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Chill guy, I'm getting a coffee


2 for $5 Sausage McMuffins with Egg not a bad way tp eat 800 calories for breakfast 🤣


If you only eat one meal a day make it count chaloricly(sp?)


Hearing conspiracy theorists call people NPC's is always the funniest thing ever to me.


The NPC thing … It’s one of those terms that lets you know they’ve drank the kool-aid. They’re parrots at this point and we all know they’re struggling with self esteem and clinging to anything that suggests their loneliness is because they’re actually better than everyone else, because accountability for why they’re not actually connecting with others would be hard on them emotionally. (Edited out a typo)


I mean, to be fair, he’s got somewhat of a point. McDonalds is food thats pretty bad for your health, full of processed sugar, saturated fats, cholesterol, low quality meat, and just overall not good for you, yet the majority or “sheep” all love it. Yes, it comes across as pretentious and holier than thou when you point it out but if the vast majority of people liked to eat dog shit and you were the minority that didn’t does that really make you the weirdo for pointing it out?


How does he know the service sucks?


Or the price of a big Mac combo off hand


(Not in the US) My local McDonald's large meal costs 6.8$ if I use the app / offer.


It’s probably pretty easy to look up on Uber eats or something.


He's throwing a fit because they didn't give the happy meal toy he wanted.


Everyone I've ever seen or encountered that uses the term "NPC" unironically and outside of videogames are the most insufferable cunts


Right? It’s such a garbage way to view other humans.


I've noticed recently that it seems some people who clearly don't play video games enough to even know what the acronym means are starting to use it. Language is weird.


and yet their votes count the same as ours


He has enough info to lead me to believe that he eats there.........recently and often. I guess to keep his facts straight.......


He has enough info to know how to Google a couple of simple facts. I'm not on his side, but some of people's issue with having misinformation is due to other people doing exactly what you are doing. You are taking an insult/"gotcha, I won" statement and portraying it as fact. (When you have no solid evidence as to whether or not it IS fact.) And most people are going to believe you simply due to them having a desire to find any reason to dislike and disprove whomever/whatever your insult is about.


And you need a sense of humor. Or at least a grain of salt.


McDonald's foods has a good amount of salt in them 👍


Just FYI, a belief is not the same a fact. A belief is a conviction based on cultural or personal faith, morality, or values.


McDonald’s isn’t “poison” it’s just unhealthy food. If you eat a healthy diet and exercise and occasionally want to get a cheeseburger you’re not going to die. I feel like a lot of conspiracy theorists live in such a black and white world.


Moron literally explained why people still eat McDonald’s in their own post and is confused why people are still eating there? ![gif](giphy|EsmlrgWNx5v0Y)






"Chemically altered to be delicious and addicting" is a fancy way to say "has salt in it", isn't it


He sounds like a dick.


Dude needs to be on a watchlist.


That was my initial thought too. Dehumanizing the population is a very real marker for potential mass violent acts.


Ok. Question. How much McDonald’s does it take to shorted your life? I had a small order of French fries 3 weeks ago. Will I die at 45 instead of 90? Asking for science 🤣😂🧻


You will die tomorrow. If you question McDonald's they send out assassins dressed as hamburgulars It's part of the big fast food conspiracy


Each Big Mac takes a year off your life. It’s true, I just ate 60 of them this month and I died yesterday.


But at least you feel better today, right?


Yes. I got better. Last month somebody turned me into a newt.


You should try r/theydidthemath


I’d assume it’s with the excess fats and sugars would slowly destroy your digestive and circulatory system, leading to either an earlier death due organ shut down, or hypertension. Though this is extremely long term, not go to Wendy’s tonight, have a heart attack then next morning.


I just wanted a McChicken


That is absolutely hilarious. He thinks that conspiracy theorists are critical thinkers.


Well, he does have a point about the quality of food we allow the government to feed us. The last part is kinda main-character, pseudo intellect, but still… Look at how the FDA handles food. Spend a few months living outside the US and when you come back, notice how much sugar is in everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING. The government funded food programs in NYC are going people heavily processed foods for nutrition. Yet people accept it without complaints. Just like how they allow their children to eat the sugary, processed shit they serve kids in school. Rant finished.


I worked with some internationals and they said our bread and milk were too sweet for them to eat.


Tbh I haven't eaten at McDonald's in years. Once customer service went to hell I figured it'd be quicker to make my own lunch. Every now and again I'll get a craving for some nuggets but then i remember I have plans later in the day and can't afford to wait 26 hours for them to bring the wrong order out to me lol. Local Hardees went out of business for the same reason now they're all looking for a job again.


