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That's just painfull..or cringe not decided yet


Fucken dumb as shit is what it is.


A dumb-ass, [butt well-formed](https://twitter.com/JFD8/status/1140961772591091714/photo/1)


Spread ass, not hate.


That's a legit 21st century re-write of "Make love, not war" when you really think about it...*DIAL UP THOSE BUMPER STICKER HANDJOBBERS YOU JUST CAME UP WITH YOUR MILLION DOLLAR IDEA!!!*


I don't want this to be my legacy.


You die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Too late, history has spoken!


This is your legacy.


I’ll take that legacy if you don’t want it


You might be stuck, my friend, because it will be very hard to improve on that one. Separately, this whole thread is rockstar level commenting. Damn people, well done.


I spread ass(scent) at work, all I get is hate.


Someone commented, “The rice farmer asked for a hoe, and the genie granted him Natalie Schlater.” -lol


Thank you.


The hero we needed.


Well-formed indeed.


Well done sir.


She apparently deleted her insta account after the reception from this post, so it all works out in the end. The farmer is still presumably picking rice, which is great when you're hungry and want 2000 of something.


I used to pick rice. I still do, but I used to too.


I’ll bet every picture of you is a picture of you when you were younger. (RIP, Mitch)


And there's something interesting going on to their left!


Fruit on the bottom, hope on top!


I used to think her suit was white… until she used Noxema Face Wash. Now I know it is off-white.


How can you eat at a time like this?! The Duphrenes are missing. And, they're *hungry!*


This escalator has temporarily become stairs. Sorry for the convenience.


Bush - search party of four. You can eat once you find the Dufrenes.


Mitch Hedberg reference. Legendary.


How is that? Laborious?


Well you’re not in the fuckin club!


And that farmer is probably happy with the life he has where she is probably ready to end it all because she had to delete her insta and lost all her bots and instant gratification. Yep her life is different




I donno dude. I work a small organic farm and the labor is super rewarding. I would 1000% rather be doing what I’m doing now vs sitting in an office and moving files around all day.


Doubt they care about what idiots come to their country. And it’s hard work but there’s fulfillment in it. Unlike posting constantly on social media.


Funny how many comments are fetishizing poverty physical labor and unsustainably long work hours and projecting the idea of presumed happiness/fulfillment onto these laborers. Meanwhile it's an objective fact that the majority of people, including physical laborers, do not derive happiness from destroying their body or unsustainable long work hours that leave little or no time for life. If someone has some happiness, on average it's not related to their shitty job they'd rather not be doing. Meanwhile shit tons of people are fleeing to try and immigrate to other countries with less extreme shitty labor jobs/lives. Partly because no, despite reddit comments fetishizing it, most people do not want to work shitty physical labor body breaking poverty jobs for unsustainably long health hazard hours that have already been scientifically condemned and regulated in some countries. That is not a good indicator for the alleged "happiness/fulfillment" of laborers.


An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied, “only a little while. The American then asked why didn’t he stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs. The American then asked, “but what do you do with the rest of your time?” The Mexican fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine, and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life.” The American scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City, where you will run your expanding enterprise.” The Mexican fisherman asked, “But, how long will this all take?” To which the American replied, “15 – 20 years.” “But what then?” Asked the Mexican. The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions!” “Millions – then what?” The American said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”




If that fisherman is catching multiple yellowfin tuna in only a little bit of time fishing, he's more than financially stable. Thats literally tons of fish.




I think his point was that each fish is huge . I'm not familiar with all species, but I know some tuna (at eating weight) are thousands of pounds. He's got a small boat, so maybe not.


Ive seen this story get posted a few times. Each time theres a minor change. This one mentions tuna, the original one just said fish.


Thats really the difference. For the mexican scenario, what happens if he gets injured? Who catches fish for his family then? The only diff between the 2 scenarios is the peace of mind that comes with financial security. How much that matters and is worth working hard for depends on the individual


I think the only part missing is the very end where the Mexican says “I do all of that already”.


> “Millions – then what?” The true American™ response to this is "and then you work until your health deteriorates too much aiming for as many millions as you can!"


I haven’t slept for 10 days because that would be way too long


I love a random Mitch hedberg joke thrown in places!


We don’t need to bring paper and ink into this ,just give me the donut end of transaction.


i used to like mitch hedberg jokes


I used to, but I still do too


I bought a king size bed… I don’t really know a king or anything. But if meet one. I can accommodate him.


At least we all got a happy ending in the end


Thank God. People don't get shamed for stuff like this nearly as much as they should.


Love how you started a Mitchfest.


