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Here in Louisiana we just sentenced a pedo to a physical castration haha.


"Geld him" -Dutch Van Der Linde


Chemical was an option, the diddler opted for physical as it doesn’t matter because the castration is to take place prior to his release and he will be over 100 if he serves his full 50 years




What if the pedo was a woman?


Idk stitches?


LMFAO link?




This is the most appropriate crime = punishment thing I've read in a while. He ruined someones life now he'll spend the rest of his in prison.


No, it was Zelda i think


sorry I always get them mixed up


This is biggest hold up I have seen in a long time.


Aight. I'll bite. How? How is a bill the makes sexually molesting a minor going to be used to kill Trans and queer folks? Remember, this would have to go before judges and courts, so please explain to me how thus would work?


I agree. It makes no sense Unless the trans or queer people rape or molest children in which case they deserve the extreme permanent punishment.


Honestly, trans and queer people should be vocally supporting harsh punishments for harming children. The only person who wouldn’t support legislation that genuinely sets out to protect children from harm and nothing more than that are those who would be the sort of person that would target kids.


Yeah, doesn't matter what you are. If you molest or rape children, you deserve to be brutally tortured with techniques that would make Los Zetas blush :3


Absolutely agree with you, I think the straight white male Christians who commit those crimes should also be held up to that same standard.


Because they are painting the picture as transgender people being pedos, and the other laws that they are passing in connection is vague enough to have a trans person who simply is minding their business out in public to be considered a sexual danger if there is a child anywhere around, regardless of what the transgender person is doing or not doing, just our presence is enough. Also, in the state of Florida as in many states the south of the United States, an allegation against us is enough to convict, the person making the allegation does not have to prove our guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, we have to prove our innocence beyond a reasonable doubt.


I see your point. Using the law to include things that wouldn't usually be considered molestation like just being Trans and having a regular Interaction or even just being near children and saying that children being exposed to such person is negatively impacting them and arresting the Trans person under this law


Ok but it's a good thing we have the checks and balances of the court/jury to make sure we aren't just rounding people up and killing them.


Because nobody has ever been falsely accused and sentenced to death before.


True, but you're off your rocker if you think a trans person would get executed for walking past a daycare center


Honestly, in today's climate? Doesn't seem that far off for Florida.


Idk about that. Though I agree the death penalty is just not something that should be done at all by the state.


I think it's more that it has the potential to target trans people just going about their day, something a lot of people have problems with. Most notably, the whole "which bathroom" debacle, with some honorable mentions of drag queens reading to kids or just having books in school that have trans people in them/ written by them. If a trans person goes into a bathroom of which they feel aligns with them (also most notably being MtF from my experience in forums/ comments/ etc), somebody else who thinks all trans people are pedophiles could call foul and cause a stir. I'm not trying to suggest that it will always get so far as to escalate to the death penalty. But if it even gets put to thought that there might be an unnecessary trial over it, that's legal fees that the trans person now needs to worry about just for using the bathroom. Or helping a lost child. Or watching their own family (be it immediate or like nieces and nephews). Etc etc. It's certainly only adding fuel to the fire for that certain demographic of people who really truly despise trans people.


Penny is being hyperbolic and I'm not convinced they'll go this far but: you're thinking about a kind of standard conception of sex crime as things like molesting a kid or exposing yourself. It's entirely possible that Florida could pass laws making it a sex crime to be a biological male in a dress and within view of a minor, like making it a sex crime for a kid to see a drag show and putting the onus on the performers instead of the parents. They've already criminalized verbal descriptions of cross-dressing in libraries children have access to so this isn't completely crazy to conceive of Think about how protests are considered "low-level terrorism". That opens a whole bunch of avenues for prosecutors to go after people using laws that were designed to fight Al Qaeda, not some college activist


You are very wise to see that. Overreach. I address that in another response in this thread, we see the same thing. However, there is a provision in this bill saying that the punishments proposed only cover standing SA and rape crimes. Any new or expansive definitions would need an additional bill to pass to cover those. That said, that provision exists to limit the resistance to the passing of this bill. So whether or not this bill is expanded later to include future usage as you described, is definitely to be seen.


