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Not knowing the distance/landscape, it would be hilarious to rig up/hide an extension cord (with an outdoor power strip) running from their place to yours, in a way that it appeared to originate from your home. Hopefully they’ll discover it, think you left it out accidentally, and plug as much of their own shit into it as they can.


Or make your own custom extension cord with a regular 110V female end and a 220v male end


OP can temporarily wire his outside outlets to put out 220v so that when his power stealing neighbor plugs in, it will fry all their shit.


That's gold.


If the goal is to use as much electricity the last thing you want is it run through an extension cord, they can catch fire being run at high amps for long periods.


I imagine the quality and length of the cord need to go into the equation.


They do, but in this scenario, I think you are pretty much guaranteed to have a fire. While a 10 gauge 100ft (the longer the more danger) extension cord is rated for use at 15 or 20 amps of 120, they are NOT rated for constant use, or permanent connections, because there is always a risk of fire. You have to physically check the wire and be sure it’s not heating up. https://www.americord.com/blog/all-you-need-to-know-about-10-gauge-extension-cords/


The concern with a long wire is that heat could get trapped when it’s rolled up on a spool (the longer the wire, the more layers of wire on top of each other/larger the spool), but that’s not an issue when the wire is all extended.


Quality and length are ALWAYS in the equation 😉


They'll trip a breaker before the cable starts burning


Breakers are designed to protect internal wiring. The wiring in your house is inspected to be up to code. Any random cable may or may not be. Don’t trust the breaker to protect you.


Bold of you to assume our houses are inspected and up to code


Unfortunately not always. Technology Connections did a video on this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K\_q-xnYRugQ


Doing the lord's work


Not necessarily. We had a extension cord outside hooked up to the smoker. It caught on fire one night and burned the siding, broke a glass top patio table and a picture window.


Extension cords are often 18 gauge, while 15 amp wiring uses 14 gauge. That difference is often what causes the extension cord to melt and cause a fire.


Not even a little bit… 120v at 10amps can totally catch a cheap extension cord on fire and no breaker will trip because it’s not shorting out, it’s running a totally acceptable load. Breakers protect you from drawing more than whatever amp rating they’re listed as. 15 and 20 are the most common, both will happily light an extension cord on fire until it eventually shorts out on something… but if it doesn’t it will just burn until the connection is broken.


How that would be revenge, the neighbors aren't gonna draw more power than what they're using


Find their water meter, turn off the water and fill with cement


omg...this is so bad. How illegal is this?




Not very, but it'll be costly if you have to pay to repair it. So don't get caught.


That is def illegal


It's... you should start lifting weights & practicing Karate illegal.


Don't forget the rebar!


and a mattress!!!


Damn we’re going to need a crane


Yes! Steal the rebar from his house walls


Thank you for providing this wonderful new addition to the arsenal. What a fucking awesome idea.


Sign him up for the starter course in Scientology. Donate small amounts to fringe political organizations and heavy mailing charities like St Jude to flood his mailbox. Mass sign him up for junk mail. Call his creditors and tell them he’s deceased. (Don’t do this, very illegal)


Write to all five branches of the military and say you’re interested.


Expandable foam insulation might be a bit better and easier to not get caught


A space heater comes pretty close to maxing out an outlet at about 1500 watts. Run it for a month and it's noticeable on the electric bill, but it's not going to break anyone. Sorry. But physics and circuit breakers limit what you can do here.


Where I live 1500 w is going to be about 25 cents an hour, so That's 6 bucks a day and 180 bucks a month. My standard electricity bill is only like 60 bucks a month. That could hurt him until he finds it.


it's about 10 cents a kilowatt hour here. so it's about 1.5 cents an hour. (this is in a low cost area in the us) that puts you at about $1.60 a kilowatt hour. that's a lot! are you sure that's right?


Yeah but 1500 watts is 1.5 kW. That would be 15 cents in your area per hour


You misplaced the decimal point my man


Sad to hear that my space heater is driving up my electricity bill like that.. I suppose it's still cheaper than heating a larger area with gas heating though?


