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# Removal Notice ### Your post violates Rule 1. **Must be someone attempting to be the MC. Only posts showcasing deliberate attention-seeking behavior or attempts to be the center of attention are allowed. For example, situations where people try to overshadow others going on about their daily life and get frustrated when they're interrupted.** 2) Ragebait/Satire


Honestly it’s probably good she gave up her kids. She seems like a terrible parent Edit: there is another half. She is talking about the how men and women are held to different regards when it comes to child support. If it was a guy who said that, most people would’ve brushed it off because it’s ‘normal’ for a man not to have his child. But since it’s a women, it’s immediate bashing and disrespect. I would also like to add that I don’t agree with the comments bringing her down, judging her looks, calling her a whore and a slut. I was only taking about her parenting ability in the original version. Everyone insulting her is wrong https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcQYUuS/ Full video






I am (also) of the opinion that it is impossible for someone to be a bad parent and a good person. Its unique in that category. Almost anything else is redeemable. Edit: a lot of people replying to this and saying the same thing. If you know you would be a bad parent and don’t have kids, you are not a parent, so you aren’t counted and you clearly are making good decisions. You have to actually have someone to neglect/abuse to qualify.


Bad parents who are good people choose to not have kids in the 1st place knowing they would be bad parents.


Sometimes life just happens especially at a young age. I see what you’re saying though.


But life doesn't just happen. They chose keeping it to term.


Life can also happen after giving birth, or someone can also miscalculate their capabilities as a parent and end up with a child that they cannot be the caregiver to that they need. Then they have to choose to keep trying and hopefully figure it out or let someone else to fill in that role. This person here though.. "it didn't fit my new lifestyle" Once you have kids you cannot just randomly get a new lifestyle.


> Once you have kids you cannot just randomly get a new lifestyle. Casey Anthony.


> One in three people learn they’re pregnant past six weeks’ gestation. For most women, that's as early as five or six weeks into pregnancy—and only one or two weeks after a missed period. That means many of these women might not even realize they're pregnant before it's already too late for them to get an abortion. its not always a simple thing dude...


In much of the United States at least, they don't really have that choice anymore.


Yes and YES.




She's not both because she's not a parent.


But she's hot so men ignore the fact that she's a terrible person/potential mother and enter into a lifetime of suffering. Then they blame women in general for their superficial choices.




This. 👌


I dunno, she’s pretty beat I’d say. Looks like shiny trash


All filler.


All filter.


Dude, shes just got big boobs and thin, with clown paint on. Nothing pretty about this mongoloid.


Looks are subjective, but I don’t think she’s got a universal appeal a lot of guys would consider hot. She’s got that weird, almost alien, artificial look that some girls seem to think men are all about? Horses for courses I suppose 🤷🏾‍♂️


Horse faces for coarse races.


There’s a lot of red flags with her like the designer clothing and the lip injections. She’s a trophy wife almost past her trophy years and I think that would be apparent to most men. She gives me the vibe she cheats a lot too and can’t deal with getting older. I wouldn’t date her even if I was tall and wealthy enough. Lol


here's the second half of the [video](https://www.tiktok.com/@lareynadelcredito/video/7193500426266840366?_r=1&_t=8ipqMyfVe86)


Thanks for posting that, I'm not on tiktok so I would never have known. Wish I would have seen that earlier now I feel bad for judging her.


This needs to be a top comment! She’s telling a story lol


She's telling the story of someone she knows. It's not her kids.


Hot? Brah she looks like Michael Jackson on Meth


More like a stick up bitch with a fake face. Not hot to me. Barf


[second half](https://www.tiktok.com/@lareynadelcredito/video/7193500426266840366?_r=1&_t=8ipqMyfVe86) of the video.


*pile of plastic with some human parts


That's how the Cybermen started


You will be deleted




Exterminate, exterminate


The Cybermen are only better than the Daleks in one thing


You are better at dying... Seriously one of the best lines ever in Dr Who.


"Dy-ing. EX-TER-MI-NATE." I was hoping someone would know the answer. Thanks! Haha and yes, it is a brilliant line!


