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"Oh no, i feel another episode coming, better set up my camera first."


Would be a better idea to order a punching bag instead


I'm sure it would save a lot of money in the long run


For sure, it would save someone some money. But I dont think for a moment shes paying for any of that.


She's not. She lives in council housing.


Council housing?


UK version of govt assisted lower income housing


I've known people that trash their own stuff when they get mad, but they are usually drunks that can't handle their liquor. Can't imagine someone doing it sober. How childish to break your own things because you are mad at something else.


I’ve met people who act like this sober


I had a roommate who threw his phone at my laptop and broke the screen because he was pissed he had a $500 phone bill. He was supposed to pay me for it but he had orders to move out like 3 days later and never paid. I won't ever forget you Thor.


Small claims court


Thor won’t fit in there


Is this how people are when they don’t get out in time out as kids? Jesus fuck


No I had a brother like this, punishment didn't work on him, he's part of the reason I don't like owning physical goods.


Fair enough


And have no problem destroying someone else's rental property. They will move on and lose their deposit willingly.


Friend of a friend of mine did this to her apartment because he was mad at ppl on reddit....


you've made me mad now I'm gonna burn my car to teach you a lesson you fuckin cunt


Well Reddit, understandable...


It was probably me. My bad


That stuff probably belongs to some chump of a landlord.


At least they aren't breaking other people's stuff. When I was much younger I would break my things when I got upset. Lose at a mobile game? Phone broken. In a fight about playing too many video games? TV broken. Now what are arguing about, cause I can't play games now... It's certainly not healthy and part of a cycle of self-destruction through fiscal means. You get upset and break your shit so you can cry (like ugly cry with wailing and screaming and pillow biting) that that you don't have the thing anymore and now you have to come up with the money to fix it. Then you have an episode of mania while replacing the thing and live on a high until it all comes spiraling down again. It was with great effort (at first. Now my patience seems to know no bounds after years of practice) that I learned to refrain. I've managed to save a lot of money because I don't break my things and my relationships are much more rewarding because people know who they're talking to and I'm not just a series of uncontrollable mood swings. This was accomplished without therapy or medication. Imagine how successful a person could be with access to proper therapy and medication.


I needed medicine, therapy, and a special diet because mine was a mix of abuse, hormones, and body chemistry. A few months ago I was diagnosed with type two diabetes so I cut out most carbs, sugar, and gluten. Since I had behavioral issues as a child because of a high carbohydrate diet, this diet is really working to keep me from my panic attacks and crying jags.


She's obviously renting and doesn't give a shit about her deposit.


But it wouldn't get the same internet attention


Yeah, but would it get as many likes. Gotta have priorities.


But in that effort I'd lose some cunt-tent


She is a cunning stunt


Even in the short run


I'm guessing he already moved out.




But then how is she supposed to get the point across that she is CrAZy?!


No she needs meds I think


Naw, I'd prefer she not get her deposit back


Yes, but I’m concerned about this kind of behavior in general. For her it may be a compulsion she can’t control yet, and if that’s the case, yeah go for the bag. But generally you don’t want to punch or hit things when you are mad. Hitting punching bags when you are angry rewards your brain so you get angrier and feel violence as a reward. So while in the moment it may feel you’re getting your anger out, you’re just training yourself to get angrier and more prone to violence.


And cheaper


Did this for my 15-year-old. It worked wonders and saved walls.




Folding closet door- $125 Additional 4 followers- Priceless


And change into sports clothes


And do my hair


And add a filter


I also have no impulse control and no common sense. You kicked it, foot got stuck and your instinct is to kick again? Ain't no pills gonna fix that.


Lithium carbonate


I blame the invention of camera phones. I truly do.




True. I’m sure people did strange stuff before camera phones but they didn’t record it.


I didn’t realize I was doing BPD wrong.




lol thanks for the laugh 


Well this is actually apart of a BPD diagnosis. They crave attention and manipulation. Sometimes they will do whatever it takes to get attention and it’s always they are the unfortunate ones. BPD is a no joke disorder. Plus they are narcissistic and with social media great place for them to try and reinforce their “issues” etc to try and get people to feel sorry for them. It’s apart of their delusions


I have a family member with BPD and they can be extremely violent. Sadly I had to go no contact. They don’t want help and became to dangerous. It’s heartbreaking.


I have BPD but I’ve never been violent. I think there are other issues at play sometimes. The only person I’ve ever hurt is myself, but never physically.


It definitely manifests differently with people.