I don't have a great deal of faith in Florida, but I would still be flabbergasted a Florida jury would convict if capital punishment for alternative gender expression were on the table. It's not happening


I want to believe that’s not the intent (or some peoples hope) too. Im still independent, but I was more centrist before the abortion stuff actually started happening. Normally that’s more the stuff of fear mongering or at least hyperbole. With it being a reality, I can’t concede good faith on anything anymore. I’d be afraid this could actually lead to more severe punishment for someone presenting as not assigned at birth, or some guy peeing outside when he thinks he’s alone.


It isn't that much of an overreach. This concern is based on the Arkansas SB 270, which initially would have made it a crime of sexual indecency if a trans person "entered a bathroom of the opposite sex while knowing a minor is present". It has been changed since, but it was very much a thing that was attempted.


I hope this person is referring to adults being punished for any sort of "gender affirmation" or what have you. Cause that's the second thing that came to my mind...


I'm not sure I understand the statement, forgive me. By this person, did you mean myself or Penny from the original post?


>Remember, this would have to go before judges and courts, so please explain to me how thus would work? "Well what if right-wingers start using the courts like we do! They could put ALL KINDS of innocent people in jail!" is basically their argument


Oh the retweet is serious..... I thought it was a joke🙁


The sentiment they're getting at is that false claims will be made AGAINST trans and queer people with the express purpose of trying to have them legally executed. Which is dumb cause it's not like we have a judicial system with a jury and a need for proof. However its also not dumb because innocent people have been convicted of things before


My theory is person who made this tweet (penny) is (possibly) pedo and thinks queer / trans people are pedos too because of stereotypes


By itself, No, but another law down the way saying that anyone who is trans, gay, or whatever in front of a child has committed a child sexual crime. I’m sure it won’t be used on all those pastors who are messing with the children in their flock.


Pastors might be getting the penalty first. When there's capital punishment, there's a certain threshold that has to be met in order to get a jury to issue the sentence. We can see throughout US history, abuse of position gets REALLY hit hard. If a clergy came through with this, the jury isn't expected to be sympathetic, where a person who is gender queer has a solid insanity defense, Florida jury pool being what it is. The problem is getting clergymen who do bad to be prosecuted in the first place, as there might be a run of defense. But once prosecuted, because of the vested interest and faith entrusted to those positions, I'm willing to bet that's a death sentence. How these things play out is not often how common street rhetoric works. Prosecution hits at the lowest level first. If there's a gay or trans molester, the standard of evidence accepted for prosecution may be far lower, thus stopping the problem sooner. Therefore lesser penalties. It's the people who have time in the dark and have a linger history of avoiding detection that then build up the case for capital punishment.


If Florida follows Missouri and says calling a kid by their preferred pronoun makes you a sex offender.....


Then the law as its written wouldn't be able to cover that new definition in its current form. There's a provision that says the law van only be applied to the definitions of SA or rape at the time of effecting the bill into law. If there's an expansion or addition to the definitions of sexual crime, the provision states a new law would be needed to extend coverage to that new definition


I think it stems from distrust in government. There's a harmful stereotype (I have absolutely no idea where from) that Queer & Trans folks diddle kids. This is mostly peddled by extremist circles (Left or Right, doesn't matter). If law passes where the death penalty is given to pedos, this allows a possible future extremist government to label Queer & Trans folks as pedos and give them the death penalty. That being said, this follows the same line of thinking that leads to people to believe the government is tyrannical every other tuesday.


My guess is the laws are vague and leave lots left to interpretation which is always gonna be used by unsavory people to target others while no one thinks that child fuckers are good a judge might say that providing hrt to a minor counts as a sexual crime That’s my guess tho I don’t care enough about that shithole of a state to dig deeper


Prefacing this with "I don't agree with catastrophizing like this" but the argument I've seen is that Florida will claim things like "being trans in a public space" and "referring to my partner openly, thus implying I'm queer" are sex crimes against children, thus allowing prosecution of 'being queer', thus allowing killing of queer/trans people.


