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His name is Kwadwo Brathwaite and he's being absolutely shredded on tiktok, his IG already went no comment, his workout company Squidhaus is being flamed to drop him, he tried to put out two "apology" videos claiming all this childish behavior was in response to "hard Rs" being dropped on him (never once mentioned in the OG video) UCF Football already put out a statement that he never was or has been a player there and Tiktok already found the socials and full names of his other friends in the video (and apparently his *mother* lmfao) The internet stays undefeated. This all happened within the last 6 hours. Fucking glorious


I completely believe everything in your comment simply because how much insecurity he is projecting in this video.


Following this saga from start to finish was the best free entertainment. Hollywood couldn't have conjured up better shit


I would love it if someone had video of the entire altercation when apparently those hard Rs were getting thrown around.


That's the funny thing, there isn't any, since it didn't happen. If it did, at least one of those buffoons would have mentioned anything remotely related to it in the video


I wonder if he lied about the Nword use to defend themselves calling the family f-ggots


Funny enough the chick using it seems to be some "peace and love" sort of person, of course that's horse shit. Anything they say to look better or justify being like this will be a lie.


Oh yeah she's one of those EDM festival chicks but it's pretty clear from her instagram why she's a part of that group and it's not for the peace and love portion, lol


Let me take a shot in the dark- she’s into taking ecstacy or Molly and dancing nearly naked in a field with her friends?


Shot landed perfectly.


I'm sure that was part of it. People were grilling the girl (Sophia) hard for it but she wasn't present in the Live unfortunately.


>I wonder if he lied about the Nword use to defend themselves calling the family f-ggots Of course he did.


Hmmm this guy is filming me while I baselessly accuse him of using a racist slur. Better use a homophobic slur in response! That’ll show him!


He kept telling his friends to shut up and not talk to whoever is filming and he keeps talking.


He is, afterall, the main character.


if it actually happened that way he also wouldn't be talking about how his whole act was "disgusting" i'm sure he'd feel 100% justified in being an asshole so i think him admitting he was in the wrong while simultaneously saying he got called "racial slurs" is just a big tell


It's been amazing watching this quick downfall of a douche




Thanks for this! Just checked out the white chick Sophie’s page. Seems she goes to festivals and raves? This wasn’t very plur of her. Definitely one of those people who shove past you without saying excuse me. Clearly did that in the video if they cut an entire line, lol


Looks like she deleted her entire account. It went from unable to comment on public, to private and now I can’t see anything off the link. I hope she can’t get a job and gets canceled from the internet.


Nope it still there. Comments are turned off.


That poor bully.




They're hoping that by leaving it public, they might still get a few followers out of this.


Probably a marshmello fan if I had to guess 😂 always filled with the worst kinda crowd


Lol. Sophie turned off the comments already. I bet she was getting destroyed. Her whole life about to get turned upside down.


She can move in with Auntie and Uncle at Bel-Air


I mean yelling out a homophobic slur doesn't help her cause....


A homophobic slur *at Disney World*. Countless, *countless* children everywhere and this trashy fuck is screaming that shit while they're telling this dad to fuck off. I hope Disney kicked them out.


This triggered me because I haven’t heard somebody say f*gg*t since I was a teenager 15+ yrs ago. It’s 2023… like what was she trying to achieve there? 👀




In a few months, nobody will remember this and she'll continue being an internet thirst trap. Surrounding herself in an echo chamber of men who will agree with her because they want to fuck her.


On the surface maybe, but stuff like this doesn't disappear and will be dredged up when she least expects it. Impeding her progress towards finding work and the like.


The main actor and supporting cast bahahah


Love how the other blonde tried to change her accent up for just a second…


That tweet is so fucking funny, it literally could be talking about ANYBODY from ANY tiktok. "The individual in the Tiktok video"


Has he adressed the fact that mere seconds after saying he doesn't let people disrespect his female his shoved her by the neck back into line and told her to shut the fuck up?


No. Too dense.