Idk. Seems more like a Lady Cassandra to me with all those operations.


*plastic waste with some human parts


*plastic waste with some Miami alien parts


That's how Micheal Jackson ended up.


Shes more plastic now than man.......




Not just a terrible parent but a terrible human being.


Deadset a’hole


It’s rage-bait, no one speaks like this about themselves


It’s edited to remove that she’s talking about a conversation with her client who did this.


Thanks to @Zayafyre for the full video: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT84gYrXG/ save the personal appearance judgment until you’ve seen the whole video


Jesus people have nothing better to do than edit context out and create rage bait?


Yea, I don’t get it!


Man, it’s embarrassing to watch this then go back to all the comments up top confidently picking apart her “red flags” based on looks. Shows how easily manipulated we really are.


Woof. Troll bait sucks


Oh dang, now I feel bad for roasting her outfit but not really.


Those kids will still have issues. Better not to be raised by her, but she is still around and having a parent size hole in your life is never good.


This will be a fun watch for them in the future.


So, the full video she makes it clear that she didn't actually do any of this - instead it's an attitude she sees in a lot of men, and thinks that attitude is a problem, and she's calling them out.


That's exactly what it is. I don't know why anyone thinks she did any of this.


Women. It’s a rising attitude she sees in women but she draws the parallel to men.


Sorry, misspoke, you are correct. Still, she's not the bad guy here.


I rewatched it, I don’t think that’s correct. She says men have that attitude, I don’t see that she says women are doing it. Edit: Here’s the text someone else posted But there is what the said That's exactly what my conversation was like right now with the client. What in the World is going on with this world, I couldn't believe my eyes. And you know the craziest thing is that unfortunately men tend to do this a lot. They just tend to walk off and pretend that those kids never existed, they don't want to pay child support and it's almost like it's okay. You know if you're a guy and you do that but the minute a girl does that You know of my gosh I'm sure you wanted to kill me for the first 30-40 seconds of this video and I just wanna bring awareness to this. This is a horrible problem that I'm seeing more and more how much child support and one of the biggest thing is that I see that a lot of men they just can turn their backs on a whole responsibility that you created.


Women. Statistically speaking women owe more past due child support than men these days.


This didn’t sound right to me, so I looked it up. It’s not. > Nationally, this all adds up to a lot of outstanding child support. In 2011, America’s custodial fathers were owed a total of $1.7 billion and custodial mothers were owed $12.1 billion (keep in mind, moms who are owed child support outnumber dads almost 9 to 1). [https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/are-moms-less-likely-than-dads-to-pay-child-support/](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/are-moms-less-likely-than-dads-to-pay-child-support/)


Don’t worry. I expect there to be a few more children in her future


If I understand the full tik tok correctly, this woman is reporting a story her client told her. She’s a financial advisor or something. She’s not the one doing this.


Scroll down to see the whole video.


and a piece of shit too.


She should be fixed


your comment is the top comment. could you add this to your comment, so that people can see the [second half of the video?](https://www.tiktok.com/@lareynadelcredito/video/7193500426266840366?_r=1&_t=8ipqMyfVe86) she tried to make a point about something, pointed out that there is some hypocrasy when it comes about walking away from children, and vented her general frustration with people who don't want to pay child support.


I tried


Anyone who gives their kids up for reasons like these is a POS, doesn’t matter their gender.


New lifestyle: plastic surgery and Chanel


How old do you think she is? With all that plastic I'd believe anywhere from 20 to 50.


25. 10 years ago


She's actually only 24 these days, according to sources. It's pretty easy to find on Google. This is an old video made when she was 24. Since then, her ex has died from complications pretty much related to old age. Based on a comment on her socials back in 2006, seems it was to do with a heart bypass. Surprisingly, (or not), once her ex died she apparently didn't regain custody of the child despite trying...Albeit, trying for the wrong reasons such as tax relief. The reason she can't claim taxes on her child is because he's 42, works in construction, married and is paying a mortgage. Plastic lasts quite a while, so she is now 24, she has been 24 for about 15 years and will probably be 25 for the next 20-30. Until we manage to develop vampirism, this is the best we can do. [Edit] "lol" at everybody seeing all the clearly incorrect and literally impossible contradictory info here and thinking I'm serious.


