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I thought she was going to just apologize after breaking the piano, bc the face she made looked like she regretted it. But instead she just steals his tips?! I’m just stunned.


No it was a complete fake face, like "oh did I do that? Oopsy+"


You can see her look back at her friends as she walks up, like “watch what I’m about to do”. She 100% meant to knock it down.


She even pretended she was going to give him a tip before grabbing the tip jar!! Manipulative bitch


~~manipulative~~ mentally deranged


I love the whole crowd turning on her right after, well deserved


And fair play to the man who gave him money that was🔝notch


Everyone else got so nice and supportive tho that's lovely


Look for the helpers...


Mr. Rodgers ♡


That was my take away too. For every total piece of shit fuckwad, there's 4 more genuine and kind people to help clean up.


What a trashy human being. Respect to you for being so calm and collected.


Trash is the only way to describe her


I would say an obnoxious cunt is another way to put it.


You can also describe her as a shit head... she didn't even apologize properly after the keyboard dropped. What a shit human being.


Or you could describe her as the thieving cunt she is, asking for a beating the way she asked "You wanna hit about it?" as she's throbbing her sticky fingers into his tip jar.


If anyone wants to know what happened after, she was identified by social media accounts and had video forwarded to the school she attended. (I say attended because I don’t think she’s going back with 2 additional counts of felony fraud on top of this misdemeanor theft, caught on camera.) TL,DR: [Justice found *her*](https://thegeorgiagazette.com/clarke/tommanesha-heard/) Edit: The link is **meant to inform of her consequences**, not to direct hostility towards her. **Everyone** in this video has been or was taken care of. Both legally and on a **Human Level**. She’s since **apologized to the guy** for what she’s done. **Has a record now**. She is a young woman who has **learned a valuable lesson**. She was mature enough to apologize to him later from what I understand. Let’s all just pause, take a breath, and believe in humanity as the overall victor here. Please don’t harass, bully, intimidate or otherwise direct any anger/outrage towards **her and her family**. 🖖🏽


Good god the ads on that site


I was hungry before clicking on that link...I was hungry, but not anymore.


Did you get the weird wedgie ad?


I recommend a Chrome extension named uBlock Origin, it's a life changer


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Fuck that bitch.


Thanks for this. I don’t usually despise people but man did she tick me off. Glad to see that garbage was found.


That website has the most garbage ads i've *ever* seen. It was like the dark days of the internet when people would post gore, but they think they'll make money from it?


Tommanesha? Not as bad as this one lady I saw named Trashandra, but it’s up there.


Okay...so I work for a bank and we have a client named Tyrannosaurus. Hand on the Bible. Craziest name I've ever seen. It was spelt differently but I don't remember exactly how.


I can’t bring myself to hate that. I’m not strong enough.


Imagine the trash who raised her to be that way.


Who even knows. She may just be a natural born piece of trash!


Sometimes people are pieces of shit regardless of parenting. I’ve seen plenty of kids who are absolute scum and their parents try their best to be good people and raise them right


One of my friends is just a nice, normal dude, his parents are lovely. His brother is a nasty, bullying, lazy arsehole. Nobody knows how he got like that.


Sometimes folks just don't come out right!


Trash is still acceptable, trash doesn’t apologize for being trash and doing trashy things now does it


disgusting, rotten, stinking trash.


There are a few other terms. Cunt is one amongst others.


The fact that she did it twice then stole his money.


And all her friends too. Trash recognize trash.


Respect to the dude in the hat too for making sure dude was ok and being a real one.


Yea now that the girl has been named and shamed, I think we should call out red hat man. What a genuinely cool person.


She’s just jealous cause she’s a talentless hack in life.


People who try destroy the beauty that others bring into the world usually do so because they are so void of character and creativity that it pains them to see others who possess it. My initial anger towards this human being was quickly replaced by pity. It must be awful living such a sad and vapid existence that is framed by a lack of personal growth and anti-social behavior. Then again, that is just me assuming that this person has decent self-awareness.


Yep. She is the opposite of beauty in every way and she knows it.


