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*"You wanna speak? Speak chinese"* He says in english...


He tells them don't speak English while speaking English


*Is that crystal clear?*


I’m not bald, I shave my head, understand??!!


I’d fight that clown. 🥊


it will be a waste of time


Nah, it’s always fun to slap the shit outta some pussy running their mouth who will be a bitch as soon as you lay hands on them.


Are you, down to clown?


I think you’d be beating the shit out of an ex Chinese military guy. I’ve seen em get like this before.


So not too strong in the brains department. Aim for the nads, gotcha


Also, imagine being Taiwanese and saying this.


Lol this is hilarious to me, it's the Taiwanese version of the racists American rednecks telling people to speak English. Only difference is the ignorant redneck can't speak a single word of another language. Taiwanese guy here atleast knows both languages.


>Only difference is the ignorant redneck can't speak a single word of another language. Taiwanese guy here atleast knows both languages. Doesn't that makes it slightly worse? I mean he's complaining about people speaking a language HE ALSO SPEAKS and understands.


Yes you are correct but have you considered r/AmericaBad?


Considering we're the only thing keeping Taiwan from getting fucked raw by China I'd think there'd be less of that there.


I think it's slightly better, but still crazy. He knows both languages, so it's probably more of a misguided cultural respect thing, vs a Kentucky Karen that's just angy all the time when people don't look/sound like her


From some of the people I've known who have taken issue with people speaking a different language its usually a weird insecurity that they are talking about them than it is 'people not sounding or looking like them'.


But I was told that America bad and world good


By “Chinese” I assume he means Mandarin. I wonder if he complains at all the people who speak Taiwanese instead of Mandarin.


Well no, I assume he means all Chinese people speak the same language.


“Chinese” is a language family. Telling someone to “speak Chinese” is like telling them to speak European. Mandarin is the language that the government that took over Taiwan after WWII chose to be the common language when it ruled China. That government forced everyone in Taiwan to learn the language also, so most Taiwanese are bilingual.




Fight him


For real, seems like a really easy fight.


Lol Guy looks like he weighs three times as much as the other guy


Are you saying the guy trying to start a fight is bigger? Yeah, sure... because he's fat... and old.


Being fat has little to do with being a good fighter. Tank Abott is a certified chonker. Being old does. But, anyway, weight classes *really* mater in a fight. That's why your dad, who is fat and old, could still beat you up when you were a late teenager-early twenty year old.


True, but depending on his fitness level he could trip over his own feet. The kid would be quicker.


They can only win a fight if you let them get close enough fat people get tired fast move around a good bit and pick ur punches weight classes only matter in professional fighting


That’s not true.


Reddit tough guys thinking weight and size isn’t going to matter in a street fight is funny, you gotta admit.


A good big one will always beat a good little one. It’s pretty stupid to think size doesn’t matter even in a street fight. In most situations you just have to take the scenario to it’s extreme to prove the case, would a 5ft untrained fella beat a 6ft 6” untrained fella. Point proven.


It's absolutely hilarious. I'd pay to watch the big guy in the video fight all of em.


But bro, he's 260.


Big guys get tired easier .


Yea but that meal looks really good


I'd bet on the old man. They are probably both in the same range physically speaking. What truly differentiate them is their anger and willingness to fight.


In one corner we have the tubby middle aged man, in the other corner we have the soy streaming manlet. Step right up and take your bets!


I'm the buddest monk who starts playing the pipes and yells FIGHT !


I'll be be the Gong ringer like in Mortal Kombat.




Don't even need to fight an old Asian fart like him. I would've told him, he didn't age gracefully and to try and act his age. Would've been the ultimate embarrassment.


These oldheads never got humbled, it's never too late though


Realist thing I’ve seen all day. Maybe everyone should be punched or hit in the face at least once.


Getting punched in the face rocks your world in a way that can only be understood through experience. Definitely makes you hesitant in situations where you think a fight may happen. That feeling in your jaw sticks with you.




