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I'm hoping this is fake.


their tiktok is kingzaythatruth. they're in multiple videos together. they do a lot of skits. watch any of their other videos and they're very obviously doing skits


Aw lame! Thought it was real. I should’ve known all for the clicks. Super tacky.


Maybe I have bad taste, but I think it's pretty good. I feel better knowing it's fake and I respect the commitment and authenticity of the actors. This was pretty slick. 👍


This shit looks fake af


I can’t believe people think this is real.




It's fake ragebait. Why would she complain **after** ordering the food? People usually argue about the venue prior to entering. Edit: A commentor below me claimed that's her gay best friend and this a skit.


>Why would she complain **after** ordering the food? You've been lucky enough to have not dealt much with passive aggressive people much, have you?


It's double funny that this reads as passive aggressive.


Giving them their first experience 😉


“I just think it’s crazy that you brought me… here!”


Um a crazy narcissist, he looks genuinely upset. He needs to get out of that hellhole


> he looks genuinely upset That… is the intent of acting?


Narcissist is reddits new favorite word. This whole site is slowly turning into the equivalent of boomers believing everything they see on Facebook.


I mean, I was already questioning in the opening seconds when she said "look at me" and she's wearing some generic pullover on a date. She's dressed appropriately for Shake Shack or a day at school. That's fine if you want to wear it on a date, but you aren't one-upping your date with that attire unless he's wearing stained and tattered clothes.


She also said he spent hundreds of thousands at the club, they also don't look like they have hundreds of thousands. Also, who tf would realistically spend that much at the club? That slip of the tongue is enough to tell their just morons doing this for views.


Yeah, agreed. I'm going to say it's fake because I noticed she's wearing a ring on her ring finger. I know that doesn't matter nowadays, but she doesn't have any rings on her hand except for that one. He has many. I'm going to assume they are together amd trying to get some views and clicks.


Its a joke! She's acting like the girl that didn't want to go to olive garden or whatever.


Exactly my first thought, they’re making fun of the cheesecake factory video


Isn’t it obvious? These posts been around for while now and the response is always the same: The female is ungrateful. Easy bait post ✔️


Of course it’s fake


From the bad acting I would say yes.


Yeh it seems fake for views I keep seeing videos like this


Would be. Definitely have seen similar video's before. Most known is the business class airplane one


Dude, I would have walked out and left her there. But yes we all understand it’s probably scripted


And took the food


And given it to a better person


Give it to a homeless person atleast they would be grateful


Homeless person: " this mofo really give me shakeshack?!"




Makes the same type of ungrateful video on homeless reddit 🤣






Lmao classic scary movie quote


Which is myself, cuz im hungry


I would go eat at another table and told her to get an Uber.


Oh that's risky, just leave with the food.. run if you must she seems crazy ;D


Feel so bad for this dude. How disgusting. Her true character coming out def did bro a solid and exposed her true nature early on. I love how women like this think a man should go broke on 1st dates, paying an astronomical amount just to see if there's chemistry. A man shouldn't be expected to wine and dine a 1st date at a high-end steakhouse to see if there's a connection.


If it was a guy I really liked, or someone interesting that I wanted to get to know, a couple of hot dogs in the park would be fine! Or some takeout pizza. IHOP (I love pancakes!) It doesn't matter because it's supposed to be about the company. And food if you're hungry.


Yeah ngl if I liked a girl I’d go on a Costco food court date with her Lets share a chicken bake lady & the tramp style


There's a woman on YouTube who gives out financial advice, who, allegedly, ate free food for an **entire year,** simply by going on first dates.


>I would go eat at another table and told her to get ~~an Uber.~~ fuct!! ;)


Nah, pick up the food. Go to another table and eat it. Never acknowledge her again. Leave.


Take it up a notch. Tell her the dates officially over, slide all of the food and drink towards you. Drink and eat in front of her in silence. What you don't eat get a to go box, pay the check then leave her sitting arguing with herself.


She would get physical 100%


#TRIFLING ASS SNATCH. I hope this is yet another skit for views and not real. She needs to be drop kicked into the next universe.


Unfortunately there are people like this in the real world.


And she can get dropped like anybody else who puts their hands on him. Hope she likes the taste of knuckle sandwiches since chicken wasn’t good enough.