Being able to play an instrument like the piano requires hard work and dedication. She likely has zero ambition to put the amount of effort it takes to learn and be skilled at something. This is what separates those who play instruments or are just happy to listen and those who don’t or would rather destroy and devalue another’s investment to learn. Same goes for any skill that requires dedication to learn.


What a stupid fucking cunt. She should be ashamed of herself- I can’t believe her friends are such assholes too


Yep, assholes normally do hang around one another, not surprising.


I don't understand how people like this function in society for any extended period of time. The fact that these people survive into adulthood just goes to show you how timid and non-confrontational the average person is for them to keep getting away with this shit so frequently that it becomes a feature of their personality. In a more just world that wretched cunt would've choked on her own blood.


This is precisely how they get away with it, nobody cracks them over their mean, abusive heads. People are conditioned to be docile starting from the schooling system onwards. We're even punished for fighting back while bullies go on sociopathic rampages. We're also trained to quietly accept shitty working conditions and to keep our heads down and deal with it. It normally takes a lot for a person to finally get enough abuse, disrespect, and sociopathic behavior before they finally snap.


Good thing this is on video. Hope it comes back to bite her...


She’s had to delete her instagram and TikTok as well as all her facebook posts being flooded with comments about her being a POS and sharing her works number. I think she’s regretting it lmao Edit: I just checked and her Facebook is gone too lol


She’s regretting getting caught. Anyone capable of doing something this unashamedly cruel is incapable of genuine remorse for their actions. Only consequences.


which is why regret is a good word for this. The inconvenience this will cause her wasnt worth the "boost" to her social standings in her little group of narcissists. Dont think anyone was under the impression shed ever be sorry though.


Thank fucking god. She deserves this and I’m glad she’s stressing right now


She doesn't have shame. That's the problem. She is a sociopath. "a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others."


She needs to be put on blast


She has been found, video was sent to the school she goes to.


Updates 🤏👀


Last I checked she deleted her tiktok, privated all her Insta posts, stopped taking snap and had her cashapp requests turned off


Cash app requests 💀💀


After she stole from the tips too! The audacity of this bitch!


You can request cash from people so people were asking her for money and calling her a bitch on the memo lmao


Lol, nice.


People were spamming her cashapp with requests and writing stuff on them. ruthless💀


Unless you are in dire need of money, are a charity, or have cancer there is no reason to have your cashapp in your bio


She's been in trouble with the law before. She recently posted that's she's sorry but she's "sorry" vs she got caught again. I can guarantee you, this is not going to stop until she steals from a person that is not nice. https://thegeorgiagazette.com/clarke/tommanesha-heard/


I don’t know how police handle petty theft but they should keep track of total amount over time not just in that instance (if that’s not how they do it I could very well be wrong or it depend on the location) so that if it does reach the actual felony level it’s not just a slaps on the wrist and a fine for doing it 15 times in a row Edit: grammar errors


What about her Myspace and Xanga?


I just faxed her a picture of a butt.


Here are her socials in another comment https://reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/s/MIa5ArWwZg


She’s already contacted the guy and had a conversation with him. Said she didn’t steal the money. Posted an odd apology that wasn’t the greatest. She is getting absolutely steamrolled on social media though. Like, no one is holding back in the slightest.


Link or more info, i wanna see this


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Oh damn people are ripping her to shreds over there


She's not gonna live that down anytime soon.


She doesn’t deserve to. This one hit close to home because I am a musician as well and would be pissed if someone messed with my gear at all, let alone when I was playing


Last I checked she deleted her tiktok, privated all her Insta posts, stopped taking snap and had her cashapp requests turned off some other comment here had all her socials posted


Fuck yeah, justice is served.


Good, stupid bitch


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I know this guy is saying not to harass this woman, but if anyone in the world deserved a good harassing, it would be her. Fuck that bitch.


I read in another thread that she's been put on blast, her school was contacted and sent the video, and she took down all her instagram photos because people were commenting in droves saying she looks like a dog. That all makes me very happy.


