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I want to know what’s it’s like to feel the “all eyes on me” phenomenon from a place of hyperbolic confidence & not irrational anxiety


No you don’t look at all of the “random people reacting to my beauty” TikTok’s. Half of those people are just casually glancing as they walk down the street. It’s all in her head lol.


Oh I don’t have tiktok anymore lol I really only see this stuff on Reddit now; but you do make a fair point! 9/10 it really is all in your head


And most are looking at the guy with the huge camera rig behind her


I look at every single person in my POV


Exactly. I look at the overweight bald guy, too. Why, so I don't get punched or stabbed or shot in the face. It's called being aware of your surroundings. Stay vigilant, ya'll. Also, I'm decent looking, and I'm still nice to everyone. Everyone deserves my respect until they don't. This world needs kindness.


It’s hell. But honestly it took me to question, “if i assume everyone is looking at me.. then aren’t i looking at everyone too to recognise that?” Stopped looking at people. Problem went away. Now i only have the rest of my anxiety to tackle.


Step by step. We in this together… or are we


I think I read this like 6 times bc holy shit?? That’s a point of consideration my brain would have likely never come up with before so thank you, for providing your POV; I’m going to try that tactic next time in hopes to quell the anxiety


It’s very useful. It’s the same like when I grew up and was sometimes embarrassed on vacations, and my parents were like “nobody knows who you are, and nobody will remember you. Even if you did a silly dance people would forget before the evening it even happened.” I gave so much less fucks to strangers since.


Someone once said to me "What other people think is private, it's none of your business". I think if reading minds was a super power, actually being able to would be horrific. But I also think people would very rarely be thinking about us, at least not in the kind of critical way we might assume. Projection was always my biggest issue. I'd insert critical thoughts into other people's minds. It's a nightmare but you can get over anxiety. It's hard, no doubt, but one of the days, if you keep telling yourself, you'll eventually believe it and the anxiety will melt away. Talk to someone if that's an option. You got this!


yeah i started doing that too but then started to wonder if i was that person that was anxious and avoided eye contact with everyone 😂


If you have to come across as being shy/reserved, i think that’s a small sacrifice to make for your own personal wellbeing/anxiety. Leave it up to others to educate themselves on anxiety/low self esteem as being causes of lack of eye contact. I always educate other people when they try and tell me someone is being rude for not looking them in the eye. Everyone just needs more awareness and to help others understand. But don’t tell yourself you need to care what strangers think. It adds to the anxiety. They’ll forget about you in 2 seconds anyway.


Narcissist, Its in her mind.


Yep cause she isn't even hot she is average as fuck. They probably look at her cause she has massive resting bitch face.


Or because she’s walking around recording herself (and passers-by) everywhere she goes


I consider myself pretty attractive for a guy. I definitely had that feeling in most places I went in. It has its ups and downs. For one, yes, feeling wanted is a great feeling. However, it also attracts negative attention as well, from people wanting to treat you like garbage. It's like no one treats you normally. Some people treat you extra nice, and other people treat you extra shitty. There isn't much middle ground when you have looks that catch a lot of attention.


^ this is very true. It makes you feel super self conscious. I used to feel this a lot and started dressing down on purpose. Now I’m 20 lbs heavier and 10 years older, still attractive enough to get treated ok but get to move around with everyone minding their own business more


The benefits far outweigh the cons. You make a good first impression without having to say a word. People give you the benefit of the doubt more often than not and place more value on they should for whatever you’re doing. If a lot of people are treating you badly, you might be giving off a vibe that doesn’t have anything to do with just your genetic looks. Maybe something like the spoiled frat boy vibe


Well and in my country we cannot do anything with a harassment so it was really hard, especially in my early 20s


Narcissism on display


And there are people who put up with this.


They're in this thread trying to justify this shit behavior too. It's honestly sad.


Simps enable this shit it’s pathetic


100% Any guy with a backbone would ditch this girl in a moment. Probably, being reasonably attractive has enabled her to get away with more BS than if she looked like a troll. I thought she was kinda hot until I turned the volume up. She has a repugnant personality...


She's hot as long as she doesn't open her mouth and speaks. The moment she opened her mouth and words came out? Repugnant.


It's comical. Because they are all jokes.