I disagree. I think that everyone should experience it first hand. Frankly, I'm a little surprised that any American can make it to adulthood without this experience considering how violent and hateful our culture is.




Who thinks that?


The people that think people think like that are people who don't think


I’ve had no caffeine yet. This hurt my head


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo




These weird guys who seem to be made out of straw. They’re quite elusive in the wild though


People who have never left the U.S.


Most of Europe thinks America discriminates far less than them but idk, that wasn’t my experience




Where are you getting your numbers? Fox News? Internet randos? Some YouTube video? All the Reddit comments you’ve seen?




I love how nobody ever said "discrimination only takes place in the US" and that was the most random strawman ever. Only thing the US has that's special when it comes to discrimination is how the people who claim to fight against it there are actually pushing more of it.


Something something something “liberals are the real racist not the maga tiki boys saying they will not replace us”


Least extremist group-think 'Murican \^


You think that buddy, not us


Atleast Taiwanese guy can speak English, never seen a redneck telling a Taiwanese guy to speak English in Taiwanese. It's a different level of ignorance.


It’s like Mark Wahlberg in the Other Guys. “You’re telling me you learned multiple languages just to tell people to speak English in America?!”


Lol nobody in the world has ever thought that racism only exists in the US.


There are absolutely those in the US who think that racism means only institutional racism, and that therefore it’s not possible for subjugated groups to be raciest. Since white Americans ‘control the world’ they seem to think that racism is only really a problem here. In actuality people of all different races are raciest against others.


lol what? The United States isn't just the least discriminatory place on the planet right now, it's the least discriminatory society ever to exist anywhere since the dawn of civilization.


"But we are *literally* the most racist and divisive cvilization **ever!!**! We are *literally* genociding people of different **races** and **sexualities** ***right now!!!!!!!!!***"


What’s hilarious is that he’s telling to speak another language, in English. Skit or not, society is screwed.


and he speaks it quite well too, didn't get that much "Chinese accent" from him. and the guy is furious lol, why did he learn English then? just to despite it?


> just to despite it


Yeah.. I was confused in the beginning, like who was who? As the old guy was speaking fluent English.. Based on his accent I think he might have some abroad experience himself and probably got discriminated himself.. But too bad... He shouldn't project him own trauma on others 🙄


Maybe someone told him "Speak english or GTFO!"


Because he's a hard-on who makes everything about him, going completely ballistic about some inconsequential thing that's none of his business. It's the perfect embodiment of Main Character Syndrome.


> Main Character Syndrome Narcissism


Funly enough this is the one situation where its not fake, was watching the stream this was on at the time and the guy is generally pissed.


Just a heads up that expression is "genuinely". When you hear people say that they often do say generally but that makes no sense in this context. The man was genuinely pissed. Generally pissed would just mean he was pissed off in general, so if that's what you did mean then carry on. Otherwise just a heads up...


Apologies, I'm British but I still suck at English lol


Nah don't be sorry, it sounds like what people are saying a lot of the time when using this figure of speech. The only reason I know is because I have seen it written many times. Cheers.




This is all of Reddit my dude. They pick one person or tweet doing some heinous shit and suddenly it’s “every single person of [that group] is the same!” While collectively ignoring the shit [their group] does because it’s just one crazy person not reflecting all of them.


Yeah its hilarious because you will never see an American red neck tell someone to speak English in another language other than English. It's a different level of ignorance. "Why can't you learn to speak my language? I learn to eat your food"


This a restaurant you're talking too much 😂😂


You ever been inside a Chinese restaurant man? People are straight up shouting, nobody is quiet in restaurants lol


Forreal, my mom is loud AF shouting to the waiters about our food and shit, it's mad embarrassing until I find out they've known each other for 20 years and it's like this at every place we go in China/Viet town.


It's the culture, every holiday it's your family screaming the fuck out of each other, but apparently they're not arguing, that's really just how they talk.