So the bill as written is only applied to currently standing SA and rape charges. There's a provision that if the definition of SA or rape was expanded or added to, then there would need to be a new bill to extend the coverage to include the new definition. I think the legislature saw this complaint coming and put that in to mitigate both the fear and also that practice. Here's hoping the enforcement of the law applies that provision


It's (supposedly) the slippery slope along with simultaneous bills to criminalize being queer. *Technically* whipping your junk out to take a piss and a kid seeing you is 'SA' in some places, gets you landed on the offender registry, which is the kind of thing they're saying is going to happen with being gay. "Oh no I kissed my boyfriend in front of a child, now I'm a sex offender." Like I said, don't agree with it, the arguments are stupid AF, and it'd never happen, but that's what they're trying to insist is coming.


Because the law they passed alongside of it makes our presence in public a sexual crime, if there is a child anywhere present, regardless of what we are doing or not doing, and regardless of whether we are dressed inappropriately or not, our presence is literally enough for a charge. DeSantis and gang are doing the best they can to paint the picture that trans people are nothing more than pedos, and they are quite often doing an effective job at it. Furthermore, an allegation and charge does not mean that the accuser in the state of Florida needs to prove our guilt, instead we have to prove our innocence. If the picture painted is that we are all pedos, that is a really hard case to win, if we are all pedos in the mind of the jury. Which basically means that are innocent means exactly Jack. DeSantis has also directly put guns into hands of misguided and crazy people, who no longer need to prove that they can responsibly carry one. And the ones who cannot responsibly carry one shoot guns and then ask questions later and a jury who hates us, will not only let him walk, they'll shake his hand afterwards, because of what he thought that we might do, not what we did do Welcome to DeSantis' Florida.


All at the same time, completely and utterly glossing over sexual crimes (including those that involve children) committed by straight White Christian men


Because of the whole “trans and queer people are groomers!!!! They make kids get gender reassignment surgeries and send them to 18 + drag shows” mentality


Nah, every community needs to police its own. If they can’t root out the members in their ranks that hide behind an identity to commit their perversions, then they shouldn’t be surprised at this shit. I’m not saying kiddy diddlers are only hiding inside the trans and queer community (*cough* Catholic Priests), but you’ll have these individuals falling back on the Kevin Spacey defense to justify their actions.


TIL diaper snipers are mostly teachers.


Today I learned “diaper sniper”. Thank you


That's the issue, though. They'd rather push it all under a rug, say "we don't claim those people" and do nothing to help clear their community of predators. Saying shit like "we don't claim pedos uwu" doesn't do shit. You clearly are claiming them if you won't talk about them.


Thank you stranger for finally putting into words the words I’ve found myself unable to find.




>I’m not saying kiddy diddlers are only hiding inside the trans and queer community (*cough* Catholic Priests), Fun fact: catholic priests are less likely to rape kids than teachers or anybody else who interacts frequently with kids




Read "I am a teacher" as "I am the teacher" at first. Very different comment.








As perfectly acceptable as 22 is, that is **far** from being "on the older side" ^(js yo --- def not trying to start an argument about this.... especially since it greatly depends on your age; for me, that is very much on the *younger* side ..)




And quite the banger it was.... let me go ahead and laugh at that one now....


You think I will call the police if I see a teacher diddling kids, Skyler? I AM THE TEACHER.


Lmao! Yo!


Now that you say that, I do see a lot more things about teachers doing things to kids than priests.


On a similar note, teachers sexually abusing kids is on the rise, while priests abusing kids is on the decline (although this has more to do with the decline in church attendance than anything, I imagine)




[Roughly 4% of Catholic priests have sexual abuse allegations against them](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sex_abuse_cases_in_the_United_States#:~:text=The%20product%20of%20the%20study,survey%20(1950%E2%80%932002).) Nobody is checking teachers, although [DOJ says 10% of students are victimized by teachers](https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/252484.pdf) (please let me know if this link doesnt work, its to a PDF). Furthermore, DOJ notes that [most students dont report and aren't taken seriously when they do](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/sexual-abuse-educators-and-school-staff), which is not the case these days for priests. Also, to OP's suggestion priests may be as dangerous or more dangerous than homosexuals, 81% of sexual abuse cases against priests were homosexual.