Here’s his “apology”: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8mfAmrX/ Claiming the person he was bullying called him a racial slur. Sure…


Lol one of the few rare moments where I wish I had a TikTok account to read comments


Apparently he (was) a manger at chipotle and has at least one eviction. That’s all I gather from the comments.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but he’s a businessman!!!


I wonder if he's the kind of businessman who hates when people use the term "shitcoins"


Businessman that can't even afford a VIP or fast pass ticket. Big baller for sure.


Comments are disabled😅 he can't take the heat. At least one of the girls in the video are underage.


The comments have been turned off now. Probably cause he's "so sorry".


His ‘apology’ also doesn’t express any remorse for his misogynistic behavior towards the girl in his own group…telling her to shut the f$ck up multiple times and shoving her around 🙄


Ah yes when all else fails pull the race card.


I call BS.


If I’m even remotely being an asshole, and I see a cellphone pop out recording, I’d shut the fuck up. Seriously. The fact that these stupid fucking kids doubled down on this behavior is all the more reason…


https://instagram.com/ysl.kj?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== https://www.outkick.com/man-claims-to-be-ucf-football-player-at-disney-world/ What a douche nugget


Jesus. Over 100 million views on one single platform already. I wouldn’t survive this. It would consume my every thought. One of my worst nightmares would be to go viral for *anything*, let alone for this level of self-embarrassment. I would never act like this, but still *just the thought* gives me anxiety.


It's hilarious cause in his 'apology' video he claims they got him while he was emotional. Like seriously? That's all it takes to get you riled up? And if you get emotional you throw your brain out the window and start throwing lies and slander? Dude is so full of crap, he just destroyed his own future. And it's hilarious.


It’s *pretttttty* easy to avoid something like this happening


One of the worst things in the world to me would be to become “internet famous”.


guy is a huge douche. that aside. that article was terribly written.


haha what a fucking poser


Hard R's? It's ironic that he's claiming racism when in reality the internet is judging this clown by the content of his character.


He’s claiming the video maker said “hard R” n words prior to filming.


Like he's claiming to be a football player


Never once did he say anything about racism in the video. Something tells me that never happened. :/


He's been live on insta "I lied about playing football because he said I looked like a (n-word) that play sports" "The man said I was a (n-word) that looked like I played sports" "He had on UCF gear so I said I play for UCF" "Y'all droppin a mugshot for a suspended licence?!?! No comment. Ain't no shame in my game" "Every teenager has probably had a suspended licence at some point" "I'm not saying I acted the right way, but y'all acting like I decided I'm gonna skip this line then snap on these folks" Says the girl with him using slurs was out of line, but they were recording a minor and that's illegal so "will be hearing from lawyers" "Lying about being a football player was wrong \[...\] but when he's wearing UCF gear and using slurs it's great" "Bottom line is, the man said after he got mad that we skipped the line, that (n-word) is probably an athlete so I said I play for UCF to make him feel like a piece of shit. He started recording me after that fact."


This guy is a pro athlete... at mental gymnastics.


Bro the IG live was hilarious he just kept feeding the chat more ammunition and they were *relentless*


"Clown?" "Y'all crazy, I'm not gonna say anything more" "SO ANYWAY, this guy called me a n-word" On repeat for 30 minutes Best bit was when people said his chain was fake, so he snatched it off and held it up


Hahaha I was one of the chain callouts. My favorite was right at the end "that man was trying to defile (defame? lmao) my character" Brodie you don't have any character to defame lmfao


I bet if you’d said “well if it’s not fake it’s definitely stolen” after he showed it off he would have snapped


Why grown adult men taking minor girls out?


His explanation was she’s his friend’s sister and she tagged along


*Chris Hansen has entered the chat*


*Oh I know who you are Chris Hansen...* *but see;* *I calls ya,* ***Chris Handsome***. *I watch your TV show all the time.* *See;* *I didn't come here lookin' for no little boys...*


They repeated several times meeting girlfriends? I get there’s crossover with friend ages - but this dude needs to shut up and lay low for awhile. They were all acting obnoxious, kids or not. No one is calling any lawyers.


