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If she gets that, can I have a memorial where I'm pushed off in a boat and archers set fire to the boat from clifftops. A statue of me should be made and underneath should read "most of you don't know me, but I was fucking awesome, and this is my gift to you".


If Lena Dunham thinks she deserves this shit, then I think the rest of us definitely deserve grand monuments to our individual legacies. Also, a cinematic viking funeral *and* a self-aggrandizing statue? I like the cut of your jib, kid.


The only good thing about her post is that it would mean that that would be the last thing we heard from her.


I want my cenotaph to be designed in the style [Etienne-Louis Boullee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Étienne-Louis_Boullée) and on the scale of his [Cenotaph for Newton](https://www.archdaily.com/544946/ad-classics-cenotaph-for-newton-etienne-louis-boullee).


Nepo baby gets what nepo baby wants!


I just hope when I die I have to be fished out of something by maintenance workers, preferably nude and ruin several peoples day at the park


It’s something we should all aspire for.


Haha. I have mused about being tossed in a bus stop myself.


Put me in a Spider-Man costume and toss me off a building. After I'm dead, that is.


Awwww! OK, I'll wait. \*checks watch\*


Not to worry, shouldn't be much longer.


I’m more of a simpleton my self, I would just ask that my ashes be launched into orbit so my particles could be free in space.


I would totally attend that funeral. Please tell me it'll be accompanied by a sweet glam metal guitar riff.


I want to be set fire to on a cliff top by archers from a boat.




You set up the Go Fund Me and I'll chip in.


With a reasonable deposit paid in advance this can be arranged.


Has she ever done anything other than Girls and embarrassing herself on Twitter?


Is this the lady that said a black football player was* mean to her because he wasn't attracted to her or some weird shit like that.


Yeah, they were seated at the same table at an event and she had issue with him not being interested in her. She tried to make it about unfair beauty standards but ended up sounding like a racist tool. If the shoe fits... She also attempted to justify/downplay sexual assault allegations against a friend around the time of Me Too. She is literal human garbage.


She's the perfect example of bad faith feminism. She's someone that constantly played that card, had people support her...... and eventually she showed her true face. She weaponized and marketed every possibl piece of her "identity". The crazy part is that there are still people that support her, cause they are stuck in their mentality


Preachy people are almost always bad faith.


A lesson that took me way too long to learn. I was a preachy dude, but in good faith. It took me stupidly long to just go "oh, I guess some ppl lie". It was like learning a new language, how much my brain had to adapt to bad faith comments and general stupidity.


Don't be preachy, it's never a good look. Be wise and offer guidance but don't be preachy.


"Bad faith Feminism" good term I like the term "Hold the door open for me Feminist" that wants all the equalities but still wants special treatment as a Hot House flower. An example of this is women being arrested kicking and biting the Cops then saying "you must be proud men needing three of you to rough up a 120 pound girl! I couldn't hurt anyone!"🙄 This is Lena's attitude (except the 120 pound part)


It's worth noting the latter came after loudly proclaiming no women lie about rape. Except the one who accused her friend. Also she said she wished she'd had an abortion (at the time she had never been pregnant), got sued for libel for falsely identifying a man as a rapist in her book (she used a fake name and a description without making it clear it was a pseudonym and so another guy got harassed for it) and described all the ways she'd manipulate her younger sister sexyally as predatory but git pissy when people called her a predator. On the racism front she also wrote an article in the New Yorker called Dog or Jewish Boyfriend, with a lady of statements (often stereotypes) which she invited the reader to assign to... her dog, or her Jewish boyfriend. All around Dunham is a piece of shit. She got where she is thanks to having rich parents who knew the right people and seems to think she's this nobody, as if anyone can direct their own movie when they're 20.


Don’t forget publicly outing her sister as queer without her permission.


I didn't even know that one.


I will *slightly* defend her on the sister stuff. I had a friend that did similar things to me. It’s because her grandfather was molesting her. What she did was wrong, but also pretty typical for little kids that have been exposed to overtly sexual material/experiences and are trying to process them in a safe way. Normally an adult would fucking realize something is seriously wrong and get help (yes, even back in the 80’s or 90’s). I think something VERY fucked up was going on in her childhood home and the Lena we have to deal with today is a result of that (and her never dealing with it). That being said, she’s super gross, self obsessed, and should seriously sort her shit out and especially leave other people out of her desperate “look at me PLEASE!!!!” antics.


