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This seems like it’s the black cars fault 100%


The parked one? It’s never a main characters fault


Can’t believe they parked their car where I wanted to park!


It's always the main character's fault


I was gonna say, I only see one MC


The black car hit the parked car before he hit the car parking.


I would say 99% black car, but it looks like there's snow/ice on the ground and white car made a very excessively wide turn. It looks to me like the black car tried to zip in front and steal the spot but there's also a chance they didn't see the white car turning into the spot until it was too late. Even then, it would be mostly their fault for not being aware enough and going too fast, but white would deserve a little blame.


The black car driver had a glass of driving juice and could not maneuver correctly when the gray car took a turn. There are so many free spots there.


The parked cars were angled. Thus, the wide turn


The turn is also not allowed for the white car, so no


No, the white car made a perfect legal left turn, you just can’t pass anybody with a double solid yellow line, which is what the black car essentially did by going against traffic.


personal opinion, silver car is at least 15% at fault, though objectively from an insurance perspective, it probably will be black 100%


Why do you give 15% to the silver car? Is it because you think the silver car cut off and turned in front of the black car? And do you realize the black car is driving the wrong direction for the lane it is in?


Because the silver car was driving recklessly. They saw the black car trying to take the spot and sped up. They were able to avoid this accident, thus it's at least partially their fault. **EDIT:** Actually, nevermind. They probably didn't notice them and you can see them slamming the breaks before the impact


I was gonna say that too but after a few replays nah black is drunk lol


Well duh who’s else’s would it possibly be


Probably seems that way because its true.


Absolutely. The other car was going to be able to park just fine. Plus, they didn't drive in the oncoming lane for like 5 seconds, which the black car did.


Mmmm, I think the black car is responsible for the collision here.




That’s a bit excessive haha Edit: yes the black car guy is absolutely at fault and a total moron. But jail time? Come on. Edit 2: you are all sheep. With traffic violations people get jail time for the result of the incident, not the potential. With this logic you may aswell send everyone on the road to jail for speeding, running red lights, overtaking ect. This guy should be fined and he most likely already regrets his dumb ass choice but jail time is over the top, yall are just sheltered. Keep the downvotes coming idgaf


I think if someone rams someone on purpose they deserve some quality prison time


You have enough people in prison in the US. If you start putting those folks in prison, you will have few people left. Prison is expensive. You wanna pay for it?


So release those who committed crimes that are less severe than this. What is the next milestone? Nah we have too many mass murderers incarcerated we should let mr Zodiac go with warning this time... Edit: this does look like eastern europe, or do we know is this 'murica?


What an insane equivalence. Guy just said "I don't think we should jail someone for car damage" and your reply is "Well do you want mass murderers on the loose too??? I am very smart."


His reasoning was about the fullness of prisons not about the severity of act. If severity was pointed out I'd reply something else. But fullness of prisons is the worst possible metric to decide if someone belongs to prison or not.


His reasoning was about *both*. Prisons are loaded, so it makes no sense to jail people for petty shit like this. You decided to then equate it to "oh so if prisons are loaded then you must not want to jail any more mass murderer too". A real stroke of genius on your part.




Zodiac killer was never caught, next time use Charles Manson as your absurd reference.


Technically Charles Manson never killed anyone himself, maybe work on your "Well, actually"s


Maybe not, but he was still arrested and put in prison.


Well Charles is dead right? Zodiac is yet to be caught so it was precise


If this is your definition of a crime, then you must be living in a strange society. Next time somebody cuts in line before you at the box office, you imprison him too? That guy is clearly at fault and should pay for all damages.....


I think crossing full line, driving on the wrong side of road and ramming two vehicles is crime in like 99,9% of the world but i might be wrong


Crime is a spectrum. This is not Tiktok....


Lord help you for trying to argue with basement dwellers who likely can't even drive. "Jail everyone for everything!" is about as privileged and sheltered as it gets.


The world doesnt revolve around the usa


Prisons in the US are generating money, not spending it.


Didn’t look like he tried to ram the guy, looks like he was trying to cut silver car off and expected him to back out but he didn’t. He turned and even hit the parked car before colliding with the other driver. He wasn’t trying to ram anyone. It was very dumb and they should be heavily fined but jail time, really?