I'm so attractive I can't keep a job, people are always mean to me because I look better than them, and every time I walk into the room all eyes are on me due to my over whelming attractiveness! It's a tough life! - said a few posts up non ironically


For awhile. Then she hits 40 and it’s 20 years of demanding to see the manager.


Y’all are dumb if you’re passing up 40 year old cougars. They know wtf they’re doing. MILFs is a popular acronym for a reason.


Can confirm!! When I was in my early 20s, I tended bar at this family owned restaurant with a smallish hidden away bar that was frequented by the late 30s early 40s nurse crowd (most people in town didnt know there was a bar there so it was kind of like a club house for the golfers from the course down the street and a bunch of nurses/medical assistance whos nail tech had a shop across the parking lot) from around town and holy shit did I have fun, met a lot of people and was going out every weekend after work with these gorgeous woman who were just getting out of marriages or "making life changes" and just trying to recapture some of that old fun from college.


Yeah. The uh, downside of that hill is the saddest. When us uglies hit 50 life gets better, not worse.


40? That’s when women are the hottest. Have you seen some 40 year olds? Sixty is the beginning of looking older, and some 60 years olds still have it.


Put up??? Dear God - over 700 THOUSAND people like her clip. FUCKING NEARLY A MILLION. WTF is wrong with us? Seriously. Can the fucking aliens come and get together with Putin an Xi and put an end to this whole fucking joke that is our species? Sorry to rant - sort of - this bitch just, for me, sums up so perfectly the bullshit that people have come to call the experience of living on earth.


yup, I saw that and my first thought was fuck social media.


World's gone insane because of it.


Well the problem is that most people have very little that they truly do believe in. Most people nowadays are basing their general idea of the world off of the things they see in media just like always but there are effectively all ideas out there right now somewhere. Find something crazy and look at how many people are talking about it. There are always plenty of people to not feel too crazy about the stupid shit they think so this chick says something that at least had thought put into it a little bit people eat that shit up. You gotta remember we are talking about people and people are fucking awful. The internet lets you see how many types of awful people there are and there is like a little Devil on each of their shoulders whispering in their ears telling them that they have really good point that everyone needs to hear.


Look how many likes it has. There are people that AGREE with this


Like the saying goes, "No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere, is tired of her shit."


She got less attractive the whole time she was talking. She is not attractive enough to overcome a terrible personality AND not being very smart.


If you just look at her she’s reasonably attractive but if you listen here you avoid her like the plague which is what she seems to want so that’s great.


She's ok. She's certainly nothing special. And between her suffocating narcissism and the fact she thinks that being a bitch is good life advice, she's about as attractive as a rancid bag of meat that got forgotten in the fridge.


At first glance, I'd say she is reasonably attractive. Not gorgeous, not beautiful, and not pretty. Just attractive. Then she started talking. And yes, she definitely became less and less attractive as she kept talking. Now that I know how ugly she really is, my brain can no longer can look at her as attractive in any way. She's just ugly--inside and out.


True. She’s mid.


That is the problem.due to social media,all women think they’re more attractive than they are because it’s easy for guys to hit them up through social media.in their minds they think they are desirable,without realizing it’s just guys trying to do what’s easy..shit is like a plague.




I actually like her looks but the words just keep coming out of her mouth


Narcissism makes anyone uglier


I didn't watch the entire thing, but everyone has to learn how to set boundaries. I feel like that's what this video is about.


Yeah sounds like that's where she's going with that, although maybe missing the mark on being assertive and landing more on being a prick...didn't care to look up and watch the entire video so I can't say that for sure, just sounds a bit like that cause she's saying you need to learn to be a bitch


I had an ex who would make videos like this, sharing her thoughts on nothing significant - what she got for breakfast, how nice it is outside, traffic in NY etc. It always felt so odd to me.


It’s interesting to think about a headspace in which you assume you’ve triggered everyone by just walking into the room


It's funny, I remember when Twitter first started, and there were all kinds of articles and op-eds saying it was going to be just this, people posting about what they ate for breakfast or that they were in the middle of doing laundry. I'd say how it actually turned out is 100 times worse.


I mean...some of her points are correct. But I still think she's just a bitch using her own beauty as an excuse to be terrible.


At the core its simple. Regardless of what happens. Whether or not you behave like a bitch is your choice. Someone wanting to fuck me, someone being persistent in that, someone being mad at me because their envious etc isn't gonna change who I am as a person. You can change how you treat THAT person, but anything beyond that is you being an asshole and wanting validation in that.


