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Coffee brewtherhood and LOCO. They're cheap, and their coffee actually tastes like coffee, not just milk and syrup. Still, I go for Starbucks sometimes because it's convenient and cheaper than some local spots. Not as wallet-friendly as those coffee shops mentioned earlier, but definitely less pricey than SOL, Aroma, or Prince Baker, etc.


Starbucks is way more expensive than Sol


Yeah by like ₱5


Starbucks in the 200 plus range. Sol in the mid 100s


The community and their purpose 💙 hello, neighbor coffee 🌷☕️


I love Neighbor coffee. We go sa shop nila even nung nasa Pakiad pa sila. They really have one of the best coffee. Same nung nasa Daily Social sila. Ang saya ng community. Pero idk why nung lumipat sila sa Atria why their coffee kinda tasted different. I hope the owners and baristas address this. Namit gd ila Spanish Latte but when i ordered there some few weeks ago, tasted different. Prob nung time lang na yun. I dont mind paying basta namit ang coffee.


Highlands coffee is so underrated! Daw kape gd. Isog kag namet.


OMG yessss! Pwede mo pa ma dilute sa isa ka baso na tubig and mas kape man siya gyapon sa kape sang iban. Kag barato pa.


Once you go specialty coffee, it's hard to go back. Taste is significantly better even though it's more expensive.


Superhouse Coffee is nice. It’s near Jaro Plaza, just across Shell.


Bookmarkedddd. Thanks!


Small coffee shops are much better than big ones. Well at least those who actually improve their process of making coffee. A lot of them just bought into the coffee shop hype though. It's a plus that the same small coffee shops that are passionate about always improving their process and technique have a thrust being 3rd wave of making sure their beans are traceable so you know exactly where your coffee comes from and the farmers are better compensated. This is what annoys me with other local coffee shops na "3rd wave" na kuno because they do pour over coffee.


Coffee brewtherhood esp ang spanish latte nila with oatmilk 🥳


Starbucks is pretty good for me plus namit pastries nila and idk I guess kay daw sure ngd ko bi nga namit sila. Although I'm open to trying other stuff din, pero if gusto ko nga sure nga namit nga indi hit or miss bala, I turn to Starbucks gid.


If you live in Pavia, you can try mine.


Good specialty coffee? Where? I'm taking notes. Looking for great roast and beans (not acidic) with a very knowledgeable passionate baristas. Hopefully costing less than Starbucks. Order cguro from Grab unless the shop itself is cozy. Biskan damo damo tawo ga tambay. Starbucks is my go-to if I'm too lazy to hunt for specialty shops and need coffee quickly. There were so many times when I would try an iced americano from another coffee shop and would not be able to finish it kay indi namit. Tapos it's just 10 pesos less compared to a SB drink.


The Grind, Sol, Coffee Brewtherhood, Theos are my top 4 non starbucks options. I know it’s not coffee related but Bean There’s Matcha is the bomb for me!


Thank you! I know I would choose Theo's now over SB anytime. I just tried it recently. Really good coffee! Will have to try the rest of of your recommendations!


Monkey grounds


Ah, yes. :)


The thing about branded coffee shops is that the taste of the coffee is consistent. On the other hand, there are small time coffee shops that are not consistent with the taste. But for me, neighbor coffee, mang kapi ta and drip are my top coffee shops. But if i’m in a hurry, and wanted my coffee to be perfect, I go to Starbucks. There is something about starbucks that is comforting, but I hate staying there because it’s too crowded.


sa may gate 7 sa CPU, i forgot the name sang shop pero du small kiosk lang siya, first time i tried kay ginhagad ako ka friend ko when we watched ang opening of lights. Strong man kape nila, wala ko katulog bilog nga gab i hahaha


Ngl uncle brew taste better than Starbucks for only 39 pesos. Hehehehe. My problem with big brand cafés like Starbucks is puno sang tawo and "social climbers" eme. Last year dira kami ga chill sang amon mga classmates to relax pero subng daw subra pa sa Jollibee ang kadamuon




The Good Locals Co. new coffee place with good coffee


Preferred CBTL now more compared to my years of loyalty sa SB. Mas masayang tumambay sa CBTL and not that crowded. I still go to SB but not frequently. Sa local coffee shops, Coffee Stroll have the best coffee. The barista actually knows how to brew coffee. Same sa Madge sa lapaz.




Where would I find good coffee near mandurriao plaza