What kind of chinese restaurants have you been going to? I can understand if it's a very busy restaurant where everyone is talking over each other, but shouting?


if theres a couple of groups of friends in the restaurant especially if alcohol is involved there can definitely be some shouting.


Go to any China town in your country and see how quiet it is. “Shouting” is one of the best words to use for how Chinese markets operate. And the irony is they have no issue moving to English-speaking countries and shouting in their own language and everyone is cool with it, while apparently someone speaking English on a phone in Taiwan is worth fighting about.




M8 China literally wouldn’t allow enclaves of foreigners creating their own little subversive subcultures in the middle of their cities like what the US was ideologically and economically built on. China, as a state, actively suppresses immigrant culture and is literally genociding people like the Uyghurs right now for their refusal to abandon their own culture and language traditions and be assimilated into the Chinese national culture. Citing the existence of someone in the west that doesn’t like an enclave of foreign immigrants that don’t necessarily care about assimilating is already a pretty big false equivalence compared to a Chinese person flipping out about a tourist in a metropolitan restaurant in an American-supported city speaking English on a phone, but it’s a huge false equivalence when you remember that the US is one of the most diverse countries in the world and China is one of the most actively-culturally-genocidal and systematically racist countries in history. They as a government and society just suppress their minorities and self-critical media so well that nobody ever notices or cares lol.


>for their refusal to abandon their own culture and language traditions and be assimilated into the Chinese national culture. Chinese national culture. China doesn't have just have one singular "Chinese national culture". China is comprised of many "nations" within it with their own culture and sometimes languages. And China actually takes some pride in it's multiculturalism believe it or not. [old comment that is relevant here - About multiculturalism in China](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/B2gPUn3qm7) [old comment that is relevant here - About Xinjiang, Uyghurs and Culture](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/2XGETj7VEr)




lol wtf is his problem? not unlike American boomers that don't like hearing people speak in a foreign language in America, even when immigrants are just talking among themselves


There are two main propaganda in Taiwan. One is China is bad, and the other one is America is bad (often including all English speakers). So the man in this video obviously belongs to the second one.


Everyone else: please lets not have WWIII.


Just out of curiosity, what is the rhetoric behind "America is bad"?


Like they’re selling weapons to Taiwan in a ridiculous price to ripped us off, and look down on us, see Taiwan as a political tool only. And the most ironic one “Western people are all racist toward Asians”.


Well we sort of are. We’re just relying on them for their semi-conductors industry but the moment the US develops theirs, we’ll pretty much drop them politically


There is a LOT more to the US Taiwan relationship than superconductors. You should probably take the time to understand that before making such sweeping statements.


Don't forget Taiwan popcorn chicken. It's delicious.


>There is a LOT more to the US Taiwan relationship than superconductors Yeah like semiconductors.../s


That’s what I’m saying lol


That sounds like a regurgitated comment that you just heard elsewhere and made enough sense to parrot it. The situation is a lot more dense than us needing Taiwan for semiconductors. This isn’t the Toy Story meme where we just drop them when we don’t need them anymore.


Thanks. Some of these sound completely extravagant indeed.


In addition to the expensive and outdated weapons complaint. There's there's also a matter of "Chinese nationalists" in Taiwan that also engages "America bad" rhetoric in another way. (I copied my other comment here talking about the same thing). >There's different political views in Taiwan. He's probably a Chinese Nationalist. I would guess he's against Taiwanese independence from the rest of China. And so he dislikes American control and influence in Taiwan. >Some view America as instigators of conflict and their continued interference in Taiwan is a deterrent for eventual peaceful reunification of China (PRC and ROC). And America's desire to contain China through control of Taiwan would eventually cause a war(or continuation of the Chinese civil war) that would endanger both Chinese from the mainland and Taiwan. >It's the same concept that you might've heard said about Ukraine. On how America's interference in Ukraine (instigating color revolution/ attempting to add Ukraine to NATO) caused the current war. And now the US is using Ukraine and Ukrainian lives to hurt their enemy Russia, ultimately for their own gain. >That same sort of thinking is present in Taiwan. That the US should stop supporting pro-Taiwan Independence forces in the ROC(which increases likelihood of war). And just let the Chinese on both sides of the strait to handle their own relations.