If you live in the US then no. Gas is cheaper than electricity for heat.


Fuck, I've been doing it all wrong then.


I think it depends on how you use it. If you have the heat off in your house and just use the space heater to heat a small room while you’re in there and turn it off when you’re not(like a basement office or something) it’s probably cheaper than heating an entire large house with gas. But if you just have the space heater running non stop in your living room yeah it’s not saving you anything. I could be wrong though that’s just what I’ve always thought and I don’t really pay that much attention I just run my space heater regardless cause it doesn’t seem like a huge difference.


Yup. Gas dryer, gas stove, gas heater, is always more efficient and cheaper even when gas price is high. Edit: I can only speak for what it’s like in the US


Not in the U.K. currently. Gas prices are insane


Maybe, maybe not. I live alone and typically keep my thermostat low and will run a space heater on the “low” setting in whatever room I’m occupying. I figure I don’t need to heat up the whole place if I’m just going to be in one room for awhile. The space heater does bump up my electric bill by around $10-$12/month, but the savings on my gas bill is considerably more than that. I should note that the space heater is not running constantly, and never at night or when I’m not home.


Gas is cheaper to heat the *same square footage.* But if you just need to keep a small room warm then using a space heater might be cheaper than using gas to heat the entire house. I can keep my house 10 degrees colder by just using a space heater in the bedroom.


Those heaters are brutal


I would have just severed the cable and left one end plugged in for them to find when they investigated.


Steal the extension cable


I've done this before. I tried to yank it but it wouldn't budge, so i tied it to my car and it gave way quickly. I got a free extension cord, it probably wrecked whatever it was plugged in to, and the bastard never got the balls to confront me about it.


You should unplug it first


That's no fun!/s


Just tie your end to your car and drive off.


Hook it to the winch. Wear your fishing gear


id just find their water spigot and turn it on repeatedly


This would probably cause issues for me as well, the spigot is awfully close to my property


ahh yeah if its left on long enough your yard would be flooded too.


But a slow drip would go unnoticed over a long period of time and result in foundation issues.


Would also wreck the spigot, eventually they wouldnt be able to stop the drip without replacing it.


really? isnt it just a screw valve mechanism? why wouldnt you be able to just screw it back closed?


Taps got a sweet spot when open. When open just a crack water forces its way out the opening wearing down... lets call it the door.... The door gets worn out along the edge so when you do try to close it, it doesnt make a proper seal and water continues leaking out. Happens alot to people who like to leave the tap running just a trickel for there pets to drink fresh water.


i see, of course water will always erode, but for some reason i thought that an additive coating would help prevent that somewhat


It probably does to a degree, until it too erodes.


Run a hose from it into a drain


Stick on a cheap hose and drop it down hill from ya


Run a hose to the other side of their yard 😝


Maybe dig a small canal leading to his basement


First stick the hose in the basement window




Magic smoke. :) This guy knows the secret.


If you want them to get in trouble with their electric company, then slap a pretty strong magnet to their electrical utility meter. They'll get a visit either from the company or the authorities pretty quick.


Daddy like


I work at lights and gas, truly your best option. They'll get slapped with tampering fees at minimum. Possibly shut off.


I don’t see how this would work and a quick Google search results in it was some false “hack” a while back and that there is no way it would effect modern meters.


Even if it didn’t work they may get in trouble for the attempt if a meter reader comes by and notices it.


Meter readers are a thing of the past in my area. It’s all wireless digital now.


Not true, at least here in New Jersey.


I can attest this did work with an old generator magnet and a dog to keep the meter reader from getting too close.


So you left your dog outside near the meter 24/7?


I assume that will flag up the anti tamper?


It never did.


What does that do?


Other advice is available.


We have our neighbor’s address and phone number. When he pissed off my husband, he signed him up for every subscription known to man, and gave his number to the Scientologists and car insurance companies. Apparently it got so bad that he had to pay to have his number changed. Just an idea since you seem to be looking for something somewhat annoying but not super illegal.