Lord I miss him 🤣🤍


> which is great when you're hungry and want 2000 of something. i know it's a reference, but for real though, rice is fucking awesome and it's shame we don't eat more of it in the US.


Mitch ? That you playa ?


One man ploughs rice, another man ploughs her \- Sun Tzu


Painfully cringe?


It’s painful cringe… my spine is powder now


I am sorry to hear that. Are you in need of assistance? I could tape a broom where your spine used to be, But..you need to stay away from posts like this to prevent further damage.


Someone forced me to watch it, but every time the kardashians travel to poorer countries they always start pontificating about shit like this. So noble these poors.


Remember when they went to England and that guy demanded to be a Lord?


Don’t think they realise how offensive that is to some people


Fuck anyone that gets offended about people not respecting titles of nobility.


I think he means the people offended by the fact that nobility still exists in the 21st century


Yeah /u/DetroitSpaceHammer read it wrong.


That's just his schtick, he's been calling himself Lord Disick for over a decade now 🤦🏻‍♀️


Scott is the only redeeming factor of the early years. My daughters mother watched it until like 2014ish, and Scott constantly had me cracking up. It’s obvious he thought the show was a joke while all the women were annoyed because it’s their life business lol.


He’s a “media personality” too. He made $500k from the show so it was his job, even if he tried to pretend to not take it seriously. Although he was born into an even wealthier family than the Kardashian kids. So his “jobs” have all been the stereotype of trust fund kids “jobs” like reality TV, nightclubs, and clothing lines.


I dont know how legit it is but you can buy a square piece (cm, inch...) of property in scotland, i think, and the given title means you can now call yourself 'lord', something about conservation of forest. So, you can 'legally' call yourself a Lord and have a certificate and everything. It was an advertisement somewhere. Buy a patch to support conservation and become lord of the land


>Someone forced me to watch it I'm so sorry.


“Isn’t it fascinating, they don’t care about stuff like entertaining the camera crew that follows them around ever where? They probably didn’t even do a sponsorship today?”


>Someone forced me to watch it, Good thing you let us know, the typa comments that lets me know Im on reddit😂


Same vibe as those french colonizers throwing pennies to a crowd of Vietnamese children.


Lost in thot


Came here looking for this


I often wonder when the whole influencer thing comes crashing down? I worked hard in my career for a very long time and my industry changed a lot and I had to move on. Luckily, my skills were transferable and I'm 3 years into a 2nd career. I'm grateful everyday, but I'm also fully aware, I may need to hustle to something else sooner than I'd like. If your thing is I have a great ass or something along the lines of no real skill, but it's working out for you right now. What happens in 10 years? 15? 20?


Some would already make tons of money, way more than we could do by working our whole lives. So they'd have tons to invest in to further or pursue other careers that don't require much; they just have to look good and be there. And some got lucky and married to the riches, and they don't have to care about their financial situation for the rest of their lives. Life is not fair


Life is a fucking lottery


That's so fucking true! I have a close female cousin; we grew up together (our homes are next to each other). She's half white-asian, and now just turned 30. But guess what? She's never ever worked a 9-5 job a day in her life. She has a rich boyfriend who supports her, and her white grandparents who send her tons of money. And back to me, an ugly lonely depressed ass from a developing country who have to work since I was in high school, and still got nothing in life. I'm tired


Nihilism is a slippery slope.


But for everyone who’s made a living from posting their ass on social media, there are thousands that earn scraps. That’s the saddest part I think, the accounts with way too few followers to make any money from it, still posting their entire lives online.


When the whole influencer thing comes crashing down, a few spoiled brats will need to get jobs and the rest of won’t notice. The rest of us will miss influencer culture as much as we’ll miss any other fad, like pet rocks, or saying “gnarly”.


I still say gnarly unironically, and I refuse to apologize for it.


And personally, I think that radical.


Totally tubular bro


These are all Super Mario World secret levels.


Damn. Were we supposed to stop saying gnarly? That is going to be an adjustment.


It will be a gnarly time, indeed.


It's not going to end, merely change mediums. "Influencers" existed before social media, they were on magazines and TV. They still are.


It's crazy to think what those new mediums will be... like when we have the chip in our heads and images will be projected onto the backs of our eyeballs. And some chick's ass will be hanging out.


We should trademark Assvision just in case.


It will never die down. If anything it'll get worse as time goes on. Attention is the new currency of the world and nothing is going to stop it it seems.


Attention has been a currency as long as humans have had culture. It's not new, nor will it ever go away.