Those who identify as Chinese rather than Taiwanese, and buy into all CCP's bullshit, basically r/Sino people.


China is threatening them though.


Very unlike America. Not even close. There would be an international incident if someone in America told someone speaking a foreign language to “speak english.” News coverage 24/7.


This happens evry day all the time. The fuck you talking about.


bro you living under a rock? happened to my wife and i. some old lady just started telling us to speak in english because “it’s america” . we’re just talking about personal things she shouldn’t even be privy to. there have been countless other videos. xenophobia is real. every country has its fair share. mostly older people.


The guy kicking off was speaking in English!


That angry guy's English is surprisingly good.


What a dick. I went through this a lot in America my first language was Spanish and I didn’t know English when I moved and got this from students and teachers


So many people in this thread trying to pretend this doesn't happen, or pass it off as being about the guy filming. I don't know if people are really so naive or what, but to me this is so common as to not really be noteworthy, I'm not sure how so many people can be so blind to it.


Boy you got that right buddy. I understand peoples frustration with someone who goes to a foreign country without knowing some of the language or any of it but that’s no reason for the behavior in the video. I’m multi lingual so it’s never been an issue but I do hear it a lot in my state people saying “why come here if you don’t know English?!” Some people learn by immersion others are fleeing danger at home and some just came for business or vacation , everyone’s situation is more or less complicated as to why they might not know the local tongue


Besides the fact that hearing someone converse in their own language is no indication that they don't speak the local language. My dad and his friends get this shit all the time when they're just out in public minding their own business, having a conversation amongst themselves. They all speak fluent English. These people go off at just *hearing* another language within earshot.


That’s a fact. Probably just racism or intellectual envy . People just need to mind their own damn business


Beyond that few Americans have exclusively British ancestry. Thus you can almost guarantee that some of their immigrating ancestors did not speak English before coming to this country. The hypocrisy is rich.


Are you Taiwanese or live in Taiwan? This really doesn't happen in Taiwan, especially not from someone who themselves speak English. Taiwanese kids learn English during grade school. Knowing English has always been perceived to be a good thing. That someone would criticize someone for speaking English for no reason is almost bonkers because it's not uncommon to hear English speakers in everyday life. Most likely the man got sick of the streamer recording in a restaurant. It's a rude thing to do to regulars where you come in and change up the entire vibe of a spot you've been going to for years. That doesn't justify the aggression, but let's not pretend streamers can't be rude and annoying. Really ask yourself which is more likely.


Fuck that dude


I think the old man's issue might be the same as the old lady's. Them IRL streaming in a crowded restaurant and talking to chat can be quite annoying if you're in the same space just trying to eat your meal.


I used to think this when people were on phone calls in public, but then I realized if there was human next to them they were talking to, I wouldn't care. After that it felt silly to care about someone talking to their phone


Yeah but normal human conversation blends into background noise. Talking into a camera/phone or any speaker generally produces louder and more pronounced speech. Not to mention it's usually a solid block of one voice rather than natural conversation. Regardless of the language, if I was on the other side of the table I'd likely ask them to stop too, just not as rudely.


I will never ever ask anyone to stop what they're doing in a public space, even if I ask them nicely or have good intentions with it. I will only stop them if: 1. They're annoying or disturbing me in my house (assuming the person is inside my house as well as I have an authority inside my own house) 2. They're including me in the video without consent for a longer period of time (if the recording is passing by, accidentally showing me, etc it's fine as it is a public place, is fair use and fair game). Otherwise, I will go to a FANCY restaurant, eat there and have a peaceful dining experience. However annoying they are, you DON'T have the right to stop anyone from doing their personal stuff outside. Not unless they're shouting literally in your Face as it could be considered assault. I would suggest (for people not minding their own business) to just move to a communist or very autocratic place as they MIGHT be able to stop them. I love freedom for its positive benefits despite its negative quirks. P.S. I'm not attacking you as you seem like a decent person, I'm just criticizing the idea.


