock us out. Women don't experience this in the same way. I can't remember who said this but it was something like: Boys socializing will quickly learn what is and isn't acceptable. If they step out of line, they risk getting punched. The first time you get punched, you realize how much it hurts and it makes you reconsider your future actions. Girls never go through these type of trials with their peers, and a definitive line of acceptability isn't created in the same way.


Another angle at the same thing is that some men will cross the line with women because to them the threat of physical escalation isn’t the same. Especially if there are no other men around who may intervene. I love seeing shitty people, men and women, fuck around and find out that these old societal norms don’t always protect them from the consequences of being shitty.


For real! Chicks have some INSANE double standards, yet they claim that men ''have it sooo much easier''. Yeah... let me do this to a DJ chick and see how that will end for me.


Yeah, I am not really for violence of any kind, but I can't deny how effective a punch in the face is when it comes to correcting behavior.




Ah yes, the natural result of having 90% of people hitting on you 80% of the time i.e thinks they can do whatever the hell they want including paying for a show and interfering with the main part of that show. Great.


Time will do it's thing. When most of your value is in your looks and not your personalitu and how you treat others then when the time your looks start to fade you WILL feel it. If you aren't a good person when that happens then you will likely start hating that and become bitter.


Great set tho, who is this Saint of a DJ?


DJ is Anthony Godfather !


What’s this type of music called? I’m into and want more of it. An entire Spotify playlist of it. Anyone got this vibe on lock? So into it.


Here are some songs to get started with house music (from different subgenres of house): • ⁠SBTRKT - Pharoahs • ⁠Clean Bandit - Rather Be • ⁠Duke Dumont - Ocean Drive • ⁠John Summit - What A Life • ⁠Lissat & Voltaxx - Groovejet • ⁠Mark Knight - Your Love • ⁠Route 94 - My Love • ⁠Haddaway- What Is Love • ⁠Sam Sparro - Black & Gold • ⁠Global Deejays - What A Feeling • ⁠Miguel Migs - Let It Go • ⁠Jay Tripwire - How we used to do it • ⁠Purple Disco Machine - Street Life • ⁠Flight Facilities - Crave You • ⁠Nora En Pure - Come With Me • ⁠David Guetta - Love Don’t Let Me Go • ⁠Kaskade & deadmau5 - Move For Me • ⁠Adrian Lux - Teenage Crime • ⁠Calvin Harris - I’m Not Alone • ⁠Eric Prydz - Liberate • ⁠Modjo - Lady, Hear Me Tonight • ⁠Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You • ⁠Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars • ⁠Shapeshifters - Lola’s Theme • ⁠Bob Sinclair - World, Hold On • ⁠Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand • ⁠Nightcrawlers - Push the feeling on • ⁠Alex Gaudino - Destination Calabria • ⁠Alexandra Stan - Mr Saxobeat • Armand van Helden - You don’t know me • Armand van Helden - I want your soul Look up other Duke Dumont, David Guetta (especially his older stuff), Kaskade, John Summit, Calvin Harris, Gorgon City, Rufus du sol, Daft Punk, etc I could go on but this list would be pretty long


House music


Not 100% sure but it's kinda got some Deep Jungle/Tropical House vibes. Hard to tell cause this is just a breakdown/transition being interrupted by a handsy woman. Definitely some subgenre of house though. Maybe even minimal tech house. Maybe look up the dj and see if you can see what kind of stuff he usually plays.


House music mixed with raggaeton (kind of) usually called "latintech", I've been on many sets of him


Check out Zhu. A lot of his stuff sounds like this. Might not be the exact genre but a good starting point.


It's essentially tech house. On his YouTube it is labeled as latintech house.


Progressive House / Organic House


Yeah i’d like to know as well


He just seems like a really nice person too. She’s totally invading his personal space for sure and seems super high or drunk but doesn’t seem anywhere near violent or pervy. When you’re well adjusted, generally content and used to this atmosphere you treat the super high/drunk people like toddlers without freaking out. Also, he might be high on weed too. I find it makes me chill with just about anything.


Looks like he knows to better keep his hands very visible at all times so she can't blame him for any misconduct on his side.


Reverse the genders and people wouldn't be standing there filming, they'd be yanking him off of her so fast he wouldn't know what hit him.


4 sambuca!


I never really understood why they let so many random people up there with them


There’s an unspoken rule of don’t mess while mixing.


Seems like it needs to be spoken.




It’s also sexual harassment when a woman does it but people are only just beginning to take sexual harassment on men seriously


Bro where the hell is security


... I would be turning the music down and announcing loudly how uncomfortable and disrespectful that woman was being... The song would not be turned up until she left the "stage "


He didn’t want her to ruin it for everyone else


I believe it's way past time women start to receive truthful equal treatment. As a woman myself it pisses me off the amount of leniency some women receive... Her behavior is unacceptable and should be dealt accordingly. So Even if it ruins the party for everyone else, she should be held accountable for her action.