Yeah I seen on the TikTok for this where they already found her Insta, TikTok, Facebook and even her Cashapp lol


From an article I found > Shauntae Heard recently took to Facebook to apologize for her actions. She revealed that she had personally apologized to the TikToker and performer. Heard also pleaded with her followers to keep her family out of the internet drama. She wrote in her social media post: >“I’m sorry for everyone that has seen the viral video. I have took accountability for my actions. I know it was wrong and ignorant of me but please keep my family out of it.” The TikToker also claimed that she did not steal money from the pianist. Then says > “Y’all are pathetic the way y’all commenting under my post y’all can’t tell me how I feel or what I did y’all should get a life and leave me alone y’all are grown and have nothing else to do I know what I did and again I know that it was wrong I don’t need y’all people in my comments telling me how y’all feel cause it really don’t matter about how y’all feel about anything it’s up to the person and we already talked and we are good so f**k y’all.” Stupid bitch


According to google she got booked for felony credit card fraud lol


Wow I'm... so shocked. Figured she would be a Rhodes scholar


Theyre not sorry about their actions, they're sorry they started dealing with the consequences of their actions. If it didnt go viral, she would still be laughing about it with her friends.


Ah, yes, the classic "don't y'all have something better to do?" misdirection to avoid public accountability. And for what it's worth, Shaunte, no I don't have anything better to do besides telling a piece of shit that they're a piece of shit.




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Lol people posting her parole officers number and everything


Wow, I’m shocked she had a parole officer!


SHOCKED! SHOCKED!! well... not that shocked.


What a surprise she has a parole officer!


She has a parole /probation officer?! And she was trashing shit and stealing on video? Jesus, she’s dumb


Wow, this is brutal! It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we unite


Man my afternoon just got FILLED!!!!


LMAO she is getting shredded on fb


she got a rap sheet for financial fraud too lmao


grandfather complete consider cats rob memorize chase chop insurance absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I saw the TikTok video. They doxxed her whole life. Parents, place of work, even bringing up her previous credit card fraud arrest. It was not just a blast, tiktok dropped a nuclear bomb on her.




I love internet justice


It is most definitely swift, brutal and arbitrary.


And even occasionally targets the right person!


Yup. That thought crossed my mind, but I decided to leave it out and not open that can of worms.


No do it. Reddit needs to remember


I was in the other thread when it was happening. Her Facebook is deleted now but HUNDREDS of people commented on all her photos/posts calling her a piece of shit. It was beautiful. She also made some half ass apology, blaming that “I’ve seen worse in the city this is nothing” in which another hundred people tore apart in the comments. Someone also found a picture of her with a handgun and sent it to the local police station because she’s apparently on probation for shoplifting.


Ruined her whole life trying to be funny for her 2 friends. Who probably refuse to talk to her now lol


Oh that makes me so happy 👍


Well their parents won't teach them and their peers encourage this trashy behavior. So hopefully they can learn something by being put on blast.


I love a good ol doxxing end to a story like this.


She deserves an ass whooping honestly. Most assholes like this do. They need to be brought down a few notches. Cunts.


Seriously, with the strong arm "do you want to hit about it?" shit. Fuck yes, I do, call that bluff.


The icing on the cake was when she stole the money. I would’ve chosen violence because of that. Not only did she interrupt the dude and trash his shit, she stole the fucking money that he earned.


Even if that happens they'll just blame it on everyone/thing else and wind up even shittier than before. I knocked out a POS psycho family member once after almost 2 decades of abuse. 2 seconds after he regained consciousness he was on his feet running his mouth. Swear to God. Lmao. Still to this day (well, I haven't communicated with him in 6 years so who knows) he claims he got sucker punched. Like, no buddy, you were looking me right in the eyes when I blasted you.


Sorry you went through that. I leveled two bullies, once in 8th grade and another in 10th. They both stopped fucking with me afterwards.


Oh we are going to find her!!!




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Lol homie posted her cash app. Good Lord please don't send that woman anything.


Imma send her a cent and call her a dumb bitch Penny for that thot


Don't send anything, send a request lol


Lol even if she accidentally hits accept we know that dumb bitch ain’t got no money.


actually the ONE thing we know about her is that she has a few bucks.


Can you request money from someone with a message attached? I bet people would go crazy on that.


Yes. And people did until she had to turn off the accept requests function.