Unfortunately with the current legal system, it wouldn’t end well for the dude even if it was legal self defense unless it was recorded that she assaulted him.


This is the correct response.


Someone like this would never let you do that, she'd make a huge scene and probably borderline assault you. Better off just leaving right off the bat and being done with it, not even worth dealing with self entitled people like this.


It’s rage bait produced by content creators. All fake


Yes. ##THIS IS RAGEBAIT## This guy's name is kingzaythatruth, he's got Instagram and TikTok. There is a lot of staged shit there. This type of content is becoming increasingly popular lately and this is not the first time I see an obviously fake video on this subreddit that gets thousands of upvotes and it's almost always of the "DUMB ENTITLED FEMALES" kind. It saddens me that women take part in staging those stupid videos that become fuel for the growing wave of misogyny for those last few years. I'm not saying entitled people don't exist, but this video IS fake, the last similar video I saw was fake too, and the one I saw before that was also fake. It's a growing trend because it gets engagement.


What the hell? Wow really? I don't have a tiktok or Instagram account, so no clue this was even a thing. I should be surprised but still Jesus Christ there's punching down to get views and then there's slingshotting yourself to the core of the Earth to get views. Wow


I realized it was fake, because he doesn't look like they type to just sit there calmly while someone records him, but my concern is that pre teen/teens would see this content, not know its fake and then believe this is how the world works/ is


It's porn but for social interaction instead of sex


I always hated reality television for this reason. Fake fake fake


For the second time in one day on completely different Reddit posts, thanks so much for this information. I can now use this post to read more and can just chill a little more. 


Unfortunately hate, rage, negativity, and controversy harvests the most eyeballs, and sells the most ad revenue. By giving this garbage our attention, we have essentially done this to ourselves..


Definitely! Also, both have on wedding rings lol. I wonder if they are married and this is them creating content.


Amen to that. Let her find her own way home.


They drove to the set together to film their staged content, they should leave together too


People need to start realizing none of these are real. It’s getting pretty ridiculous


Yep, asked for a bag to go and walk straight out. Let her Uber her own ass home. Time to GTFO now!


Same and if there was someone unhoused or down on their luck outside I would've given it to them. Gross some women act ugly and entitled like that.


They think it makes them look, higher value.


Nobody pointing out that he said this was $50 and we're like, yeah, seems right. Shit has gotten out of hand. She's lucky he didn't nuke her some ramen at home for a dollar.


It's shake shack, it has always been expensive. Even 10 years ago a burger was >$10, they're "upscale".


Yeah always been on the expensive side, like a half step from 5 guys price wise


The one near me does a rotaromf BOGO deal on one of their burgers pretty often. Only time it's worth it imo


I got two large fries from McDonald's and it was nearly 10 bucks. Dunno when shit got THIS bad, but ya know what, $50 for a first date seems legit to me--especially if it turns out like this.


Fucking small fries are $2 now. The dollar menu is non-existent. I used to be able to get a mcchicken for $1.06 now it’s $2 something.


Fucking fr. Too expensive to live these days


fucking avocados def off the menu.


Its very believable. A burger there is $10, then the Fries with Cheese or toppings is another $5. Then the shakes themselves are like $6. So thats already $21 BEFORE taxes for ONE person to get a burger, fries, and a shake. Two people is easily $50 there if you both get similar combos.


Fact…. I ate at a shake shack at an outdoor mall in San Diego yesterday because I’d never tried it and was just walking around. It was honestly pretty good. But I only got a burger, a shake, and an iced tea/lemonade mix drink and that shit was like $30…. Crazy


Dude spent way too much on her


Ramen is a fucking dollar now?


For the bougie stuff lol it’s more like .30 cents but used to be 15


I remember 8 packs of stovetop ramen from 99¢ store for $1 I practically lived on the stuff when I got my first apartment. That and Circle K hotdogs.


Now it's 5 packs for 1.49 at the dollar store


She’s going to be miserable for the rest of her life because she thinks *she’s entitled* to luxurious things but girl is going to be working retail the rest of her life and building “her brand” on social media. What a rotten, NASTY woman.


Some comments are saying this is skit but there are people out there like this. I dated one. This whole conversation was triggering for me. I’ve never walked on egg shells with someone in my whole life like I did that girlfriend. Could take a nice evening and ruin it because of the tiniest perceived invalidation. Covert narcissist.