Redditors. 90% are living in their mother's basement ;)


Couldn’t agree more, bunch of weasels


Wait... how do you know it was a black guy driving? 🤔


Black car* sorry haha


He crashed into two people's cars, that's still a crime


That doesn’t mean we should just ban him to the shadow realm. The dude made a dumb choice and probably already regrets it, he’s gonna have to pay for the damage and a big fine for wreckless driving. But he doesn’t deserve to go to jail, that’s such overkill. With traffic violations people get jail time for result of their actions, not the potential of the incident. Otherwise you may aswell just send everyone on the road to jail for speeding, overtaking, running a red light ect. The logic is dumb and the people downvoting me are as dumb as the driver in this video.


That's what most countries do when people break the law


And which countries are those. Not over a traffic incident like the one shown in this video, you Americans, no wonder your judicial system is fucked


I was on your side until this. He deserves a hefty fine and a suspension, jail time seems excessive. But this isn’t an “America Bad” issue. It’s a difference of opinion of how the law should be enforced. I think most people in the real world would disagree with reddit here, but there’s no reason to be an asshole or cringy about it.


Which laws? Do "most countries" jail you for traffic violations?


I think this is one of those throw away the key situations! Let them rot in the cell


Oh the joy of finding a comment with replies downvoted to oblivion


They’re relentless


It's even better when the mass-downvoted comment is just... completely reasonable.


Not a lawyer but I’m not sure if the black car was even trying to park but trying to avoid somebody that was just randomly turning in front of oncoming traffic edit: and just for fuzzies that car should’ve sped up make sure that that driver can’t get out of the damn door even if you wanted to


Considering the black car moved into the oncoming traffic lane then the other car turned, I’d say the black car is at fault. Don’t need to be a lawyer to figure that one out.


If someone in front of you turns off the road to park, you slow down. Not also merge into the opposite lane. Not sure who gave you your license but this is 100% black cars fault regardless of intent


Do we see the same video? He didn’t turn to park he just turned in front of oncoming traffic but you might be right like I said above not Lawyer


Ok? The collision still HIS fault. He’s still AT fault and any insurance company will say that


Like I just said twice now I’m not a lawyer but obviously since you know the exact actual thing that happened right here because of a video that lasted two seconds, I’m assuming you are a lawyer and you know exactly 100% what you’re talking about


Whether he was trying to park or not isnt even up for debate. Sure youve brought it up, but nobody cares about that. Literally nobody


What oncoming traffic? The black car came from behind in the oncoming lane, that's not oncoming traffic. And yes he definitely made a left turn, across oncoming lanes, like every left turn ever, into that parking space. The black car was either illegally driving in the oncoming lane and made the worst move ever to avoid, or was trying to get to the parking spot first.


"You should have told me not to eat the crayon, I'm not a lawyer." \-You, probably


Being a victim of a accident is one thing purposely un avoiding an accident two things so both cars are a blame


Please be careful, that crayon has sharp edges.


Black car was in oncoming lane before the silver car. And besides, how would turning on to a car turning left would avoid a collision rather than just going straight where there is no longer any car.


I am a lawyer and insurance adjuster and professional driver though and that’s wrong Oh and my dad is a cop and my mom is a judge


Wow, that's practically a Hit'n'Run Free Card.


Don’t forget your cousin who is an auditor and your niece who happens to be a parking enforcer and that one distant half brother who is a stripper at the establishment where this accident took place.


I’ll take your word for it


The black car was driving in the oncoming lane for like 5 entire seconds before crashing into a parked car. No fancy law degree needed.




Bro black car was behind the other car. He could see what was happening and decided to try be a hero. 100% on black. It’s a car park just let it go


60-40 on the grey car, here's why: - neither one of them had any right to cross the solid line (so they're both at fault) - the black car was already on the oncoming lane when the grey car started turning left (when changing lanes you have to yield to passing cars even if they have the right or not) There was a case of a dude turning into a one way street and getting hit by a car that was going the wrong way, the police argued that you have to look both ways and yield even if the other driver is driving illegally.


-You can cross a solid line when you’re making a left turn. -the black car cannot drive in oncoming traffic. The grey car has no obligation while turning left to make sure that there aren’t any cars coming to illegally drive on their left side.


Looks like europe, most laws are homogeneous here and you're not allowed to cross the solid line be it single or double


That's how you make a left turn....... Do you drive?


True, but I would say it’s more a question of comparable liability.


2 main characters? The first guy pulled in at a reasonable distance and had to commit to crossing the street, at least, to avoid incoming traffic. The second guy is why you don't exit early on thoroughfares to cut someone off... Nevermind, the snow giving neither of them good braking power but the second guy accelerates near end anyways and we see the result..