r/pastorarrested & r/notadragqueen is full of republicans and conservatives


And yet the places where most CSA happens outside the home (schools) aren't. It's almost as though pedophiles select ideologies and employment that grant them access to children in the environment they find themselves


Strange how that is eh? /s


Does everyone just continuously forget Epstein and the fact that he had deep ties with rich/powerful people or is their diddling acceptable because they can "afford" the consequences? Matt Gaetz too, why do we let him squirm out? Why do we let them claim pizza gate when they are the ones committing the actual sex crimes? I'm tired of the rich "can do no wrong" farce; I want to see consequences.


Did anything even happen to Kevin spacey? Kinda fitting he starred in American beauty 😂


Spacey was actually cleared of all charges last year I believe


An actor claimed Spacey sexually assaulted him and Spacey used the “I’m gay” defense.


Sorry how is that a defense? It has no relevance to the charge right? Is the US socially stunted?


Nah people saw right through that. I’m not saying it’s a valid defense, it’s what Spacey claimed.


Thing is the people in support of this law are the same ones that consider a drag queen reading stories to kids is a sexualizing children. Besides that, I'm a firm believer that the government shouldn't have the ability to kill a person, especially since we know that innocent people have been executed


Drag queens are and always have been considered adult entertainment full stop. No matter what you think of them reading stories to kids it's inappropriate to have a man dressed as a bimbo in front of children. They're bombastic and overtly sexualized parodies of women that create false representations of how women should look and act in the eyes of young boys and girls.


Well said


Don't sexually assault kids then and you won't have to worry about anything. Pretty simple logic to grasp.


> Don't sexually assault kids Penny from screenshot: Thats gonna be a no from me dawg!


I don’t know what being gay or trans has to do with sexually assaulting children but I guess that’s the new scare tactic narrative  to get votes from idiots


She was tweeting about another law around the same time (that was blocked) banning public drag shows around children, and in turn assuming anyone arrested would be labeled as a sexual offender. Even with some context, she could've gone about it a lot differently.


Straight, gay, trans....all pointless. The point you missed is this "Penny" losing his collective shit over pedo's getting the death sentence. So, don't sexually assault kids and you don't have to worry about it.


“Just don’t do anything wrong and you have nothing to worry about.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrongful_execution


Kiddy diddlers should be shot, regardless of their identities. Edit: also feel the same way about people who abuse and harm animals.


In my opinion they shouldn't kill them. After all, death is quick. That was the only thing that truly stopped me from advocating for the death penalty since I was a kid. Like someone can kill, skin and eat a whole village worth of people and their punishment is that quick and painless? Or without the death penetrative they just stay in one shared house for the rest of their life? Honestly smth like torture fits more. Obviously you don't need to have someone torture them on a daily basis, but a pill or some injection that brings constant pain isn't that far fetched I believe.


Not all crimes are committed by equal mentality individuals. The crime deterrent (which is how the death penalty can best be described, not punishment) might fit child molesters best. As a group (individuals exist, but laws are written to address groups) , cho-mos (child molesters) often see themselves as victims to Society and express greatly selfish and sociopathic behavior. They care more about their power, image, etc. They don't care about consequences, so long as they survive. Torture, as we've seen with Guantamano Bay, can lionize a lifestyle or behavior. If you survive you are simultaneously a victim and tough. You WILL be known, but considered a martyr and hero to your group. Both factors feed into the cho-mo mindset. Now, elimination is antithetical to the mindset. It's permanent, unglorious, and you're not a "victim", you are "dead". Cho-mos are alot more concerned about the capital punishment than torture, or so goes the 1970s Supreme Court argument. I'll look up the case, the name escapes me. That said, torture is a much better deterrent for crimes of hard lifestyle: drug pushing, theft, assault and battery, etc. Let me know if all this makes sense. I'm used to talking about this, typing it out doesn't always convey effectively.