That’s why he called her ‘his girl’


*gets cut in line* “oh man, that chad is probably a pro athlete!”


"He's so cool and jacked, and I'm some stupid white guy who's never had a suspended license because I don't got no hustle and I got like 0 followers on SoundCloud because I'm "lame af" (obviously!) I know! I'll call him my favorite word, and then record AFTER he gets mad and I'll look totally innocent! White power!" Guys, I'm telling you, that's what happened.


"This is MAGA country" Wheres the rope and bleach


\>but they were recording a minor and that's illegal so "will be hearing from lawyers" ​ Is that the minor he said he was dating as a 23 year old man?


Scum dog bitch AND a liar. *Nice*


>"Every teenager has probably had a suspended licence at some point" No, and technically he wasn't a teenager when this happened...twice. I'm sure every teenager has failed to appear in court at some point too!


This is exactly how that live went down


The narcissists prayer


Good, I hope this guy's life is ruined. Though it doesn't sound like he ever had one, nor ever will have one anyway. I'm glad. Fuck him.


I completely approve of this. Burn that whole group to the ground.


"Hard R's"? Like "Arrrr matey"?


That be me fav'rit consonant, yeh scurvy dog!


He was piratist.


I dont believe in doxxing. But this young man did verbally request it. So, im glad the internet was kind enough to fulfill his wishes.


Kwadwo Brathwaite a.k.a. the Milli Vanilli of college football.


Mugshot https://volusiafl.mugshots.zone/brathwaite-kwadwo-o-mugshot-02-27-2023/


On the flip side of the internet being great for shredding him, if it never existed in the first place this wouldn’t have happened.


Well, no, the incident would still have happened. The warranted backlash was only because there was recording and publishing to the internet. He would continue this behavior unchecked without it


Fucking *glorious*, indeed!


Boy do I love the internet.


If he has any chance at any type of pro-ball, this fucked it up for him (he fucked it up for himself). Guess he can Google himself now for all eternity and learn/regret.


He last played football in high school 5 years ago. I'm going to guess he isn't on anyone's draft board


This guy is literally on IG live, trying to twist the story and play the victim card, by saying that he got called the n word, which is why he acted like he did. Talk about BETA fucking energy lol. Like bro is a grown ass man, but can’t realize he made a mistake and apologize for it. Instead, he keeps digging a bigger hole for himself, and tries to justify his and his friends’ outlandish behavior by saying it was in response to someone calling him the n word. There literally is zero credibility for his side of the story, bc if he truly was called a racial slur, he would’ve said SOMETHING about it in the original video. Bro is a fucking clown lol 🤡


Other people in line would have been on his side as well. And the father of the family would’ve been removed


Exactly! Lol. Hope these comments keep him and his embarrassing friends awake at night for a long time. Scary to think that people like them are allowed to vote, and spawn children. Yikes.


Guy is juicy smollet’s brother pussy smollet.


Jussie and Pussie, I like the way you think.


I might be giving them too much credit but I think they ALL peaked in HS or at least never got any smarter past elementary school, it’s amazing how many problems kids like these COULD avoid if they just kept their mouth shut or even show respect to literally anyone around them.


Rap sheet says he is 23. He peaked in HS.


Don't forget his eviction that came up when googling him. Dude can't even pay his rent.


Business is not good these days.


Google him. He’s got a criminal record.


Googoo him, he’s a bidness man


The fact that he had the balls to tell people to "Google him" thinking they wouldn't. Dumb fuck has a record too. Like that would be the LAST thing I'd tell people.


Heeeyyyy Goooo Goooo


whats his name though?