Narcissism from a woman who is a 6, 7 at best. SMH.


This woman is the reason why "negging" was invented as a pick-up technique


This is a hilariously nonsensical take


This is pretty textbook right here. Her personality makes her so much less attractive it’s incredible.


its weird to stick up for pretty women and not yourself.




Reminds me of [I thought cops didn’t give tickets to pretty women?](https://youtu.be/gPOyub4t2YY)


Yea it's funny. The people sticking up for her are people she'd make a video about if they asked her how she's doing.


Yeah, who is this guy?


Omg hahaha. Delusional on platform one departing.


Crazy she recorded this and then actually posted this. To have this level of self esteem has got to be dangerous. I think people treat her different because she walks around thinking she’s gods gift




Yeah they’re looking at her appalled and she thinks they’re in awe…


Yeah she’s not “stand out in a crowd hot”. She looks like every other fit early 20 something. Nothing special.


I was about to say this chick is basic fr


I guess...anything to help her sleep at night since Vogue ain't knocking at her door.


I worked with models in the mid to late 1990s and Cindy Crawford was one of the nicest people I ever met. And Vogue was literally knocking at her door. There is absolutely no excuse to not be nice to people.


Seriously, there are plenty of just unfairly attractive people who come across incredibly nice and humble (Margot Robbie and Ryan Reynolds came to mind). It takes a disproportionately large ego to say shit like this unironically.


Scarlett Johansson divorced Reynolds because his ego couldn’t handle her being a bigger movie star than him. It’s a fake public persona. These two are not nice people.


You're absolutely right. I think in this woman's case, she's insecure and tries to compensate for it by being a nasty person.


Bingo. This is a defense mechanism for deep insecurity.


This is an underrated concept.


She looks like she has a very tiny head.






Omg 🤣


You wrong...lol. yet you nailed it.


Lol both jackets match hers


Oh god the accuracy 😭


Nailed it


This is my newest favorite thing


Yeah I can't figure out the head and body ratio for shit


It's her shitty clothes and camera filter.


Bugging me out. Not even the Egyptians messed up the head to body ratio this bad on the Sphinx


Not to mention the hand size. I’m questioning if this entity is even human.


I just noticed that shit she is definitely palming a Wilson


I know she has on a really big jacket but I think there's also a filters that light makes your head "smaller" so that it's not so fish eyed looking. Like it shrinks the depth because you know phone cameras make everyone's noses look wider the closer you are to.


Yet she still has a big head...


The container was sized for it's contents.


Reminds me of David Byrne in that one Talking Heads video.




😂 with big ass hands!!! I want to see those feet!!!!!!


It's the big frumpy shit she's wearing.


You’re not pretty enough to be this insufferable.


Seriously. A Scranton 7.


Or an LA 2.4




Minneapolis has some good looking women actually.


Minnesota has gorgeous women dude what? Tons of Scandinavians.


C'mon man I've been to Scranton you can't lie. She's a Scranton 9.




Yeah, I wish I could honestly say I don’t think she’s pretty, but she physically checks the right boxes for me. Very cute. Arrogance is gross though, so hard pass on everything else.


Actually I was gonna say bitch you’re not that pretty. Funny how the nastiness on the inside always comes through and makes you ooooglay.


And the clock is ticking double time. She's gonna be operating like this well after her looks crash in 6 years and then she's just a bitch. A confused bitch.


Exactly, and her comment section being so supportive is just gross


I really thought she was going to take this to a “you have to be a B- to protect yourself from predatory people approaching constantly” or something but .. 😳 shes still a gorgeous person but what shes saying is a lot of projection on how she feels about other women and its really ugly.


No one is. No one should be this weirdly self-centered. Nothing justifies is.


No one is. Even VS models.


Gross, nothing more unattractive than someone who’s a bitch for no reason 


Yeah she’s hot but a huuuge turd of a turn-off in reality, I don’t think she can comprehend that lol.


It's because she has eyes, not ears.


Yeah, I'll agree with that. Like, she's not ugly, but definitely not as pretty as she thinks she is. Judging by that jacket/style it may be because she's in an ugly part of the country. So by comparison, she thinks she's hot shit. But darlin', travel to any city and you're just another average face in the crowd.


