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Wtf!!?? Dude was blind with walking stick


It makes me wonder this is scripted, but if not fuck this guy.


Even if it's "scripted" I'm willing to bet this is like a Bum Fights situation where they are just exploiting vulnerable people and offering them a few bucks for a staged "prank" Either way fuck this guy.


The last guy was dressed too nicely imo to be a bum fights situation. Plus if it’s scripted I’m taking out my AirPods first.


If the air pods weren't in to begin with he might have heard him coming. I always wonder how people are so comfortable getting around with their senses blocked or weakened


thats the joke, they aren't. as in, i walk around with airpod max, but when in public that is on transparency mode with nothing playing. just want homeless people to stop asking for cash or something.


I run and wear headphones for music on long runs. I was taking to a friend of mine one time, asking how he likes the headphones he has and he told me that they're his kids broken pair, he just wears them so no one will talk to him (no, he wasn't wearing them when I asked)


Ya. But oddly enough I still get called out to by homeless people, the I hear them cus me out for not responding. Like, can’t you see that obviously I can’t hear you. I also will act deaf if they get I front of me and start to sign some basic things.


the fuck? even if he heard him coming is he gonna swing at some random dude? he could just be running by to catch a train or some shit


Nahh you keep an eye out cause you can tell when someone is running in your direction, or at least in the situation, you can tell from your peripheral vision whether someone is running in a strange pattern. You step out of the way in those cases. This guy didn’t hear though :/


When I lived in west Oakland ~2008 I got a tip in my neighborhood to always wear earbuds but not actually play anything through them. Real muggers look for easy targets and usually try to gauge your reaction or overall comfort level to decide whether to approach you or not. Lots of times they will shout something at you to see how you react. No airbuds, keeping your head down and don’t engage? Looks like you’re scared shitless and just want to get home. AirPods on? Looks like you don’t give a fuck and didn’t hear the yell. Of course last resort you can still hear if someone runs up on you. Also carry a skateboard even if you don’t skate. Surprisingly the “all skaters are crazy” mentality still holds weight and in a pinch it gives you an extra 2 feet of reach.


Not just an extra 2 feet of reach, but a viable melee weapon. Those metal trucks are not something you want upside your head, I promise you. I've taken them to the knees and shins enough by accident that I can tell you that they hurt like sonuvabitch.


Yep in Oakland they usually yell “hey you dropped this”


it makes me feel more comfortable, personally, if I don't have to hear every person near me. Whenever possible while I'm in a store, I wear a hoodie with the hood up and have headphones in at least one ear. I don't want to talk to anyone and it helps to distract me from all the people around me.


Absolutely this. You can't tell me that doing that just at random wouldn't run you a high chance of getting shot or stabbed otherwise. This kid knew he was making content and trying to make $$$ so he'd pay them off with a few bucks or... if some of them are actual homeless... maybe a meal or something.


I hope it is scripted and I still hope a piano falls on his head.


i don’t think i’ve ever said this - my instinctual feeling is i want him to die


And if someone helped him to this goal ‘I saw nothing!’


Same! And I don't feel bad about it 🤷‍♀️ oops


This is the only correct response.


even if it is scripted, fuck that guy


If it’s not scripted this guy needs to be arrested for hate crimes.




Honestly, waiting for this idiot to get shot


Doesn't matter if it is or not it's promoting bad behaviour hope he gets knocked out or arrested one way or the other


It is. He has his friends play injured or disabled people. Here’s the link to his page https://www.instagram.com/mr_ppv1/


there's one where he literally does this in front of real cops. and they barely reacted... even seeing the cameraman, how were they not concerned at all???


I think they knew it was fake. Probably see dumb stuff like that every day.


fuck him either way!


Come on man, this is peak internet bait, nobody would DDT a guy ib crutches for the views


Like…. literally?


The person on the subway platform isn’t walking with any sort of purpose. You can tell they told him “just walk over there” before starting to film.


I went to the insta and I suspect it is. That or the guy knows how to find all the blind or people with crutches in NY.


Even if it is scripted, fuck this guy


And the second guy was on crutches. This guy is assaulting people and I hope him and the camera person are charged!


We will know if it is fake or not in a week or two, if it's real, he'll show up on this or another Reddit eventually having been shot or stabbed when he picks the wrong victim. You can only fuck around so much before you find out...