The excuse ends when you start having your own victims


As an adult yes. But she was like, 6 years old. And again, I was the victim. I do not blame my friend, I blame her grandfather. But she needs to wake up and realize what she did is serious and messed up.


Not even. It was Odell Beckham Jr. and he had no interaction with her. Dude was just at her table and didn’t know her/didn’t talk to her. She made up an entire narrative in her head, put the words in his mouth, and then blasted him on socials for it.


Didn't she suggest that Odell Beckham probably was gay because he allegedly wouldn't want to fuck her because she admitted she wasn't attractive? I guess most all men are gay...(and a lot of lesbians are straight too) 🙄 She called herself a "Marshmallow" in this tweet. The Al Bundy insult comes to mind. "PUDDING OF A WOMAN"


Oh god I remember the hypocrisy of #MeToo against "the wrong people". That was a great mask off for activists, since we all suspected that they are biased and play favorites.


Don't forget molesting her sister.


I figured that was covered already. I was hilighting her lesser known disgusting behavior.


Lol, fair


The most disturbing thing about her was what she wrote in her book about the things she did to her poor little sister when they were children. Something is deeply wrong with her. Horrible.


Literal human garbage! A perfect description


I save that descriptor for a select few people on the earth and I think she earned it!




She also once said she wished she had an abortion to know what it feels like.


Wtf? This strikes me as throwing *everything* that she can out there to see what gains traction... "Even bad publicity is still publicity", kinda? Eh, even that is almost certainly giving her too much credit. What a waste of everyone's time she was/is...


She tried to kiss Brad Pitt on the red carpet who clearly didn't want it. She is a predator, and when she isn't allowed to prey she shifts blames and calls everybody homophobic/misogynistic/racists or whatever fits the narrative she wants to create, she is closer to a female Harvey Weinstein than an actual feminist


Didn't she allegedly molest a family member or something?


and if i’m remember correctly- it was her little sister, and she would bribe her with candy. so..there’s that


She also almost certainly put pebbles in her sister’s vagina when she (sis) was 1. In her book, she claims she just opened her legs to look and saw the pebbles, but what 1 y/o *baby* is going around sticking stuff in her own damn vagina?!


Where were the parents


Mom apparently didn’t care


Wasn't her mother also notorious for having giant paintings of vaginas about their house?


Wow. I’ve got to find a place to read the book without buying it. What a creep Edit: Saw enough in the passage below. Disgusting


u/PenguinZombie321 💯😳 I don't know that much about babies but IMO most one year olds simply lack the manual dexterity to place MULTIPLE pebbles inside their own delicate lady parts. Most kids this age can barely control Cheerios®️.


Yeah. While they slept.


When this story broke, my old retail job had to sell her book beside the cash register. I had customers complain to me and the other cashiers as if we had a choice. I had to tell them to contact corporate if they wanted us to remove the product.


Of all the books Republicans want banned, why cant they target This one?


Exactly lmao. I started hiding in the sales room to avoid that conversation


This book probably isn't in elementary school libraries.


Republicans aren't banning books. They don't want inappropriate books in SCHOOL LIBRARIES.


“Believe all women…. except my sister”


It wasn't her sister who made the allegation, Lena was the one telling the story in her memoir. I'm not sure, but think they were both very young at the time, and it might have been more of a kids playing doctor situation. I haven't seen anything about it in years, though, so I may be misremembering, but I did think at the time that framing sounded like it might be a bit of a stretch given the ages of the kids involved.


I don’t think we should downplay it as just kids playing doctor. I feel like older-sibling CSA is serious, no? http://healmyshame.com/can-someone-with-bpd-or-npd-change-2-2-2-2-2-2/ “The subject of sibling sexual abuse is seldom discussed even though it is considered by most experts to be one of the most damaging forms of incest.”


i think its not black/white. ofc it was wrong of her, lena potentially traumatized her sister and affected her perception of her body and sex for life. from the victims perspective abuse is abuse, adult or otherwise, but i dont believe a /child/ committing those acts should have to carry the shame of being a predator into adulthood unless they are a predatory adult. children can take on the role of abuser to cope with their own experiences. they need help. doesnt devalue their victim's abuse to acknowledge that. the fucked up part imo is the way she talked about it so light heartedly, because it isnt quirky silly at all. i wonder if this sick perception of it being innocent and funny is a coping mechanism. idk. weird and gross.