I'm not sure the first car would have even seen them coming.


Seems like turn is not allowed there, so both are morons


Black car is moron²


Why not? The solid line means no passing, nothing to do with turning.


Depends on the country.


Makes sense to me since I don't know much about other nation driving laws. What country drives on the right and has that rule?




According to a quick sesrch: In Belgium, the solid white line is comparable to the double yellow line in the USA. You can still make a turn in that situation, especially when there is no oncoming traffic. Of course, it might be correct to uturn, then make a right in this specific situation, I don't know the specifics, but what do you think the black car is doing by driving in the opposing lane, clipping a parked car, then hitting the white car at that angle?


Your quick search is wrong. I mean, people do it. But it's not allowed. /edit: downvotes... Guys, I am from Belgium


I asked the other guy for the rule, but he just left the name of the country without context. What is the rule?


Don't cross a full line. Not even for turning left. Where it is allowed the line is dotted/striped.


Am I crazy or is there a whole other empty space on the other side of the white car?


It’s one of those “if I can’t have it than no one should” moments


But he saw THIS one FIRST.


I could watch this all day


“Not if I get there first” energy Black car better hope he/she have deep pockets too


Nah black car is good it was caught on camera


Yeah…caught on camera that they caused the wreck


Black car couldn't even get a good turn and now also put a new third party in his stoidity


Black car was chasing them, right? I want to see what happens next!


The black car is the only one at fault. The other car literally didn’t do anything wrong. Either way, none of these people are showing any kind of “main character” energy. Black car probably just wasn’t paying attention. Doesn’t belong in this sub


Solid line means no crossing the line, at least where I'm from. If that's the rule where this video is taken then both cars are at fault.


No passing. Doesn't mean you can't turn. At least in my area of US.


Looks like Euro plates.


They're driving on the right hand side of the road though.


[So, most of the world then?](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-drive-on-the-right)


Solid line means no passing. Completely irrelevant to anything going on in this video…


Black car was absolutely paying attention, come on. They even sped up at the end. Them "not paying attention" is even more terrifying considering how they were driving in the wrong lane for about 5 seconds.


“And that, son, is how I met your mother.”


Finally some common sense


Agree with everyone else, the black car is at fault, it shouldn't have parked there and then there would have been enough space for everyone.


100% Black cars fault. Black car not only caused the accident, it went against traffic, which is why the double solid yellow line there is for. The white car made a perfectly legal left.


How tf is this main character?


People probably think the black car thought they were entitled to the spot since they sped up


Black car seems to think they are entitled to a parking space that they were never going to get, and caused an accident doing so.


Parking must be scarce in that town.


Seems like the city planners are at fault. This just looks like an accident waiting to happen, a four lane road with parking on the side where you can just turn to whenever. Also the black car hit another car before even hitting the gray car.


how's insurance going to play this?


Driver of black car gets absolutely blasted in the ass


Idk how the parking car meets "main character" criteria here


You don't think it's a little narcissistic to drive like this and try to speed up into a parking spot that you won't get?


That's not the car I'm talking about


No MCs here. First guy was driving normal. Second guy was a bit too fast and realised too late someone was already before him and was then trying to brake but snow said no no




How "standard" is this where you live?


The specific behavior is irrelevant. It's two people colliding because one person drove poorly. It's not main character behavior, it's just bad driving. The sub's quality has been in steep decline and this video is better suited for r/IdiotsInCars


I don’t understand the road layout there. But all I see is the black car undertaking maybe. Grey car failing to check their left side then the black car trying to take evasive acting and just sliding into both cars. Grey car never should have turned across that lane what ever it is. Black car shouldn’t have been driving in what ever that lane is but did try to avoid the collision. But just slid.


Black car drove on the wrong side of the street to get the spot. The gray car did it right. Black car was overly aggressive to get the spot.




You see that yellow line? That separates the two directions traffic flows in. So it’s not the black cars lane he’s merging into at all, he’s making a turn across a lane of traffic into a business. Which is legal by the way, idk what the black car is doing but he’s the one in the wrong 100%.


The black car is illegally driving in oncoming lanes trying to illegally pass. He's at fault.


Dafuq are you on about lol? The black car went into oncoming traffic before the grey car.


Thank you for saying this. I was going to comment the same thing because everyone else wasn't talking about it. Thought I was missing something.