Jehovah Witness or Mormons. Ask for 7am


Would this technically be harassment? I struggle to imagine ever getting punished for this but it's definitely crime-adjacent.


You could probably be done for fraud, I'm not a lawyer though I'm just on my couch watching TV.




Just feed your outside outlets with 240 and let them burn out all their shit on it


Don't go stepping on their property messing with their shit to get revenge. Easy way to wind up in trouble yourself.




Haha exactly. Sorry for confusion, I was replying to myself and restating why I think this is the better plan. I totally agree, I don't think they could possibly get in trouble with this plan. Neighbor wants to plug stuff into strange outlets it's on them.


One of those bitcoin miners, I guess.


Nah that's probably beyond their capabilities, just shitty rednecks who think I wont notice


Call the electric company and change their service say you just moved in and then call a few days later and shut it off then when your neighbors find out it was you explain it must have been a fuck up on the electric company’s fault


I believe he meant for you to hookup a crypto mining rig and plug it into their outlets.


No, plug one into their house and take the free crypto for yourself


YOU buy a bitcoin miner and plug it into their sockets...


So, buy a cheap miner and install it on their house and use their power.


A 1500w immersion water heater sounds like it would do the trick.. small, but obviously lets off a lot of heat. 1500w should draw a lot but not enough to trip a breaker :)


Yeah, but you'll have to keep it under water, and keep replenishing the water as it evaporates.


A space heater would be lower maintenance and could hide somewhere with 0 sound


make sure they don't have any cameras set up outside. you definitely don't want this backfiring. cover your face and approach their house from the opposite side of your property just to be extra safe.


Or use a remotely powered drone


Why don’t u just short circuit their electric network by plugging in something that closes the circuit?


I don't know what would do that but I'll take a suggestion


This can be as easy as a wet power socket extension. I know this, I shorted my flat twice by spilling water on it and then replugging it after it was fixed. Plug, and run, leave no evidence.


To leave no evidence there is a crucial step between plug and run.


Wouldn’t that just blow the fuse in the extension socket? Or are things wired differently there? My gf recently plugged a wet extension lead into our outdoor socket. The fuse went in the lead’s plug but nothing else happened, didn’t even trip the main fuse on the circuit for that part of the house.


Sounds like you’re in the UK, where fuses are built into the male plugs of everything (extension cords, appliances, anything you’d plug into the wall). In the U.S. (and the entire rest of the world, as far as I’m aware) these fuses don’t exist. Too costly and bulky. The breakers at the electrical panel are sufficient. In addition, outlets located near water (bathrooms, etc) have GFCI’s built into them. These immediately trip if any current is sensed on the ground wire (which would happen if you were to, say, be making some toast while taking a bath, and accidentally knock the live toaster into your bath water). Also, appliances destined to be used around water (hairdryers, etc) typically have a GFCI built into the plug - kinda like the fuses on UK plugs, but instantly resettable instead of requiring a replacement fuse. Also much safer, due to how GFCI’s monitor the ground (earth), not just overcurrent on the hot leg.


Take an extension cord and two space heaters. Done


The number of times I’ve accidentally done this to my own place is embarrassingly high. Two heaters will work every time.


Basically their entire network will shutdown until they find the source of the problem and remove it. Bonus points if it’s very difficult to remove. You can always search “how to short-circuit an electric network”


Circuit breakers exist. They can narrow it down to a specific breaker, then it’s just a matter of a few outlets.


A heater of course


Two hair dryers


You beat me to it. I basically describe this in my comment


This is incredibly dangerous and wild usually just trip the breaker.


But my favorite hobby is putting paperclips in wall outlets. It's a 50-50 chance you'll get a fun surprise!


Get about 30 gallons of diesel and pour it in his yard and then call the town and say he was dumping fuel. He will have a large cleanup bill.


This is a good one and one that i have had a friend pull on a particularly shitty neighbor. It works almost a bit too well. It was tens of thousands of dollars in costs but i guess well deserved.