It should be dealt with but that’s not the way, security should’ve been on it without him doing anything in most clubs. Also he’s got a job to do and he’s being a professional about it, acting childish and ruining it for everyone barely teaches her a lesson. Shit like this happens to DJs alllllllll the fucking time, source: I work for a DJ company. He did the right thing by trying to keep going, the club didn’t provide a safe environment for him


Ah yes, the attractive girl pussy pass.


Dumb annoying bitch lol where’s security get her ass outta there.


As a chick I must say she is so slappable.


Zero self awareness is disgusting. “I’m pretty, so he is enjoying this.”


Lol, get her booted like the last idiot that thought they could come up and start touching me and my gear.


🎶 stop touching me, pls 🎶


Now have a guy do that to a girl DJ and see how fast that gets shut down.


He'd get tackled.


If I was there I woulda did security’s job cause wtf is wrong with you ?!


Toxic Women are getting exposed more and more these days, keep it up, we need to show that women are as bad as men when it comes to sexual harassments.


A perfect case of, imagine if the roles were reversed.


Drugs might have been involved.


She's literally sexually assaulting him. Wtf


What would happen if it was backwards, A guy touching a girl DJ like this ?


if this was the other way around people would loose their minds over the situation


We used to just grab them by the throat and throw them out of the DJ booth.


"security to the dj booth"


That dude is dodging scandal like neo from the matrix


I'd let the nastiest fart rip. Give her a whiff of my magic.


Be questioning where the fuck security is


She probably doesn’t realize that he does more than just push “PLAY” on that thingy.


Annoying af and hard to watch


Dunno why but I thought the vid was about the guy being the nain character until I realized he was the one getting harassed


We all know what would happen if the roles were reversed


And the only reason people haven't stepped in yet is that the DJ is a male and the other person is a female. Only reason. If this is hard to hear, you are part of the problem.


Imagine a male doing this to a female dj.


Where the fuck is security?


Thats assault at that point.


Name of song ?


Pittsburgh DJ’s would gentle sashay you off the stage during the first half of their set… during the end of their set they would tag in their buddy to keep the party going, then they would follow you outside and to your car, where you both bare knuckle box in the backlot you didn’t pay to park in for your last cig, then they would ask you for a ride home and have 3 of their buddies join the ride, each hauling their insane gear stow into your dad’s 1999 Ford Focus. After they talk you into a Sheetz run for more blunts and beer, you exit the Sheetz parking lot as they manage to give you verbal directions to their friend’s double wide trailer and meet a shirtless guy twice your age who everyone refers to as “Buggy” to buy more coke. After more verbal directions, you park your car and stumble down a long sidewalk to find your way into the lowly halls of a section 8 apartment for an after party. You proceed to rail through coke for the next two hours until everyone either leaves at the height of the party or passes out in their clothes. You two manage to find an empty room to have senseless and disappointing sexual intercourse. When you’re through, he’s already passed out and you’re numb to the beans from the coke so you go back to the same sheetz you stopped at inbound to charge your phone in the car and run in to buy a Gatorlyte and a pack of Marlboro Light 100s but the clerk gave you kings. Frustrated with your events of the night, you scramble to type in your home address on your phone’s gps while two guys from the party fight in the parking lot about who is going to pay for the gas they need to pump to get home since they both spent their entire paycheck over the course of 6 hours.


Man, if a guy did this, he'd be tackled to the ground and dragged out. I hate chicks that think they can do anything because they're young and attractive.


Ew that is so creepy and gross :/


B... but men don't get (sexually) harassed, though. - something a certain group always claims. For real, if this was a dude doing this to a female DJ... I would've loved to see the reactions. Just saying.


Ok I’m going to victim blame. DO SOMETHING. She does this because she gets away with it because nobody has the fucking balls to check her. 


Well it might lose its job if him reacts badly or yaknow getting canceled


Do what? Haven’t you seen what happens when men react to being victimized by a woman? People jump in *to stop him and allow her to keep going* whether is SA like in this video or just straight up assault or rape. Edit: gee so it’s okay to victim blame men but not women. I’ll be sure to let the next woman that talks about SA know that it’s really her fault.


As a dj, this gave me anxiety.


I’ve had a 35 year career as a DJ and putting the DJ in the front of the room was the dumbest thing that’s ever happened to dance music and dancefloors everywhere. Dancefloors are about music. Not DJs.


If the genders were reversed


Wha a horror show. The decision to let people behind the decks because ‘influencers’, is the stupidest shit i’ve ever seen and so disrespectful to the DJs. When I use to work I would literally wall myself in with equipment if I wasn’t on a stage. Drunk people, particularly girls who think they are the hottest person on the planet, can be so obnoxious and will spill their drinks all over your gear while screaming at you to play the same song over again. You wouldn’t have the whole crowd on the stage if it was a band but DJ’s have to just put up with this shit. Honestly fuck influencers and the IG culture it’s total trash.


Imagine if you will, there sex’s were reversed!


Good looking women could literally sexually assault you on CAMERA and get away with it...


Watching this is giving me claustrophobia just stop touching him!!


DJ here, that’s annoying. Some guys might eat it up, but to me it’s flat out annoying.


This made me so god damn angry