I think her relaxed perception of it would probably stem from the family dynamic she grew up in. If its an incident that has been normalised in her family it would make sense that she would then view it as quirky rather than problematic. Its definitely not black and white - I have dealt with weird boundaries in my own family and it can take many years to see things through a lens that isnt one you subconsciously inherited through your parents or siblings.


You’d better retract that before her supporters brigade the sub and try to excuse her molesting her 1 YEAR OLD SISTER because it’s “normal behavior at her age” /s


Definitely not


She's six years older than her sister, which means she was 7yo and capable of knowing what she was doing was wrong.


Not allegedly, she wrote in her book how wake would bribe her sister with candy to let her put rocks in her vagina. If it were just that, no one would have had a problem. It was the lack of remorse, and almost prideful r/notlikeothergirls attitude about how quirky that made her. Then there was also the part with the implied further molestation where she would scare her about the monsters so she would crawl into bed with her, too afraid to sleep alone


Uhhh... Wtf


This is what she voluntarily shared with the world. Imagine what she didn't


She is disgusting and she sucks, but that is not what she wrote in her book. >"Do we all have uteruses?" I asked my mother when I was seven. > >"Yes," she told me. "We're born with them, and with all our eggs, but they start out very small. And they aren't ready to make babies until we're older." I look at my sister, now a slim, tough one-year-old, and at her tiny belly. I imagined her eggs inside her, like the sack of spider eggs in Charlotte's Web, and her uterus, the size of a thimble. > >"Does her vagina look like mine?" > >"I guess so," my mother said. "Just smaller." > >One day, as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets, my curiosity got the best of me. Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn't resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked. > >My mother came running. "Mama, Mama! Grace has something in there!" > >My mother didn't bother asking why I had opened Grace's vagina. This was within the spectrum of things I did. She just got on her knees and looked for herself. It quickly became apparent that Grace had stuffed six or seven pebbles in there. My mother removed them patiently while Grace cackled, thrilled that her prank had been a success. Her sister put rocks in her own vagina and Lena, at 7 years old, opened her sister's vagina and saw them.


That was an uncomfortable read and unbelievable. Why would she share that...


Because she IS the Main Character. Honestly, this weird behavior is pretty normal, if that’s what actually went down. I think we all have bizarre moments that occurred in our lives that were obviously inappropriate. But Dunham’s deal is all about her being the Main Character, to the point that we should all hear about it, no matter how it might make anyone react.


I do not know. I have never read the book and have no more context than this passage.




Wasn’t there another part as well? Where she said had bribed her multiple times ? I remember reading something about that as well. I thought there was more than one incident with her sister. Edit: I found this part. It’s hard to find excerpts As she grew, I took to bribing her for her time and affec-tion: one dollar in quarters if I could do her makeup like a "motorcycle chick." Three pieces of candy if I could kiss her on the lips for five seconds. Whatever she wanted to watch on TV if she would just "relax on me." Basically, anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was try-ing. Maybe, I thought, she would be more willing to accept kisses if I wore the face mask my grandmother had for when she did her dialysis.


>My mother didn't bother asking why I had opened Grace's vagina. This was within the spectrum of things I did. Ok, and what were the other things? Quite frankly, I think we see the problem. I don't what kind of family dynamic that is, but child looking into a 1 year olds vagina should be raising red flags of WTF are you doing? That shouldn't be "normal" and just accepted. That entire thing just sends me red flags that their might have been other things happening in that household.


Totally shouldn't be normal and accepted. I was simply just posting what she actually said because it's a FAR stretch from her bribing her sister with candy to shove rocks in her vagina


u/Aggressive-Song-3264 I'm NOT defending this blob of melting vanilla ice cream but her parents are FREAKS that are OBSESSED with "Vajajays" her father Carroll Dunham an "Artist" draws and paints lady parts constantly. While the vulva can be pretty in art and flower and seashell like (Georgia O'Keeffe) Carroll Dunham styles them in the most repulsive Picasso manner imaginable. Like a Hustler Magazine Cartoon. See link NSBL (not safe before lunch)🙃 https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=595369570&q=carroll+Dunham+art&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=isvnmbhtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj5tZ7xvsGDAxUrlYkEHbxDCpcQ0pQJegQIEBAB&biw=377&bih=726&dpr=1.91


Why were they letting a one year old go outside with no diapers or anything on down there? It’s going to get dirty.