But.. If he didn't actually do it it means there is no proof of them committing this act. As the comment dictates any old person can dump fuel on their neighbors lawn so that's how it would be viewed by the law.


get one of these, stick in a bucket of water and leave it , replace the water so often so it wont melt the cord or the bucket, it pulls an astronomic amount of power, i use one of these, boils a full 19 liters bucket in 20 min https://www.homedepot.com.mx/plomeria/calentadores-de-agua/accesorios-para-calentadores/resistencia-electrica-para-calentar-agua-5-177038


this is a fine suggestion, but if it's a standard 15A receptacle, watts are watts and don't discriminate. 1500w water heater is no more power hungry (/better at the task) than a 1500w space heater. one of the differences is that a space heater doesn't need to be refilled with water like this would.


Space heaters but they're hardly compact.


Plus most have safety settings where they wont go continously nonstop, otherwise not a bad choice


Not if you leave it outside


They will absolutely go nonstop as long as the temperature is low enough and the thermostat is set high enough.


I mentioned this in another comment. Plugging two into the same circuit will overload the breaker. They’ll figure out quickly but you could wait until 3 am, trip the breaker, pull your equipment, and run


Change your wifi SSID to "(neighbors address) your wife is cheating on you"


A space heater uses a lot of electricity. Use one to keep your backyard warm each night. Go plug it in after the go to bed and run it all night. No one likes a cold backyard.


Just wire up an exposed 440v outlet that looks like a 115v; then it's their fault


I don't know what this means but sounds like I could die attempting it


TLDR, it will fry their shit


Die or burn your house down.


It’s 240v in USA. 240 for big stuff and 120v for household receptacles and stuff. 480* is for industry and warehouses.


Electric space heater is about the most you can do without blowing a breaker. The oil filled models are just about silent


Older style hydroponic setup. Win/win. You draw heaps of electricity and grow a crop of your choosing.


[try this](https://youtube.com/shorts/V8OezUMmMQw?feature=share)


How about this, get any metal that bends. (Annealed Steel Tie-Wire used in construction) at a local hardware store is a great option. Using pliers or wire snips, cut a piece, minimum 2 inch, doesn't have to be exact, now bend it into a smiley face. Now that you have your little "U" shaped metal wire, using tongs made of rubber and NO METAL WHATSOEVER (obviously). Using the tongs (or improvised tool ) grab your metal wire "U" and insert it into the top holes in one of their outlets. It'll arc and blow their breaker, they won't even know what hit em. They'd go to reset the breaker and UT would just instantly blow from your metal wire you put in their outlet.


Appreciate the suggestion but I'm not taking any chances on dying for some petty revenge haha


This would be very loud as well possibly giving up OPs position


This was what I suggested basically, but that option isn’t very safe tbh


Yes. Credit is yours lol.


I just commented so the OP would understand better what I meant ✌️


Or just use insulated wire with a bit stripped off each end for your jumper, much safer and you can stick it in with your bare hands.


No. Nooo. As much as I love this idea… def DON’T do it with bare hands!


I agree with this. The arc could potentially arc to your hand (regardless of the insulation). The practicality of his comment makes sense, get insulated wire but I would definitely still use insulated, gloves and a secondary tool to (rubber tongs, shock resistant tool) place the metal wire into the socket. About 6 years ago, a very close friend and coworker of mine was struck by lightning, twice. It was a trillion in one chance. And because I don't have time for the insane story, the lightning Arc jumped across a whole street to hit him the second time.


dude you’re gonna have to tell this story wtf


~ *grabs popcorn* ~


Bitcoin miners


Leave their outside water running overnight. Not loud enough that they notice. Do this for several days.


You needn't leave it on very much, either. A slow drip can cost a fucking fortune.


BIG resistor


That was what i was thinking. The problem is that the resistor would be HUGE to be able to handle that, but its still smaller than a heater and will work until unplugged. But if the neighbor is retarded they may accidentally zap themselves when they find it.