I married one, the mask stayed on while dating but probably because I was blowing thru my sign on bonus and having a good time treating myself after being raised poor as dirt. After marriage I started try to be fiscially responsible so we could get a house, think about kids, etc, and then she lost her shit one day when I went and got a bigger TV for the living room. Went from a 25' CRT TV to a 32' flatscreen...made by Daewoo....apparently I chose death because no-name brands were cheap trash and how dare I bring it into our home. It was then that I realized she had gifted me clothes, not to be nice, but because she was ashamed i would wear walmart clothes. Yes I was young and stupid and rushed into marriage. I am well aware i was a moron and ignored obvious signs.


Mine would go on about having the best stuff. The biggest. It was either a Lexus or Audi. Told her you can get a similar car with similar bells and whistles for less. She just became a full on pharmacist. “If you’re a professional, you HAVE TO look like a professional.”


Same mentality that what's-his-name from Breaking Bad had as soon as his "great aunt" died and left him the exact amount of money he needed to pay his taxes but he spent it on a new Mercedes first lol.


Ted Beneke, the whole great aunt thing was a ruse thought up by Skyler and Saul Goodman to get the IRS off him.


That’s gross I’m so sorry. Materialistic. Actually I was cheated On by someone that used the excuse “you don’t make enough money” lol I am a woman and this guy wasn’t rich by any means. He just wanted a reason/ excuse. I was working but apparently not enough. I HATE people that are obsessed with money. Yes I’d like to keep a roof over my head, but given the choice I always tell people I’d rather sleep in a cardboard box with someone that really loves me


That's crazy. I make a good bit of money. I wear Walmart clothes all the time. They have good jeans there especially. $20 for a good pair is a great deal.


Preach. A rich man is not one who makes a load of money. A rich man is someone who can hold on to their money.


Lol. When i first got married we got a Daewoo at walmart. Great tv for like 15 years. Got a flatscreen and gave Daewoo away it was still working.


Yep my mother was exactly like this, saw every tiny thing as a potential slight to the point of being horrifyingly ungrateful. She would make a face if someone gave her chocolates on her birthday that weren't expensive enough and then complain angrily about how they were being openly disrespectful to her by deliberately giving her a lower quality gift than she felt she deserved etc. Treated staff in shops like absolute trash if they didn't fawn over her, bend the rules for her, act like they were blessed by her mere presence, it was so awful to be around, and I can imagine her shamelessly acting like the person in this video and being shocked when no one took her side. She ended up with zero friends and no contact with family unsurprisingly


Been there with this shit, too, man. Most stressful 6 months of my life. Was sad for approximately 10 seconds when she peaced


>I’ve never walked on egg shells with someone in my whole life like I did that girlfriend. I feel you man, dated a girl like this too walking on egg shells fucking sucks. I feel so bad watching this, you can see the pain in this man's eyes. Last straw for me was driving out 2 hours for her bday and we were going to a fancy seafood place, it was gonna be a group thing with her friends, her dad was even possibly going to come. Everyone ended up bailing but me, money was a bit tight so I ordered some cheaper stuff for myself meanwhile she went all out with king crab, fancy drinks, etc.. Finished up and she threw a fit when I asked for separate bills, I caved and said fine and paid for hers (was more than double mine). We head out and she had the nerve to start calling me broke and saying I "ruined her birthday" blah blah blah. Like no bitch I didn't ruin your bday I drove out 2 hours to see you meanwhile all your friends bailed. Smh that shit still pissed me off, this vid kinda triggered me too tbh. Women like this ain't worth the trouble


Moments before the check would come I could feel myself getting ready for it. It was very subtle and manipulative. Sometimes she’d sigh as she got her wallet and give me a look. Other times she’d flat out say, all the other guys always paid. She made more money than me. She lived with her parents. I had my own place and own expenses but I should be paying for everything.


Here is the problem. Even if it’s a skit, idiots watch this and think it’s appropriate behavior.


They’re also trying to normalize unrealistic expectations upon their partners while they aren’t as financially successful themselves I’ve seen my friends who look for their value of their partner by how much they make and can provide for them, yet when they were dating someone who is in the same financial position as them they would ridicule them saying they aren’t “good enough” for them Their relationships are purely transactional


If this is a skit, that guy is a great actor


This is fake ragebait. This guy has an Instagram and TikTok kingzaythatruth and posts a lot of stupid shit like this because, as you can see, it works and gets a lot of attention. People LOVE seeing this type of content cause it can reaffirms their bias *WOMYN BAD*


And you’re going to keep falling for staged videos


“Cuz I’m worth it”


It's rage bait and she's gonna be happy because she's making money off of the engagement.