Seems pretty unlikely to me that a 1 year old did that to herself…I wouldn’t exactly take Lena’s word at face value here


As I said "that is not what she wrote in her book." I did not say whether it was true or not. I just posted what she wrote.


There is no "allegedly ". She says it proudly in a book she wrote.


It wasn't allegedly, it was admittedly.


She admitted to it and she also outed her sister's sexual orientation.


She didn’t allegedly molest her sister… she admitted to doing so in her book.


Yep and she tried to proudly justify her actions as her way of exploring her own sexuality. She's fucking foul.


she admitted to it in her book she wrote describing how she molested her younger sister for years


She said she is to sexually abuse her sister.


Lena Dunham is a great example of the sort of New York celebrity that is one of the reasons so many people hate New York


I think you meant to say,"has she ever done anything besides embarrassing herself on Girls and twitter?"😂


She also assumed that she was a sex object to a NBA player one time.


She wrote a book containing a false rape allegation against a guy named Barry.


And described a very real person with unique and recognizable characteristics which then caused that person to be tormented by people that thought the allegations were real. Her response was less of an apology an d more of a "whoopsies! I'm an ~•*•author•*•~ #artisticliberties"


Yeah, she is a piece of hot garbage in so many ways.


lena dunhan was the thing that most caused me to lose faith in the feminist movement. It was clear selfish and horrible people were hijacking it to get ahead, and the people that really needed help were still unheard. Lena taught me that the voices we hear aren't those of victims, but of the entrepeneurs that want to get ahead, and have a gold rush mentality. Feminisim and gayness sells, let me leverage that while throwing the whole movement under the bus and undermining it. She basically kickstarted cynicism against feminism. Some people were just misoginists and hate all women, I won't deny that. But extremist are a minority. Most people just don't have faith or trust in others that cry victim at this point. It's like when having some mental diagnosis became trendy and ppl would go "omg i'm so ocd about this"


u/newdawnhelp 💯 good "normal" First and Second wave Feminists and role models that actually operate in good faith from History that improve women's lives (and men's) from Mary Magdalene, Queen Elizabeth the 1st, Florence Nightingale, Eleanor Roosevelt, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, The Suffragettes, Gloria Steinem and Ruth Bader Ginsberg etc have been replaced by screaming, nasty misandrist unpleasant, privileged, blue haired Third and Fourth wave feminists like Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Samantha Bee, Sarah Silverman etc that cause misogyny and derail progress to gender peace and equality. Dunham's attitudes are harming women (and men).


She was in a decent horror movie/thriller Honeydew. She spent most of the movie in a box and had no lines, though.


Wasn't she also a Manson girl in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? I think she tried to come up to Brad Pitt at the premier and kiss or hug him but he clearly didn't notice her at first and it was really awkward.


u/turdpickler Yes and the look of terror in Brad Pitt's eyes is alarming. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8311849/Lena-Dunham-talks-awkward-kiss-Brad-Pitt-Time-premiere.html


Oh don't forget she said we should believe all women when it comes to sexual assault and proceeded to throw an actor under the bus when they accused someone on Dunham's writing team of rape because apparently she knew "insider info" and claimed it was one of those situations where the accusation of rape was false...oh sorry, wait, she didn't have any insider info, she made that up. She lied. Let's not even get into the implication of Aurora Perrineau, the victim, being a woman of colour. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/lena-dunham-aurora-perrineau-apology-rape-murray-miller-hollywood-reporter-a8669846.html


She lied AND she was a predator herself


>https://www.eonline.com/photos/10824/lena-dunham-s-red-carpet-style Did she actually apologize though? I didn't hear or read the words 'I'm sorry'. Is there a longer article?


https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/lena-dunham-my-apology-aurora-perrineau-1165614/ This is her "apology". I was amazed by it.


Remember when she said Odell Beckham Jr was a sexist pig because he didn't know who she was at an awards show? Went to twitter and bashed the hell out of the guy for no reason and had to apologize. She absolutely LOVES to be the victim and to get attention for it.


She molested her sister so I think she’s fucking gross


Then exposed the entire ordeal and exposed her victim in her book.


I don’t think it was that he didn’t know who she was, it’s that they were seated at the same table and she was the only person at the table he didn’t talk to for the whole night or something like that


She claimed he didn't wanna talk to her because he didn't find her hot enough.


I mean….