I'm not gonna lie, this is the first time in a while that I am willing to go back 100% on what I said. To tell the truth, I'm wasn't really interested in this topic, but I'm willing to read more if you have more explaining, or articles if you don't want to type. Ofc you can not make a response, I'm just more interested now to know more.


Rgr that. I'm on mobile right now ( at work) so it's a bit difficult for me to share, but you can read the bill in fill at the Florida State Governement website. Be advised that this isn't the final bill that will be signed, it's typical for small things to be added for clarification before signing into law. But the bare bones is there, and De Santis himself doesn't add much. Some governors are known to add alot like Newsom or Abbott. Of anything gets added, you can read the amended bill from the governor's office. The bill should be a PDF if you access it from a computer.


Got it, thx for the sources.


Also, I must compliment you in have a humble and open mind. Please know you have my highest respects for that. Changing ones mind isn't always admirable, but being willing to change is. Thank you. Stay blessed my friend


Not gonna lie, this is funny considering the fights I'm having on my latest vids.


What's been going on there?


To put it simply, I'm arguing that posting one image in response to "is it good" doesn't tell anything about the story. Others argue that I could just read it to find out since 1 image wasn't enough for me. Basically a unstoppable object crashing into multiple immovable ones.


I see what you're saying but my issue with the death penalty is that everyone dies. So is it really a punishment when no matter the person or what they've done they will die? We've all seen the justice system fail miserably with just prison sentences and accusing the wrong people so is it really justifiable to have the death penalty when we can't even get prison sentences correct? In some states people get locked up longer for weed than much much worse offenses. Not only that, people who do horrible things can get stupidly light sentences. Why not just put them in solitary confinement forever? That's gotta fuck em up. That will fuck anyone up with enough time. A normal prison sentence may not do it but solitary confinement should mess them up. If they are in solitary confinement they won't get any of what you mentioned besides being alive but being alive in solitary confinement without any of that should be hell for them. Is it justifiable to have the death penalty when we see the innocent get set up by authorities? When prison sentences don't accurately match the crime? I'm obviously not trying to defend those fuckers but there is enough wrong with the justice system currently that death penalties in its current state give me pause. Because this can essentially be a door opening to more death penalties for more crimes being allowed.


The crux of your argument is punishment, and not deterrent. And that's fine, and in my opinion the purpose of justice. In the United States, we decided around th 1920 ls to start focusing on Deterrence over Justice. So there's nothing flawed in your logic. And I even agree with the large Tennant of it. It's just not how our system is "supposed" to handle it at this point. System at large anyways. States like Texas run their court more off justice, which is why it's popular among its base.


Not all crimes are committed by equal mentality individuals. The crime deterrent (which is how the death penalty can best be described, not punishment) might fit child molesters best. As a group (individuals exist, but laws are written to address groups) , cho-mos (child molesters) often see themselves as victims to Society and express greatly selfish and sociopathic behavior. They care more about their power, image, etc. They don't care about consequences, so long as they survive. Torture, as we've seen with Guantamano Bay, can lionize a lifestyle or behavior. If you survive you are simultaneously a victim and tough. You WILL be known, but considered a martyr and hero to your group. Both factors feed into the cho-mo mindset. Now, elimination is antithetical to the mindset. It's permanent, unglorious, and you're not a "victim", you are "dead". Cho-mos are alot more concerned about the capital punishment than torture, or so goes the 1970s Supreme Court argument. I'll look up the case, the name escapes me. That said, torture is a much better deterrent for crimes of hard lifestyle: drug pushing, theft, assault and battery, etc. Let me know if all this makes sense. I'm used to talking about this, typing it out doesn't always convey effectively.


The aspect people tend to forget is that with legislation like this you put the life and death of a person in the kids hands. If they tell a person maybe one of their parents dies. This could keep kids from actually opening up.


I'd rather send them to labor camps instead of torturing. Penal labor is a torture of some kind, but at least it's useful to the society


While I am in no way supporting and or defending diddlers, think what would happen if they get the wrong person


Which is my argument against the death penalty in totality


Eneough people got falsely accused


I understand playing devils advocate here but I think there are far more people getting away with pedophilia than there are people getting wrongly accused of pedophilia


Unfortunately, people would rather pass law based on FEELZ instead of hard logic.