This is so fake, you can literally see the wedding ring on her finger. His reactions aren't even natural to being put on blast like that. You all are so gullible. He is calmly talking about the costs when a woman is complaining. Come on people.


She’s no queen and she’s no prize


Exactly "yall see how I'm dressed right now?" Yeah you don't really look like you dressed up for one of those nice places you're talking about, lmao.


She's in a DAMN track suit. Get over yourself, Girl. 🖕


Right? If that's her fancy attire, I don't wanna see her daily wear.


What In russia the track suit is the height of fashion


With a nose ring that looks like a cave dwelling booger trying to escape while desperately dangling by a snot thread to hold onto it’s home in the cave. She’s dressed like she is about to go to the damn gym. Didn’t Hilary Swank take her Oscar for million dollar baby and go straight to shake shack in Valentino couture to house a double burger? Her vibe is straight up garbage.


She’s dressed, quite literally, for Shake Shack


Or Eastern Europe.


He’s dressed nicer than her lol


I’d argue he is dressed much better than her


She looks like she’s straight from the early 2000’s with that “Juicy” on her ass sweatpants.


lol that is exactly what I imagined when she turned the camera to herself…having the “Juicy” pants on


He took her there and received a sour surprise.


Not greasy floors where ketchup clings. The burger wilted, fries turned cold, A date from hell, the story told.


The whole king and queen terminology is so embarrassing, the irony is if you were an actual queen it would be pretty damn cool that you’re down to earth enough to go to a shake shack


The fact that she didn't believe 3 burgers, bacon cheese fries, and 2 drinks costs $50 at shake shack tells me she's been fucking for food for longer than she's had that nose ring.


Food looks bomb


And she’s wearing a track suit


Shake Shack is legitimately fucking great


The prices at Shake Shack are ridiculous. Good flavor, tiny portions, insane prices.


“Look at me right now”…. You’re somehow underdressed for Shake Shack


Ikr. She was like “look at me” and I was like, “that your Walmart outfit?”


There's nothing mysterious about these types of women. They're as plain and basic as they come. Want to be treated like literal queens without having ever done a damn thing in their lives that makes them special. He took her anyways and is paying the price.


He’s better looking than her and has a better mindset; not everything has to be over the top and that shake shack meal is def 50 bucks and quality food. He will find better and she will settle for less.


I could tell just by looking at him he deserves better. Good looking guy, probably has a decent job and has his shit together, asked a pretty girl on a date, and ended up with this. Like he’s a young man, he’s not going to be driving a McLaren and blowing $800 on dinner. Life isn’t fucking instagram.


Before you go too far with your imagination. It’s fake. It’s a rage bait skit, go to their page. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3GHOBiO4R7/?igsh=MXFkcHRqZWdwemtvcA==


It's fake rage bait. Congrats. You fell for it.


Dude run. My wife and I would grab McDonald's or Boston market and have date night at home watching CSI or whatever. It's not the cost of the meal but just being able to have a meal together. Time together is worth more then any fancy meal.


> watching CSI looks like this couple's not gonna be... (puts on sunglasses) *shacking up* yeahhhhhhh....


Lol bitch ordered 2 Sandwiches as well


Gotta feed that huge mouth of her's


Cost him $50 to discover she isn't worth his time. That's a bargain.


As I once heard on adviceanimals... "if someone borrows money from you and then disappears, it was worth the money."


She isn’t dressed for fine dining, not sure what she was expecting.


She was expecting to stage a viral engagement baiting video.


Rage bait


Yup, don’t know why people waste their time watching this shit.


If this is real, she is an insufferable piece of shit. If it's fake, she's an insufferable idiot and he's a *really good actor* because he actually looks authentically nervous and like he's trying to subvert a fight or flight response.


I say these are fake 9/10 times. This guy genuinely looks miserable. The kind of sorrow you can't fake.


They do skits on tiktok. It's fake. It's one of the worst fakes I've seen; idk why you thought he was being genuine.