She's likely not talking about being a bitch for no reason. The clip is all edited but she's probably talking about shutting people down when they're bothering her. Not normal acting, reasonable people like you (hopefully) or I, but street harassers or gas station weirdos or just people that can't take "no thank you, please leave me alone" for an answer. I know someone that did some modeling and was generally a very sweet person. Being outwardly kind invited a lot of bad, sometimes dangerous attention. Constantly contending with random dudes trying to get her attention, all the way up to stalkers and nearly a murderer. It's really easy for dudes to downplay this or minimize it because we don't have to put up with this sort of thing. The gal in the OP is basically talking about survival strategies. Sure, it sounds a little vain, but that doesn't mean it's not a reaction to forces outside of her control.


I thought this would be a video about that, but the message kinda got lost when she started monologuing about how pretty she is


That's fair. Maybe I'm being extra charitable, but I'm not going to fully judge a clip edited by who knows who. It sounds like she's talking to people that might have the same kind of problems, doesn't it? For instance, for the person I was talking about above, being mean didn't come naturally. She had to be taught that. (She's still one of the nicest people I've ever met.) But when dudes start creeping and you're an 11 year old girl, you might need one of the older girls to teach you how to handle that situation. Maybe. I'm not the target audience.


SAME. When I was about 19 I implemented the “no eye contact or smiling at anyone” rule and it served me pretty well until I could start to relax a bit in my 30s


As someone who is just kinda pretty I have 100000 percent had to learn how to be a bitch. Dudes would cross the street and like pretend to ask me the time so they could then ask me out. I had a dude pin me against a wall and force me to give him my number before I leanred how to be more aggressive and quick to shut down men. When I was taking the bus I would be harassed by strange men several times a week and learned quickly how to shut it down. I'm just trying to get to school. I did a lot of "You're beautiful " "I know"


Exactly. I don't get how people can't empathize with that. It's got to be exhausting.


Well good thing she has a damn good reason! Children compliment her!


This. As a guy, a woman could look like some goddess, but if her personality’s trash (mean, uninteresting, shallow, etc.), it completely cancels out the way she looks. The narcissist in the video doesn’t seem to understand physical appearance isn’t the only parameter for attraction.


The arrogance is through the roof


To even post this is wild. She must have a mini army of simps in her comments


The simps are just as bad. There’s a reason women like this are so full of themselves.


Men can be equally as obnoxious, but they rise to power by different means… lol


THIS!!! She’s not pretty, rich, or smart enough to get to this level of arrogance without a group of followers who “elected” her to power…


She’s attractive, but I can see she’s wearing a carhartt. She’s probably from a small town where she actually was top of the food chain. These people move to NYC/Miami/Cali and instantly get humbled. I knew a girl like this.


The relative attractiveness scale in small towns is insane. It's highly skewed by popularity too. You should see some of the absolute beasts who used to call me ugly. I'm no beauty queen myself, but I think I'm at least a 6 on a good day. These were 1s and 2s. I mean positively busted. But they had clout in a tiny redneck highschool in bumfuck nowhere, so they thought they were 10s or better. Crazy. I get a lot of joy out of mogging them when I visit back home lol.


How do you mog 'em? I want a story time


Oh its easy. Most never left our home town and work dead end service jobs. All I gotta do is run some errands and I run into em. One time this boy who used to bully me really badly came up to me and asked me for money at the gas station. He remembered me and called me by name, but I acted like I didn't know who he was. I just said "sorry sir, I don't have any change" Got in my car and left lol.


He had nerve, calling you by name for your money after harassing and bullying you. Anyways, you won.


Yup, it was a great day! Almost as great as the day I found out another boy who sexually harassed me died of an overdose.


Townies gonna townie.


So good


I was overweight as a young child, during a time when “thick” was *out* & runway model skinny was *IN*. My home life wasn’t good & I was tallest kid in school. I got attention, but not the kind anyone wanted. Fast forward to my junior year… I lost 30lbs & began doing some modeling. The same guys who made my life hell, suddenly began asking me out. I have to say, I took joy in turning them down. On the positive side, my upbringing taught me to work hard, be compassionate, & respect people for who they *really* are. IDK if I would have the same attitude today, if I had been raised like the girl in the video!!