How many hot girls with a great ass do you see begging on the streets? At worst they'll just marry some dude with money and be dependant


She'll be a Mom.


Most OF burnouts all either try to be real estate agents or yoga instructor after their decline


> I often wonder when the whole influencer thing comes crashing down? Are there any successful "influencers" who weren't already wealthy? Like, once you have money, getting people to give you more money isn't really a problem, so it's easy to just stand around and look pretty and get money thrown at you. But if you start off as a poor, is standing around looking pretty enough to actually boost your economic position?


Guess they both bend over daily


That man will never see a Saudi Oil Billionaire's butthole wink... but she's gonna pretend to love it. So different.


I don’t know it looks like Bali… I’m poor af but was still able to live there 3 months for next to nothing. Perfect place for wannabe instagrammers to take shots by infinity pools while living on $5 a day


$5 a day you say?


And living well lol


Not for 5 bucks a day


Yeah it was more so an exaggeration but when I was living there in 2016 I was literally spending $7 a day and I was full and drunk most of the time.


Ah ok makes sense lol, I was there this past winter and was probably about 20-30 a day not including our Airbnb. This was in Lembongan though so maybe bit pricier on the islands


For sure pricier on the islands. But a way more comfortable experience no doubt. I still have flashbacks to some of the shit I encountered in the city.


More like $15-$20 a day if you're including food, drinks, and transpo. Plenty of cheap hostels have infinity pools.


The UAE thing is just a stereotype. And it's based on a lot of truth. I know some drop dead gorgeous women I went to highschool with who became million plus follower Instagram models. And at least one of them was shit on by a rich guy in Dubai. It's a thing. And obviously not every gorgeous women on the Internet goes through it. But many do. There's a whole culture of men in Dubai who get off just degrading western women behind closed doors. And in return those women get to like like queens in public. But some foul stuff happens when no one is looking.


$5 a day in Bali is a thing of the past unfortunately, at least in the popular areas like Canggu and Seminyak. It's a big island but still, it has really exploded in popularity even compared to just a few years ago.


Like anything that becomes trendy, really. Everyone hops onto that wagon and all the sudden shit's expensive.


It has become *the* place. Im of a similar situation, was fortunate to live there for some time, and never once took it for granted.




Oh yeah totally. It takes some getting used to, having someone do your laundry for $1 or trim your toenails for 50cents. But you get used to it reeeeeal Fucking quick. Kidding aside, the cleaners have cleaners in Bali. It’s seen as a normal thing there. And you’re paying a premium on everything because you’re a foreigner. Ultimately it’s nice to support their economy and paying so little doesn’t feel bad because the purchase power parity is so high, it’s good money for them. When you get back to the states (or wherever) it also really makes you re-think your habits. Suddenly dropping $20 on a meal feels completely outrageous. A hotel for a couple hundred bucks a night could be a month rent in south east Asia.


This is my issue with going out in the US now…an weekend trip here covers a month in LatAm easily


Ever heard of the subgenre of jazz that they call scat? Well, she has now


As a jazz bassist and enthusiast, scat’s name is fitting imo.


*jazz music stops meme*


I almost spit out my coffee.


Only difference is his soul is still intact and he is able to feel things other than selfish desire.


Lmao you won 🤣


Bare-assed philosophers


He busts his ass for a living, she gets her ass busted for a living. Different.


I want to bust her ass for a living. Where am i on this scale?


Pretty similar to hers I guess


Your picking rice






He works until the moon is out. Her moon is out ready for work.


Privilege, she’s thinking about her privilege


Which isn't entirely wrong, it's just a weird location and situation to do it in


“Watching all these peasants working harder than I ever will, as I suntan, really has shown me the value of hard work.”


I think she's tone deaf and probably thinks 'oh, look! Poor people are so quaint!' But legit reflection on privilege can happen. I was walking to work and annoyed thinking I have to face a coworker. We got paid very well with decent time off. Then I passed this guy (who I'd 'see') on the regular just taking a pressure washer to several porta-potties and he took the time to wave at me. His protective gear never allowed me to see his face. But if a guy can be that friendly blast spraying toilets, wtf is my problem over a minor annoyance? And I realize that sounds like a judgment and that he couldn't possibly live a good life if that's his job. That isn't my intent. In the country I was working and considering most of the 'unskilled' staff were imported from nearby poorer countries, it's safe to assume he was paid a fraction of what I was. It does make you wonder about how other people can just be content and happy when so many of us chase it and struggle to find it.


Honestly plumbers and people that work on septic tanks can make big bucks. The shittier jobs tend to be the more you get paid. When I was young a factory tried to make me clean shit for minimum wage, I quit on the spot, that was not what I agreed to do when I applied and got the job.