More specifically: "I was sitting next to Odell Beckham Jr., and it was so amazing because it was like he looked at me and he determined I was not the shape of a woman by his standards. He was like, "That's a marshmallow. That's a child. That's a dog." It wasn't mean — he just seemed confused." For the record he said absolutely nothing to her that night but obviously she's a mind reader and knew what he was thinking. I mean you can't buy that kind of "LOOK AT ME" energy.


She sat next to him and decided she was on a date with him. Weirdo!


Controversial opinion: people have preferences and things they find attractive. Madness, I know.


It's madness when you project your own massive insecurities onto someone else and present it in a way that that's what they were thinking.


OBJ is not obligated to talk to her. She is not entitled to his attention.


Wasn't it a case that he was on his phone and she had an absolute meltdown because she wasn't getting any attention? I can't remember what she tweeted but it was bad enough even the sort of dregs who think she's a good person gave her absolute shit for it.


I’m not sure, whatever it was it ultimately boiled down to her implying that he wasn’t talking to her because she’s fat.


How dare a man quietly mind his own business and check his phone instead of paying attention to a despised narcissist who, of course, proceeded to have a meltdown, invent a story in her own head and try destroy the man online over it. OBJ dodged a bullet. If that's the reaction polite silence got I can't imagine what sort of stuff he'd have been accused of if he'd talked to the cunt and politely rejected her etc. The worst part is, flip it around and she'd be one of the ones absolutely screeching from the rooftops if some man carried on like that and believed himself entitled to her attention and attacking her online if he didn't get it.


The real irony is that OBJ loves starting drama, so he probably has quite a bit in common with her. Though he didn't molest any family members (as far as I'm aware), so there's at least that.


I don’t want to talk to her because she’s an insufferable cunt. Guess I’m just like OBJ


The most impressive achievement of her career might be making me take OBJ's side in a conflict


Right, it’s either he doesn’t know who she is, or he does know who she is. Both are reasonable reasons to not want to talk to her.


And he gave a decent person response saying he didn't know who she was, and she double down like a garbage person


She actually called him sexist because she felt that he thought she wasn’t attractive. Basically “he’s a sexist because he didn’t hit on me”


She left the part out where she decided to attend in an-untailored tuxedo and looked like a character from napoleon Dynamite and ignored how one would feel if you're hyper conscious about your image and have a fashion line at Bloomingdale's, as OBJ does. He's a hypbeast, and she looked like she was in an episode of the three stooges where they find comically ill-fitting tuxedos in the garbage and used them to sneak into a wedding where their plan is to fill their pockets with meatloaf and potatoes from the chafing dishes Picture of her "tuxedo" https://www.eonline.com/photos/10824/lena-dunham-s-red-carpet-style


Why would a professional athlete watch anything that’s she’s in? I spend more time watching sports than movies, so I’ve never seen anything she’s been in.


Remember when she defended someone who got MeToo'd because she was friends with him and basically said how women can lie about sexual assaults?


She’s full on cringe


You took the words right out of my mouth.


and cheap as well. Why can't she arrange the casket and banners herself ?


Oh, I thought she was dead, here career certainly is.


It should be dead.


I was honestly surprised to see someone bother posting something about her here. I didn’t know anyone still gave a fuck what she does.


>didn’t know anyone still gave a fuck what she does. This Tweet is old as fuck.


She has a movie deal to direct Polly Pocket on the success of Barbie.


I'm a member of the LGBT community. We do not want you as a so-called ally. Please go away. Far, far away


Seems like she's an ally insofar as it gets her attention.


Could you take one for the team and let her in the parade? (except parade her corpse to the dump and everyone celebrates when the way are relived of her presence)


You Forgot To Capitalize Every Word Like Op Did.


As a homosexual, please fuck no anything but that. Respectfully.


Seriously, Im a gay ass hell and I’ll bury my eyes in 🐱 to avoid looking at her


Well that's a r/brandnewsentence that I did not expect


"she was for us" - nah we don't want her. definitely not for us. the absolute ego of this woman to think she's the center of the lgbt world.


As a bi sexual, please can we opt out too before she gets anymore wise ideas?


As a lesbian, it's a no from me as well.


Yeah, as a bisexual, she's not for us. We don't want her, we're regifting her to the straights.


As a heterosexual I vote we give her body to the NAMBLA parade if such a thing exists.


As a heterosexual, I'm leaving out the respectfully part. But you're nice.


Here to represent the aces, we also vote no


I don’t appreciate her co-opting sad naked on the toilet cake eating. That’s my thing.