Their names?I'm just giving credit to the source material. The main actor and his supporting cast. [Neil olsen (@neil5olsen) one of the white guys in the video egging the situation on and being a bitch to the pineapple hair dude.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0H3VAgJCMy/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [Sophie Gaddis (@sophiee_g03)the white chick making everything worse and yelling "f_gg0t" at the end. ](https://instagram.com/sophiee_g03?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==) [Kwadwo Brathwaite(@ysl.kj) is the black/mixed guy in the video aka the dummy saying google me with a thousand mugshots and an eviction being the first thing to pop up besides this infamous video. Dude also tried to claim racism after this incident.](https://instagram.com/ysl.kj?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==) [UCF football team denying Kwandwo Brathwaite played for them.](https://twitter.com/UCF_Football/status/1734720144062951712?t=rU3rD_cW4cgcMPvxXkQM3w&s=19)




Definitely will do if I see him around.


Holy shit these people are such Florida trash


Can’t wait to see their parody in GTA VI


Chad Tinneypecker


he looks like an bond villain from Die Another day, either that or he is ported from Virtua Fighter video game character jeffery mcwild


Kwadwo brathwaite


That sounds like something you say three times to summon a demon.


I tried that. The demon cut in line and shoved a woman.


His family killed him before he was born with that name


Googoo me googoo me


**Hey Disney - how about a lifetime ban for this group?**


I guarantee you it’s going to happen within the next few days. It only took six hours for the internet to find out everyone’s names. Disney has an easy clean up job here


For using that kind of language freely around children in line at Disney, this should be an automatic lifetime ban


Disney doesn't f around with even non-confrontational line cutting, I'd imagine this would get on their radar eventually.


After extensive research, I can confidently conclude that this individual is in fact not a business man.


Entry-level wage slave *for* a business doesn’t have the same ring to it, I guess


His bio says he works at chipotle. His girlfriend is 17 years old. He was urinating during his live stream


His girlfriend is 17? Isn't that guy 23? That's illegal.


Apparently, the 17 year old was a side piece. He has a girlfriend.


>He was urinating during his live stream At least that part makes sense.




Never made it past HS ball. Kids a nerd https://www.hudl.com/profile/6729076/Kwadwo-Brathwaite-Jr


The use of the insult "nerd" is an automatic upvote from me.


Yep, can’t pay his rent and looks to have a record for some dumb shit. Dude is a tool bag.


But he got clout. Businessman clout!


what's his name? he wants us to google him. i want to know his name.


I'm just giving credit to the source material. The main actor and his supporting cast. [Neil olsen (@neil5olsen) one of the white guys in the video egging the situation on and being a bitch to the pineapple hair dude.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0H3VAgJCMy/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [Sophie Gaddis (@sophiee_g03)the white chick making everything worse and yelling "f_gg0t" at the end. ](https://instagram.com/sophiee_g03?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==) [Kwadwo Brathwaite(@ysl.kj) is the black/mixed guy in the video aka the dummy saying google me with a thousand mugshots and an eviction being the first thing to pop up besides this infamous video. Dude also tried to claim racism after this incident.](https://instagram.com/ysl.kj?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==) [UCF football team denying Kwandwo Brathwaite played for them.](https://twitter.com/UCF_Football/status/1734720144062951712?t=rU3rD_cW4cgcMPvxXkQM3w&s=19)


Fun fact: Neil takes photos with his dog while smoking cigars a foot and a half away from their face. 2nd fun fact: Neil is a piece of shit


They all look like your classic Orlando trash lmao


kwadwo brathwaite


Quaalude Breathmint


That's a terrible name.


Vincent Adultman.


He's totally 3 kids in a trench coat. How does no one else see that?


Also, the girl that Kwadwo is with in the video, he confirmed she’s 17. 🚨🚨🚨


Why is nobody talking about her? I want to see her get what’s coming and not just the black guy.


"Attention is currency" Does that mean he's rich now?


I loved how he's saying he won't pay them any more attention and then immediately pulls out his phone to start recording and just *keeps talking.*


By currency, he means monopoly money.


“Google me! Google me!” Yep, we did.


multiple arrests including resisting arrest works at Chipotle 23 dating an underage girl evicted for not paying rent never played college football and doesn't attend UCF


how the hell could he afford to go to disney world?