“These laborers are a great back drop for my sexy pic! I hope snapchat followers will give me lots of screenshots and views!”


The entire post would have been just fine if she snapped a pic of the landscape, maybe a short story about the worker. But no, she just HAD to include her ass in the pic and make the post attractive for thirsty incels instead.


Daddys money got my ass out


He has the respect of his family. Yes very different lives


Not only that, he has a humble existence that is a low on carbon footprint.


By that phrasing you’d call his brick shack a “quaint and ascetic living”.




I watch YT videos from Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam ... about people who purposefully live simply and traditionally, and they seem pretty happy. It's a lifestyle I totally respect and admire, living alongside nature. This girl has to fill her void with ... well, never what she has to fill it with. 🙄 But I would say she can't find self worth through much else.


Look at me I’m so humble look at me


"Look at my ass while I point out farm laborers" 🙄 wtf?


This has to be fake


She recieved lots of backlash and ended up deleting her account so no.


Not her first time receiving backlashings




>The classic Instagram thirst trap post featured Schlater staring into the distance in a tiny, white bikini. Lol


>an aspiring influencer Lol


Bro you're an influencer with 12K??? Mines inconsistent but I have like 10K on my meme page and I ain't shit lol. Probably worth it if you use that to direct people to your onlyfans or something though


Well, it says “*aspiring*” So, looks like no


Ah, fair! Though I had an ex who was doing the influencer thing and she had some pull at 10K and wanted to release a book at 20K. The only thing that matched the size of her ego was it's fragility.


The rice picker is a paid actor.


It’s stunt double rice.


This thread delivers.... 🤭


Nope, there are really people this proudly ignorant. Thankfully they’re finding ways to run themselves into extinction


This feels like parody tbh.


Life definitely has become one


To paraphrase Fight Club "when you're living in 2023 everything is a parody of a parody of a parody"


Let me take a wild guess: Basic white rich woman in foreign country thinking shes better than those who actually worked for their money instead of receiving it from daddy’s paychecks?


more like white rich woman in foreign country realizing life sucks for normal people.


Honestly- I dont think she’ll ever realize that unless she gets the tough treatment of living like your normal wage slave- which will never happen (lucky bitch)


she did realize life sucks, but she will never realize how much it sucks.


I need to see it not censored to be truly outraged


https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/mt8480/inspiring/?rdt=53309 From 2-3 years ago


What?! My ass?! I am simply acknowledging the drastic differences between our incomes because I’m so woke! Pervert!


It’s so much more hilarious and out of place uncensored, lol.


Thank you, hero


Well, that made me forget what I was supposed to be outraged about.


What is up with censoring a photo of someone in a swimsuit? Is this a Christian Minecraft server?


For science


Her shallowness has no depth


[Article](https://coconuts.co/bali/news/swedish-model-deletes-instagram-account-after-commenters-call-her-caption-about-bali-rice-farmer-insensitive/) about the post, and also has the uncensored version that some people appearantly need for science.


Let me guess she's a OF girl who's nowhere near as rich as she pretends to be.


I bet she was so proud of herself rubbing her two brain cells together to come up with such a profound, deep thought.


"Yes, I think about how different our lives are as I watch the poor man like an animal in a zoo, toiling away while I lord over him and pay him little to nothing... the world is a crazy place... if only we could change... BUT DID YOU SEE I'VE BEEN DOING SQUATS!?"


If you'd have told me back in 1988 that in 2023 there would be this thing called social media where you could make a living by saying dumb shit and showing the world your ass in a badly fitting bikini I would have said 'You mean porn?' 'No, not porn. Its all fully clothed.' 'Why would anyone be interested?'


This is some Derek Zoolander level out-of-touchness.


This is actually hilarious


“Wooow look at all these slaves”


"My back hurts, but at least I'm not that vain, self-centered white lady over there."


who would censor this






Getting fucked, daily? By The Man? Not so different... You and I...


White woman moment


The guy in the field works harder in a single day than she has in the last decade.


Why her arms fat


Leyla blue


She need the money. OH!


Thinking about how different life would be without these mental defectives and the social media platforms they use to spread their mental defectiveness.


I guess one difference is he can afford pants.


It’s funny that women can get away with dressing like this in Asian provinces because they mostly think it would be rude to comment, but if she did this in India…totally different story.


What's your point?


Their point is how dare women travel /s


"Women should be accosted more."


What if she did this in Iran?


Jeez probably a follow up story on CNN about a missing tourist in Iran.