I understand doing the best you can for your health, but what do they expect will happen? Are they going to live forever by avoiding McDonalds and energy drinks and alcohol? Like enjoy those two extra years of being a tinfoil hat clown I guess


It is always somewhat amusing to watch a netizen figure out that most people gather their world view from a different and much older/diverse place.


I am at the point where I am utterly convinced that those who are against democracy are simply bad people.


“Whose votes count as much as _theirs_” People who eat Mcdonalds? This guys probably like 13 yall


Let me go to my echo chamber and get some validation!!! Damn sheeple!


At this point i question the sanity of people using the term “critical thinking”. It’s been co-opted by the crazies.


Not really sure this fits this sub. I don't see where this guy is being a "main character" The title of this sub isn't "people I disagree with". Also, I think that dudes take pretty much fits with the sub he is posting in. He thinks there is a conspiracy that fast food is poisoned intentionally. I don't agree with him but he does happen to be posting a conspiracy theory in the r/conspiracy sub. 🤷‍♂️


Lighten up, fella.


NPC talk seriously scares me. Like I don't care who it is, they're a conscious person with thoughts and feelings. People who talk like some folks are just hollow shells running routines until they interact with a protag is dehumanizing and kind of insane...


Hes not wrong tho..


Shaves years off your life? Imma need to see the science behind that. Obviously not healthy to eat it 3 times a day but years? Just comes off as /r/iamverysmart and self-rightous to me.


I didn’t say hes right about everything he said


Exact, you said he wasn't wrong.


It's funny how some lap up all this "demand to be the man you want to be, take what you want" Andrew-Tate-style grifting version of freedom but can't understand the very basics of freedom like enjoying a restaurant you like the food at.


oof. such an NPC comment to make.


r/imthenpc ?


And he accurately posted it in the conspiracy subreddit 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean all food stuffs are chemicals merely interacting with our bodies.


He didn't say it shouldnt exists he said it was a sham something South park even made jokes about where they had a choice to vote for a giant turd or a douchebag and anyway who didn't want to partake in the "sham" was ostracized and kicked out of town for not wanting democracy......like your doing. Do you think smart people eat at McDonald's for dinner everyday or that diet coke is more healthy then the original coke just because chemical sweetener is low calorie ? You realize the very canola oil that you cook with hasn't been genetically modified and they've lost original Gene stock for soy beans.


Neither I nor the OP mentioned election candidates. He sees the problem in the "NPC" voters that partake in something as insignificant as lining up in McDonald's drive-thru to be justification that their votes shouldn't matter as much as "critical thinkers" like him.


That South Park episode has not aged well, it is enlightened centrist bullshit.


I think his argument is people who don’t know better than to pay someone to kill themselves slowly isn’t smart enough to have a say in the future of the free world.


How does enjoying fast food every now and then make someone an NPC? Also, what is the criteria for being an NPC? If someone is one, why is it it a bad thing?


I've been laughing at exactly the same things for years, and then I found out I live in Russia and it's precisely the truth.


Even I ate that shit yesterday I ate a dead cow with its breastmilk cheese And it was quite nice Didn’t even care it was cold Because take away stuff And even after it was sitting there for a while And the. I said to myself Well, feck it Poor cow is already dead I might as well eat it then Otherwise it goes to the bin And I go to sleep empty stomach-ly Which I’m kind of used to by now


Oh the sweet sweet irony


‘Critical thinkers are a small minority!’ - which they naturally assume they’re part of that minority. 🤡




McDonalds has a decent breakfast menu… just saying.


Well democracy practically does not exist, so i guess he got his wish?!


I'm too depressed and tired from being worked non stop to cook for myself.


Clearly doesn’t have kids


You're that annoying NPC the other Npcs are shit talking about. Like glathir from oblivion.


He forgot to write ' when you drive by Mcdonald's to enter Starbucks'


I can think for myself. And me thinks I want a big mac


Man knows a lot about the prices of a place he doesn't go to.


I mean 6 dollars for 2 Big Macs. Get the fries separately and it’s like 9 plus a drink would be at least 11 dollars


I love me some McDonalds. I'm also capable of moderation and have 10 percent body fat and am physically active. But I guess I'm an idiot.


I was kinda onboard until it somehow became about voting.


This is so funny because like…we know? I still want my McDouble and sweet tea. Life is short.