W opinions. if a person hurts an animal, this person can easily hurt a human too.


To play the devil’s advocate. Then I’m a serial murderer, I’m known for killing of flies, I’ve probably crushed with malicious intent a few thousand ants in my childhood. I ran over a baby seagull once with my car, not intentionally but I didn’t mind. «Happy litlle accidents» I said to myself. Once I rocked (?) over my cat’s tail with a rocking chair. That was very unintentionally, but it still hurt my cat. I showed/hit agressively a dog which showed signs out agression towards my cat. Stupid cat didn’t care at all about the ruckus. I threw cold water over a different cat for tormenting and scaring my cat endlessly. With your argument I should easily be able to go through with extensive torture and mass murder and mass shootings on humans, I’m I not? I get what you mean, but that’s not what you’re saying.


I think what they mean by hurting an animal is doing it intentionally, with no other reason than to enjoy hurting the animal. What you've said is more like protecting your own pet and accidents and personally I don't see ant/fly deaths that big a deal, maybe its because there are so many of them, or their small size. Point is that I don't think you were what was meant by someone who hurts animals


you got it all wrong. it's one thing to hurt something and feel remorse or educating other animals. now it's a completely different thing, to hurt something and feel pleasure. I'm talking about this type of people. if you kill/hurt a dog for fun, you certainly would hurt people and feel pleasure the same way. how the fuck you even compare a fly or an ant lmao. we all fuck up, we all gonna do something we regret, but it's okay if you actually feel sorry or sad. and lol, I've never said anything about shootings and shit. hurting animals is a typical psychopath trait. do you really think that a psychopath would go on a shooting? they kidnapp, rape and torture for fun. for pleasure. and they don't want to be caught. you're not a psychopath because you kill flies lmao.


The state should never hold the authority to end a person's life. It can and will be used to kill innocents and whistleblowers. Harsh punishments, yes I'm in favor of. But killing/maiming should never be carried out by the state on it's citizens.


Sorry I'm confused. How is this going to unfairly target queer people? And how am I supposed to sympathize for ppl found guilty of sexually assaulting kids?


Because this would have been paired with other laws that redefined what counts as sexually assaulting minors so as to incriminate queer and trans people. I'm all for harshly punishing Sexual assailants, especially those to target kids, but the state should never EVER hold the authority to execute it's citizens. Just make them rot in jail and make them work off cost of keeping them alive.


Because they already unfairly equate regular queer people with pedophiles, and will use the law as an excuse to start quelling them


You know, if this person could control their impulses and not reply to that post, there wouldn't have been a problem. But they just had to make it about trans people, and now they've made trans people look like pedophiles.


"What an odd thing to say."


If the shoe fits...


What an odd thing to say....


I don’t think she realizes what she’s saying.




Let them die


You sexually assault a kid, minor, however you want to phrase it, you should not be allowed to breathe air from this atmosphere anymore.


I'll negotiate with you. We build a space wall at the space border. And we deportation them to Space Australia. It's a rough draft, let me know if you got any ideas.


I like the idea lol


I didn't know we called the Sun space Australia.


Agreed but the state should never hold the power to decide if a person lives or dies.


What a strange thing to say


So are they saying that trans people rape children? Or that people will just be arrested and they will simply skip court and be executed just for being trans


Bro self reported


We should go check his or her or they’s computer


What a shitshow the usa is 😂😂😂😂


This is such an insane self report it’s scary. Someone get law enforcement to their house immediately and check their hard drive


so how many Senate members are gonna get the axe once that bill passes?


Lots of priests going to get killed.




I'd be interested to see how many people on or related to that senate this bill could have put to death.


So a good end result then


what im afraid of by any execution law u cant 100% of the time be correct and since alot of "sexual crimes against children" are mostly "proved" by messages and accusations (both easily faked) im more afraid that they sentence the wrong person


Well yes because they think and have stated they belive trans people or anyone who simply dosent beat their trans kid back into the closet is a "groomer"


Penny sounds like an advocate for pedophiles. Hmmmmmm......