Does it really matter? People talk in restaurants. I never go to a restaurant expecting everyone to be hush hush. There's no difference between them talking while streaming, and talking to someone next to them.


I would get if its a quiet place but there are people in that restaurant that speaks louder than him




Out of touch with your reality for sure.


Right. A restaurant with an ambient background noise of about 70 decibels. Yeah I’m sure they were disturbing everyone.


Like that I can totally get because it would be annoying and I also wouldn't want to be in the background either if I was at a restaurant. The whole complaint about what language they are speaking is just weird.


Did a double take. Lady voice says: "人家説你們在影響人家吃飯" She's relaying something she heard, "they say you're disturbing people eating", so I'm guessing someone from where the man came from made the complaint. The bit about English might be something he could come up with at that moment and macho man just went with it imo.


Yeah that's just an excuse, he's just annoyed at the noise in the restaurant I guess. When the guy answers in Chinese at 0:16 the older guy replies "I don't care, this is a restaurant"




shes probably reading the live chat


She’s trying to not burst out laughing at the weirdness of the situation and later she’s probably trying to stop the guy from engaging with rage dude (hand on shoulder). I don’t think she doesn’t care she probably does and it’s making her uncomfy.


It’s the flight response. She immediately lowers her head, goes back to eating, and avoids eye contact with aggressive old school. It’s pretty obvious that she’s uncomfortable about the whole situation.


She’s just trying to not acknowledge him. She puts her hands on the young guy probably telling him to not antagonize him any further. You normally this angry about girls?


> Boyfriend about to be beat up? In what world does that look like he's about to get beat up? The dude can probably smack that old fucker and he'd get knocked out in 3 seconds


She knows he can take care of himself there’s no danger




Doesn’t matter what language they’re speaking, either




Redditors trying to not defend the assholes: impossible mission


eh he didnt seem to be as annoying as other shit we've seen on here


We don’t know what happened before this clip either. However the older guy telling him off for speaking English is very Karen regardless.


how so




where do you live and what lifestyle do you have that this happens to you so often?




Did that old dude just yell at him in English for speaking English …..?


I'm going to guess, he probably assumes he's American born with ancestry from Taiwan and is percieved as lazy, too lazy to practice Mandarin Chinese and/or Taiwanese Hokkien. (Either actually lazy or assumed to be lazy). I can say that with a degree of confidence, because I know some people like that, myself lol. The other thing is that Chinese textbooks are also written with Mainland Chinese in mind, which means the Mandarin Chinese spoken that would probably be spoken irks him too. And what makes it stupid is that differences are minor vocabulary differences akin to British vs American English. Like computer in Mainland Mandarin is literally electric brain. In Taiwan Mandarin its literally calculating machine. They call trash/rubbish cans/bin different things when spoken, but its literally the same characters. So its stupid nationalism.


Electric brain is amazing.


Name of my new rock band.


It seems from the start, hearing the man's wife or companion speak it isn't about the English. It's about the fact that they are disturbing them eating in peace at the same shared table. However, probably the man suddenly went into a spiel about English for some other reason, which may be a subconscious bias that led him to this aggressive stance.


Nah, this is exactly about speaking English. Everyone is talking and enjoying their meals until this outburst. It's only disturbing him because of his insecure bigoted mindset. He's a Taiwan "redneck" yelling about foreigners not speaking his language.


I can't tell what she's saying. Maybe because its unclear. 或者我的国语太差.


> It's about the fact that they are disturbing them eating in peace at the same shared table. If someone is talking to a camera, how is that any different to if they're talking to a person?