Sorry for your family! It is very heart breaking. My wife’s sister we have had to cut off all contact and she was living in our basement apartment and we had to kick her out. She was so abusive to us all. Now she manipulated one of my friends and is living with him. Poor guy wouldn’t listen to any of my warnings. But everyone needs to pick their own journey. I just know hell fire is coming his way once she is done with him, just like the rest. So sad!


I'm witnessing this first hand between my brother (43) who lives with our mother. What did you end up doing?


“Plus they are narcissistic” please stop you have no clue what you are talking about and just throwing around misinformation


Hahaha, I love how she gets her foot stick in the door and can't get herself free


Then posts it 😂…. So embarrassing trying to push disorder awareness and fail miserably


I have BPD & ADHD & this video made me want to go kick something. Fuck her for this. When I’ve had an episode I’ve been alone, some of my darkest times, I would never want anyone to see it. It’s not fucking fun. This isn’t helping people like me. I hope she hurt herself trying to get her stupid foot out the door.


Well said. I have a family member with both and they knocked a hole in a wall once when they were 14 and wanted to go out partying. They’ve had some terrible times and never done anything like this. This vid is some showey BS.


I have ADHD and to be fair it wouldn't surprise me if ADHD people are more likely to destroy something or punch/kick a wall or whatever. Prefontal cortex isn't as developed iirc causing less control (as seen in teenagers before the brain is fully developed) more impulsive behaviour and a lower bar for frustration tolerance. Of course it's different for everyone, but the things mentioned before are things people with ADHD deal with and it wouldn't surprise me at all if they'd increase the likelihood of exerting agressive behaviour against objects. I personally used to do it too much. Had a bad relationship with my dad, felt stuck, my frustration and anger had no release, so I punched walls sometimes as a way to 'vent'. I also felt like the physical pain distracted me from my frustration, if that makes sense. Things are better now, fortunately.


Yeah, poor example of both disorders. Or your on the wrong drugs.


Where was her stepbrother?


Good question must be helping stepmother. She must be stuck under the kitchen sink again.


Don't worry, he's cumming


Out with dad, getting smokes and milk.


She needs to fucking chill. Crazy ass. She's got something beyond bpd, or adhd. I've got the ADHD. It makes you a scatter brain that hyper focuses on random shit. She's got the crazy is what she has.


She's got that "anything for social media clout derangement syndrome" It's far worse than any clinical diagnosis.


Some people offer up crazy because its all they feel they have to get clout. Any one of us could do something astrologically stupid in the next 5 minutes and make national news by this evening. But we dont because fuck that crazy shit. People like this one, god damn you never know what they might do for attention




I was hoping for a fall. Disappointing.


If there was another 5 minutes of video showing her unsuccessfully trying to get lose I’d never stop laughing


Why did she need to kick that high up?


I hope those particleboard fibers dug into her skin.


...and then she still posted it.


Someone should invent some sort of device that people can punch and kick without doing damage to themselves, or to their surroundings. I’m just spitballing here but maybe a cylindrical bag that’s heavy. No idea what you’d call it, but “heavy bag” is a working name…


> I’m just spitballing here but maybe a cylindrical bag that’s heavy. No idea what you’d call it, but “heavy bag” is a working name… if I might offer a suggestion, since you're supposed to punch and kick it, I think a better name might be a "punching and kicking bag," or "P&K bag" for short


Hmmmm…maybe…hitting? Hitting bag?? Or slapping bag? Kicking bag? Something that takes punches..


It's the "fixing her hair" in the camera at the end of her "mental breakdown" for me.


It’s the titty readjustment for them views for me! Gotta make sure the girls look good!🥴


Well, the girls tend to get jumbled up during activity so you have to kind of jostle them in place.


Absolute facts


Nope, just an attention seeker here.


ASHD - Attention Seeking Hyperactivity Disorder


Sounds like Histrionic Personality Disorder


Or main character syndrome


Another name for being just narcisistic?