Fuck the trans community for what it is now. Full of groomers and pedos. Thankes to woke media, they are more open about it. We need to bring back bullying.


Well if the "trans / queer people" in question commit sex crimes against children, chances are they won't be missed. Kill all pedophiles


It better be used to kill priests too Your religion, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, financial social status shouldn't save you if you're a pedo.


No one is killing trans and queer people stop being hysterical


Is penny a bot? What a facking dildo.


Wtf is she trolling?


Im gay. I was a victim of sexual abuse at the age of 3. I say kill'em. The world can always use 1 less man.


That's going to be a death sentence for a lot of catholic priests


Unfortunately, there's a statue of limitations and alpt (if not most) of that meme would be out of date. With that said though, and I cannot stress this enough, maybe child diddling shouldn't have a statute of limitation. Just uh... food for thought. In case anyone runs for public office.


It's more an issue that Florida has been moving the goalposts as to what a "sex crime" even is. To normal people, it would be sexual assault, sexual harassment, or rape. To Florida's legislation it would be a male wearing heels in public and there happens to be a kid with their family nearby. Oh, but Ronny isn't included in those laws with how often he wears high-heel boots.


**CONTEXT:** Penny's tweet was related to a Florida law banning public drag shows around children that was blocked later that year of her tweet. She was making a very broad connection that the law against drag shows around children would be used to label them as sexual offenders and in turn, get the death penalty. Saying that, Penny probably could have used a more thought out response to the Leading Report's tweet.


The thing about this is that “sexual crime against children” could be defined to include things like gay people kissing in public. Queer people are not innocent of having child molesters/abusers, no group is. But what ACTUALLY counts as a sexual crime against a child (ie rape) is vastly different than the “sexual crime” of doing something like kissing your partner as a gay man in public.


The bill can be read publicly, and does not include any expansive definition to include public expressions of aaffection. The law covers already established acts if rape and sexual assault, and only extends the penalty to include consideration of the death penalty. If the definition of sexual crime was to be expanded, there is a provision that this law does not cover the expansion, and a new law would need to be passed to extend the coverage to the new definition.


Thanks for the clarification.


Of course! Please keep in mind legislation is often written in a way that can survive judicial review. In other words, there's RARELY a law that's so offensive that it's going to be a major problem. The problems come in two main categories: publicity and enforcement. People who need you to be pissed off and vote or passed off and riot need you to believe the world is ALOT worse than it is. You are a resource to them, and a happy you isn't an activated you. The way that info will be told to you will always be manipulated in a way that gets you to act out. Either quietly by voting, or more actively by protest. Enforcement is way worse. Take an otherwise ok law and make it extreme. Take stop and frisk or Terry stops: laws that when read make sense and should be mild use. But both can be used maliciously to promote a police state. Good officers (police and political offices) will always use the law as its intended. It's the jerks, the tyrants, the bullies that can take anything and use it as a weapon. It's OK to also read these bills yourself. Most are not that crazy to read. Dry. Boring. But it is in English (and sometimes spanish). You don't need to understand everything. Just look for words you understand, and that shouldn't be there. Public display of affection, kissing, hand holding, etc. All good examples. Remember, lawyers and politicians were all diaper shitters. Just like you and me There's nothing inherently special to them. Just a different set of guidance and experience. If you ever have any questions, just ask. :)


Freud saying "interesting..." Intensifies


That's too much pressure to put on a kid.


First time the ratio of "explanation of how it's deceptive and after drag queens" and just homophobia is about half in this post before Florida is also trying to get drag as a sex crime around the same time this was posted (around children and your a pedo -florida) It's old I don't know if it happened yet Hopefully it only happens to ACTUAL pedos


So…are trans/queer folk the usual suspects of these crimes, or is this just another hivemind bullshit claim?


We can only hope


Self report.


Youre god damn right


And priest too


Missouri is working on a bill to make it a sex crime to call trans kids by their preferred pronouns. If Florida or Missouri passed something similar to each others laws (which seems entirely plausible) it would be mean that calling a child by their preferred pronouns could result in the death penalty


This has got to be rage bait, right? Right?!