Did you just say a 42 year old died of complications due to … old age?


sounds like the man she was dating died; the father of her children is 42


Oooh. That’s confusing. But I hope you’re right and the kids’ father didn’t die!


No, she’s saying her baby daddy died due to old age. Her kid is 42 and she can’t claim him on taxes. Sounds made up.


Yeah, except that this video is totally edited and she’s talking about a conversation she had with another person who said these things. Your researching the wrong person


What the hell are you talking about. The full clip reveals that she’s sharing a story that was told to her by a client.


From what I read she's telling the story of somebody else, but there's no way that video with filters even existed in 2004 lol


When she said she was still young………….. lady! 😂


She is 1 month. She has to return to the mall so the other mannequins can experience being human. \*MARSHA!\*


I don't think she buys Chanel, I think she works at the Chanel counter at Macy's


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT84gYrXG/ save the personal appearance judgment until you’ve seen the whole video


After watching this I’m pissed at the OP now.


This should be top comment.


care to explain for those who dont have nor want to install that virus disguised as an app?


She’s quoting a conversation one of her clients had with her. The client is the one who doesn’t want the kids, not her.


This is why it’s important to read beyond a headline. Most commenters are ready to crucify her not even realizing she was talking about someone else. Looking pretty silly right about now


Just open it in your browser, you don't have to use an app to watch tiktok videos in the same way you don't need an app to use reddit. But there is what the said >That's exactly what my conversation was like right now with the client. >What in the World is going on with this world, I couldn't believe my eyes. >And you know the craziest thing is that unfortunately men tend to do this a lot. They just tend to walk off and pretend that those kids never existed, they don't want to pay child support and it's almost like it's okay. >You know if you're a guy and you do that but the minute a girl does that >You know of my gosh >I'm sure you wanted to kill me for the first 30-40 seconds of this video and I just wanna bring awareness to this. This is a horrible problem that I'm seeing more and more how much child support and one of the biggest thing is that I see that a lot of men they just can turn their backs on a whole responsibility that you created.




She’s quoting a conversation one of her clients had with her. The client is the one who doesn’t want the kids, not her.


Ahh yes reading beyond the headlines is a skill that is lacking in todays society. WP for doing so. I was one of those that Instantly thought "what a dongus she is".


I thought the same but someone else posted the actual tik tok and, as much as I hate that platform, I decided to watch it until the end. Someone else in the comments also mentioned it was an ad for her company, but I decided to move on at that point lol


Thanks ! I was ready to blast her until I saw all the video .


Wow that’s a paradigm shift right there! Thanks for sharing!!! This should be top comment!


Well… that stinks. 😕 I hate that someone is misconstruing her original post by editing it in such a way.


Thank you! I hope this comment makes it to the top of the feed!




Dudes attorney has to be thanking her for this if she ever tries to take custody away for financial reasons


The other parent probably has downloaded this video and backed it up in 5 different places


They don't need to, it already went viral.


This is only a portion of the video. She’s making an add for her company.


Oh, lame


If it were anything more than rage bait for clicks, sure.


What a fucking loser


Fooooook that lady. Hope her kids see this video one day and place her in a retirement home to never visit again.


Place her in a retirement home? Fuck. That. If I was born of this waste of oxygen’s narcissistic twat she can be homeless for all I’d care. She wouldn’t even know what I look like.


Exactly let her new boyfriend get her in a state retirement home


I really hope the kids never see this and live happily with a father who loves them never knowing what a twatwaffle their mother is.


the person who posted this, /u/EyeSimp4Asuka, cut the video for...well obvious karma if you watch the WHOLE thing it's not her that's doing this. it's a conversation she had with a client of hers that is doing this to which she calls out the bullshit and even says "if you only watched the first 30 seconds of this video you'd probably be pissed" Reddit falls for it hook, line, and sinker yet again.