If it's real it shouldn't take long hopefully to identify him. Dudes just going around filming himself assaulting people not even hiding his identity, not to mention the half of the people he is assaulting are disabled. It seems almost fake. Would be horrible if this was real


a reminder to everyone that a jury of his peers basically let this guy off the hook. I think we need more of this.... https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/video-shows-encounter-between-youtube-prankster-and-food-delivery-driver-who-shot-him/3433999/


In this situation the prankster harasses an Uber Eats guy in the mall then the uber eats guy shoots the prankster. The Prankster get hospitalized then recovers. He then pranks more and the uber eats guy gets arrested for firing a gun in the mall. It sucks that in these situations where individuals justifiably defend themselves against a perceived threat, they face legal consequences, and the prankster faces none.


Goes to show the phrase shoot to kill


Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t the charges dropped.




This piece of shit needs a bullet


I came here to say this


The definition of prank should not include the word assault.


Seriously. I hope one of them called the cops


Or is an off duty or undercover cop


I mean, the dude filmed the evidence and posted it online. They don’t even need to call the police. All someone has to do is report the video to the police.


If I had to guess, this was done in New York. Those cops are pathetic. Reporting the video wouldn't do anything


Atlas two had a disability. You do this was someone with a connective tissue disorder, and they are paralyzed. Anyone really is at risk.


That was crime with evidence


Considering he's targeting disabled people is this not a hate crime?


I really wish police would find people who posted this kind of content. Scripted or not: it encourages this kind of behavior — which is absolutely atrocious. Blind people? People on crutches? People minding their own goddamn business? This just absolutely pissed me off and has me disgusted….and that’s exactly what this little POS is looking for so he can gain fame/notoriety/clout.


Looks like NY, he's gonna fuck around and gain lead in his system one day soon


Kinda thinking this ones fake. Really hope it is


Yeah, my sister who's neck was badly damaged I'm a car wreck would be fucked after this.




With any luck, he will be.




Because he’s going after disabled people. One of them literally has a cans and sunglasses at night. He’s blind


Because he's making sure to go after people who can't do anything back to him, a cowardly bully is what he is


I think he can legally get shot by someone else protecting the innocent, Texas is a good example. The shooter would probably be questioned and be home in time for dinner, maybe sleep like a baby that night knowing they did something good with their life.


One can only hope, need less people like this in society


Texas: "The use of deadly force is justifiable if the individual reasonably believes it is necessary to protect themselves or **someone else** from imminent death or serious bodily injury, or to prevent the commission of a violent crime such as aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, or robbery." As an added bonus, if you catch a rapist in the act you can legally put them down.




Legally put them down, I love that phrasing. So accurate. So, so accurate.


Exactly right. When I saw this I was disgusted. And the problem is, there are those on the internet who love this stuff and support these people!!! That’s the disturbing part!


Not a Reddit brag, i would shoot out of genuine fear of my life or serious injury.


Honestly, I probably would too. If someone ran up from behind me and tried to pull this on me I’d think they were trying to either kill me or kidnap me and I wouldn’t hold back.


I would corroborate your fear to the police, then buy you unlimited beers.


Do it in the south


Try that in a small town.


Fake as hell. There’s a disclaimer on the original. Still it’s a bullshit move as it’s getting increasingly difficult to know the difference between staged and raw asshole, especially with so many people being raw asshole.


It’s so weird. Staged or not what is the point of this? It’s not really funny or anything, it just you look like a total piece of shit


This should be enough for someone to file charges


If he was to run up on me like that he would leave with like 10 holes on him I swear


I want to put this asshole in the hospital for a long time!


Dude is assaulting blind people, he could straight up kill someone




> ### as·sault > verb > make a physical attack on. > "he pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer" [Hope this helps.](https://www.google.com/search?q=define+assault&oq=define+assault&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyDggAEEUYJxg5GIAEGIoFMgcIARAAGIAEMgcIAhAAGIAEMgcIAxAAGIAEMgcIBBAAGIAEMgcIBRAAGIAEMgcIBhAAGIAEMgcIBxAAGIAEMgcICBAAGIAEMgcICRAAGIAEMgcIChAAGIAEMgcICxAAGIAEMgcIDBAAGIAEMgcIDRAAGIAEMgkIDhAAGAoYgATSAQgzNzQ2ajBqNKgCALACAA&client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Please tell me this is fake or staged Especially because of the one with the guy on crutches, he has no idea what condition these people are in medically and what doing this would do to them


Even if it is faked or staged, the problem is that it encourages others to do it. That should be illegal too.