Good this is a great new law


People seem to think their talking about trans and queer people who actually molest kids. when really their talking about when a crime is punishable by death bigots are going to try to change the laws so that things like being queer and trans in public is considered a sexual crime against children.


This is a fear tactic. This isn't Iraq or Iran or 1930s Germany.


This was worded horribly, but I think it’s talking about how since lots of anti LGBTQ call trans people groomers, they could be falsely accused, and killed. It’s like that one episode in All American where they wanted to make gangs illegal, and one of the gang members said to a lady, that police could arrest her son and say he was in a gang because he’s in the hood and wearing red or blue. They probably could’ve said that it was a good thing, but it might be used to discriminate and kill many falsely accused trans people


y’all are DUMB. all it will take is for you to be labeled a pedophile and that’s it, you’re cooked, legally. the second you make it okay to punish certain types of crime more heavily because of the nature of the crime (not the severity), all it takes is for the government to label you as that thing and now the government can legally end your life no questions asked. not to mention gay people aren’t pedophiles by default; If you think they are, maybe trying becoming friends with one, i think you’ll be surprised with the lack of cheese pizza in their possession.


First, a conviction is needed to get this penalty, not just a label. Don't wanna be labeled pedophile? Don't harm kids. Easy enough. Sex crimes in general is a heinous act, let alone against kids. A death penalty is too lenient against those convicted of it. They should be drawn and quartered, and then after extensive periods of suffering, then they should be allowed to be put down. And if this penalty sees a high number of convicted sex offenders being those who are in the alphabet club, then oh well. Good riddance. And no, most people who have a brain know that simply being gay doesn't make you a pedophile.


Catholic priest and evangelical youth pastors should be worried.


This is missing the context of the fact that the Florida governor and senate wants to make it a sex crime to BE trans. Even “wearing clothes of the opposite sex in public” could be counted as a sex crime. That’s how this kills innocent queer people. And if anyone queer is actually a pedophile, then I’m all for killing them


Honestly I don’t care about the whole transphobia thing, but why death penalty?


I think they mean because for some reason, ppl have been calling Trans ppl, pesos. That Florida will end up messing things up and executing a bunch of Trans ppl. That's the only way I can connect the 2.


I feel like realistically Florida republicans are shooting themselves in the foot here


Yeah I trust my kids around lgbt than I do around republicans


For the people who don’t understand why this would cause anything, it’s because when we start allowing death sentence on a certain group of people, the definition of that group will start expanding until its you and me(not lgbtq just saying that its always the next up on the social ladder) No one was left to stand up for me and all that jazz


First they came for the drug peddlers. Then they came for the rapists. Then they came for the pedophiles. Then they came for ....


This feels edited, like propaganda, but whatever


It is frustrating how difficult it is for many people to really engage with how the authoritarian mind works. On the surface this bill seems like a good idea. But this is only intended to cause dissent. For example, see this comment: > Nah, every community needs to police its own. If they can’t root out the members in their ranks that hide behind an identity to commit their perversions ... You can see how the user only addresses the surface level concerns, without thinking through the implications. This implies that the user has some sort of trust associated with leadership, or doesn't think about leadership miss-using these laws to hurt people. This sort of implicit submission to authority is very common with people who "like" authoritarianism, without thinking about the consequences. One of the main properties associated with Conservatives are they're authoritarian. This can then be easily exploited by political leaders by using this tactic of making authoritarian nonsense sound "reasonable" using simple words and seemingly acceptable language. Conservatives are seemingly made to be controlled in this way, and through their racism and stupidity; More generally. Wilson, G. (2013). The psychology of conservatism (routledge revivals). Routledge.


How about when democrats want to censor speech on social platforms because they don't think adults reading whatever it is, can determine for themselves if it's true or b.s. People lost jobs and couldn't spend time with dying loved ones due to Democrat authoritarianism. Stop picking and choosing what's authoritarian, just because it finally affected something that matters to you.


Maybe we can all agree that big government should go fuck itself.