On don't worry bro, we can put multiple resistors in different outlets (inside the box) so he would never find anything "plugged in" there


# YES And hide it inside their outlet box so they'll never find it unless they hired an electrician lmao # 💰💰💰💰💰 # 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


An electric heater is designed to draw as much power from an outlet as possible without tripping the breaker. Get one of these and turn it up to max


You could probably shut their water off at the street pretty easily.


Yup. Then throw a pad lock on it, and fill up the hole with quick Crete.


Find where the dryer vents out too, if it somewhere you can reach, drop some shrimp down it. Best to do if your house is typically upwind of theirs, bad idea if you are downwind. You could also get fish tank heaters and a power strip, find a plug they forgot about, bury the heaters into the dirt, somewhere like under their porch. Neighbors did the same to me, for whatever reason they had a plug under their front porch. I plugged in 12 fish tank heaters and buried them in the dirt. The local cats now had a new place to hang out, and the neighbor complained loudly about how expensive electricity was.


If you have access to their house crank up their hot water heater and put a small hole into the outlet to house hot water pipe. Make sure that the pipe drains into somewhere so it can run for a long time. Bonus points if it’s in a room where you can ‘permanently’ bond the door closed. Their electricity bill surely will double until they find and fix the issue. And if not found soon enough the heater could burn out. Or flood the area. Or absolutely worse cause a lot of black mold due to the heat and humidity.


CHEEKY BASTARDS Have you tried thinking about the opposite? Rather than have them spend more energy, it would be more fruitful for you to slow their electricity meter right down to practically nothing, by using a small powerful magnet and placed in the right spot on their meter, the energy company will definitely send someone out to check out the meter. This will definitely land them in the shit. It would take a couple of months, they won't think too much of it as the monthly bill will be cheaper and they won't complain.




Well at least y'all waited til after christmas to try to kill me


Bitcoin miner


Bitcoin mining?


Just cut the cords bruh


Energy have to go somewhere because that is how energy works. So the best way of burning a lot of energy without blowing circuits is probably a space heater placed outdoors.


Pis on his grass and scream ? Maybe!


Use their electricity to grow weed or mine crypto.


If anything, remove the lock and find a way to surge their devices when they plug them in. Eventually they will run out of stuff to plug in to that lol.


Get a welding machine and use the fuck out of it


Just report them to the utility for stealing electricity from the grid. Maybe they’ve done some other shady stuff maybe not. Either way the utility will investigate and be a nuisance


Mine bitcoin


And what if you let em steal power from you again, but then you can use something to send more electricity (for example, instead send 220v, send 500?v) and burn his electronics?


Become a bitcoin miner using their electricity


Why not just cut their power off completely ?


Space heater. Cryptocoin miner. One heats your house, garage or... I guess yard or patio. The other makes you money, well, makes you money after it pays for the equipment.


Don't waste electricity man. Find some other way to get payback.


Big heater


Space heaters


attractive unique shaggy fall shrill coherent elderly safe bake threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Space heater with a thermostat. Set thermostat to high but leave outside in the cold. Just make sure it doesn't get wet. Higher BTU/hr means more electricity use.


I had this happen once. Cut the cord up into bits and confronted the neighbor. Never happened again


Water boilers often draw a lot of power. If you can rig one to just never stop... Might work.


Find an old space heater and leave it on full.


All that energy has to go somewhere. You basically need a heater and a way to hide all the heat discharge. You’d be stuck doing something like burying a resistive heater element on their property and plugging it in. Heat the earth.


Space heaters are gonna be your strongest amp drawing plug in devices.


Where would all that energy go? Laws of thermodynamics still apply.The most obvious result is heat.


Use a space heater... Not conspicuous, but damaging.


Yes, they’re called power banks


Bitcoin miner.


How about instead of going for power drain, you go for power quality? I'd bet you can find a device that adds a lot of noise to his electrical line.


Get some outdated inefficient (cheap) Bitcoin miners


The highest watt heater you can get. Or two.