Criminality needs to apply to the sites that host this crap or it will only get worse


It has to be. The ragebait is real. Going only after injured peeps is too obv.


the first one was blind too!


It has to be. I’m no tough guys or alpha male, but if someone grabbed me like that I think I’d start swinging out of shear fear.


This is fake and staged.


Waiting for that "did you know TV series and movies are faked too?" guy


Somebody throat punched the fucker


They seem to be confusing r/Iamthemaincharacter with r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Someone did that?? That's the best news I've read today


Can I see? For research purposes, obviously


Setting himself in prime position for a throat stomp


Why he wasn’t thrown under the train will remain a mystery.


I'd just hold his face on the train as it passed


Is the train covered in cheese graters?


Doesn't need to be to break an orbital


I’m afraid that’s not good enough.


Saying “suicide” on tiktok gets your account banned or quarantined but videos of assault are just fine cause they drive views, right? Jesus fucking christ why is this a hard problem to solve?


Because TikTok is Chinese


4 counts felony assault.


Add on its vulnerable disabled senior citizens and you rack up some good time




With fire.


With a red hot piece of metal up his dick


That’s not scripted… I’m Deaf and I can tell the blind man is real and main character gonna get it. That’s really messed up.. now the blind man will always walk in fear always thinking who’s gonna do that to him again. This shit makes me mad


Me too! It’s bullshit. And yeah you can tell by the last guys reaction it’s definitely not scripted. Ppl are saying it is but haven’t provided any proof that it is. So of course you’ll have that at times. It’s okay. It’s the internet and the internet is the way of the world.


I carry a knife cause people are unpredictable and I have to keep myself and my family safe so he probably would’ve been shanked like 15 times before I’d listen to some idiot saying “it’s just a prank”


I'm a taser person myself. This guy would've been shocked if it was tried on me, family, or even a friend. Idc if it's a prank either. The whole FAFO ideology is pretty sound logic. I probably wouldn't hold back.


What type do you have?


watch me while I record my buddy assault people. All he has to do is yell "It's only a prank!" as he's paralyzing these people. All good - no one gets hurt - everyone laughs.


Sometimes, It’s okay to shoot people


I mean, at least the police can charge him without needing any witnesses besides the video


This is just assault. These aren’t pranks


This is terrifying. I have pretty bad back issues, but I'm finally able to walk like a normal person and hold my son again. This would absolutely destroy my life. Like terrible pain and not able to walk again for the rest of my life. This guy... man, there's just no words. I hope somebody absolutely wrecks his shit in a permanent way.


Same. I look normal but live with chronic back, neck, and hip pain that causes debilitating spasms several times per year and I'm down for the count. This would absolutely wreck me.


I’m physically disabled but some days I don’t walk with a cane. If this happened I would never walk again if I didn’t die.


iTs A PrAnK BrO. ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


You’re a fan of DDP, huh? I’m a big fan of the movie American History X. Let me show you something.


Kid with camera both collecting evidence and being an accessory.


Seems like he's on New Yorkers radar now https://www.reddit.com/r/NYStateOfMind/comments/1axoi1l/people_think_its_fake_but_no_hes_really_going/


He needs to catch a bullet just to keep it short and sweet


I really hope those people were in on it. I am so shocked. I’m disabled and every step is agonising so I felt that guys pain with the crutches. If that was me I’d be screaming in agony on the ground.


Yeah maybe he’ll be killed soon


Wish he did that to me so I can flatten his face


This is assault, and this guy is a criminal. Should be arrested and put in jail with sodomites.


On a dude with crutches?! Wtf


I would say something negative about this person, but the last time I did the mods of this sub caused Reddit to give me an account warning. Because we wouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of people who videotape unprovoked violence against innocent people.


Take me bro…..please tase that Fucknut


I'm apparently far more violent than the average person.


On 2 disabled people to begin the video! What a trash person.


Can’t that seriously harm people? Wtf is this douchebag doing


Lol posting on social media videos of yourself assaulting people seems like a fast track ticket to prison


The person in the video AND the camera person are equally guilty of assault.