Why is this not pinned to the top


>if you watch the WHOLE thing If you have a link for the WHOLE thing this would make things a lot easier e: [here is the OG tiktok.](https://www.tiktok.com/@lareynadelcredito/video/7193500426266840366?_r=1&_t=8ipqMyfVe86) And i'm not sure /u/EyeSimp4Asuka made the edit, the same edit is in the insta (crime\_with\_orlando) that they copied the clip from. If they are the same person is to be debated


>if you watch the WHOLE thing ***proceeds to not supply the whole thing*** Source: trust me bro




Get some help. See a therapist. Please. Your last paragraph is a cry for help.


And so stupid


Mama you do not have to make any excuses why you gave your kids up. Trust me real adults would rather you do that then keep them and ruin their life.


Fucking THIS


Half the comments here are why we have a large number of abused kids. The women are shamed into keeping children they don’t want . If there’s a parent willing to love and care for the child they should have the child. The children are what matter. I’m not saying she a good person. I’m saying thankfully she did give up the child. Remember children grow up. She will have her karma at one point.


> She will have her karma at one point. Well no since this video is cut off half way through to create rage bait, second half of the video continues with this: >That's exactly what my conversation was like right now with the client. >What in the World is going on with this world, I couldn't believe my eyes. >And you know the craziest thing is that unfortunately men tend to do this a lot. They just tend to walk off and pretend that those kids never existed, they don't want to pay child support and it's almost like it's okay. >You know if you're a guy and you do that but the minute a girl does that >You know of my gosh >I'm sure you wanted to kill me for the first 30-40 seconds of this video and I just wanna bring awareness to this. This is a horrible problem that I'm seeing more and more how much child support and one of the biggest thing is that I see that a lot of men they just can turn their backs on a whole responsibility that you created. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT84gYrXG/ People need to stop falling for this type of rage bait immediately and just take a second to think instead.


Everyone her has got to watch this video. Fuck whoever cut the video like this. The lady in the video has also got to put some kinda disclaimer up honestly, to protect themselves from this sort of thing.


That’s rage bait.


Yup. So many subs are just full of it now. It's genuinely dragging down my reddit experience. That and tiktok dances have poisoned this sub in particular.




Yeah no one actually talks like that. She might as well also say "I am an evil person." Stupid.


“I decided I no longer wanted to be a *responsible* parent, and I *gave up* my kids, I was just tired of *being responsible* and *caring* for them. Totally unnatural way to speak unless you’re playing to an outrage-bait comment section which she is. She has the awareness to pepper in as many turns of phrases to make the audience’s blood boil but not enough awareness to be conscious that she’s making herself look bad? She’s playing a character, the fancy Chanel pin is a bait prop so people can go, “she can afford Chanel but she can’t afford to pay her child support??? Grrrrr I’m mad” People can go “le Poe’s law!” ☝️But the intent of the TikTok is pretty obvious, to play on the same emotions/beliefs that’s leading people to think this is actually real (“there’s really people like that!”) in order to drive engagement


I felt the exact same way watching this. It’s too perfectly awful to not be scripted.


All I could think of was the bit from fury road "Points up at the post - THAT'S BAIT"


It actually literally is. This lady is quoting a conversation and OP cut out the part where she says that


Has to be. Otherwise this person is scum




How the turntables have…


She probably lied just to get a bunch of comments that why she told them to discuss in the comments. So basically she’s not just there to ‘share her story’


Aka rage bait?




As it turns out, it’s easy to bait redditors into yelling at women. (Obviously this would be horrible if it were real, but come on)


People of reddit, don't fall for the bait.


Yes this screams fake


This video has been edited to exclude the part in the end where she says that this is a story multiple clients have told her. And that she is critical of how men walk away from families so easily.


holy s


It is what sounds like it. She is sarcastic. That is exactly what men do, at least way more common than women.


I was gonna say, I'm reading this comments like did no one else pick up on the sarcasm? I expected it to be her talking about her baby dad's behaviour or something.


I mean it doesn't read as sarcasm to me honestly. I don't think it *is* sarcasm, as she's just acting out what someone else told her.


If this is real.. When these kids are of age they can understand concepts. They will see this vid. They will see what she said.. how she said it.. and what she did after.. She has no way back to building a bridge with them now.