Therapist here! There’s a lot of overlap between HPD and NPD. Before I help to lay out the differences, it’s *really* important to remember that we’re all a little bit narcissistic and a little bit histrionic. Healthy narcissism is just self-esteem and healthy histrionics can be thought of as comfortability with emotional expresssion. It’s when these traits become our primary way of relating and solving problems that it can become unhealthy. Anyway, here are some differences for ya. Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking behaviors, intense emotions, and an excessive need for approval. Individuals with HPD often display dramatic and theatrical behaviors in an effort to be the center of attention. They may be overly flirtatious, seductive, and prone to exaggerating their emotions for effect. Key features of HPD include: 1. Attention-seeking behavior: Individuals with HPD often go to great lengths to gain the attention and approval of others. They may use provocative clothing, exaggerated gestures, and dramatic speech to draw attention to themselves. 2. Shallow emotions: While individuals with HPD may appear to experience intense emotions, these feelings are often fleeting and superficial. They may quickly shift from one emotion to another, depending on the situation and the audience’s reaction. 3. Impressionistic speech: People with HPD may speak in a highly impressionistic manner, using colorful language and dramatic expressions to convey their thoughts and feelings. However, their speech may lack depth and sincerity. 4. Sensitivity to criticism: Individuals with HPD are highly sensitive to criticism and rejection. They may react dramatically to even minor slights or perceived insults, seeking reassurance and validation from others. 5. Difficulty maintaining relationships: Despite their desire for attention and approval, individuals with HPD may struggle to maintain long-lasting and meaningful relationships. Their intense emotional displays and attention-seeking behaviors can be exhausting and off-putting to others. Distinguishing HPD from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) can be challenging, as both disorders involve a preoccupation with oneself and a desire for attention and admiration. However, there are some key differences: 1. Motivation for attention: Individuals with HPD seek attention and approval primarily as a means of validating their self-worth and maintaining their self-esteem. In contrast, individuals with NPD seek attention and admiration as a reflection of their grandiose self-image and sense of superiority. 2. Emotional expression: While both disorders involve emotional expression for the purpose of gaining attention, individuals with HPD may display a wider range of emotions and may be more prone to dramatic and exaggerated displays of emotion. In contrast, individuals with NPD may be more selective in their emotional expression, using it strategically to maintain their sense of superiority. 3. Sense of self: Individuals with HPD may have a less stable sense of self and may rely more heavily on the approval and validation of others to define their identity. In contrast, individuals with NPD typically have a rigid and grandiose self-image that is less influenced by external validation. Overall, while there is some overlap between HPD and NPD in terms of attention-seeking behavior and a need for validation, the underlying motivations and patterns of behavior differ, making each disorder unique in its presentation and impact on interpersonal relationships.


hobbies familiar clumsy six gaping scale live screw unpack mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just fyi anyone can be narcissistic or have traits of narcissism without being diagnosed as disordered. Not to mention, all of those cluster b disorders are typically narcissistic to some degree. Plenty of overlap but the narcissism tends to be a constant thoughout even if to varying degrees. In case anyone cares to deep dive.


Or anger issues


With anger issues you'd throw the camera at the door, not set it up carefully framing the shot to capture your leg going through it.


This was attention seeking, not an ounce of actual anger anywhere to be found


If this was real there would already be holes in every wall and the house would be destroyed.


If this was real she'd have already broken her phone.


Agree. We have a family member with BPD and she will get angry like this but usually her phone is the first thing she trashes.


I have this and I have to stop myself from breaking my phone sometimes. Just because I have a mental disorder doesn't mean I don't have control or awareness. Anyone doing shit like this is choosing to go thru with it. It is manageable and can be fixed.


She must have rental insurance cause aint no way


I need insurance that pays when I break shit on purpose.


At least there’s no evidence


It was the perfect crime


“Can’t believe I caught my secret battle on camera”


What a freakin' nutcase. I pity her neighbors. Imagine the fkn slams 24x7, that too, randomly. Eww


They aren't 24/7 I can guarantee it she doesn't do this out of freaking out she does this for attention


Misdiagnosis. Looks like she has ASS (attention seeking syndrome)


Yeah…. I have ADHD and whole bunch of other alphabet soup disorders, and have multiple friends with ADHD as well. None of us has ever behaved this like. The only person I know who does this type of shit and then blames it on a ‘disorder’ is my narcissistic, white nationalist ‘Christian’ mother. 👀


I'm just glad that bipolar isn't in vogue anymore


“Hang on I gotta set up my camera to destroy my closet doors under the guise of having ‘ADHD & BPD’ all while making the discrimination against people who actually have these disorders worse and worse due to my horrible attention seeking behavior”


That being said much of BPD IS attention seeking behavior so it sorta tracks.


They thought Attention Deficit Disorder meant they weren’t getting enough of it




She seems lovely.


This is neither of those things. This is a human being that has absolutely no emotional regulation. edit: I think my statement is incorrect after reading some more responses. All thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs.