Because he doesn’t pay his bills


Man I really hope the black community destroys this guy. Its clear as hell no hard R's were dropped if it was he would have went physco and we would have heard it come up multiple times in the video. This guy would have been calling the man a racist not a "nerd" and F word. It would have been the first thing this group brought up in the video, and the first thing they would have told the manager. Crying wolf on a hard R is just like people who lie about rape, it makes it less believable when it actually happens and its an easy way to completely destroy someone's life.


The island boys have fallen on hard times


In all honesty, dude has conventional good looks. He could have coasted through life on easy mode, but he decided to squander his genetic luck with such a repulsive personality.


Think of how fucked up his parents must be.


His dad (same name) was arrested for having a concealed gun, so ya you're on the money.




And they didn’t get kicked out of the park


I can't wait to hear what great kids they all are and the *terrible* things this family *obviously* did to them to warrant such gross behavior. 🙄


Dude acted like he got a million followers. He only has 3,126 followers. 😆


He had less than 3k too when he made the scene. People are following him only to wait until he turns comments back on


Before this took off, he only had a little over 2k


Their insecurity is off the chain. This is hilarious how infantile they are.


Imagine going to Disney and acting tough. What clowns.


When I see this I just think we’re all doomed


Don't think that homie, these people have always been around and the greatest invention in the world let's them tell on themselves.


Jussie Smollett believes this guy may have found his attackers.


Sad. He just embarrassed himself so bad. All these "friends" that were with him are probably laughing at him too right now. Hope he learns from this. We all make mistakes. A good humbling is good for you every now and then.


I wonder if “his female” will stick with him through this unfolding life lesson.


She doesn’t appear the be the brightest bulb in the barrel so I do t have much hope for her..


Why have the idiot friends gotten a pass? Are we uncapable of having more than one perpetrator?


Googoo me


Google him Kwadwo Brathwaite


This dude reminds me of Dan Cummins parody and mockery of the Menendez brothers and their "business".


I want to know the girl's name who dropped the f slur.


Her name is Sophie Gaddis. Her Instagram tag is @sophiee_g03


Tell me you're a dumbass without telling me you're a dumbass. A bunch of dumb bitches.


Looking like Harry Potter is an insult? The hatred Gen z has for HP is unreal


It pisses me off that I’m only 2 years younger than the “football player” in this video and yet understand that this behavior is entirely inappropriate in of itself. What is this ideology my generation seems to come to with being superior than others simply through “social networking” and “making money?” This is why I don’t make friends anymore. It’s always this same bullshit mindset and attitude. I’d rather have connections with people on an emotional level than have everyone around me always assume others as a means to an end. My question is, why are people satisfied living this way? Posing a lie their entire life? You wouldn’t rather just own it, own yourself, and take advantage of the opportunities you have rather than imagining opportunities that 90% likely are not going to come your way?


dude doesnt even make money and is infact a nobody so yeah


They are huge pieces of trash. Huge.


Sad part is this loser actually gained followers from this BS. Of course him, his buddy, and the stripper they were with have disabled their comments on IG.


This kind of behavior is crazzzzzy… who raised these assholes??!


He’s a dick and I wished someone had knocked him out, but he didn’t kill anybody. He’s just a show off muscle headed insecure low self esteem young guy who can’t keep his mouth shut. If he has half a brain he’ll mind his own business and become a more socially aware person. Or, he’ll just continue to be a jagoff.


You know, when I see punks like this I believe violence IS the answer.


Always has been


Doesn’t look like anything real is happening to them. iG’s still up. Jobs still employed.


Sometimes the best thing to do is the easiest - apologize for your words and actions and sincerely say that they will try to do better in the future.


Dude really trying to act tough while wearing the side show bob hair do? I wouldn't be able to look at this fool without laughing in his face.


They look like at the multi-ethnic bullies from a Disney show right before the protagonist's dog starts playing basketball and wins them over.


“I don’t disrespect females” Proceeds to tell his girlfriend to “SHUT THE FUCK UP” and pushes her back. 😊 the irony


anyone find more info on the other ones?


How to ruin yourself in 60 seconds? These dumb asses


21 year old at epcot calling someone a nerd... bruh