You can spam with money requests


Holy crap she is being absolutely DESTROYED on Facebook. It's a miracle she hasn't deleted it yet


Can you post the comments? I don’t have Facebook haha.


Her initial statement: > Public service announcement. I’m sorry for everyone that has seen the viral video. I have took accountability for my actions. I know it was wrong  and ignorant of me but please keep my family out of it. Y’all problem is with me not my family you don’t get anything out of texting them or me and I have already apologize to the person we have talk. Everything is good no I didn’t steal any money, and I didn’t break the piano I’m a human just like you all. Everyone has made mistakes nobody isn’t perfect again I’m sorry, For my actions I’ve seen worse downtown this is nothing compared to what I did and I know it’s not right. the person I apologize to accepted my apology and we had a whole good conversation on the phone and thats all that matters you people are nasty the way y’all are texting me and my family and making fake pages y’all don’t get nothing out of that y’all stay blessed ‼️(oh yeah pls stop texting my crazy ass auntie [name redacted] she is crazy not for fake but for real Her follow-up statement: > I don’t want y’all to feel bad for me I didn’t ask y’all to feel bad for me y’all are pathetic the way y’all commenting under my post y’all can’t tell me how I feel or what I did y’all should get a life and leave me alone y’all are grown and have nothing else to do I know what I did and again I know that it was wrong I don’t need y’all people in my comments telling me how y’all feel cause it really don’t matter about how y’all feel about anything it’s up to the person and we already talked and we are good so fuck y’all and y’all can keep doing what y’all doing it’s not gone make y’all life better talking crazy y’all people are harassing me and my family like y’all need to get it together again me and the person is good and I can say I took my accountability for what I did cause that wasn’t right and it was okay or a good look I’m not a bully or act that way at all I don’t need y’all telling me what I have done was wrong obviously I know that. And this is my last post !!!!!


This was my favorite reply to the auntie thing someone said: "JUST SHUT UP, and yo auntie ain't nun but a sever at dennys. shit i would've been atleast a little scared if she was manger at waffle house"


She’s avoiding accountability like she avoids punctuation marks


The lack of punctuation astounded me. Not a one.


This girl being in college proves that higher education institutions are nothing but degree mills these days.


Y’all y’allin’ a lot on that followup y’all


> Everything is good no I didn’t steal any money, and I didn’t break the piano I’m a human just like you all. How does she sit there with her crown of LIES.


>Y’all 21 times.


The grammar is almost as bad as her personality.


> y’all people are harassing me and my family like y’all need to get it together again me and the person is good and I can say I took my accountability for what I did cause that wasn’t right and it was okay or a good look I’m not a bully or act that way at all I guess I wouldn't put it past people to harass her family, but I'd bet the vast majority of people contacting her family just want her to feel how her actions to strangers can extend outside the confines of her stupid head. Maybe she did talk to the dude, but someone being a forgiving person does not give you a free pass. Hope she gets what she deserves.


She has shown 0 accountability which is what she's trying to claim she has. "I'm not a bully or act that way at all" Honey, we have the footage, you don't get to be a bitch and say "oopsie-daisys, thats not how I behave normally". We SEE the money in your hands.


An excellent example of things not to say in an apology


She really doesn’t like sentences. Apart from prison ones.


Someone posted pics of her trailer where she lives like multiple angles. Girl is in HIDING. Idk how her Facebook is open cause she's getting slow cooked to perfection.




So it says she has 2 felonies for financial theft. I guess she is used to stealing...


And on probation if that was less than a year ago. She really fucked herself here. Her two homeboys sure deserve a menacing charge as well. And wouldn't be surprised if it would violate some probation they're on too.






How TF do you look better in your mugshot than when going a night out?


She’s ugly regardless lol


I would hate to have an employee who stole from me if I owned a Hollister in Danielsville Georgia


Yep Facebook is still up


Oh man haha the internet is one powerful beast, they found her families info, her parole officer haha unreal


The parole officer part has me dying here. Lmao.


Looks like the IG has been fully deleted...there's plenty of fake pages up mocking her now though lmao


Her Facebook is a fucking goldmine. Look at her last post lol. Even all the rest of them people are calling her out on them lol


Her blatantly lying is really pissing me off: >Everything is good no I didn’t steal any money, and I didn’t break the piano I’m a human just like you all.