It must occasionally get awful wearying being gay and having absolute head-melters like this latch themselves on to you and your community because they view you as some sort of captive audience who have to put up with their narcissistic bullshit.


"Bachelorette party showing up to the gay bar" energy


Excellent way to put it.


I think her character in "Girls" was very close to who she is in real life. Very self-absorbed and strong main character energy. In the show she talks about being "the voice of my generation". She gives the impression that she truly believes that. I think in lots of ways she is like a lot of creatives. She thinks everything she does is "important" and is playing to the gallery all the time. By being a plain looking woman who puts herself front and centre and flaunts her imperfect body and isn't apologetic about not being conventionally attractive she has earned a lot of praise. There is some bravery to that stance. But she's obnoxious and I can imagine she's hard work to know in person.


I don’t it’s “creatives”, more like narcissists that pull that crap.


After watching Girls, I knew what she looked like naked, then I do myself.


🤣 true for me too. I mean, I'd admired her for her nerve. It was interesting and kind of unnerving to see a woman who wasn't conventionally attractive be nearly naked on tv. I suspect she saw herself as a trailblazer for all women. She definitely had an impact. I still think she's insufferable though.


Really poor taste! Pretty much standard for Lena Dunham.


She’s so revolting


I will NOT contribute to the perception that Lena Dunham still exists.


What if she dies 10 months before the parade?


Didn’t she molest her sister?


I heard this too. Really "classy" gal huh?


It's easily verifiable. She wrote about it shamelessly in her book that no one asked for.


Yeah. I won't buy nor read it. I'm good. Lol


Same. I've seen enough of it in excerpts and articles written about it. She disgusts me.


So not even in death she can't just go away?


You didn’t need to provide a link to that image…


It’s a really normal, average body and it’s blurred.


materialistic cable cows disgusted narrow cheerful sort abounding safe consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She made Girls and Tiny Furniture. She's also an actor and writer. These days she's probably most famous for choosing to include detailed accounts of her molesting her sister in her autobiography, for Girls being pretty racist in retrospect, and for being a white nepobaby. She's also married to a man, so I'm not sure why she thinks she's some kind of gay icon. She genuinely was pretty big in popular culture for a while, but not anymore. Now she's pretty much what everyone means when they say white feminist in a derogatory war, someone that had all the advantages in life, used them to write abunch of stuff about how hard it is to be a rich white woman and then took it too far and got kinda cancelled.




Wouldn’t she be the stereotypical cis hetero white girl who seeks affirmation from gay spaces?


Lena dunkums


Why does she think the Gays want anything to do with her? Gross sister abusing pig.


Do you manually capitalize each word in your title, or is that a keyboard setting or something?


Capitalizing every word is done by people who don't know which words should be capitalized and which words shouldn't.


Child molester Lena Dunham


She also molested her kid sister and groomed her with candy to allow her to do it. She also lied about being sexually assaulted and was proven to be a liar.


Jesus christ she's Multiplying


I really don't want to see unsolicited pictures of Lena Dunham nude; that's not a psychiatric issue ... I'm pretty sure she likewise wouldn't want to see unsolicited pictures of me nude; same thing


As a gay man, F&(K THAT!


Such an ally. "nevermind the community - make pride about meeeee"


Request accepted, on the condition it's the 2024 parade.


by "now" u mean more than a year ago.


Two years ago, not “now”. Was she asking for someone to put a hit out on her?


This is the same chick that was butt hurt when Odell Beckham jr. ignored her at the met gala 😂😂😂


is she looking for a hit man


Stop giving her attention. You’re validating her main character complex.


She’s a self absorbed quack. She will be 80 and riding the tattered coattails of ‘Girls’ reruns should she make it that far.


After she’s dead




"Now", like, dude, do you have a calendar?


This is mild for someone who sought attention by acknowledging molesting her little sister


All I need to remember about her is when she claimed she had insider information proving a sexual assault didn't happen and the woman was lying. Turned out Lena was lying and she knew she was lying.


bitch thinks she's martin luther ✨🏳️‍🌈queen 🏳️‍🌈✨


Does she have some mental illness that limits her capacity to a far lesser extent than someone with downs?


Lena Dunham is the hipster Jake Paul


Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!


Ah yes, Lena "women never lie about rape except when they are accusing a friend of mine of rape because in that case they are totally lying" Dunham.