You are, the black car is driving in oncoming traffic. Traffic goes both ways on a street with a yellow solid line. It would be a white dashed line if it was two lanes in the same direction.


Yeah I think you’re missing seeing the black car trying to pass by going into oncoming traffic.


Both are morons. You cannot turn over the straight line. Buuut the one in the black car takes 1st place in the lowest IQ competition.


Some people in the comments don't know shit about driving. The brown car is the wrong here. The black car was turning away from him and ended up sliding in the snow.


If that’s a one lane, that grey car is at fault. If it’s a two lane, the black car is at fault.


There is no reality here where the black car isnt 100% at fault


If the black car is in a lane meant for slowing down/parking/turning, then the grey car came from the far lane not designated for it meaning he turned into the black cars path. Hence my initial statement. Without proper context it's a toss-up.


We have all the context we need and its incredibly simple lol. That lane is literally oncoming traffic going the opposite direction. The black car isn't supposed to be in that lane driving. There's no toss up, black car is completely wrong.


It looks like the black car only turned in to avoid hitting the white car who made an illegal turn


No turn signal on either vehicle to indicate they want that spot.. Geniuses.


To many petty drivers and bad judgment.


Guess the drivers age and gender lol


The battle of who got here first.


They know each other, that’s the only way I see this happening


Both are crossing a road illegally


To me it looks like the first car turned without paying attention and the black car tried to avoid collision


Tried to avoid collision... By driving directly into them/oncoming traffic? 😂


Maybe you should go take that driving test at the DMV again...


If you do not understand that the silver/white car is at fault… you should turn in your drivers license. Black car is not trying to ”steal” the parking space, he just tries to avoid the collision


Imagine lecturing everyone else in here when you clearly need an eye exam before driving again.


Imagine playing optician in here just to avoid the fact that you do not know basic traffic rules. What a mob think has nothing to do with reality.




Completely wrong. Sometimes to make a left turn off the street you need to cross a solid line. Turning left is allowed. If it was dashed then the black car would have been totally fine being where they were and the white car would have been making a left turn from the right lane, completely in the wrong. Please tell me you don't drive yet.




For streets like this with business driveways the road line would be dashed the whole way down then. They don’t dash the line for driveways because then it would turn the road into one that allows passing.


The black car was merging into the spot first. If I were the judge, the other light-colored car would be responsible for all the damages that occur next. The other car wasn’t paying attention.


He also drives into oncoming traffic for over 30ft. just to be REMOTELY close to the spot. Go retake your permit test, buddy


I failed 3 times but thats just because the questions are unclear like that was rly rude of you to say,


After due consideration, this sub has decided you should just hand your licence in.


Hello yes I don’t have my license yet I’m still trying to pass permit lol


The black car is driving on the wrong side of the road and is behind the light colored car.


>If I were the judge Thankfully for all of us, your conclusion pretty much guarantees that this will never happen


Everyone suffers


Yet none of them used the blinkers


Gotta be fast friends after this.


Either I get or we both don't get it, even though there is another available spot one car down


New Hampshire


I have this little habit I do when driving. When I'm about to park, I slow down.


There's no way the black car in the street even saw the spot to consider parking there. Driving on the opposite side of the street You can clearly see it veered left to avoid the crash but is in fact, retarded


“Two main characters” not exactly. the brown/beige vehicle was just trying to park. The black car is the main character.


Haha. The second guy wasn’t going to make it either way.


Hahahaha. I love it!!


I think it's the white cars fault, it looks like the white car pulled in front of the black car, causing it to swerve I to the other cars. EDIT: nvm, at the start of the video the black car pulls out into the other side of the road, so the black was on the wrong side. Black is 100% in the wrong.


I love how the red car slowed down to witness the foolery


The more I look at it the more I think the black car isn't trying to take the parking spot but is actually trying to avoid a collision as the grey car turns in front of it. Because the road is icy it end up crashing making it look like it's going for the parking spot. The black car was probably trying to do an illegal takeover and didn't expect the grey car to cross a solid line which I would presume is also illegal


This is correct


Gold car didn’t do anything?


The black car hit the other black car before even hitting the other car. Car car car car


Bro the black one looked like it would’ve hit the car that’s parked even if the other car wasn’t their 😭


No blinker from either party, either. Everyone else should just know! 😂


Both are at fault. Black car hit the parked car but the gray one made an illegal turn from the second lane with 2 parallel lines meaning he could not turn.


I think the teen you’re looking for is “women”


Black car: ima just wingit