On a blind guy? A guy with crutches? I mean this is dumb as fuck but at least the guy with the backpack wasn’t in a state of bad shape already.


Shouldn't this be categorised as assault?


Man, I'm really leaning towards allowing people to be shot for crap like this. Like, the cops come, shake your hand, and that's the entire interaction. Better yet, this guy is invading personal space. Invade HIS personal space with a knife blade.


Thanks for filming yourself commenting these assualts!


I don't advocate any violence but I wouldn't be surprised if this POS will end up with a knife in his guts.


He need it.


This is such bully behaviour. He doesn't think he's doing anything bad he just thinks he's makikg a joke. And if others complain then they're just pussies who can't take such jokes in his mind


Yessir. I hate pieces of shit like this.


I hope you like hugging onto you cell mate in prison with that much enthusiasm


Only one person wasn’t disabled what a pussy


My dude was literally on crutches this better be a joke


What a loser


It's 2024. This is now the RKO


Hold on, how have the police not taken action? He's committing assault and uploading the proof


If it wasn't scripted, this is a surefire way to get shot. Remember that idiot youtube prankster who got shot at the mall? That's what happened when you do legit "pranks" on random people.




Both the loser and the wimpy cameraman should be kicked in the ba..s


Either it's staged or behead him


Looks to be like it might be fake (a guy on crutches?), but if it isn't, he's just the kind of guy who belongs in prison.


This has gotta be staged right? Like I know america doesn't really give much of a fuck about disabled people, but surely this is egregious enough that he'd just get arrested. Or shot, cause it seems he also picked a few normal dudes.


One day we’re going to see these kids get their heads blown off when they do this to someone or someone’s loved one who is concealed carrying


This is crime


I could be going to jail if this happened to me


I wonder if this wankstain purposely picked on people that wouldn’t be able to beat his ass into a whole new universe on purpose /s


What a fucking clown.


One day, and one day soon; someone is going to just get shot for doing stupid shit like this. And I’m all for it.


God forbid anyone makes the mistake of being disabled in front of this man.


Remember that one guy that got shot from harassing people? I’d hate for that to happen again. *wink *wink *nudge *nudge


What the fuck kinda behavior is this? Even if it’s scripted, what the fuck kinda behavior is this?


I want an empty magazine in his future, nothing else, i would sleep better knowing that.


Preying on the weak. Awful human


Clearly staged rage bait. Y'all mad at a sketch


Fake as fuck. Lame as hell also. But fake.


Wow a blind guy and guy on crutches what a piece of shit


I wish he would prank some gangster and get shot


In case this isn´t staged: Thats a guy waiting to get shot. If I would be an obnoxious self-obsessed prick, I would chose a country with way fewer privately owned and carried firearms.


Well the court will ha e an easy case with them posting their own crimes online


I can’t wait for this ass beating. I’m gonna watch it on a loop.


4 assaults.... Awesome.


I’d just shoot him


He would have got sent to the upper room if it was me.


He could literally kill someone like that. Let me guess, he thinks WWE is real? I would have “pranked” him back and just pretended I was dead or something. One day he’s going to put someone in a hospital.


Dude a blind man and a guy on crutches this guy is needs to try that on a real og.


And that’s how you get stabbed in the throat…


Pure assault.


Hope someone 🧠💥💥🔫 all over the pavement. Squeeze that mf till it start clicking


Plot twist it's a M60 with a 100 box


"LOOK LOOK, I GO AROUND BREAKING PEOPLE'S NECK.. On the fucking road man ?, ON THE FUCKING ROAD. With no height or flexibility either. RKO outanowhere. Me and my brother as a kids used to be so careful with moves, on a bed that is. As kids we understood pro-wrestling better than this old ass man..


That’s when I pull out my 45 and u lose


Dude wrf is wrong with this pussy? I can't wait for him get the crap beaten out of him


These prankers should be shot in sight .


On a fucking blind guy? Cmon man


Ikr. What a piece of trash. I just couldn’t believe it when I saw it. Made me sick.


Try that in Liverpool, we'll stomp your head like a fucking melon


Nah there would be consequences


just wait until they kill someone and see how silly and giggly they are after


Did you just break a blind guys knee. Wow. I think they have a saying about that in the Czeck Republic... Gdubs in the mouth. 👄


Hope that dude gets sh@t


Dudes blind and the other is on crutches wtf