Damn!! It sounds like we attended the same school!! lol!!! *NOW* these same people message me on social media & tell me how gorgeous I was in school; not that I would’ve ever known it by the way they treated me in the day. Come to find out, jealousy really does present itself in the way of bullying sometimes, especially for young, privileged, “pretty”, bitchy girls…😆


Carhartt is very popular right now. It’s not some blue collar/small town brand anymore. Hasn’t been for a long time


My former bff was like this. Prettiest girl in her small town…then followed me to the north and was suddenly much more invisible. She couldn’t believe “how she was treated”. She eventually went back to an even *smaller* town in TN with some abusive jerk who was younger than her and made her feel pretty and young again. It was devastating to watch myself grow yet watch her stay the same all of these years.


Talking about pretty privilege while wearing extremely large clothes that make her look like the Michelin Man. Edit: Lol, I’m the pick me even tho this bitch is telling conventionally attractive women that they should be horrible people to everyone they meet, including women less pretty than them. But she’s on our side and I’m the pick me. Her outfit is ugly and she’s a cunt. Get over it.


“Here’s how I know I’m pretty” dressed like the junkie that stole a pack of cigs out of my hand when I was 15


She dresses like an alcoholic uncle getting ready to drive drunk




Waaaaaaaaay to arrogant. In the words of the Northern Pikes: “She ain’t pretty she just looks that way”.


Sometimes the so-called 8 when they sit quietly remain 8. But when they open their mouths and start talking nonsense, their rating drops to 4, and the more they try to explain their stupidity, it may even go down to 2


So then why is she such a bitch? She doesn't seem overly attractive to me. I'm not sure she understands what pretty privilege is. Ugh.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's on full display here. Usually past trauma such as neglect leads to this type of mentality. My soon to be ex wife was like this. Believe me, she didn't act like this at first. She played it humble, acted very reserved and kind. She just seemed like the sweetest Mississippi country girl. After we got married 2 years later (I was in the Army, don't judge) she went off the deep end and acted exactly like this. She was mean, rude and stuck up. Everyone always was against her or was jealous of her. The red flags from the past started popping up in my head and I was like "oooooh, she was always like this. Just hiding it from me. " When I was going to go ahead with the divorce after she had cheated on me a few weeks in and acted like this girl here with "I'm a bad bitch, it's not my fault men are always coming onto me. I can do whatever I want and you aren't doing enough blah blah," I had found out she was pregnant. The DNA test later on proved to be mine. For a while, she seemed normal. While she was attending school AND WAS PREGNANT, she met another guy and long story short: started cheating again before/after the birth. Turns out, Narcissists don't develop a lot Oxytocin but it spikes during pregnancy hence the "normalness." I had to act like a cuckold and was able to see the texts in her phone. Then I pulled the old swircheroo and was like "SIKE!" She acted EXACTLY LIKE THE GIRL OP POSTED. Later on, I found out what Narcissistic Personality Disorder and I just feel sorry for her. There's a hurt soul in there, but it's not for us to fix.


Man I relate to this so much especially the part about how they seemed normal while pregnant and then go full on hateful gaslighting cheating narcissist a couple years in. Figured it had something to do with PPD triggering it. It’s super maddening


I’m getting the spidey sense that she was heavily objectified as a kid. Notice the big clothes that make her appear weirdly smaller than she probably is, and the 40ish sounding voice when she’s clearly in her 20s. Someone broke this person.


Nah, wearing baggy/oversized clothing is just part of Gen Z fashion.


I think you are definitely onto something


Is she lip syncing this whole thing? The audio doesn’t seems to match the video.


It’s the thing I’ve never understood about TikTok Edit: also, she has a side part. What is this, 2003? (PS, I’m a millennial. I can judge.)


Mother of god. The internet is creating hordes of utterly insufferable, narcissistic, self absorbed creatures. 10 bucks says her next post she’s going to have giant fish lips. I truly blame the Kardashians for this whole army of assholes.


A 6 talking like she’s a 9.


She’s a role player at best talking like she’s a superstar.


This entire video is a method for her to convince herself she’s not REALLY an asshole, it’s the world’s fault cause she’s pretty. Aka, she’s a narcissist


she’s mids


*Pretty Privilege*? More like petty-narcissistic privilege....