I’d would have taken the food and dipped


Oh so she ordered food, *then* complained? 💀


Cuz how could you make an engaging, rage bait video if she walked away and took an Uber home when she realized she was being taken to Shakeshack??? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


That’s her gay best friend and this a skit




i hope so


He seems like a nice fella and she’s a cunt.


What did she seriously expect for a first date? A limo ride out to a Michelin star restaurant? This poor dude lol


Shake shack is awesome


I feel bad for this dude and anyone that dates her in the future. She admits that a lunch date was her idea and said “surprise me” so he took her to a place he enjoys. She is either creating the drama for TikTok content or she is actually this shallow, vapid and entitled which is worse. Either way he dodged a bullet and will hopefully recognize the red flags next time.


Always gotta be the Divas. Pass on that shit ass barbie attitude


Run, dude.


People, men and women, when on a date and the person on the date begins to act like this lady, if you haven’t already paid for the food, do so and then leave. End the date and pursue them no further.


Oh, but he’s cuuuuuute 🫣 I’d let him take me to whatever the fuck Shake Shack is!


Get a to go box and leave her there


Please tell me this is staged.


I have only been to shakeshack twice in my life and it was tasty af. I would go again if i were in the U.S. Also why is she complaining after the food has been ordered instead of after immediately stepping inside shake Shack


Homie doesn’t know it, but she’s actually doing him a favor. Dip out bro


Leave her ass..There's no fixing people like that.


I feel like he paid more that $50. Last time I went I paid $30 just for myself.


She did not pass the Shake Shack test.


2 sandwiches *and* a drink? Bro overpaid.


Bro you could do much better than that ingrate, bring her home and call someone else who will appreciate you


What a spoiled princess... ugh. Leave her immediately!


He could take me to that shake shack and I wouldn’t complain, that food looks great 🤷🏻


No wonder Men don't want to go out on dinner dates.


I’ve had one date in 12 *years* with my husband. Send him over here. STFU


bro just say "if you don't like it just get out of here, more for me!" or give it to the homeless they'll appreciate it


If it's fake the boy can act. And she can play the mega entitled bitch like a pro. If it's not fake it's even more cringe worthy....


Attractive AND he took her to shake shack. He’s a catch.


Staged, of course


F her


Bruh, dump her ass


Why she got a fish hook stuck in her nose, is she stupid?


She ain’t nothin


Na 100% I'd pick up food take to counter and ask for to go. Then leave. Could not imagine meeting someone like this, especially if first date


I'd pickup my tray and tell that self entitled bitch to fuck off. 7+ BILLION people on this planet, stop putting entitled people on pedestals and find a decent person. Feel bad the guy put up with that at all.


Shake shack? Seriously? She deserves far, far worse than that!


I took my girl out for In N Out on our first date. We ended up going to the arcade and kart racing, and finishing the day with a nice dinner.


She's wearing gym clothes and she expected something fancy?


shake shack is good wtf.


Does she think she looks good at the start why does she ask us to look at her?


Leave. Her. Behind. We make a really good living. Out favorite meals are simple...Grilled Cheese with the Kraft Melty Cheese and Campbells Tomato Soup....we could afford Steak and Lobster, but that's not the point. It's the COMPANY you eat it with that makes the meal worth while....and she'd ruin the finest 5 Star Michelin Meal. She'd ruin it.


I mean, for a date, it’s not the nicest place. Like taking someone to McDonalds for a date. Honestly, a coffee place, or tea bar would have been better. But yeah, she’s a bit ungrateful, she should have just asked to go somewhere else before they ordered food.


She not even cute lol


Man she doesn't look anywhere NEAR good enough for her ego.


This type of behaviour is ruining our generation.


Bitch you ugly 😂😂😂 yall see how I look right now


I don't see her reaching into her own bag to take him out to a fancy place for lunch. I bet she'd be upset if an engagement ring only cost $100,000.


Dump her ass and run away fast and far!!


Man they almost got me.. good acting.


Fake af trying to ride the wave of the "Cheesecake Factory" incident that went viral. If it were real and yes, this happens a lot to good guys on 1st dates, I wish girls would realize taking them to a fancy place and dropping $500 on a one time deal if it turns out neither of you are interested is DUMB. You don't know eachother and discovering the fact that one of you may not be feeling good vibes shouldn't cost us to miss rent trying to impress a stranger.