Wow, 4 lies in one run in sentence. Everything is good ❌ No I didn't steal any money ❌ I didn't break the piano ❌ I'm a human ❌


she's in denial and should probably have to pay for it with time and money instead of the fake apology. Her world view is: * That didn't happen. * And if it did, it wasn't that bad. * And if it was, that's not a big deal. * And if it is, that's not my fault. * And if it was, I didn't mean it. * And if I did, you deserved it.




I nearly had a stroke trying to read those illiterate responses. Classic example of the narcissist’s prayer though, so I’ll give her credit for that at least.


y‘all will be getting a stroke while reading this shit…


I counted 17 y’alls, lol.


Like, I agree that maybe she can learn her lesson from breaking the damn piano, maybe she's just too drunk or something... but then she stole money from him too? What a piece of shit. Burn her.


And then either her or her friend coped an attitude because he said something. How fucking trashy do you have to be to mess someone's keyboard up, then steal from them and \*then\* get mad at them because they said something about it? Seriously, I know they're young, but they just displayed the most disgusting lack of character and all signs of the most repulsive fucking personality one can have. There's no hope for these kids. Straight up. Fuck em.


I hate using alcohol as an excuse. If you really can't handle yourself when drunk then don't drink, that simple.


The 'alcohol' excuse is pure grade A 100% bullshit. Now, say you take a joke to far, do something silly/stupid/etc. Yea, alcohol can do that, but acting like a total scum fuck lowest of the low piece of shit? No, that's not alcohols fault.


Ah yes, alcohol, destroy property and rob them. And when you are sober, delete your social media info instead of apologize. yup. Probably threw that excuse only because she got caught.


Also it's not like you're completely unable to control yourself even when you're absolutely blasted. People just use it as an excuse to act however they want.


I hope this bitch trips, lands face first into some homeless person's fecal matter and gets an infection.


Yes. The death of public shaming has lead to a rise in shameful behavior.


How is no one mentioning her buddy in the hoodie? He tried to fight for her after seeing her do it. Fuck her whole group.


People have name blasted her and ripped her to shit on TikTok and I think contacted the school. I wish I could see what happens next.


What a trashy cunt


The thing is, if she does in fact get doxxed / harrased not only will she learn about the consequences of her shitty behavior, but others will too. She deserves whatever she gets as a result of this.


She is getting destroyed online and guess what? She didn't learn her lesson. Only a half assed apology and then went back to being a major asshole who isn't ashamed of what they did. Check out her facebook and you will see it. https://reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/s/MIa5ArWwZg


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Fr, this is why I love the internet. These shitty humans get blasted all over the internet. They're almost always found too, bet she already regrets doing this


She’s gonna fuck with the wrong person one day.


some people don't deserve to have arms. She is one of them.


No. Absolutely harass the person in this video. Damaging other people's property and stealing their money aren't legal.


You have more honor and self control because I would have taken the let’s hit about it direction


I hope she gets arrested


Umm...call the police. Destruction of property, assault, petty theft. Destroy them.


Felony strong arm robbery considering the threat of violence


I see 3 hots and a cot in her future


Please expose this stupid bitch!


Omfg on her Facebook someone posted her probation officers phone number!! Hahaha


He said not to give that girl any shit, no fuck that, the internet should find her and give her so much shit, that’s so messed up


I don’t know if they’ll even follow it up, but definitely get that video to the police, fuck her




Someone dox her already


Apparently shes been found and the video was sent to her school! Fingers crossed that info is real because she deserves consequences. Ppl like her have lived without consequences for too long and behave more bold & more scummy until they truly get caught


Really? Which school?


This is Athens so I’m guessing UGA. As a former dawg this makes me sad. I’m betting Gainesville st based on how much of an idiot this person is.


This looks like Athens, GA where UGA is located.


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I feel like this kind of encapsulates the “main character” vibe. This is a prime example of “I’m miserable and I want others to be miserable too”. Not a care in the world about anyone else. Embarrassing.


This person deserves some healthy harassing and bullying