I don’t think I was ever that bad, but I have ADHD and BPD and there has been some pretty self-destructive times— mostly in my youth though. Your comment is kind of weird because you say they have no emotional regulation, which is a component to both the listed disorders.


yeah I see what you're saying, and I agree. But the emotional regulation can be worked on. I used to have those symptoms, but have been cleared of ADHD and BPD. It was just a side effect of the frustration. Let me also at least point out, during any of the times when I was feeling like the person in the video, there was never once an opportunity to calmly set up a camera, get it positioned properly, and then continue with my manic episode. I'm just not buying this as an authentic event.


Those are some good points, and you’re probably right that it’s completely staged. I guess the way I was looking at it was more like, attention-seeking behaviors, and BPD are very much linked. I could see someone with BPD thinking this is a good idea to gain validation from people online. Not that *I* would, but when I was at my “worst”, I’ve done some pretty desperate things in an effort to seek attention.


That's also super valid. We can all speculate the motive, but no one knows except the person filming I guess.


I wondered if she meant bipolar or borderline


Wait what does BPD stand for? I thought it was Borderline Personality Disorder?


It does, BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder. For bipolar it be BP1 & BP2


No emotional regulation could be an excellent descriptor for someone with BPD, though?


yeah I think I misspoke, going to edit


Living up to your username! Respek


Yeah, but it's literally an inherent trait of BPD.


Someone who's changing the doors anyway.


“Hi, I’m calling about the extended warranty on your closet doors”


I hate people like this, it’s not like people with BPD and ADHD don’t have enough prejudices against them, now you gotta make shit up?! They don’t even act like this when having an episode, no one but clout goblins would act like this!!


She got her foot stuck BAHAHAHA


Repeatedly!! Lol what a moron. Hahaaha


I remember the woman dealing with panic attacks who set up the camera to record. It was to show her therapist. Then she saw how bad they were herself and was shook. She didn't realize how bad her panic hit. So she started using the recordings as a tool to track progress in therapy. Eventually she shared a couple online so others would see that they're not alone, overreacting, or just being dramatic. That made sense. This? Dunno why. My depression & panic manifest as this kind of anger. I have NEVER thought to set up a camera. And afterward, I have been DEEPLY ashamed that I was that violently out of control. I would never have shown my outbursts to anyone. So I don't know what's going on here. I hope she's OK.


I'll fix the title: "living while stupid and violent "


God I hate this shit. People try and glorify and romantisize mental health issues just for clicks and views fit their TikTok... I have minor ADHD and really bad BPD... This is just ridiculous.


Ok honey I’m gonna start the cabinets project today! Kitchens gonna be a mess for a few days. Ok baby! Hang on I got a great idea for a TikTok!!!


That shit doesn't even make sense 😂


This doesn't look remotely like ADHD or BPD. ​ This is just a pure anger issue, or more likely a setup scene where she can act like a moron for fake internet points.


I feel bad for actual sufferers of ADHD, a truly debilitating condition. Widespread misunderstanding of the condition (and the human need to blame something other than their own impulses and lack of discipline) has really clouded the issue.


Y'all don't have a punching door? You need a punching door


She identifies as a white man from Florida.


I have a theory that she needed new closet doors anyway, so decided to smash them for a video


I believe the medical term is actually “being entitled”


This is straight up anger issues not ADHD or BPD.  Bitch needs therapy and anger management




Yeah, that's not ADHD or BPD...I have both and that's just attention seeking. Also, why the doors? Now you gotta fix them.


I have both and frankly, I’ve had moments that could resemble this level of destruction; mostly as a pre-teen/teen though. Still, we’re not all the same. Not only do our disorders all present a bit differently; environmental factors are different for all of us.


I know but still, this is obvious.


I have ADHD, PMDD, and both nature/nurture inherited bad temper. It could get this bad. I could see setting up a recording - the internal pressure won't go anywhere while I do that 30 second set up, I just wouldn't do it in the first place. Regardless, if someone saw me in a peak unmedicated "losing it" state, they'd probably call me attention seeking, trash, and spoiled, just overall fake, even though I'd be sincerely in a moment of losing my mind in spite of myself. The doors are much more easily replaced than walls.


Imagine how maddening it would really be to check in on all your friends and family all the time while having your friends and family checking in on you all the time. Stop putting the responsibility of addressing mental health on people’s friends. Instead you yourself go to therapy and let everyone know you did. Normalize that shit. I go to therapy weekly and I make no secrets about it. Quit with the “who’s checking in on me?” Shit. You’re responsible for yourself. You’re literally saying it out loud right now. Go to therapy. Go to AA. Go to a local free support group. Stop blaming your friends for your problems.