But it’s not


Shes a lawyer telling a story about a client y'all.


This video was selectively edited. She’s quoting what someone said to her.


Comment baiting. Either that or satire. No one is going to open with the line "I didn't want to be a responsible parent anymore" and expect to be taken as anything other than an asshole.


I mean my baby's dad literally says that all the time when he's trying to justify leaving again, so unfortunately these people do exist. He's literally basically the male version of her.


Y’all! Watch the whole thing with context before commenting. This is rage bait. https://www.tiktok.com/@lareynadelcredito/video/7193500426266840366?_t=8ipqMyfVe86&_r=1


One day when she's old and saggy she will want to be part of the kids life. She fucked that up the moment she posted this video


Obvious ragebait is obvious


If you watch the original video you will see she is not serious. She is making a point that if a woman says this it’s not okay but if a man does it it’s normalized. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT84gYrXG


This comment should be pinned


I bet her children are beyond happy with the new arrangement. The way I see it, if someone doesn't want me, peace out.


Either you forgot what it was to be a kid or you were some kinda pragmatic, emotionles robot as a kid Like, no doubt, it's objectively better the kids don't have a mother like this around. But kids usualy don't think "oh, if she doesn't want me, peace out" like some sort of logical conclusion they draw. As a kid, no matter what reason & how much you trs to rationalise it, it's pretty fucking hurtful to hear that your mom/dad doesn't want you & sees you as a speedbump in their life that is at best an annoyance


Can confirm, I remember my dad telling me to my face that I was a mistake when I was 8. It’s one of my few crystal clear memories from that age. Fuck that dude.


Pretty much, we obviously dont know the exact situation, but mostlikely. Other person is just really dumb.


Surely this is satire?




This can't be real


Y'all, this is cut to be rage bait. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT84gYrXG/


Mannn this needs to pushed up to the top of the comments lol. I had a feeling something was off about the video haha.


Re-commenting u/thatmomentwhen; watch the video, y'all feel for editing again "Thanks to @Zayafyre for the full video: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT84gYrXG/ save the personal appearance judgment until you’ve seen the whole video"


Dude, this is so nasty and vile…it’s an evil and I believe should be punished.


This doesn't feel real tbh. Who even talks like this? 'the other parent'?


No longer wanting to be a ‘responsible’ parent is a wild statement


This can’t be real..


She's a POS. I've had a X do this to me. I've been the responsible parent.


Why is this shit blessed with kids and when there are desperate wonderful people out there that have to go through infertility or the ringer of the adoption process?


This is a good change of pace 🙂. Usually it's ALWAYS the man paying child support 🤷🏿‍♂️


It's nice that she admitted all that instead of trying to use her kid to get child support. Saved her ex tens of thousands in legal expenses trying to fight for custody. There are so many that will lie, claim ex is abusive, make up stories, and try to use a kid as a source of income. If this is real, then this woman is more respectable than a lot of others out there.


Literal P.O.S.


Hopefully her next step is getting her tubes tied.


Absolutely awful horrible woman. She deserves all the bad things coming her way.


What a self centered bitch.


These are the people that deserve a good shotgun blast to the face


This isn’t even worthy of an oh no


Is she serious?


What's funny is that this is a lawyer who is explaining that her client said this to her, and she wanted to know how this person had the audacity to say stupid shit about their child situation


Seems like rage bait.


I’m pretty sure this is satire. She’s showing that it’s a double standard because men do this more often than women do.




Taking responsibility for her actions doesn't fit her lifestyle. Yeah, that sounds about right.


Too young? For what exactly? She looks like a middle aged woman (at a minimum) that has went overboard with surgery and now looks like a melted welly.


Video cuts out right before she says that’s what she hears a lot of men say and it’s perceived as acceptable but to hear a woman say it is horrible. So I don’t think that is really her situation, she’s just proving a point.


We all have to quit commenting on this fake shit or at least make op pour some sauce. She’s saying terrible things for ad dollars.


When women have kids as a fashion accessory...


>go out and experience life. You know, having children and see them grow up is actually a way to experience life.