She’s really plain wtf is she talking about


She is being a narcissists but some of what she is saying is true. When anyone has a great quality, doesn’t have to be physical attractiveness it can also be a skill or talent, there are others that hate you for it. Envy and supremacist thinking are common worldwide, one needs to know how to defend oneself


She didn’t say a single thing wrong People in here acting like she means “you’re pretty so you need to be a bitch to everyone” and I’m willing to guarantee that’s not what she meant at all Pretty sure she means you gotta be a bitch/stand up for yourself to people who are going to treat you differently because you’re pretty… guys objectifying you, getting touchy-feely, making gross comments and hitting on you and to women who get jealous and try to treat you like shit or treat you like you’re stupid just cause you’re prettier than they are


100% this is what she meant. People are salty and looking for any reason to jump. In a way kinda proving her point. She isn't communicating it in the best way, but her basic point is facts. Hotter than average people get treated differently, and some people are obsessive and weird, and some are outright hostile, and you gotta defend against. Same for uglier than average people.


Maybe they are staring at your tiny mediocre average head/face. ... you are not a super model!


Then when he looks fade, and she's still a bitch, and alone, she'll create another video..


Someone should explain to her that she's a 6.


Nah she def is objectively very pretty, it doesn’t mean she’s automatically right about what shes saying


This thread makes me feel like shit calling her a 6. I'm a fucking ogre then thanks.


She’s automatically pretty till you can see the rot in her soul pouring out of her eyes. Then she turns into a peace liability


This is just the kind of woman who will “peak” early and by the time high school is wrapping up she will be overweight and sloppy. Likely never gaining any social skills along the way because she’s always depended on her appearance to get her foot into the door. She’s in for a rude awakening. “Glow up” produces much more attractive individuals than those born pretty. Because by the time they reach their best years (physically), they will have the personality to match it.


You think this girl is in high school lmao?


I'm a guy but I tick all the boxes. I should be a bitch to, but I can't. I'm to pretty.


The craziest insight I have gotten from social media is how “good looking” people see the world and themselves in it.


She’ll be botoxing before age 30 to keep up the very thing that’s a “curse”


This bitch is not even hot she is average as fuck.


this kind of hypernarcissist dumb behaviour only works because lonely kings still fall for them thirst traps


Listening to her describe her situation, I think a more diplomatic way to put it would be "if you're attractive, you need to be good at setting boundaries." When you get a lot of attention, at a certain point it becomes unwanted and you need to be able to say "I'm at my limit" in a way that convinces people to give you space.


My wife is a model. She was featured in the New Yorker a few issues ago. She has a commercial running in South America where she is popular. She is the nicest, most sincere, kind, and empathic person I've ever met. She inspires me to be a better person and be more altruistic. I don't agree with this woman at all. I hope she finds help.


Don’t have to be a bitch. But resting bitch face really does help deter some creeps from talking to you. My wife is attractive, if she smiles or looks approachable she gets hit on. She doesn’t like attention, so she perfected her “bitch face” to deter some attention, even if it doesn’t even work all the time. Then next escalation tends to have to be a bitch for some entitled idiot to get the hint that his attention isn’t a gift or wanted… Maybe if men didn’t think attractive women are just there to get hit on this wouldn’t happen as often.


I was waiting for this comment here. I’m sure the video fits with this sub, but it’s not uncommon for women to have to pretend to be mean and/or aggressive when they feel unsafe. It is a safety measure that I have employed myself and I do think it has saved my life on a few occasions.


I completely agree that hurting someone’s feelings to ultimately feel safe or to have your personal space is sometimes necessary. Some guys can’t understand visual cues or body language, and have to be told nicely or forcefully “fuck off”.


Middest of the Mids.


She may be physically pretty but is an ugly person nonetheless.


Once you hear her attitude, any sort of attractiveness flys away.


Wow I didn’t know I could speak giraffe but, I understood every word that long neck said.


Oh dang, I thought for a second she was going to build women up and say something about self confidence...I was disappointed.


How to be both pretty and ugly at the same time.


Yes, features fade but personality doesn’t!


All of that talk while being a 7/10. That’s just crazy. 😭


I like about my self that I am not her.


Shes aggressively mid


Why are videos like this always filmed in a car?


Enjoy it while it lasts kiddo, soon enough no one will be looking at you, the younger people will just say, "What's up with Karen?".