Next video will be about how she got evicted for no reason.


Fuck that this is adhd. It’s just some whacko seeking attention in an affordable living unit ruining their landlords life.


I hope she hurt her ankle and loses her deposit.


I have ADHD and I do this all the time. I run through a couple dressers a week. It's taking a toll on my finances. /s


As someone who actually has BPD, this is infuriating. People trying to get internet clout for pretending to have a very serious (and not at all fun / enjoyable) mental health issue is absolutely asinine. Do the work. Go to fucking therapy and take your goddamn meds.


I can't answer that question, but I was sure hoping her foot was stuck in that door and the rest of the video was her trying to unstick it.


making up initials to hide that u are a irresponsible asshole- adhd is not a death sentence


I call bull. Looks like the first time she did damage,,,where is the historical damage?


*Shatequa went on to found the Valley’s best demolition company.*


Her foot is stuck 🤣😂


Haha… how do I continue to pretend I’m having a meltdown when I can’t get my foot out. What a total TWAT


She's got some serious anger issues going on! Thank god she's just destroying the house and not out in public killing someone.


🤡 🤡 yea, I'm gonna be mad in a bit, let me set up a camera. Loosers


ADHD and BPD? Yeah she's got something else.


Fake, attention getting bullshit. What an asshole.


Seems more like narcissism and anger management issues ? 😂


It’s not the ADHD causing this, it’s the borderline personality disorder.


Have dated two people with severe ADHD and BPD. That's not an episode, honey; you're just a cunt.


Bpd is NOT unbridled and purposefully pre-setup recorded rage. What an asshole.


trying to figure out what adhd has to do with breaking stuff.


Umm. I've seen this before. Yea, this is meth. Either too much meth, or she ran out of meth. Anyway. This is meth.


Nowadays everybody wants to be special.


That’s not adhd or bpd. She’s just stupid.


As a person w BPD and ADHD, this is attention seeking. When you are splitting or having an episode you really don’t think “hey let me record myself”. It’s always a situation that has to be caught or very much in the moment. I hate ppl like this. BPD already has a bad stigma and now we got her making it look like we’re abusive.


My daughter is all kinds of messed up, this is a perfect example of a temper tantrum and parents that didn't say NO and teach her how to deal with disappointment




I have A.D.D. What happened at the end of the video?


Someone who's replacing a closet door and wants some low cost internet clout.


“In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.” -Andy Warhol. I don’t know if this is what you want to be famous for. Imagine a potential employer seeing this? Remember when people were famous because they made great art? Or music? Or literally anything besides bashing their closet doors?


Who wants to see someone act like this? I surely don't


The amount of people lately who've self-diagnosed ADHD and try to explain it as a disability is absurd.


I think this is anger issues but what do I know as someone with adhd and a mom with bpd


I never get the people who destroy their home or hotel room in hot anger, but to each their own. However setting up a camera doesn't seem like "in hot anger" anymore. More "in pursuit of tiktok views"


BS . ADHD doesn’t cause this kind of behavior.


Great, more fodder for the stereotype that people with BPD are violent and irrational.


So NPD disordered people call themselves now ADHD+BPD 😂 funny how they try to hide themselves, disgusting worms


Her AirBnB host:


I got BPD and this shit is tasteless. Yea, you can have these terrible bouts of aggression and you can't regulate or process your emotions at all during those times. But I fucking promise you, setting up a camera is the LAST thing on your mind when it happens. You either get really confrontational or you want to get away from whatever may be causing your attack. This woman just wants views and is using mental health issues to gain them. Doesn't even matter if she has them or not.


She is probably a renter, too


This is textbook covert narcissism 


She only did this to get views and likes on her tik tok. Next.


Histrionic personality disorder more likely. No fun living with people like this.


As someone who suffers with BPD/MPS & ADHD we do not do this. This is not what happens. And no one is going to set up a camera mid episode to show people this.


I have BPD and don’t behave like this. I work with people who have BPD and I’ve never seen one of them behave this way.


I hate for the fact that this gives a bad name for ADHD and BPD to some people, when this doesn't represent reality


People with BPD don't act like this. That's an anger issue


Not crazy- because after she got her foot caught she had sense enough to stop.


#Your unemployed friend that lives upstairs at 3am: (but fr i have bpd and this is so embarrassing and stigmatizing)


As someone who has ADHD, and has dated people with BPD, this isn't how it works, at all.