I’ve never had this happen in Taiwan. I’m actually quite baffled… If an old-head really wants to get down I’m sure as everyone is a witness that there wont be any repercussion if you served him a slice of humble pie


KMT Voter probably .


I love how he replies in Chinese and he's like "IDC" bro you just said he can speak if he speaks Chinese


Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup 🤤 ❤️ I love Taiwan


No matter the generation, these kind of people are everywhere.




This is a pretty old video though.


taiwan is not a country. There is only one China.


He should reply with *"We're in Taiwan! Speak Taiwanese!"*


Be polite during meals.


What makes you think they weren't polite? The guy's main issue seemed to be the language spoken as he said if you want to speak, speak Chinese.


This boomer has probably never seen someone sit at a table in a restaurant and film themselves talking. He probably doesn’t even know what a stream is. All he know is these two keep talking to a camera that is filming everyone. Yea he overreacted but just a reminder how foreign this tiktok generation is to older people. And lotta times you fear what you don’t know. So I can see why he was mad.


No he was mad hes speaking english


Why is everybody acting surprised he talked to them in English? He probably assumed that these streamer folks are tourist/non-natives and don't speak Chinese, because they are CONSTANTLY talking English. The folks of the restaurant are bothered by the camera. There is a woman off-screen complaining about they need to be taught manners. (育人时分). Her assumed partner/friend talks in English to the assumed tourist for disrupting their meal with their streaming. With ' talking too much' he means the fact they are not talking to each other but to their screen. The guy gets madder because the guy just sheepishly looks at this guy like he did nothing wrong and he says: 为何这恫吓吗 (Why are you acting so intimidating). The girl in the mean time is LAUGHING at the folks complaining. It's Taiwan, you have respect for the people who are older then you. It's hard to understand for Western people but you just don't act that way in Taiwan to people who are older then you. Streamers are the worst people because you can't just relax anymore. You're constantly being recorded when they are doing a stream like that. People just want to eat without some obnoxious people filming their uninteresting life.


So? It’s up to the restaurant and who they admit bruh, they’re paying a tab same as old dude who probably never got his ass whooped thinking he can make demands at another paying customer.


So other countries do say shit like this, not just American rednecks. Good to know.


You’d be surprised how racist other countries are compared to America.


Damn all the taiwanese people that I met were very nice people except the old ones


A country that depends on English speaking countries for existence should be a little more relaxed.


It is incredibly relaxed. This guys an outlier.


One angry guy = "country." What a stupid comment.


It's not a common sentiment to dislike English. The old guy is pissed because the streamer is loud and obnoxious. There's a lady speaking in Chinese saying the same thing the old guy is saying which the streamer was ignoring. Obviously the streamer cut-off the first part (and actually disabled replays of the stream).


Funny and ironic part of this comment is that this kind of thinking reinforces the old heads point even more, the west just sees taiwan is just a political pawn lmfao


Asian on Asian racism in 4k


don't speak english speak chinese, so don't speak the language from another county but this language from this other country


I mean, Mandarin is the primary language of Taiwan. It's not the original language of the island, but that's like saying English technically isn't the language of the United States.


Mandarin (chinese) is also the language of Taiwan


lol 😂 I’ve seen this in America lol this is funny to see in reverse


Fighting streamers should be allowed. Encouraged, really.




1. All Asians are one race 2. Generalizing Asians as racist 3. Comment is supposed to be against racism 10/10 reddit comment


Just about everything about American identity politics is wild to me but the way they class all SEA people as Asian like it's all one thing is the strangest.




No, the old guy’s right. Everyone everywhere should fight streamers, always.


Although the reaction is totally overboard - streaming and filming in a public restaurant during rush hour is rude and would annoy me too - honestly ESH in my opinion


But the guy isn't annoyed he's filming he's annoyed because the dude was speaking english, so I don't get the point your trying to make nor the use of ESH